Week 1 Chat (20-26 January)



  • liv0512
    liv0512 Posts: 31 Member
    Okay only gained 100 grams but 90.9kg is not what I want to be. I have lost 6kgs since starting but that was months ago. Granted excersie is not my thing but I try. I also find that we had alot of parties weddings, christenings, birthdays etc was very hard to keep on track. I have a wedding in 2015 and dont want to look like an overweight bride. My sister was over 110 kgs when she was married and lost alot of weight with WW. She regrets she didnt lose it before.

    I want to be thinner for my wedding and need 2014 to be the year where I have more energy and more determination.
  • FitterTerri
    FitterTerri Posts: 91 Member
    Glad to see that I'm not the only one who had one of "those" weekends. I had a work social club function on Saturday night and then lost control on Sunday. I find that if I have one bad thing, it opens the door for a binge. Might have to look into that....

    I'm off to the Tamworth Country Music Festival on Wednesday night and we are staying at my husband's boss' house (grammar???) When I asked about what food we need to bring the reply was "Food, don't worry about food. We're leaving the house early in the morning and won't be home until late at night, so don't worry about eating in". Hmmm that is going to be interesting. While I can make healthy choices, it's difficult when you're staying with other people and are trying to be accommodating with choices etc. I'd love to go to the gym while we're there but again, I don't know how that will go. I guess I just have to make the best choices I can and take some protein bars (or similar) with me to have on hand if needed.

    Mungo, I hope your week improves. I was growling about my kids this morning, but truly I am not facing the difficulties you are. I hope Skim's advice about diet helps. Stay strong.

    My goal this week is to make the best possible choices available to me.
  • bigldesigns
    bigldesigns Posts: 102 Member
    So where do we put our weekly weigh in / measurements?
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Seeing that this is the first official day of the challenge, the INTRODUCTION thread will have your first weigh in details and measurements.

    I'll add a new thread this week for WEEK ONE RESULTS, so if you started early, then it could be 7-10+ days between weigh ins... Doesn't have to be any particular day of the week, just whatever suits you.

    I'm going to put my scales away and add my updated stats on measurements, but only weigh in every 4 weeks. I think...
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    I managed to get an appointment with the pediatrician tomorrow - someone else cancelled so yipee. So I'm headed to Tamworth myself. I am looking into dietary modifications and did a whole family wheat elimination for a month last year but it really didn't make a difference.

    @ FitterTerri - it has been very hot and dry around this area for a while (I live a hour out of Tamworth) plus the UV up here is ridiculous - you will need plenty of water, sunscreen and hat - Though Wed and Thur are supposed to be a bit cooler and it might even rain. Food choices are the normal culprits (McDonalds etc - at least they do salads and wraps).
  • bigldesigns
    bigldesigns Posts: 102 Member
    Seeing that this is the first official day of the challenge, the INTRODUCTION thread will have your first weigh in details and measurements.

    I'll add a new thread this week for WEEK ONE RESULTS, so if you started early, then it could be 7-10+ days between weigh ins... Doesn't have to be any particular day of the week, just whatever suits you.

    I'm going to put my scales away and add my updated stats on measurements, but only weigh in every 4 weeks. I think...

    Ok.. i'll update my Intro!

    Edit: It wont let me Edit it... I just need to change my starting weight from 95kg to 94.1 (i had a good week last week)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    That's fine, just leave it as is, and you will have a big loss in the Week one results thread.

    Great work by the way!!! That's fantastic, you are off to a flying start for the challenge!
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    The cat now has a name - Claude (or Claudette). Thanks for the suggestion Skim. Lets hope I don't get clawed during the taming process.

    Hope all goes well tomorrow Mungo. My kids put me through hell at times, but nothing like that thank god. It must be very difficult to deal with and I'm not suprised that you turned to food for comfort
  • GenF32
    GenF32 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm feeling so good today, just really focused and motivated (although I have a sore tummy (TOM) and sore everything else (DOMS) - haha just realised that rhymes). TOM and DOM in da house!!

    Anyway so a few of my workmates have decided to join me on my quitting sugar mission from the 1st Feb. Going to be great to do it as part of a team. I did it a couple of years ago for three months and I know it's going to really help to get me closer to the goal I want to be at by April 14!!
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    Claude is a cute name! What a great idea :smile: Good on you wahelga for trying to make friends with it!

    Well I officially started on Friday but had a bit of a blow out on saturday. Unexpected pizza dinner. It was nice though, so I am not too bothered. WIll continue with my Friday weigh ins as always because generally I'm more vigilant throughout the week and that will show up on the scale. Monday weigh ins would probably just depress me haha

    So last night I made my lunches for the week- sweet potato patties and tabbouleh. I have some radishes I need to eat too, so might chuck them in to the mix.
    Am starting stage 2 of NROL4W this week and am looking forward to the challenge :drinker: not sure how lifting weights will affect my weigh ins but we shall see over time, I suppose.
  • Alkirra
    Alkirra Posts: 142 Member
    I love the name Claude for the cat! I was really sick this morning, I feel much better now so it may have been something I ate yesterday. Don't know but I missed my aqua class today, so I'm not off to a very good start at all!
  • miselly
    miselly Posts: 14 Member
    Not having a great morning. the scales are back down to 70.9 :) but ''m so bloated I look prego !!!! How is it possible to increase my waist size by 13 fricken cm's in a week? this is really unusual for me, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do.

    I so very nearly didn't even bother to log on here this morning but so happy I did. Thanks peeps for showing me I'm not the only one.

    Suck it up princess and get on with my day
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    I am hoping I can stick with this. I do most of my MFPing via the app so usually don't dive into the community side of things.

    Aim for this week is a financial one as well as a nutritional one. Home prepared lunches and stop buying coffee. I have an espresso machine at home AND at work, while I use these daily the odd cafe coffee sneaks in. No necessary.
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    I'm up .2k from the past week so my official starting weight will be 67.5kgs. Quite pleased so far about my day - got my exercise done and my eating has been extra healthy.

    Is anyone watching Biggest Loser? It coincides perfectly with this challenge - well it started yesterday and our challenge is from today. I think just watching that show gives me extra motivation/tips when it comes to working out and sticking to it.

    Claude/Claudette!! How adorable!! What sort of kitty is he/she?
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Dear everyone (including Claude),

    My stomach is so painful and bloated today, I too look almost pregnant. No more wheat for me!! I didn't measure my waist, but I'm wearing a dress today because I didn't think my skirt would zip up!! LOL!!

    We ALL have days that aren't the best. But no matter how the day starts, just put one foot in front of another and slowly walk through the day with your goals and plan in mind. Eventually, that slow walk will get a bit faster and you'll be jogging and then running to where you want to be.

    Plan ahead. Prepare and log meals the day before. Know what exercise you will be doing.

    NO ONE EVER told a baby that they were a failure because they didn't get up and walk the first try. We clap and cheer and encourage them to get up and start again and sometimes it takes MONTHS for babies to walk. So go easy on yourselves, and take each step as it comes.

    Having said that - today is the start of a new week and a new you.

  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I didn't see the start of Biggest Loser, but I'm sure I'll watch it at some stage :) Most of the time you can get the jist of what's going on my just seeing the ads!!
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Thanks for the words of wisdom Skim - really hit home!!

    I usually like the watch the beginning them sometime during the middle I lose interest, and once they've done the make overs and heading towards the final stretch I get back into it :smile:
  • DeeBee042
    DeeBee042 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all :)

    Finally joined today after thinking about it all weekend. I think I need this as my weight has slowed to a snails pace and this will help me get back on track. I'm sure I will be very active in the weekly chats up until Thursday when I return to work "sigh" At least back at work I will be back to a routine with my eating again.
    The day has started well with a 40 min Gym session this morning then home to paint a wall. That was a whole shoulder workout within itself!
    I'm thinking I might dust off my old Wii Fit and see how I go with it. The last time I was on that I weighed 92kg so I am sure I will be better at it now.
    If you follow my diary you will notice that I do Lite n Easy and while I know that is not everyones cup of tea, It works for me. While I have been on Holidays I have not stuck to the plan religiously but have managed to stay within my daily calorie limit. It really has taught me about portion control and how much I was over eating.

    Any way please excuse my rambling but I tend to waffle on when I am excited or nervous :bigsmile:

  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    It appears that Claude is our mascot!

    I happened to catch the biggest loser last night, seems like an interesting one! I did find it motivating but by the time I did all my chores I barely had time to eat, let alone exercise :( oh well.

    Wise words Skim. Beating yourself up will never help. I've been trying to be kind to myself lately, for this very reason. I wouldn't be mean to my friends so why would I be mean to myself? I'm letting myself stuff up and then I just move on from it. Much better than sinking into a hate spiral.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Oh yes, I totally think Claude could be our mascot!!!

    Hey listen everyone, this group is for YOU as individuals to do as you wish. Of course, it would be terrific if everyone was here all day every day, but fact is we all have lives of our own to live - work, play etc... So just come and pop in when you can and let's just get through life's little challenges as they pop up.

    Day one going well so far - my gut still aches but I'm sure by tomorrow it should be ok. Damned wheat!!
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