February 2014 Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Gotta hate cold and flu season. My kids brought me home a virus from school. Still got in 8 miles today but nothing yesterday.

  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    Gotta hate cold and flu season. My kids brought me home a virus from school. Still got in 8 miles today but nothing yesterday.


    My husband did that a couple weeks ago, and I'm still kinda snotty, lol! I Hope you feel better soon!

    I tried my first sufferfest video tonight on the trainer...13.05 miles and my legs are feeling it! Mtd 37.36
  • jakki1227
    jakki1227 Posts: 93 Member
    4.55 miles

    Total of 7.65 miles

    57.35 miles remaining
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Added 4.44 miles today walking and cycling

  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Gotta hate cold and flu season. My kids brought me home a virus from school. Still got in 8 miles today but nothing yesterday.


    Get better soon!! I hate getting sick, it puts such a damper on things!
  • scarfe9991
    scarfe9991 Posts: 778 Member
    2.9 mile walk for 25 miles TTD

  • JennyKCarty
    JennyKCarty Posts: 457 Member
    I'm back in the game. Up to 17.9 miles total.

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member

    I tried my first sufferfest video tonight on the trainer...13.05 miles and my legs are feeling it! Mtd 37.36

    Nice! Which one was it. The Blender kicks my tail every time. ISLAGIATT is a good one I like.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,725 Member
    Gotta hate cold and flu season. My kids brought me home a virus from school. Still got in 8 miles today but nothing yesterday.


    I hope you're feeling better soon. I've been lucky so far. I was the only one that didn't get sick at work last month. It seemed like everyone on all five floors had something! Then there's my daughter who teaches first grade...:sick: (sigh).

    I have 2.48 miles for Wednesday and 6.26 miles for today.


    I think I better get moving here...

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    Between my afternoon walk and my workout tonight (5K run and 2 mile walk), I added 5.6 miles today. :)


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  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member

    I tried my first sufferfest video tonight on the trainer...13.05 miles and my legs are feeling it! Mtd 37.36

    Nice! Which one was it. The Blender kicks my tail every time. ISLAGIATT is a good one I like.

    Hub's strava account has three, so I went with the one that sounded like the least amount of suffering to break myself in gently...The rubber glove. If it continues to snow, I'll a chance to try out the others!
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,866 Member
    7.45 miles walked

    27.66 miles walked to date

    That's better!!
  • wanderan
    wanderan Posts: 1,369 Member
    8.45 miles for feb 6

  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    5Feb 2.47 miles

    6 Feb 2.47 miles

    7 Feb 9.06 miles

    MTD 32.72 miles

    We are away traveling so no ticker at mo.
    Got a 5 k run in today, first for about a month - not too bad
  • Pang29pang
    Pang29pang Posts: 103 Member

  • Kaplat
    Kaplat Posts: 138 Member
    7 Feb 2.5 kms

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    If anyone looks at the miles per hour, don't be impressed. I have a trainer with variable resistance and had to turn it down to keep my heart rate in zone 1 while I recover. That makes the speed go way up. It did mean I did 22 miles in an hour though. Sounds really impressive but it's not. :sick: :sick:

    22 more miles for a total of 72 out of 350.

  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    Walked 5 miles yesterday!


    TGIF. It's been a (very) long week.
  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,488 Member
    Feb. 6: 8.5 Miles Walking, Jumping Rope and Eliptical

    TTD: 55.25 Miles

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member

    Hub's strava account has three, so I went with the one that sounded like the least amount of suffering to break myself in gently...The rubber glove. If it continues to snow, I'll a chance to try out the others!

    The Rubber Glove is an FTP test. Once you get through the warm ups it's a straight push with no rests. It can be a killer on the legs. It is great for measuring progress though. If you take the average of your heart rate over the last 20 minutes of the time trial it will give you your Functional Threshold Heart Rate. You can use that to calculate training zones to help plan your training better. It's a good test to do about once a month. I'd be interested to know what the other two videos are.
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