Fantastic February WL Challenge!



  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    SW:287 (though highest was 310)
    #1GW:250 (completedDec14)
    February GW: 230

    Weigh in:
    2/6/14= 240.7 (-0.4)
    2/13/14=238.5 (-2.2)
    2/20/14=236.1 (-2.4)

    That is a nice surprise, especially considering Valentines and my birthday! Does anyone else get that jolt of happiness when they drop to a new number. I'm used to it bouncing around a lot so when it drops to a new low... what a rush! lol! 1 week to go and 6 lb to goal weight. Probably not going to happen. That's fine. My goal was overly ambitious, for my general rate of loss. I'm just happy the scale is not bouncing back up over 240 anymore.
  • hi everyone, i'm jackie. february is going to be much better than january for me!

    My Numbers:

    SW: 398
    CW: 264
    GW: 248

    Thursday Weigh ins:

    2/6/14= 262
    2/13/14= 257
    2/20/14= 260 WTF!!!!

    i gained three pounds this week. it had better be water weight from "that time" or i will be pissed. well, have to wait til next thursday to find out. and getting up off my butt and exercising every day might help, lol
  • Wolfmother61
    Wolfmother61 Posts: 62 Member
    My Numbers:

    Weigh ins:
    2/7/14= 243.2 down 1
    2/14/14= 241.4 down 1.8
    2/21/14= 241.6 up.2

    I just cannot get below 240. I do not think I will make my goal weight this month.

  • katjohn83
    katjohn83 Posts: 119 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 322
    CW: 294.8 - 1/31/14
    GW: 288
    LTGW: 199


    Week 1: 2/07/14 = 296.8 (+2.0) Not a good way to start the month.

    Week 2: 2/14/14 = 295.8 (-1.0) Better but still not great.

    Week 3: 2/21/14 = 294.8 (-1.0) Finally back to where I started. Its been a weird month.

    Week 4: 2/28/14 =
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    My Friday Weigh In:

    My Numbers:
    SW: 266 (highest was 310 pregnant)
    CW: 254.8
    GW: 245
    LTGW: 145

    Weigh ins:
    2/07/14= 250 (-4.8)
    2/14/14= 245.8 (-4.2)
    2/21/14= 246 ( +.2) :noway:

    Well, this was a rough week. My medicine for swelling was cut in half - which is blood pressure medicine. I've started swelling again, ERRRR. But my BP was so low it wasnt good. So, the swelling should go away with this wieght loss. Plus, I wasnt as good at following the UofM plan like I was the frist 2 weeks. I'm back on track and hoping things get back to 'normal'
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    I just want to throw in some perspective. I'm seeing a lot of comments about not making goal this month. These things happen to all of us. It just looks like this month it may be happening to MORE of us than in the past.

    The important thing is you have KEPT GOING. You have continued to work your programs and whether it is reflected on that nasty piece of equipment known as a scale is of minimal importance.

    I have known those who disappear when things get rough. None of us feel like posting when we hit these down times, but in some ways it is more important than ever. Kind of the "Fake it until you Make it" mentality that will carry you through.

    So, if you are still here and posting during these tough times, kudos to you! If you are still powering on even though you aren't making this arbitrary goal we set for ourselves, an even bigger kudos.

    Remember, the only way to fail is to quit working the program.

    Good fortune to us all.
  • MichelleLee1978
    MichelleLee1978 Posts: 55 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 296.6 (highest was approx 340lbs June 2010)
    CW: 275.5
    GW: 265
    LTGW: 150

    Weigh ins:
    2/7/14= 270.6 (down 4.9)
    2/14/14= 267.9 (down 2.7)
    2/21/14= 268.7 (up 0.8)

    Hate posting an increase but I am good with the numbers. I started back on my treadmill this week and I still think I can pull off my goal for the end of the month. And for a NSV this week I was able to pull out some smaller clothes out of the suitcase and today I am wearing a huge smile to go with my smaller jeans and shirt. :D <--- see... huge smile
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    My Numbers:

    Weigh ins:
    2/7/14=228.8 (-1.2) Getting back on track :wink:
    2/14/14= --- no weigh in
    2/21/14= 231 (+2.2) Not gonna cry about it, just gonna have to try extra hard for a loss this month...
    :heart: Good luck everyone! :happy: You are all such great inspirations!!!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 430 (All time high weight in 2006 was 475.)
    CW: 295.1
    GW: 287 (I'm travelling half this month. I may not make it, but gonna shoot for it! Hope for great weather in DC starting the 8th. I plan on walking a LOT if I can.)
    LTGW: 175


    Week 1: 2/08/14 = 293.2 -1.9 (weighed in 2/7 because of travel.)

    Week 2: 2/16/14 = 292.6 -0.6 (post travel so delayed WI.)

    Week 3: 2/22/14 = 289.9 -2.7 Need to lose 2.9 to reach goal. Might be done, but this has been a great month even if I don't make it.

    Week 4: 3/1/14 =
  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    Well, this month is going to be chalked up to "sometimes the formula just doesn't work". Been hitting the gym regularly, working with the trainer, and staying under my calories, yet it's been the slowest loss month thus far. No matter, gotta keep on keepin' on and next month will be better :-)

    My Numbers:
    SW: 379 (July 2013)
    CW: 304
    GW: 290
    LTGW: 160

    Weigh ins:
    2/7/14= 303 (-1 lb)
    2/14/14= 302 (-1 lb)
    2/21/14= 301 (-1 lb)
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    I wish I could report in today (mine's Sunday) . I had a good weight loss so far this week but I have 3 meals to go. I guess that is incentive not to screw up the whole week with a few weekend meals.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,750 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 317.0 (March 2013)
    CW: 193.0 (January 31st)
    GW: 185.0
    LTGW: 140.0

    Weigh ins: Saturdays (when I don't have to rush off to work)
    2/01/14 = 191.0 (-2.0)
    2/08/14= 191.0 (+-0)
    2/15/14 = 189.0 (-2)
    2/22/14 = 187.5 (-1.5)

    Impulse buy yesterday: honey roasted cashews. Ate half (4 servings) last night and finished it off this morning. Willing to bet my weight doesn't get any lower this month.

    Must go for a lonnnnng walk now. :cry:

    Looking forward to seeing your numbers tomorrow, Chuck. Accountability is so helpful, isn't it? :wink: !

  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 332
    CW: 266
    GW: 261
    LTGW: 180)

    Weigh ins: Sunday
    2/2/14= 264 (down 2)
    2/9/14= 265 (down 1 from CW)
    2/16/14= 261 (down 5 from CW) made my goal weight for this
    2/23/14= 262 (down 4 from CW)

    How disappointing. I retained two pounds of water with my fries last night and screwed up the whole week. This means I didn’t make my weight for the challenge. I am pi$$ed, only not two pounds worth.

  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member

    Still most of a week left in the month. Make your final WI on Saturday, then start March with a WI on Sunday? Just a thought. Sodium happens, and usually at the wrong time for scale work.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member

    I like your idea. I'll do it!

  • Singularity84
    Singularity84 Posts: 98 Member
    SW: 333
    CW: 318.8
    GW: 309
    LTGW: 160

    Weigh-Ins: Mondays
    2/03/14: 316.8 (-2)
    2/10/14: 315.4 (-1.4)
    2/17/14: 314 (-1.4)
    2/24/14: 314 (0)

    Bummer, but admittedly I did very poorly with tracking last week. Plus it's my ToM, so I'm sure that doesn't help. Just have to get back into this and hope for a good number next week.
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Starting Weight: 302
    Current Weight: 301.4 (01/29/14)
    February Goal Weight: 294
    02/02/14: 299 (-2.4)
    02/09/14: No WI, broken scale
    02/16/14: 301 (+2)
    02/23/14: 298.8 (-2.2)

    A couple of days late weighing in because I've been sick (still am). Haven't done much except sleep since Saturday night. I'm glad that at least by this point I'm under what I was at the beginning of the month, LOL. Will check back at the end of a month for my final weigh in, though I doubt I'm going to drop almost 5 pounds in 3 days.
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    Sodium happens,
    This is my new favorite quote! LOL :)
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 264 (278 was my highest weigh at the end of last summer)
    CW: 238
    GW: 230
    LTGW: 150

    Weigh ins:
    2/5/14= 236.6 (-1.4 pounds)
    2/12/14= 235.5 (-1.1 pounds)
    2/19/14= 234.2 (-1.3 pounds)
    2/26/14= 232.0 (-2.2 pounds) something is wonky! MFP said I lost 1.4 but my math here says 2.2...wonder if I weighed mid-week and forgot?? Seems unlikely, but I suppose I could have.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,750 Member
    I always list the last weight of the previous month as the first weight of the new month. That way there is no interruption in the flow.

    If you end one month on Saturday, and start the next one on Sunday, wouldn't you lose any change that happened Sunday morning? Or am I missing something? (Always a distinct possibility.)