Mad March workout check in thread



  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185

    Bench moving onto 120 today and I found a setup since I don't have a spotter, hope it works out....:tongue:

    120 @ 2x5

    1x4 (might have been able to do 5th but didn't want to test it without a spotter...rolling the bar hurts, and my setup just wasn't gonna work...squat racks bars are to high to keep my bench in there...:sad: ) even backwards the rack is too far away....

    1x4 knew I wasn't getting the 5th one up...:bigsmile: almost didn't get 4th..then banged my new found hip bone on the bar...jeez:sad:

    1x3(might have gotten 4th but ...yah see above)

    Please none the less with that lift.

    what is your set-up? I am a super-introvert when it comes to working out. Hate asking for a spot or asking my partner for help. He keeps saying he's going to work out too..... maybe it would seem less silly if he was working out and not just watching me. At any rate, I keep having to do the role of shame or lift light. So what do you do?
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Saturday's workout.

    Squat: 45x5 I think Monday I will try to add a little weight!!
    Bench: 80x5 up from 75
    Row: 80x5 up from 75

    As always I am very impressed with all of you strong women!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Thanks, jstout and rugbyplayer. I'll check into those. It makes sense since being barefoot would force your body into aligment, right?

    When you feel everything you quickly adjust to how you should run this vid shows it quite well:

    Thanks for the video...that's quite interesting. Maybe I should just run in my socks on the inside track and see how it feels. If that's my problem, then barefoot shoes, here I come! :bigsmile:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Ladies, what do you do when you have extreme sore legs?
    I just started the program and I barely can walk due to my Thursday workout. I was sore yesterday and I massage it, and I did a 30 minute stretching DVD to make it go away. Well it became even worse overnight. I barely can walk. I have no idea how to do my workout today. Every single step of walking is painful.

    I bought a form roller off amazon. so I roll it out. they are not to bad about 35$ for a small one.
    Sometimes I forget to use it LOL. I few days ago I was telling someone I had big knots in my quads they said if I was at a gym to find some foam rollers. I felt like such a dork. a yeah there's one 5 feet from my computer I could be using instead of *****ing LOL Its still kind of new to me but they do help! a lot!

    Yep. My suggestions are:

    Foam Roller - it hurts so good. Just take your time with it and grin and bear it
    Increase water intake
    Balanced diet with adequate protein and vitamins, minerals and healthy fats
    Light exercise like walking
    A deloaded lifting session

    I don't know the exact scientific reasons, but what you are talking about is DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness and it us usually worse 24 hours after exercising. It will become less and less when your body gets used to the lifts so don't worry, you won't be in a constant state of DOMS forever.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Thanks, jstout and rugbyplayer. I'll check into those. It makes sense since being barefoot would force your body into aligment, right?

    When you feel everything you quickly adjust to how you should run this vid shows it quite well:

    Thanks for the video...that's quite interesting. Maybe I should just run in my socks on the inside track and see how it feels. If that's my problem, then barefoot shoes, here I come! :bigsmile:

    If you do a test run in your socks, take it slow and short. Barefoot running puts a lot of the workload onto the calves so if they are weaker than you think, you will feel them quickly.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I did get to the gym on Saturday and did more of a cardio/core type thing.

    Set it up like this:

    -1k meters on the rower - 4:35 min
    -3 rounds superset - 20 KB swings 12 kg, 10 alternating elevated plyometric pushups, 30 second v-sits while holding resistance band pulling back, 20 KB pirate ships with 12kg KB, 1 min rest between rounds
    -1k meter row - 5:00 min
    -2 rounds of 10 exercise ball pikes, 10 woodchoppers with resistance band (each side), 10 bench step ups with each leg, 10 turkish get ups with 12 kb KB, 1 min rest between rounds (Note: KB TGU have the potential to bruise your arms....maybe consider doing them on days where you don't plan on getting dressed up to go out).
    -1 mile run @ 6.5 mph - 9:18 min

    Total workout time was 70 min including cool down/stretching. Finally got a new battery in my HRM and it said I burned 1134 calories....probably an overestimate, but my average HR for the time was 165.

    Then had a date night with the hubby and put all my squatting strength to good use on the dance floor. I never considered myself a dancer (still wouldn't) but I was like, hell, I got some moves now! When in doubt, squat it out! Hubby was like, "What do you think most dancers do, sit on their *kitten* all day? No, they work out and are athletic like you!" :bigsmile: So, another "pro" for the lifting list, lets you bring sexy back on the dance floor. :drinker: Had a great time doing something we don't make a lot of time to do any more, being adults and going out to just hang out and have fun together.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Thanks, jstout and rugbyplayer. I'll check into those. It makes sense since being barefoot would force your body into aligment, right?

    When you feel everything you quickly adjust to how you should run this vid shows it quite well:

    Thanks for the video...that's quite interesting. Maybe I should just run in my socks on the inside track and see how it feels. If that's my problem, then barefoot shoes, here I come! :bigsmile:

    If you do a test run in your socks, take it slow and short. Barefoot running puts a lot of the workload onto the calves so if they are weaker than you think, you will feel them quickly.

    ok, thanks! I'll be sure to do that. I'm not sure how much my knee is going to let me do anyway :grumble: It's still tight and today is my first workout since last Wednesday. I did try some of that squat therapy against a wall on Saturday, but my knee was really hurting afterwards. Sometimes, it'll only hurt when I pick up my leg walking. When I put my weight on it, it's not so bad. Just when I lift my leg to take a step..weird.
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    okay so here goes my catch-up from the weekend
    Friday - 60 minutes yoga

    Working set

    Arnold Press
    1x5x16 (two 8lb dumbells)
    1x5x24 (two 12lb dumbells)
    working set
    1x5x30 (two 15lb dumbells)
    Then I remembered gym just got 17.5 lb dumbells so...
    4x5x35 (two 17.5 deumbells)

    warm up
    Working set

    Bike for 20 minutes and a little bit of core work

    90 minutes of yoga
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Not a very good day. This weekend and the 10+ hours in the car really took a lot out of me. But it's a new week and I'm ready to make it the best of March so far. Not a huge challenge mind ya xD Anyways, since I have a physical therapy appointment for the knee and lower back/sciatic nerve (because i'm pretty sure it's all linked together) I decided to go full body this AM considering I might be told to stay away from the heavy weights for a while.

    Bench Press 5/5/5+
    75 x 5
    87.5 x 5
    97.5 x 8

    Brought my fractionals with me. it was kind of weird adding them in, they're so tiny! I did 9 at 105 last week so I was expecting a 10 here. So that plus set made me realize today would just be a struggle overall. It happens.

    Boring but big sets i decided this cycle to do the "*kitten*" template where you do the opposite move for these. So
    OHP @50 x 10/10/10/8/9

    Then went on to do a 5x5 of the pendlay row
    @95 4/5/5/4/5
    I've done 5x6 here in the past. The weight was just... heavy. And I was tight as all hell. Meh.

    Front Squats @ 95 10 / 8 / 8

    Then a giant set of incline DB Press, Glute bridges and slow mountain climbers. It was supposed to be taxing and sorta conditioning like, but I just didn't have it in me.

    In short, I went, I saw, I pushed some iron, the iron pushed me back. I will be back. It's what I do :)
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member

    Then had a date night with the hubby and put all my squatting strength to good use on the dance floor. I never considered myself a dancer (still wouldn't) but I was like, hell, I got some moves now! When in doubt, squat it out! Hubby was like, "What do you think most dancers do, sit on their *kitten* all day? No, they work out and are athletic like you!" :bigsmile: So, another "pro" for the lifting list, lets you bring sexy back on the dance floor. :drinker: Had a great time doing something we don't make a lot of time to do any more, being adults and going out to just hang out and have fun together.

    just another pro of squats!
  • rdkstar
    rdkstar Posts: 260 Member
    I'm really started to like Mondays, seems to be my best workout days.

    Squats 5x55 - ready to try 60 next time
    Bench press 5x80 - still amazing myself that I'm doing it
    Row 5x60 seems to easy, need to double check form

    Leg press 5x180
    Assisted chin ups 60 lbs help
    Hanging leg squats

    Took kids over weekend to rope climbing course. All different types of climbs then you get to zipline down. It was great being able to do it without struggling. Plus, I wasn't even sore the next day.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Boy did it feel good to be in the gym today! Stretched my knee and my warm up went like this on squats:

    1x5 45 lbs
    1x5 75 lbs
    1x3 110 lbs
    1x2 150 lbs
    Then tried 185 lbs, which was my work weight before my knee started giving me problems. I got 2 reps, but they were really hard and putting quite the strain on the old knee. So, I deloaded to 150 and got 3x5 with that weight. I'll just move up from here and see how things go.

    Rows: 3x5 105 lbs
    Bench: 3x5 90 lbs. Had to deload because 95 lbs has been a hard one for me to get past.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    Bench moving onto 120 today and I found a setup since I don't have a spotter, hope it works out....:tongue:

    120 @ 2x5

    1x4 (might have been able to do 5th but didn't want to test it without a spotter...rolling the bar hurts, and my setup just wasn't gonna work...squat racks bars are to high to keep my bench in there...:sad: ) even backwards the rack is too far away....

    1x4 knew I wasn't getting the 5th one up...:bigsmile: almost didn't get 4th..then banged my new found hip bone on the bar...jeez:sad:

    1x3(might have gotten 4th but ...yah see above)

    Please none the less with that lift.

    what is your set-up? I am a super-introvert when it comes to working out. Hate asking for a spot or asking my partner for help. He keeps saying he's going to work out too..... maybe it would seem less silly if he was working out and not just watching me. At any rate, I keep having to do the role of shame or lift light. So what do you do?

    I tried putting my bench in my squat rack backwards....the bars are too high for it to be in there "normally" so I thought I would try backwards...but I couldn't get close enough due to the fact it's a bit skinny...and out far enough I felt if I was up that high I might as well push it out...

    Not sure if that makes sense so here is a pic of my "homemade rack" you can see the "bars" are high so can't bench in it...

    Without a spotter I just guage on if I think I can make it...if I think it's iffy I don't ...I have done the roll of shame a couple times tho...
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Okay workout B for me today...

    Normally I love workout B...Yah for Deadlifts...but today wow...

    Positives...I got my weight room cleaned up this weekend...and I got new plates 2@25, 2@10 and 4@2 1/2...


    Found out my bar I use for squats, benches and OHP is only about 16lbs not 20....:grumble: hence me banging out the rows was a lie...:sad: :sad: :sad: deload for that now.

    And groin muscles...yah both of them are ouchy today...all weekend actually...stretched them...warmed up well and still had to deload my squats to 135...and it was was touchy on the way up...even tried closing in my stance, gonna see how I feel on Wednesday and if they are both sore might be time for another consult or massage...I can hear it "POP" sometimes then it feels better...sounds like a knot to me that is persistent.

    Not sure if that is due to my lack of food sunday (sub 1200 :noway: )I didn't do that on purpose... or being out in the cold or what...:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Anyway I can fix the food part and cold part...just wont leave the house till spring...:bigsmile:

    So squats with a 45lb deload today

    5x5 @ 135....but I don't want to be laid up again for weeks...gonna take it easy and see if the extra food and/or less cold help it for Wed.

    OHP @ 85 today (really 85 stupid bar :grumble: ) wasn't sure what to do knowing my other ones recorded at 88.5 were really 85 will deload on this after today (3 fails)
    2x4, 3x3

    DeadLift @ 200 again today as I want to tape my form...I want to make sure it's good before I move on...not sure if I should be doing this today...but here we go...

    1x4 @ 200...might have gotten 5th but I feel like my form is crap to be honest...

    I will post the video on the forum check thread.

    Have you ever had one of those days where you just can't seem to get it right???? Blah...
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Hopping in here...

    One question going back to jstout's video on the first page. So its okay to go that low? What if it makes me lean my chest too far forward? Should i not squat as low?

    I am on my third week. Today i did squats: 5x5: 70. Overhead press: 5x5: 50. Definitely the hardest one for me. And deadlift: 1x5: 100.
  • griffithm1
    griffithm1 Posts: 130 Member
    Hey everybody! (So this is where everybody is... DUH. End of week 8 today after a field trip that through things off (4:30 am departure and 11:00 PM return). It took me a few days to catch up my sleep and then my husband hurt his back. So Saturday I had to force my 16 yr old offensive lineman to come spot his mom. He looked so excited. Today I realized he was still at a friends (spring break) so it was mom in the garage solo. I survived (160 squat for 5, failed at 80# on OHP (my husband usually hands off to me and gives me the push-it-up look but I didn't want to push in there by myself. It was the first time lifting on the am in a while too. Dunno. I took 75# on that and remembered how I was stuck at 55# for why seemed eternity. Deadlift was 135#. I tried sumo. Got a blister but I liked it (my husband moved the chalk). Sorry such a long random first post on the thread. Late night Quest bar aftermath... Happy lifting ladies.
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    I did get to the gym on Saturday and did more of a cardio/core type thing.

    Set it up like this:

    -1k meters on the rower - 4:35 min
    -3 rounds superset - 20 KB swings 12 kg, 10 alternating elevated plyometric pushups, 30 second v-sits while holding resistance band pulling back, 20 KB pirate ships with 12kg KB, 1 min rest between rounds
    -1k meter row - 5:00 min
    -2 rounds of 10 exercise ball pikes, 10 woodchoppers with resistance band (each side), 10 bench step ups with each leg, 10 turkish get ups with 12 kb KB, 1 min rest between rounds (Note: KB TGU have the potential to bruise your arms....maybe consider doing them on days where you don't plan on getting dressed up to go out).
    -1 mile run @ 6.5 mph - 9:18 min

    Total workout time was 70 min including cool down/stretching. Finally got a new battery in my HRM and it said I burned 1134 calories....probably an overestimate, but my average HR for the time was 165.

    Then had a date night with the hubby and put all my squatting strength to good use on the dance floor. I never considered myself a dancer (still wouldn't) but I was like, hell, I got some moves now! When in doubt, squat it out! Hubby was like, "What do you think most dancers do, sit on their *kitten* all day? No, they work out and are athletic like you!" :bigsmile: So, another "pro" for the lifting list, lets you bring sexy back on the dance floor. :drinker: Had a great time doing something we don't make a lot of time to do any more, being adults and going out to just hang out and have fun together.

    Sounds like a lot of fun!! your a lucky gal I cant get my husband to take me dancing for nothing LOL Grats on getting your swerve on!!
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    I was really looking forward to lifting today. hoping it would relive some of my stress. It did while I was at it. I did have a very clean workout but it didn't last long enough and I didn't have time for my typical accessories :-( maybe I'll get them in once my dinner settles.

    Squat; warmup-45x5, 65x5, 85x3 work-100lb 5x5 was goood
    Bench; warmup-45x5, 55x5, 65x3 work-70lb 5x5 clean but shaky, yet it felt like the easiest exercise today,..odd.
    Row; warmup-45x5, 65x5, 65x3 work-85lb 5x5 was goood
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    Have you ever had one of those days where you just can't seem to get it right???? Blah...

    YES YES YES!!! That was so me last night! Saturday I was bad and ate too much chocolate on a chocolate tour. I thought the extra carbs would fuel an awesome session Sunday night, but it was just the opposite.

    Squats: moved up to 115 pounds and only managed 5,5,5,4, and 1 on the last. BOO! Something felt wrong in my back on that fourth set, so when I tried the last set I decided not to push it. Don't think I injured anything but the nerve is sure angry at me!
    OHP: moved up to 75 pounds and only managed 3 reps in each of the 5 sets
    DL: 1x5 at 155 pounds. Back was angry during this one too but not bad.

    Tonight for some stupid reason I did a max cardio conditioning video from Insanity. I'm just not seeing any changes and hoping that a couple of more intense interval sessions during the week will kick my body into gear!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member

    One question going back to jstout's video on the first page. So its okay to go that low? What if it makes me lean my chest too far forward? Should i not squat as low?

    It is okay to go that low if you can manage it. I've been working on my squat depth for almost a year now and it has taken a lot of flexibility work, deloads, and core work. I still struggle with my chest leaning forward a bit when the weight is heavy (you can see it in my most recent video at 140 lbs). I am now holding at 135 to let my posterior chain and glutes catch up since those are parts that help keep you upright when you are in the hole.

    Squatting to parallel is perfectly fine. You want the body to move as a unit and tipping forward can cause the weight to shift to your toes (as mine sometimes does). Take your time with it and work on getting good form at parallel. Not everyone can get ATG depth in a squat.

    Just for a comparison, here is a form video of mine from late March of LAST year. I don't know if I could say I was hitting parallel at this point.