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Talking Dead: Team Carl



  • katrkels11
    katrkels11 Posts: 115 Member
    Hey guys. Here's a little autobiography about me. I was always a skinny little kid and my parents always made sure that we were active. When I was in about 5th grade, I started to realize that I was getting bigger than all of the other kids around me. This continued until high school. I remember once at a yearly physical, the doctor offered for me to either take a pill to help me maintain and lose my weight as I got older, or to do it on my own. I chose to do it on my own. (I always wonder what would have happened if I chose differently that day) Anyways, I never lost the weight and as I got older the weight was just growing with me. Right after my sophomore year of high school, I took summer drivers ed. I had to stay in town all day until my mom got out of work at 3. At this time I didn't really have any money so I would only eat breakfast because I didn't want to walk across town to McDonalds (Where my mom worked). Instead I just ate breakfast a snack and then a big dinner. I was also walking around a lot more. I had lost weight and got down to almost 170 lbs. My doctor was thrilled about me losing weight and encouraged me to keep it off. Throughout the next year I slowly gained the weight all back because it was a result of me not keeping up the lifestyle I had started with walking around a lot. I went away to college and again was starting to lose weight. I think I was around 200 lbs which was about 30 lbs down. Then I found out I was pregnant. At the age of 18. I had my baby in December 2012 and my post partum weight was 233, which wasn't too bad. I then got the depo provera shot (horrible). I hate to place blame, but since getting that shot, I had put on 30 more lbs in less than 3 months. When my baby was 9 months old, her father just left out of nowhere. So since then, I have stopped getting the depo shot, which is already making it easier for me to lose weight. When I was on it I could never lose weight no matter how much I exercised or watched what I ate. I am currently fluctuating between 253-256 lbs. (253 was this morning and thats the lowest for a while :drinker: ) I am a full time college student (elementary education) I work 2 jobs and I raise my daughter by myself. If I can lose weight, ANYBODY can!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Another super busy day - tomorrow is my sleep-in for sure....I have already informed hubby of that :happy:

    Today was 25 minutes on the treadmill - and, a work day.

    I am not sure if I am able to count my time from work. I generally walk 2 to 3 miles during a shift which would equate to 25 to 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill. Does anybody know about this?

    I'll check in the morning...I owe a lot of wall sitting - Geez Louise!!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Wow, You two have been through a lot! Great job refocusing and moving forward.

    I'm gonna have to work my autobiography... I'll post it tomorrow.
  • xqueenbee24x
    xqueenbee24x Posts: 271 Member
    My abbreviated autobiography -

    I had never really considered my weight to be a problem until after I graduated from high school. I was active, somewhat, but I had just ended a three year relationship with fast food and binge drinking... and a guy that cheated on me and wasn't worth my time. I started walling for two hours a night and tried to change my families eating habits to help me eat better. I don't know how much I weighed then but it wasn't until January of 2012 - five years lasted - that I realized I had a problem. I moved to DC for an internship and the walking around the city along with a roommate with positive eating habits I was able to lose 25 pounds in three months with minimal effort. It was in April that I found this little gem of a site and began tracking every beer, wing and cup of frozen yogurt I ate along with the cardio I was doing each day. Once returning home I was able to lose another 25 pounds. Since January of 2013 I have let myself maintain the weight I am at now but am ready to continue getting rid of the extra weight I don't want. My journey hasn't been easy and I have come to learn that my family is my biggest hurdle in all of this. They encourage poor eating habits when I have a streak of going to the gym and eating well, they buy junk food instead of healthy foods knowing there are no other food to eat. I have no one to blame for myself for where I ended up with my weight but I have no one to praise but myself for all my hard work and dedication for where I am now. So regardless of the external hurdles we are faced with remember that anything is possible!!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Here's Kim............

    I was a skinny little girl growing up in Chicago, I weighed maybe 105 lbs until I hit the 20's.

    When I was 18, I started driving so you add about 10 lbs. there and that puts me in the 110 to 120's.

    When I was 21, I started indulging in alcohol and had a secretarial job so adding those empty calories and lack of movement probably brought me to the 130's.

    I was 23, when I married my husband who was in the Army. We've lived in lots of different places and along the way I've had four children. Currently, they are 23, 20, 15 & 12. Add 7 to 10 lbs. for each of those that you never lose.

    We moved to Minnesota permanently in 1998 and have been here since. As soon as we settled down, I returned to school for the nursing program. I don't think anyone loses weight in the nursing program because it's so intense. I have been a working nurse for the past 7 years which I think helps with maintaining.

    So, my problem is self-control, I just like to have fun with hubby and friends. Alcohol is definitely a derailment because quite frankly, I enjoy it. But, I have learned without it, I am much more willing to get up and go to the gym and get **** done that needs to be done without it in the house.

    Lastly, I am learning to be more self-ish. If I am at the kids' games, sometimes I will go off for a 30 minute run because it's how you can work things in. I tell my husband "No" when he wants to go to happy hour.

    Well, kind of boring - but, that's me!!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    My weight lost journey hasn't been quiet as exciting. I was fairly small (120lbs) up until I got pregnant with my daughter when I was 16 years old. I put on about 40lbs and have been fluctuating ever since. The highest I've weighed was about 185 and the lowest was somewhere around 130 I think. The events that occurred over the last 17 years have directly affected my highs and lows. I've had obsticales ranging from an abusive relationship and drug addiction to marriage and child birth. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Right now I am completely focused on living a healthy life and providing my family with as much happiness I possibly can.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Well crap! I just went to check on our missing zombies and Arzu has deactivated her account. I sure hope everything is okay. My guess is she is focusing on school and work. Wish she woulda said something though:frown:
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Well crap! I just went to check on our missing zombies and Arzu has deactivated her account. I sure hope everything is okay. My guess is she is focusing on school and work. Wish she woulda said something though:frown:

    You're kidding! Aw no! I wish she had said something. :frown:

    Any luck locating Jessica or Hannah?
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    It was so lovely reading all your auto-biographies and learning more about you. Thank you for sharing your stories. :flowerforyou: You are all awesome! We have all come from different places, but we are all on the same path and WE ARE MIGHTY!!! :drinker:

    I have lost 4st (56lbs) since I started on MFP, 10 inches off my waist and 7inches off my hips. Today I put 47lbs in a back pack, grabbed 9lbs in hand weights and did half my strength training routine carrying the 56lbs I have lost. I was so happy to be able to take the backpack off and be 47lbs lighter immediately!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Zombie - I love that idea of instant weight loss.

    Ok, I've gotten the official "OK" from Cindy to use my work as part of my cardio. I wish I had known that in the beginning. I'll convert the miles per shift into cardio. 1 mile = 15 minutes

    I'll number will def go up now that I now I can do this!!
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    That's awesome Kim! You'll make the target no problem now! I hope your family are feeling better, you are having some week!

    I wish I could take the rest of my excess weight off as easily! :laugh:
  • katrkels11
    katrkels11 Posts: 115 Member
    I wish I could take the rest of my excess weight off as easily! :laugh:

    Haha don't we all? :laugh:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I was planning to get my yoga in tonight but it's like (-)11 degrees outside and I'm just going to hunker down for the night. The next 10 days are going to be like this. I am over winter right now. It better be one hot mo'fo of a summer.

    Tomorrow is my 2.5 mile run which I am very nervous about because I've not run that far before. I run about a 14 min/mile so it will be 35 minutes of straight running. Hot Yoga is at 5:15 and I will get my bendy-stretchy in.

    Friday is rest day with Hair and Nails to be done!!:smokin: Plus, I have some nice shopping coupons. Perhaps, a nice reward for myself for all my hard work.

    I need to focus on tracking food better....I binged on cheddar popcorn today
  • xqueenbee24x
    xqueenbee24x Posts: 271 Member
    After looking at the spreadsheet it looks like we still have a ways to go but its okay because we have three more days.

    Just remember the punishment challenge has to be completed for five minutes on five day.... not sure if substitutions are valid for this punishment.

    If we all get in each component of the challenge for the rest of the week we should have no problem reaching our goals and seeing our name at the top of the leader board!!!

    I hope everything is alright with our missing teammates, hopefully they don't get eaten by the horde.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Taking a peek at your stories, feel free to check out the team with the same name except for the "o" Carol for more inspirational stories. You guys rock!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I was just looking over our numbers....


    I think it was said that we CAN use our wall-sits in our totals for Strength Training. Is that right?

    Also, Did Dakotababy weight in last week? She didn't check in or log anything on our spreadsheet. She hasn't accepted my friend request so I don't know if she had been active on mfp at all.

    If she is out, Here is what we need....

    233 minutes = 4hrs of Cardio

    29 minutes of wall-sit

    We are over 32 minutes of Strength +96 minutes of wall-sits =128 over strength

    Soooo, Lets get going on the Cardio! I will try to get 10 minutes of wall-sit done again tomorrow and Saturday. I think Kim wants to do the last 9 minutes :wink:

    Is anyone snooping around in the other threads? How are the other teams doing? I REALLY want to see us in first place this week:bigsmile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I will get 5 minutes of wall sits today....

    I just finished running - 50 minutes and I am going to update the spreadsheet. I am scheduled for Hot Yoga at 5:15, that's an hour of strength.

    I'm back to logging calories today.

    Hubs said I look thinner in my hips and that, my friends, was motivational.

    Tomorrow, I have to commit to the 1/2 marathon and I am scared. My sister and I are thinking of tattoos to celebrate. I don't have any tats so it would be interesting. Just something small....any ideas or pics? Think back of neck or ear.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I updated the chart to reflect today's entries....also, I realized that I only put 1 for WS yesterday and it should have been 5 - I also added it to the strength because I forgot it counts there too. So, I am correct for today and yesterday.
  • xqueenbee24x
    xqueenbee24x Posts: 271 Member
    I went to the gym this morning and was able to contribute 20 more minutes of wall sits today, holy cow my legs were on firrrrrreeee. Not to mention I am standing and moving around all day at work so they haven't gotten a rest all day.

    I want to try and go back to the gym tonight for some more cardio but I may have to wait until tomorrow.
  • katrkels11
    katrkels11 Posts: 115 Member
    Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I'm in the middle of a 50 hour work week because my college is on vacation. I am still on track to hit all of the goals though! The weather here was so nice last week and I was hoping it would last but now it is back down in the teens and single digits again :angry: I just want nicer weather so I can start walking and running with my baby! Anyways, hopefully we can get enough minutes to fill some of the MIA teammates weekly goals. Go team Carl!