Introduce yourself



  • MONIEMOE2783
    MONIEMOE2783 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Mona and I have been struggling with my weight since I gave birth to my son 9 years ago. I gained a whopping 50lbs during my pregnancy and sadly most of that weight has stuck with me since despite going on several fad diets. I experienced a lot of trials and tribulations in 2013 that was a wake-up call for me and so I have decided to make 2014 a better year of course by starting with a new me. I look forward to finding friends who will support and motivate on this journey.
  • astronut96
    astronut96 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello, I am new to MFP but so far I am really liking the tools & community.

    I've got about 45 lbs that I need to shed but more importantly I want to get back to being strong & fit. After a lot of hard work I was there up until about 4 years ago. I could spout many reasons for gaining weight back the 50 lbs that I originally lost but there really is no excuse because I knew better.

    I eat pretty healthy (other than the wings & beer:ohwell:) but I'm not one that can really lose weight without exercise and in March 2013 I got serious about getting back into the exercise habit. I started doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and loved it, but I took much longer than the recommended 12 weeks because of a shoulder that has troubled me for years. I was making slow but good progress when the pain in my shoulder became constant and started interrupting my sleep. Long story (not very) short, I had a 90-95% tear in one of the rotator cuff tendons. I had surgery on July 30, 2013, and had to keep my arm immobile (other than during therapy) for 9 weeks. After 5 months, I just completed official therapy a couple weeks ago and while I still need to be careful I'm so glad to be able to start building strength back.

    I tried to keep up with at least some cardio but it's amazing how much healing can zap your energy and I put some weight back on. My therapist told me it would be a year before I get full range of motion and strength. It's been so many years since I've had either that I am trying hard not to rush it. I started back on the Body Revolution and so far it's going well.

    So, I'm looking forward to sharing goals, frustration & motivation with everyone here!
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    welcome astro!!

    sounds like you been through alot but your read to get back in there.. i look forward supporting you

    jm rocks i have her yoga, 30 day shred and watch the biggest loser.

    she kicks butt

    lets do this!!
  • Hey, I'm Maisie. I'm new to mfp. I am a university student so I don't eat as healthy as I should sometimes. But it's a new year and it's time to get my butt in gear. My ultimate goal it to lose 30 - 40 pounds. I don't have a scale here so my goals for the rest of this semester (4 months) is to just eat healthy and get out and exercise more everyday. This being said... I may need some support to get myself out the door on the days that I just don't want to ;)
  • I'm Ashley ! I am being extra hard on myself. In 2012 I started MFP and lost 25 pounds. I moved to NYC, not complaining about that, and gained it all back last year. I was down to a size 4 and still had my curves. I am back to a size 10 sometimes 12. I haven't weighed myself yet but I am guessing I'm about 165.

    What day is weigh in?

    Anyhow I need this group because like many of you I have been a yo-yo my entire life. Up and down with my weight, vicious cycle of loving myself then hating myself. Now is the time to get serious and not make anymore excuses!
  • Imalee
    Imalee Posts: 5
    Hey! My name is Imalè, this is my second time trying MFP I did it last for 6 months then I got a job and started university and time to be healthy just went out the window..I have no idea how much I weigh because scales are the worst thing but I have come from a size 8 to a size most people in this group I need some motivation on some days
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Ronda, I first signed up with MFP in June or July 2013 (Idk why my profile says 2011!?) I used it consistently for a few weeks then life got kinda crazy (excuse I know) and I quit. In December it occurred to me that I will be 49 in January and I'm horribly out of shape and overweight. Not to mention having a closet full of clothes that don't fit. I'm slowly but surely knocking on 50's door with one last child at home. Slowly but surely it will be time for MY life to start again and I don't want to get there and not be able to ENJOY it!!

    Like somebody else said, I've never been thin and I've ALWAYS had to exercise to keep weight off. I'm not a huge fan of exercising tho, yes, I admit that... :blushing: But, I do always feel better when I stay active and make it a point to exercise. This is where I need support and motivation. I'm fairly competitive tho and I think challenges will help keep me motivated. (I hope so anyway!)

    So, here's my stats

    I'm short 5' 2"
    SW: 175
    CW: 170
    Short Term GW: 150

    I may go down from there but I stayed consistently in that area for about 8 years which had had me in size 8/10/12 and felt great.

    Thanks for creating this group! Let's DO THIS! :flowerforyou:
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    ash.. welcome.. love your attitude.. excuses or results both cant happen at the same time.. dont be hard on yourself just commit to it,

    we haven't picked a weigh in day yet.

    Rhonda welcome.. we all have let life interfere sometime.the thing that matters is your back at it. being active is a great goal.try to get in at least 3o min that's what i do.. commit to five min.. than once you start you will go longer. it works every time .. were here to support you!

    welcome imalee.we can do this together. we all need motivation!

    maise. buy a pair of jeans of the size you want to be in than work your way into them. its alot of motivation. im now slipping into jeans i have had in my closet for a long time.

    lets do this!!!!
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    welcome lyn.. love your not letting things hold you back. i have ra and i feel the same. ohh i know about clothes in the closet give it time you will wear them all again.. stick with it..
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    congrats on the 21 pounds you released.. way to go with the workouts! sounds like you have been through alot.were here to support you!
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    welcome dana.. wow you have the workouts down wtg! how is your eating? what plan you doing?
  • TBarron784
    TBarron784 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Lynneta, thanks for starting/moderating this group. My name is Trisha. I want to loose at least 60 pounds, I'm 5'5 and 219 pounds. This is my highest weight. I've gained 15 pounds since Oct. I have a real serious sugar addiction. The food program is by logging in everything I eat on this site, that creates a calorie restriction. I walk most day on a route I have mapped out by my house which is 3.74 miles with a big hill. I also ride my bike. I joined this group because I'm told having buddies and accountability is a great tool. I'm pretty self sufficient and don't like to ask for help so its important for me to find another way, since obviously my way is not working. I'm in with both feet. Trisha
  • Kargbz
    Kargbz Posts: 9 Member
    Hiya Guys I'm Sarah ,
    Im a 25 year old Nurse from London UK , Im really interested in losing weight through lots of exercise and clean eating . My ultimate goal would be to lose approx. 70lb . Im 5"5 and 218lbs .
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    welcome trish
    i know asking for help is not always easy, but even the strong lean on someone. logging everything you eat is key.. movement.. sounds like you have a great plan..

    welcome sarah.. you want to eat clean have you heard of eat to live? i went since march 220 to 165. jus whole food plant based eating.

    i am glad so many have joined the group.. i hope you guys keep active in the group and make it your own add recipes. threads . whatever. were all in this together. this is a home for us to come to a safe haven with people who understand..

    make sure you check out our challenge starting tomorrow.. were going to rock!!
  • Hello, I'm am 31 years old, wife, and mother of two. I have been dealing with weight issues since my first pregnancy. I tried weight watchers many years ago and succeed with a 30lb weight loss. However, after my second pregnancy, I gained those back and then some. I recently gained 15 more pounds after finishing nursing school and also experiencing a traumatic event in my life. I am ready to lose this weight by embarking on a healthy lifestyle journey. I joined MFP a few years ago, but wasn't serious with it. This time it's different. I joined the group to have motivation and support to do this.

    SW - 214

    CW - 210

    GW - 150 - 155
  • Jessica11221
    Jessica11221 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi my name is Jessica. I have had weight issues my whole life but about 8 years ago weighed my highest at 215 lbs. I have battled with eating disorders in the past and unfortunately that's how I lost the weight. When I married my husband I weighed 135 lbs. Now after having 3 kids in the last 5 years I have been creeping closer to my highest weight again. I am ready for a change. I'm tired of feeling defeated everyday. I'm finally ready to take my life back the healthy way this time.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    welcome tricie! i know about letting being healthy go when tragedy hits. i did the same when my dad passed, but i gained alot of weight. your catching it early .. proud of you for taking back control.

    welcome jess. sounds like you faced the disorders and your ready to take care of yourself, thats what matters.. healthy is the way to go

    were here to support you!

    feel free to look through the threads. post and be active.
  • scrapalooza
    scrapalooza Posts: 335 Member
    HI, I am almost 47, have an 11 yr old daughter & am recently single after 18 yrs. I am doing okay on my weight loss but this last half is haunting me so I feel like I need some extra motivation.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    welcome scrappa.. glad your doing well. aww 11 years old great age.. you have the best motivation in her to do this, but we are great at motivating!
  • Misty2024
    Misty2024 Posts: 70 Member
    My name is Misty, 42yrs old, haven't weighed in for three weeks so Monday is my weigh in day so will post my weight then. I started MFP April 2013 and august 2013 I lost 41lbs ....since then still losing inches but scale weight has gone up..My weight lost goal is 2 lb a week or 10 lbs a month...after I weigh in Monday might need to adjust my goals.
    I have a open diary to my friends if you would like to add me as a friend to support each other that would be great I do welcome comments, advice,tips and to keep each other accountable.
    Good luck to us all