Fantastic February WL Challenge!



  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    I always list the last weight of the previous month as the first weight of the new month. That way there is no interruption in the flow.

    If you end one month on Saturday, and start the next one on Sunday, wouldn't you lose any change that happened Sunday morning? Or am I missing something? (Always a distinct possibility.)

    I say do what makes you feel comfortable. Some folk like to just keep a single scale day per week. Those folk might end up with their weight from say today, Thursday, to end out their month. Then keep that for their starting weight if they choose to join the next challenge. Others like to have a consistent weigh in day, but want to get credit for every 1/10 lb they lose for the month, so WI on the first day of each month as their start and finish. Because I also use the Hacker's Diet Online for trend tracking, I weigh daily when near my scale. So I guess you can either call me the third, and therefore odd, type of weigher.

    Find the way, or weigh, that causes you the least stress and just lose!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 264 (278 was my highest weigh at the end of last summer)
    CW: 238
    GW: 230
    LTGW: 150

    Weigh ins:
    2/5/14= 236.6 (-1.4 pounds)
    2/12/14= 235.5 (-1.1 pounds)
    2/19/14= 234.2 (-1.3 pounds)
    2/26/14= 232.0 (-2.2 pounds) something is wonky! MFP said I lost 1.4 but my math here says 2.2...wonder if I weighed mid-week and forgot?? Seems unlikely, but I suppose I could have.

    The math between your starting weight and your 2/26 WI matches up. I'd guess on an extra MFP report in there. If it concerns you, you can go back through your posts on your Profile Newsfeed page...
  • My Numbers:
    SW: 308.2
    CW: 294.1
    GW: 289
    LTGW: 156

    Weigh-ins: Thursdays usually

    Week 1: 2/07/14 = 294.1

    Week 2: 2/14/14 = 294.1

    Week 3: 2/21/14 = 293.0

    Week 4: 2/27/14= 291.8

    I learned something useful this week, the type of calories you eat makes a huge difference! I know you hear that but I lived it! Since starting my new meds last week I have done little to no exercise because of the side effects from the meds and I have been eating lots and I still had a fair sized weight loss for me! I have to wonder what I could do if I actually exercised too! Unfortunately for the exercise it's not likely to happen in excess as we are in another deep freeze and my meds are still playing games with me (I know side effects go away after an adjustment period... I was told 2-4 weeks)

    Anyways the weigh ins are looking good :). I hope that you can all be proud of yourself for sticking through this even when it didn't go your way! And Jess I hope your feeling better :)
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    I did check, and somehow...some way...I managed to post a mid-week weight and completely forgot! It was because I was so close to the 30 pound mark and wanted to post it when I got there. The really good news is I had a very good week for me I didn't meet my monthly goal, so I may have to do another check on the first...I'd sure like to meet my 8 pounds/month goal.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    SW:287 (though highest was 310)
    #1GW:250 (completedDec14)
    February GW: 230

    Weigh in:
    2/6/14= 240.7 (-0.4)
    2/13/14=238.5 (-2.2)
    2/20/14=236.1 (-2.4)
    2/27/14= 230.9 (-5.2)

    You know what, I'm counting that as goal made. :) The bariatric doctor made me feel bad saying I was overcompensating on exercise to make up for food choices. And I should cut back on the exercise. I got mad, I don't want to cut back on my exercise... my plan was to always maintain and increase strength and stamina while decreasing fat. So in response, I maintained my calorie limit strictly for a week and continued to exercise as per usual. I lost weight too fast, managed to feel exhausted and got sick. I talked to the nutritionist the next week and she looked at my logs and said I was in the right target area all along and to keep doing what I had been doing. :P So this drop is nice!!!! but I'm trying for a weekly 2lb drop.
  • My Numbers:

    SW: 398
    CW: 264
    GW: 248

    Thursday Weigh ins:

    2/6/14= 262
    2/13/14= 257
    2/20/14= 260 WTF!!!!
    2/27/14= 256

    well, a total loss of 6 lbs this month. and last month was 7 lbs. i am not happy with this at all! ok, strapping on my boots and getting ready to kick *kitten* in march!!!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,750 Member
    i am not happy with this at all! ok, strapping on my boots and getting ready to kick *kitten* in march!!!

    Got the visual! :noway: LMAO! :laugh:

  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    My Friday Weigh In:

    My Numbers:
    SW: 266 (highest was 310 pregnant)
    CW: 254.8
    GW: 245
    LTGW: 145

    Weigh ins:
    2/07/14= 250 (-4.8)
    2/14/14= 245.8 (-4.2)
    2/21/14= 246 ( +.2)
    2/28/14= 245 (-1)

    Ok, I hit goal, that is exciting! I really need to look at what the difference was between the 1st two weeks and the second - well, I know. I followed plan 95% of the time the first 2 weeks, then followed plan about 60% of the time the last part of the month. So, that tells me I need to follow plan a little better. I will shoot for 85-90% of the time and see where that leads.
  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 379 (July 2013)
    CW: 304
    GW: 290
    LTGW: 160

    Weigh ins:
    2/7/14= 303 (-1 lb)
    2/14/14= 302 (-1 lb)
    2/21/14= 301 (-1 lb)
    2/28/14= 299 (-2 lbs)

    While I didn't come close to making goal (this was a really slow losing month), I did break into the 200s, so there's still something to celebrate! Bring on March :-)
  • katjohn83
    katjohn83 Posts: 119 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 322
    CW: 294.8 - 1/31/14
    GW: 288
    LTGW: 199


    Week 1: 2/07/14 = 296.8 (+2.0) Not a good way to start the month.

    Week 2: 2/14/14 = 295.8 (-1.0) Better but still not great.

    Week 3: 2/21/14 = 294.8 (-1.0) Finally back to where I started. Its been a weird month.

    Week 4: 2/28/14 =294.4 (-0.4) Down 0.4 for the month. Hey at least it wasn't a gain.

    I feel like March is going to be much better.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 332
    CW: 266
    GW: 261
    LTGW: 180

    Weigh ins: Sunday
    2/2/14= 264 (down 2)
    2/9/14= 265 (down 1 from CW)
    2/16/14= 261 (down 5 from CW) made my goal weight for this
    2/23/14= 262 (down 4 from CW)
    2/28/14 = 261 (down 5 from CW) reached goal weight
  • Wolfmother61
    Wolfmother61 Posts: 62 Member
    My Numbers:

    Weigh ins:
    2/7/14= 243.2 down 1
    2/14/14= 241.4 down 1.8
    2/21/14= 241.6 up.2
    2/28/14= 239.6 down 2

    I did not reach my goal. Maybe I was too ambitious. At least it was still down 4.6 which is not that bad. March I have vacation so I will not aim so high.

  • MichelleLee1978
    MichelleLee1978 Posts: 55 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 296.6 (highest was approx 340lbs June 2010)
    CW: 275.5
    GW: 265
    LTGW: 150

    Weigh ins:
    2/7/14= 270.6 (down 4.9)
    2/14/14= 267.9 (down 2.7)
    2/21/14= 268.7 (up 0.8)
    2/28/14= 262.3 (down 6.4)

    February loss = 13.2lbs (WHOO HOO!!) I made my goal and made up some of the January goal as well. I'm very excited about March since I won't have as many birthdays to celebrate and only 1 trip (which should be easy because my hostess is on the same path). Congratulations to all of the fellow losers and here's to conquering March!! :)
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    My Numbers:

    Weigh ins:
    2/7/14=228.8 (-1.2)
    2/14/14= --- no weigh in
    2/21/14= 231 (+2.2) Not gonna cry about it, just gonna have to try extra hard for a loss this month...
    2/28/14= 230 (-1) So my total weight loss for February is (-0) Kinda disappointed about it... But at least I maintained? :ohwell: Better luck next month, I guess... I just have to stop my late night snacking and focus :glasses: Great job everyone! You are all rockstars just for making it through February :drinker:
  • smacmillan86
    smacmillan86 Posts: 153 Member
    Not quite to my goal, but quite respectable!

    SW: 403.8
    CW: 334
    GW: 322

    Feb 6: 330 lbs ( -4lbs)
    Feb 13: 328.6lbs (-1.4lbs)
    Feb 20: 327.8 (-0.8)
    Feb 27: 324.8 ( - 3)
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,750 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 317.0 (March 2013)
    CW: 193.0 (January 31st)
    GW: 185.0
    LTGW: 140.0

    Weigh ins: Saturdays (when I don't have to rush off to work)
    2/01/14 = 191.0 (-2.0)
    2/08/14= 191.0 (+-0)
    2/15/14 = 189.0 (-2)
    2/22/14 = 187.5 (-1.5)
    2/28/14= 187.0 (- 0.5)

    February total = 6 pounds lost

  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    There were some truly impressive losses in February....congratulations to you all. And those of us who didn't make goals still made better choices and that's a major part of learning to live healthier, so congratulations to us as well. And next month lets all do like Jackie...let's strap our boots on and kick some *kitten*! :happy:
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 430 (All time high weight in 2006 was 475.)
    CW: 295.1
    GW: 287 (I'm travelling half this month. I may not make it, but gonna shoot for it! Hope for great weather in DC starting the 8th. I plan on walking a LOT if I can.)
    LTGW: 175


    Week 1: 2/08/14 = 293.2 -1.9 (weighed in 2/7 because of travel.)

    Week 2: 2/16/14 = 292.6 -0.6 (post travel so delayed WI.)

    Week 3: 2/22/14 = 289.9 -2.7 Need to lose 2.9 to reach goal. Might be done, but this has been a great month even if I don't make it.

    Week 4: 3/1/14 = 286.4 -3.5 I made goal plus!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,750 Member
    And next month lets all do like Jackie...let's strap our boots on and kick some *kitten*! :happy:
    Leanna and Jackie,

    This is gonna be my March motto!

    Malia, you DID maintain and that is great!

    ALL of you folks blow me away! We are awesome!!!

    :angry: :angry: This is strength!

    Best wishes to all!
  • brownmara
    brownmara Posts: 175 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 311 (Starting weight before you lost anything)
    302.7 (Current weight at the beginning of the challenge)
    GW: 292.7
    LTGW: 155 ( What you would like to weigh at the end of your weight loss journey)

    Weigh ins: Wednesdays
    2/05/14=299.6 (-3.1)
    2/12/14=295.4 (-4.2)
    2/19/14=294.5 (-0.9)
    2/26/14= 294.3 (-0.2) Final weigh in for the month!
    I got close to my Feb. goal, but I am still happy with the progress!