Running Goals for 2014



  • DantheMan2517
    DantheMan2517 Posts: 134 Member
    I ran a 1:58 HM last year. Will continue to strive for 1:50 range. Will train for my first FM late summer or early fall. Cycle more. That kinda took a back seat to running last year.
  • julie_emma1
    One of my goals is to consistently run 100+ miles (160km) every month. I'm also aiming to race a sub-2h half marathon this spring (currently registered for a half in May and another at the end of June) :smile:
    My long-term running goal is to complete a full marathon, but I'm not sure if I'll get there in 2014.
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    Run my first marathon (which is in 2 weeks, and I'm feeling pretty good about it, so I'm pretty confident about this one)
    Run at least 1 race per month
    Become an Ultra Runner (already signed up for a 50K in March, and if that goes well, I want to sign up for a 50 miler in late summer or early fall)
    Complete Pikes Peak Ascent
    Run a second marathon with a goal time (I do not have a goal time for my first)
    Also, complete 2000 miles over the year (this is not just running, but can include any cross training I do as well - I've made it to about 1700 this year so far)
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    Really haven't set goals for 2014 yet, my first 50 mile race in a couple of weeks but it feels more like a capstone for my 2013 work than a new set of goals. To be honest maintaining the success I achieved this year would be amazing.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    1000 miles for the year
    Sub 2 hour half marathon in February
    Sub 50 minute 10k in October

    That's all I've got so far.
  • GRpcman
    GRpcman Posts: 16 Member
    The year 2013 I walked 2500km, and would like to walk more.:) .In March I want to run my first half marathon, and who knows what else ..
    the most important is to have health.
  • trail_rnr
    trail_rnr Posts: 337 Member
    I am actually expecting to run less in 2014 than the last few years! I am still planning at least of couple of races, a trail marathon in April and a 50 miler in June, and then I will see how I feel. There are lots of fall ultras that I can think about later in the year but I have to sign up for the June 50 miler on Jan 6 (otherwise I will not get in to that one).

    My primary goal is to ride both my road and mountain bikes more in 2014. I did very little road riding because my bike was destroyed and spent several months getting rehabbed in Wisconsin and I didn't mountain bike because, well, I don't have a good reason (I was running??).

    I love running but I need a little more variety. My plan is to return to a more packed race schedule in 2015 (including doing TransRockies again).
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Main goals for 2014 go sub 2hr for a HM and sub 25:00 for a 5K, Olympic distance triathlon......otherwise it's jut run injury free and keep on having fun.
  • mitchyinge
    to finish (and enjoy at least some of) my first marathon in May and all the training that comes before it

    another half before that, am really trying not to worry about my pace

    if I still like running I'll get a charity place in the Berlin marathon later in the year, love Berlin and never stay more than a couple of days so it could be a sort of holiday?

    I'd like to get off the road and back onto my fields and farm tracks as soon as possible though, that is my immediate goal but it's up to the weather and the amount of daylight available :)
  • brenstar05
    brenstar05 Posts: 70 Member
    ^^^^^^^ Wow... these are some great goals!!! I'm feeling a little intimidated. But here goes:

    1. Complete my first Full Marathon (bonus goal, finish around 4:30:00)
    2. PR in both of my half marathons -- this will be my third year running the M2 challenge with a half in June and a follow up in August. So far, my PR is 2:14:36
    3. Consistently run a sub- 10 minute mile in 5ks and 10ks
    4. At least 1 race every month
    5. Run 750 miles in 2014 (did about 550 this year)
    6. Train hard, but enjoy running with others from time to time
    7. No injuries this year!

    Here's to a great, run-filled 2014 to all!!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I've only been running a year so I can't really wrap my head around running "xxxx" miles a year. I simply want to follow my training plans and eventually complete my first marathon in November. Besides that I'll run a lot of shorter races. Above all, I want to be injury-free all year.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Such awesome goals everyone has set! Here is to a successful (and injury-free) 2014!
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    Some goals now that I have the running bug (staying healthy is the prereq):

    1. Finish my first HM race shooting for 1:50
    2. Finish my first FM race shooting for 4:00
    3. 50 min 10k
    4. 5k under 22 min
    5. Log 1200 miles for the year
    6. Be able to race with the same passion as ZenInTexas!
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    This year: work on speed in general:
    Sub 25 5k (would ideally like to get closer to my high school race day pace of 7 min miles)
    Sub 2 hour half (signed up for one in March)
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    My goals are modest:

    Do a sub 40 minute 5K.

    I'm almost middle aged, still obese and run slower than a sloth on valium so any increase in speed is huge for me (best time currently is 41:23). I plan to slowly increase my mileage and introduce speed work/intervals - cautiously, because the last thing I want is an injury.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    My goals will be a little different this year - no PR's or new distances. My goal is to run as long as I comfortably (and safely) can duing my pregnancy and to get back to where I was pre-pregnancy after the baby comes. 2015 will be the year for a marathon or half Ironman (and a faster 5k).
  • eabernst
    eabernst Posts: 29 Member
    My 2014 running goals:

    1) PR my half marathon with a 1:50
    2) Run my first full marathon....hopefully under 4:00

    and running related

    3) 3:00 Olympic distance tri. Was almost there in 2013 but had such a bad run it didn't happen...will work a lot on running after riding!
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    2014 Running Goals:
    5:30 mile
    19:30 5k
    41:00 10k
    1:35 half marathon
    3:20:00 marathon
    50k ultra completion
    50 mile ultra completion
    first triathlon completion (distance unknown).
  • basicjim
    basicjim Posts: 69 Member
    Goals for 2014:

    1. CONSISTANCY ( no more than 2 days without a run )
    2. MAF train to 8:00 mile without breaking MAF
    3. Glass City Marathon (Apr 27) under 4:15 (PR)
    4. North Face Endurance - Madison 50 miler under 11:00 (Qualify for Western States)
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    After an injury hit and inconsistant 2013 my current booked races are:

    Knacker Cracker - completed yesterday

    Trail Wales Half Marathon - June 21st

    Snowdonia Marathon - October 25th

    I will enter other races but staying fit is key as I love the Trail Wales & Snowdonia runs. Can't beat the mountains