Mad March workout check in thread



  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    When he talked about forms, he went against everything Mehdi says on his video.
    For example, on bench press do not lock your elbow at the end, and do no go down all the way to the point when the bar ouches your chest. On the squat , he said do not go below parallel. On the barbel raw and deadlift, he said it is better to keep your knees bent a bit. He keep saying all these are precaution to prevent injuries. any opinion on these?

    Overall I am happy that I asked for this program set up. It was free, and increased my confidence level around the weight room. even If I go against the trainer advice on form or /and sets and reps it was beneficial.

    Lol does he even lift?? If you were in a powerlifting comp you would fail all your lifts on this advice.

    Keep with the programme as planned and look to add weight when you can complete the 5x5 :drinker:
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Thanks ladies for the reassurance about the forms and sets /reps. When you are a newbie, it is hard to be sure about things when a trainer advise you differently.

    BTW, I am not sure the guy lifts or not, bu he teaches TRX and other functional for based group classes
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Happy Wednesday Ladies...

    Workout B for me today

    Had a hard time getting started today due to squat weight being so high...anyone else do that...I eventually got myself psyched up enough and...

    Squats @ 175 5x5 Yah

    OHP @ 90 1x3, 1x4, 3x3(not sure how 1.5lbs can make such a difference wow. and I double checked my plate math)

    DL @ 200 (staying here due to form on last two reps...I know I rounded bad)
    I got them all up but gonna have to tape it I felt like I didn't feel "too" heavy but...feel lilke I might have rounded..and man oh man are my hand hot right now...

    Still doing my HIIT 2x a week...stuck with the same one as no burpees....hate those...but curse like a sailor during stutters steps and pulsing lunges...
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I did B today as well.

    Squats; 120lbs 3x5, moving up next time!
    OHP: deloaded to 3x5 55lbs so I can work back up with fractionals next time.
    DL: 155lbs. I used the liquid grip I just got and it worked pretty well! Still had to put in some small rests between reps but I think it definitely helped.

    Also, that means I do 165lbs next B day, which is just shy of my bodyweight (by about 3lbs), so yay!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Hooray for almost body weight deadlifts!:flowerforyou:

    Man eff burpees they give me really bad shin splints. I must do them wrong! I go the gym right after work or I might try to put it off from being a little intimidated by high weights. They're just so darn heavy! :wink: :laugh:

    I'm so sore from Monday's workout. I don't understand how eating at maintenance I never get doms, but then second I go into a cut I'll sneeze and be sore. Booo!

    Front squats: Deloaded on these because my form felt off, but not off enough that I could even really pinpoint what it was. I'll work my way up from here.
    45x5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5 150 2x5

    45x5, 60x5, 70x5, 80x5, 95x5

    135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 250x5, 300x5

    10 lb curlx12+knee upx8 3 supersets
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    is there anyone there? I'm tired today. Had to go downtown with my son and it always exhausts me. today is my workout day and i haven't done it. gym in the basement. i need a shot of enthusiasm or something to get myself down there.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    is there anyone there? I'm tired today. Had to go downtown with my son and it always exhausts me. today is my workout day and i haven't done it. gym in the basement. i need a shot of enthusiasm or something to get myself down there.

    I always joke around with one of my coworkers who weighs maybe 115 soaking wet, and tell her I'm going to throw her in the dumpster. So...if you don't lift tonight guess where you're going? :wink: Oh and you'll feel better and be glad you did and all that crap. Mostly though? No dumpster.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Fittree you made me laugh! I'm feeling better already. I'm off to the basement. Thanks!
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    ok, I'm thinking I'm going to have to go to the doctor about my knee. Both knees bother me, but the right one is very tight. I tried to squat today. My knee hurt with just the bar and I added 10 lbs on each side...NOPE.

    Ugh - I hope it turns out to be nothing.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    oops! I realized that you quoted someone!!! Ladydeadlift, just something to keep in mind. Are your shoes worn out? I'm talking about the shoes you wear a lot not just lifting shoes. My shoes had been worn at the heal for a long time and I didn't get new ones because I tend to have to buy expensive shoes (weird feet) and we had other expenses to deal with. This was a bad mistake. I suffered for a long time I tried ice and heat and massage and special exercises, and then I finally got new shoes a little while ago and my knees are getting better! I have only been doing bodyweight squats and gradually working my way up. now I am finally back up to using the bar and now that I have new shoes I feel like I am really on the mend! Make the family eat beans for a week but buy new shoes if you need them!

    Tonight's workout is brought to you by fittreelol!

    Squats: 45
    OHP: 60
    DL: 110

    I do! I do feel better! And I can't tell you what a relief it is to know that I am avoiding the dumpster! Although I have to say that at 185 I think i would be a bit more of a challenge than the 115 lb woman from work!

    Thanks again Fittree for making me laugh!
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    Yesterday was cardio. Did a nice 30min hiit.

    Today was workout a

    Warm up squat
    1x5 15lbs
    1x5 45lbs
    1x3 75lbs
    1x2 90lbs
    105lbs - 5,5,5,5,4
    Just couldn't pull through on the last one

    Warm up chest press
    2x5 25lbs
    1x5 50lbs
    1x3 50lbs
    70lbs 5x5
    Felt great!

    Warm up row
    1x5 15lbs
    1x5 25lbs
    1x3 50lbs
    1x2 50lbs
    70lbs - 3,2,2,1,4
    Not even sure how I managed to do the four at the end, but I think it is because I waited the full five minutes between set. The row is my most hated move.
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    Happy hump day ladies and RAAAAAWWWWRRRRR to all the awesome numbers everyone put up today!!!! :drinker:

    Workout B for me today too. Yay for deadlifts, boo for OHP...

    Squats: 5x5 at 110 pounds. These are starting to get to the heavy range, and my form just felt "off" for the first 4 sets, then everything finally clicked and felt great in the last set. I might stay at this weight next workout just to make sure my form isn't going to s&%t!
    OHP: 5x5 at 70 pounds. It wasn't pretty, but got that bar up every time!
    DL: 1x5 at 155 pounds. Felt a slight round in my lower back right as the bar came off the floor, so might stay here again too to work on that some more.

    Then 20 minutes of sprint intervals, and capped it off with lots of foods for dinner!!!

    Been doing HIIT workouts on my off days, but I think tomorrow I'll skip it and spend some time with the foam roller.
  • scubaemma
    scubaemma Posts: 30 Member
    Had to force myself to work out this morning, woke up with a headache and just feeling a bit bleurgh. Typical when I finally get a day off work!

    But sucked it up and did:

    Squats - got 5x5 at 52.5kg (115.7lb apparently) for the first time. Just! Took some grimacing and probably looking like I was going to burst a blood vessel! Good job I work out at home! With only the cat to see me haha

    OHP - 5x5 at 22.5kg. Thought I was doing really well and then realised it was a de load since I failed for the 3rd time last time! No wonder I felt strong lol

    DL - epic fail! I was meant to do 80kg (176lb) and I admit I wasn't feeling confident. I was really chugged when I managed 70kg (just over my body weight) and by the skin of my teeth I'd managed 75kg last time. So I psyched myself up and..... Couldn't even lift it off the floor!! Haha. Tried again and managed to get it up once. And I don't think it looked pretty. So I recorded my 1x1 intended app, then de loaded to try again at 75kg and only managed 2!! Aargh!

    I'll try 75kg next time!
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    DL - epic fail! I was meant to do 80kg (176lb) and I admit I wasn't feeling confident. I was really chugged when I managed 70kg (just over my body weight) and by the skin of my teeth I'd managed 75kg last time. So I psyched myself up and..... Couldn't even lift it off the floor!! Haha. Tried again and managed to get it up once. And I don't think it looked pretty. So I recorded my 1x1 intended app, then de loaded to try again at 75kg and only managed 2!! Aargh!

    I'll try 75kg next time!

    I wouldn't deload it till you have failed 80kg 3x. You got 75kg 5x5 so work on the 80kg another 2 times and see how it goes :smile:
  • scubaemma
    scubaemma Posts: 30 Member
    DL - epic fail! I was meant to do 80kg (176lb) and I admit I wasn't feeling confident. I was really chugged when I managed 70kg (just over my body weight) and by the skin of my teeth I'd managed 75kg last time. So I psyched myself up and..... Couldn't even lift it off the floor!! Haha. Tried again and managed to get it up once. And I don't think it looked pretty. So I recorded my 1x1 intended app, then de loaded to try again at 75kg and only managed 2!! Aargh!

    I'll try 75kg next time!

    I wouldn't deload it till you have failed 80kg 3x. You got 75kg 5x5 so work on the 80kg another 2 times and see how it goes :smile:
    Well 75kg 1x5 but yeah true. I'll try again next time. Maybe it won't be glued to the floor next time?!
  • rdkstar
    rdkstar Posts: 260 Member
    Never can remember if it is a or b, but

    Squats. 5x55
    Bench 5X75
    Rows 5x55

    Leg press 5x170 (yay more than bw)
    Assisted chin ups
    Skull crushers 5x20
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    ok, I'm thinking I'm going to have to go to the doctor about my knee. Both knees bother me, but the right one is very tight. I tried to squat today. My knee hurt with just the bar and I added 10 lbs on each side...NOPE.

    Ugh - I hope it turns out to be nothing.

    Me too. I'm going to take off the next four days and rest and ice it and see how it feels on Monday. I'm really bummed about not going to the gym :frown:
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    oops! I realized that you quoted someone!!! Ladydeadlift, just something to keep in mind. Are your shoes worn out? I'm talking about the shoes you wear a lot not just lifting shoes. My shoes had been worn at the heal for a long time and I didn't get new ones because I tend to have to buy expensive shoes (weird feet) and we had other expenses to deal with. This was a bad mistake. I suffered for a long time I tried ice and heat and massage and special exercises, and then I finally got new shoes a little while ago and my knees are getting better! I have only been doing bodyweight squats and gradually working my way up. now I am finally back up to using the bar and now that I have new shoes I feel like I am really on the mend! Make the family eat beans for a week but buy new shoes if you need them!

    Tonight's workout is brought to you by fittreelol!

    Squats: 45
    OHP: 60
    DL: 110

    I do! I do feel better! And I can't tell you what a relief it is to know that I am avoiding the dumpster! Although I have to say that at 185 I think i would be a bit more of a challenge than the 115 lb woman from work!

    Thanks again Fittree for making me laugh!

    I think you may have meant this for me. I lift in my chucks and I don't believe they're worn out. However, I did buy some new running shoes and I think they may be the culprit. I started having some knee issues when I started jogging in them. I've also read that when you have knee problems, it's most likely because your hips or your ankles are out of alignment. Perhaps the new shoes are causing either one of those to be out of alignment.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Anytime Fisher. Keep in mind 185 is my first official warm up weight for deadlifts. I just do 135 for fun. :wink:

    Wolf I was having a similar issue with my running shoes. I took 2 weeks of running and going to try some different shoes. Good luck!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Re: Running shoes, I used to get runners knee in no time with traditional shoes (I was in the Army so running was something we did a lot of). I made the switch to barefoot shoes in 2012 which allow me to strike on the ball of the foot versus the heel and I have had little to no knee issues since. It took me a long time (6 months or so) to work up to 2 miles in them, but it was worth the time and patience when it came to being able to run with no knee pain. I've always had a short gate and the barefoot style capitalizes on that. I now wear a pare of barefoot shoes every day (Not the 5 toe things). They are in no way for everyone. I just find that they are compatible with my mechanics.