Running Goals for 2014



  • Kwika
    Kwika Posts: 145 Member
    I want to beat my personal best of last year's Bay to Breakers. I finally broke 1:50:00. Now I am shooting for 1:45:00.
    I want to train for another half marathon and beat my time of 3:25:00. I want to run in 3:20:00.
    Above all, I want to get back in the physical shape I was a year ago before I went through a serious bout of depression and frustration.
  • tificreole
    tificreole Posts: 18 Member
    Running injury free and training for finishing HM in April:bigsmile:
  • denny_menter
    denny_menter Posts: 34 Member
    I looked at the next level of Higdon, but it isn't time-based. RW has time based plans that give exact goals (run xx miles at 10:04 pace). Being a computer guy, I love knowing the exact numbers. It's goofy I know, but it works for me.

    A friend of mine has a book about running a 4 hour that I'm going to check out. If that doesn't help I'll probably just but the RW plan. If so, I'll let everyone know how it works for me.
  • denny_menter
    denny_menter Posts: 34 Member
    I'm hoping to run a sub 4 marathon (I know I have one in me. The last marathon I ran in fall 2012 was a 4:01. UGH). I also want to race at least once a month. It would be nice to PR in the 10K and half, but I'm really focused on the sub 4 this year.

    Do you follow a specific plan? I've got the same goal.
  • denny_menter
    denny_menter Posts: 34 Member
    My main goal is to run a marathon in under 4:00. My best so far is 4:13 and I was very happy with it, but it's time to step it up and do some speedwork.

    I'm going to follow a more aggressive plan this year with my goal time in mind. I'm thinking of giving up trying to find a free one and buying the Runners World 4 hour plan. Until now I've used the free Hal Higdon novice plans. If anyone has any better advice, feel free to let me know.

    Why not step up to the next level Higdon plan? His intermediate plans have a pretty good amount of mileage and his advanced plans include speed work.

    I looked at the next level of Higdon, but it isn't time-based. RW has time based plans that give exact goals (run xx miles at 10:04 pace). Being a computer guy, I love knowing the exact numbers. It's goofy I know, but it works for me.

    A friend of mine has a book about running a 4 hour that I'm going to check out. If that doesn't help I'll probably just but the RW plan. If so, I'll let everyone know how it works for me.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    I'm hoping to run a sub 4 marathon (I know I have one in me. The last marathon I ran in fall 2012 was a 4:01. UGH). I also want to race at least once a month. It would be nice to PR in the 10K and half, but I'm really focused on the sub 4 this year.

    Do you follow a specific plan? I've got the same goal.

    There isn't a specific plan that will get you to a 4 hour marathon, unfortunately. The only thing you can do is run more miles. The more aerobic fitness you develop, the faster you'll be able to run a marathon. At some point, if you put in enough miles over time (think in terms of months and years), you will run faster than 4. Everything revolves around your current level of fitness and your weekly mileage.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Nobody said "get a cool race pic" yet?

    Get a cool race pic. There.


    I got one last year
  • Jodi_56
    Jodi_56 Posts: 8 Member
    2014 Running Goals...

    Vegan Runner
    1,200 Miles in a Year
    My First Marathon by June 2014
    6 Half Marathons
    Volunteer for at least one race event
  • ktcoleman30
    Running goals for 2014 (thus far LOL):

    Nike Women's Half Marathon in D.C.: Don't care. This is my bucket list half mary. I just want to enjoy this one.

    Would like to beat my PR of 2:25:20 for the half

    Women's triathalon 09/07/2014 - my first tri so I just want to finish

    I have 3 other halfs lines up that I'll try to attempt the above LOL

    And last, but definitely NOT least.....have MORE FUN with running. Maybe get off the training wagon for a little while and see where my feet take me.
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    Running goals for 2014 are:

    1. Complete my first Full Marathon (Philadelphia Marathon - November 23rd)

    2. PR in the Half Marathon (Only scheduled half is during training for Philly - the Philadelphia Rock 'n' Roll Half in September - this is one of the fastest HM courses in the country.)

    3. Run every day. At least 1 mile on the treadmill - the 12 - 15 minute slow treadmill miles are working well for me on "rest" days, so I plan to keep it up.

    4. Total running of at least 1400 miles
  • runningbs
    runningbs Posts: 132 Member
    1. Finish my first marathon
    2. run a sub 24 5k
    3. run a sub 48 10k
    4. Run a sub 1:50 half
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Nobody said "get a cool race pic" yet?

    Get a cool race pic. There.

    I prefer to set challenging but attainable goals.
  • k_les
    k_les Posts: 7
    I would like to train more consistently, maintain a more even looking weekly/monthly mileage with a steady increase.
    I'm hoping to beat 2:23:43 for my second HM this May.
    I'm training for my first tri this summer- just looking forward to finishing!
    Stay injury free! (2 hiatuses last year- ITBS and tendinopathy )
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    I. Am. So. Excited. I. Found. This. Group!!!!!!

    Okay, my goals are to:
    *run #2014milesin2014
    *PR my half marathon
    *run 5 halfs
    *build my base to be confident enough to run a full (current longest long run 15.5 miles)
    *complete a sprint triathlon and not drown lol
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    I don't have any PR goals for this year, but my my simple goals are:
    1000 Miles
    14 Races (signed up for all and one complete already!)

    Oh and I would love a cool race pic, but I look pretty nasty when I run so I am not sure this is possible, lol!
  • z0mbi3lady
    z0mbi3lady Posts: 28 Member
    I'm fairly new to running. I completed my first half on 10/20/2013. My goals for this year are to run 600 miles and complete my first full marathon which I'm registered for in Detroit on 10/19/2014! :o)
  • noelmanning
    noelmanning Posts: 3 Member
    I started running in August and ran my first 5k (Trail Race) in September and was bitten by the running bug. By December 31 I had completed my 9th race including an 8K and 10K. My goals for 2014 is to continue to enjoy the journey and the adventure that I'm discovering from running. Race goal: 12 total including an 8K, 10K, 15K and half. I'm not a fast runner so I'd love to get a sub-26 on a 5K this year. I'd also love to have 2 more trail races within that total. My first 2014 5K will be this weekend in Gaffney, SC at the Cowpens Battlefield for the Race to the Grasshopper 5K.

  • irish6165
    irish6165 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm trying to get back into running but am really more of a walker . My goals for the year are to do my first half marathon in March and a full one this fall of I can get my time down . But we'll see what happens .
  • crisachristy
    crisachristy Posts: 10 Member
    In 2012-13 I ran 3 half marathons (1 was a relay), completed a sprint women's triathlon, and countless 5ks while losing over 50lbs. I suffered a pretty bad IT band problem from my bad habit of pushing way to hard to soon. So, after some lengthy time off and a small weigh gain, I am back.

    My 2014 goals:

    1. Train for and run a half marathon slowly and without injury.
    2. Clean up my running diet and drop the weight that creeped back on (hopefully more).
    3. Depending on how the half marathon training goes, I would like to complete another sprint tri sometime this year.

    And my far off in the distance goal is to run a bit faster since right now its at a "slow as molasses" pace. I imagine the weight loss will also help with this.

    I need all the help I can get. Feel free to add me.
  • joverw50
    joverw50 Posts: 94 Member
    1. Stay injury free
    2. Run 1,000 miles, 950 in 2013
    3. PR a 25K, 2013 2:19
    4. Run my first full marathon this fall