Introduce yourself!



  • jarredondo
    jarredondo Posts: 297 Member
    Hi, My name is Jerrie. I first found out about this challenge the end of last year and I tried the first couple of months but my Mom went into hospice with esophageal cancer the week before thanksgiving. That made getting my 20 minutes of a workout a day very hard to get in. That and i wasn't very focused. My Mom passed away the beginning of January. February was my first good attempt at this challenge. My down fall was a piece of birthday cake I had after I had logged which put me over in week 2. This time I got this!!! March is my month!!
  • Nyeslonye
    Nyeslonye Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! My name is Sheri. I am 54 yrs old and live in southern MI. (yes we have had a ridiculous amount of snow this winter!) I have
    been a yo yo dieter much of my adult life and it needs to stop. 2 yrs ago, I had thoracic spinal surgery which brought my activity to a screeching halt for almost 6 months. I had lost 30 lbs prior to that only to gain back almost 25 which bummed me out. I finally have come to terms with the fact I need to make this a priority in my life so here I am! I am 5'4" and weigh 167# at the moment which is 10# less than 6 weeks ago when I started, so hooray! I really respond well to accountability so this challenge is perfect for me! Thanks to Mercy for messaging me about this group. The day I joined MFP, I joined a group that fell apart the first week. There was only 3 of us that tried to make it work, our moderator set it up and never returned and it was a big disappointment. I think we started with over 100. That being said, I did get my first 2 friends on MFP through that so all is not lost. This looks like a pretty motivated group and I am excited! I love a good challenge
  • beachbebe
    beachbebe Posts: 47 Member
    This is my first month in the challenge. Good luck. everyone!
  • sophiae111
    sophiae111 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Sophia and I live in sunny California and I am pushing myself to be very active and fit as when I was younger. I want to compete in some sports tournaments and hike longer.
  • janellevaught
    janellevaught Posts: 428 Member
    Hi...I am Janelle. I decided to join this challenge because sometimes doing it on your own just makes it hard to stay motivated. This should help me keep on track.

    SW - 185.8
    Goal - Stay motivated and keep getting in shape
  • MetDietiste2013
    Hi everyone,

    I'm glad my eye caught this group today, how wonderfull that sometimes the exact thing you need crosses your path.

    I have been with MFP about half a year, and lost 9 kilo, but februari I had flu and then a cold, so I lost a bit of my momentum.
    I needed a new start and wanted te be more consistent in my efforts.

    Yesterday was my birthday, and I decided that I would try, beginning with the whole month of march, to do exaclty what you guys are doing, daily exercise, log everything and don't go over my calories.

    So here I am, hoping to earn my spot in the hall of fame of this group.

    My goals for this month :

    fitbit : at least 12500 every day, average of 15000 a day
    cals : maximum 1600 on any day, average of 1450 a day

    Good luck to all.
  • scorpiana89
    scorpiana89 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey guys I'm Shanese! I need this group because last month I set a goal of 5 pounds and only lost 3, and that was due to my not logging, eating t my calorie goal and exercising everyday. I am still proud of what I have lost, but I know I could be on a more consistent path. My goal this month is 4 so that I can at least overcome last month's results. Feel free to friend me!
  • 1LoveChips
    1LoveChips Posts: 260 Member
    Hello, am I too late to join?
  • kareng0327
    Hi Everyone!! My name is Karen and I'm 42 years young and hoping that I will be able to complete the challenge and stay focused and on track. But with 3 little ones (8,2,1) that tends to be difficult sometimes. Just gotta to remember to stay focused on today and do my best. :-) Good luck to everyone!!
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Hello, am I too late to join?

    Nope. Sign-ups are open until tomorrow this month, since I didn't post the group until late on the 28th. Welcome! :)
  • 1LoveChips
    1LoveChips Posts: 260 Member
    Hello, am I too late to join?

    Nope. Sign-ups are open until tomorrow this month, since I didn't post the group until late on the 28th. Welcome! :)

    Thanks! Cool! Here goes... First of all I love these groups, great people and it does wonders for keeping me on-track. I joined December, managed to stay on track till about the 17th, January was much better, but went over my calories on the 29th or 30th... February absolute disaster, screwed it up on the first day lol

    I'm Ciprian, I live in Guernsey, surrounded by grand kids and dogs. Love my doggies and also compete in competitive obedience. Put on a lot of weight gradually over 10 years since I stopped smoking... Time to get into the healthy BMI weight bracket!
  • Gus130
    Gus130 Posts: 598 Member
    Hi, I am Gus. I need the UAC. When I am winning it, I lose weight like crazy. When I slip up and "fall off the island" then either I don't lose or I gain. Thank you again, caradae, for a great group.
  • Nicole14120418
    My name is Nicole, I am new to fitness pal and to the challenges! I joined awhile ago but never used the program! Hope I can keep up. I have also never written on a message board before, read them and find them motivating but too chicken to post! Here it goes!
  • JohnKim2011
    JohnKim2011 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I hope I'm not too late to sign up for this challenge. I am hoping to lose 10 pounds this month in anticipation of a vacation with my husband in April. Thanks for holding me accountable!
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Hey!!!! Great to join group. I've already reported for March 1 before I introduce myself : ) . I cant wait to be accountable and need a swift kick as I've not been exercising for the last 3 months and have gained 5 pounds. Good luck to everybody. I really want to make it through the entire month but seems daunting right now.

    Each time I honestly and consistently log food/activity I lose weight. What a better way to keep on track then a group like this. Very excited I found this group.
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    WOW!! So glad to see so many people are still giving this ago!! YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!! :drinker:
  • fragile123
    fragile123 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi, I'm Kerry. This is my second time trying this challenge, and February was very successful. Hoping to make another month, and creep ever closer to my goals!
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    I'm Vanessa..i am so happy to have found this group. I am trying to lose the last 10 pounds which seem to be the hardest. I was once almost 230 pounds but lost down to 118. I am now 135. I am 48 years old and 5'2 so i like to be around 125.
    I have run two half marathons and a ton of 5-10k's. Now i usually run 3-5 miles 5 days a week,yoga and lift. I eat no processed foods ,wheat or diary.
    I look forward to getting to know you all

  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    Hi I'm Des, I just saw this group and thought I would give it a shot. I started back in Jan and I now work out every day. but last week I got very sick and I wasn't able to do anything. I'm not starting back into working out after and this challenge sounds like it would be great for me.
  • HealthyWiaaam
    Hello everyone!
    I have already joined the group last month but unfortunately I didn't manage to stay until the end ^^'.
    Last month, this challenge has helped me a lot to stay focus and motivated. Without the challenge I really tend to not track everything so it is very useful for me.
    I hope this time I will stay until the end ^^
    Good luck everyone :D!