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Mad March workout check in thread



  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member


    60, 5x5

    I threw in:
    Inverted bodyweight row: 4x3
    Leg press: 180, 3x5

    I felt like my left side was just listless today. I tried focusing on it, but my right side kept compensating (especially in my squats). Any thoughts, ladies?
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    Saturday I did a quick 20 min hiit in the morning and did some interval on the elliptical for about an hr in the night.

    Sunday was rest as our power was out and didn't want to trip in fall in the dark lol.

    Monday was lift day :love:

    5x5 110lbs

    Took suggestions from the form check thread and really focused on dropping my booty and engaging it. I definitely felt it more yesterday. I think I will take the suggestion of another poster who mentioned deloading and focusing on form before I progress further.

    5, 5,5,5, 3 .... 75lbs

    First time I have felt shame with the bench. Luckily my husband was there, I just couldnt push the bar up on the last set. He helped lift it up for me :embarassed:
    I really think I should have taken 5 minutes between the 4th and 5th set and I would have been able to do it. Oh well, next time!

    5x5 55lbs

    I deloaded. I just can't do 75lbs. I decided to drop it by so much because I really feel that my form was just not AT ALL there at 75lbs. I was almost swinging the bar trying to get it up.

    Overall, I was very please with my lift yesterday. I am really in love with lifting I think :heart: :love:
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    ok, ladies. This is an update on my running. Today was cardio day for me and I walked and did a little jogging in my socks on the indoor track. The first go round, I was striking completely on the balls of my feet (I guess, unsure of how it was going to feel without shoes) and that caused some stress on my knees. The second go round, I concentrated on striking on the complete bottom of my feet and that was a world of difference. A little pressure in my knees, but nothing painful. I didn't jog a lot...maybe 3/4 of a mile total. I really like it without shoes. We'll see how I feel tomorrow :smile:
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Thanks ladies for al the suggestion on dealing with the soreness. I did the hot baths, he walking, and I did a bit hiit raining too . Finally yesterday I was able to go to the gym do another SL workout.

    warmup 1x5 45lb
    5x5 with 55lb

    OHP :
    warmups: 1x5 25 lb, 1x5 35 lb
    5x5 with 40 lb

    Deadlift: 1x5 90lb

    I also did 5x5 assisted pullups with 105 lb help.
    + some core work.
    The squat was hard, maybe because the soreness didn't go away completely yet. The deadlift seemed easy because it was only one set. It is is supposed to be only one set , right?

    Today I am barely sore a all. We will se tomorrow, if it is because it was a alternate workout, or because I did better warmup/cooldown and stretching, or DOM will hit me tomorrow
    This past week was my rest or transition week of he P90x3 home workout program I have been doing for the past 2 months. Now I have to decide what to do. I supposed to do 1 more month of this program. It supposed to have 3 strength training days , 2 cardio days, and 2 stretching days. The cardio and the stretch is really good, so I am definitely keeping those days. After seeing the Stronglift , I can that the strength training part is quite week. Not all of them, but 2 out of the 3 workout is weak. I am thinking to do 2 stronglift instead of those two days, and keep the 3rd strength training day, which is an intense pull-up/push-up routine.
    I am not sure what to do . Do a workout A and a workout B, or maybe do al 5 moves in each of the 2 days?
    What do you gals think about that?
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member

    Back squat
    45x5, 95x5, 125x5, 160x5, 190x5, 225x5, 255x3 190x8

    Oh, goodNESS your work weights are impressive. How long did it take you to get to this point? I'm currently squatting 150 and am working through goal setting on this right now -- my goal is to get my second 45# plate on that bar, time frame TBD. Just started in December.

    Seriously: impressive!

    Haha thanks! Blushing!

    I wasn't ignoring you. I was out of town all weekend :) sorry!

    I started on December 18th 2012. I like the one date in life I can remember lol.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Tonight was my Upper Body 3x5 Workout...

    Warm Ups: 95x5, 125x3, 155x1

    Working Sets: 182.5x4, 182.5x5 - I usually only do one working set of Deadlifts but was P.O.ed I didn't get all 5 reps on the first set. Took about a 5 minute rest (much longer than I normally do) and nailed 'em. Excited to stick the 45s & 25s on the end of the barbell next workout


    Warm Ups: 60x5, 70x2

    Working Sets: 82.5x4, 82.5x5, 82.5x4 - Hit a wall with these. Will do one more workout @ this weight then will either deload or go to 3 rep sets.

    Warm Up: 45x5

    Working Sets: 60x5, 60x4, 60x4 - Meh.... another wall hit. Same plan for these as my Bench Press


    (Wanted to do more sets for these but was pretty spent)

    DIPS 9, 9, 8 - May get out the Dip Belt & add some weight to these next workout

    CHIN UPS - 5, 5, 5

    Have a wonderful night, ladies! :smile:
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    finally got back for A this morning. It's near the end of March...in NC, and we are still getting hit with winter weather! URGH. Not sure I have time to make it back for the 3rd time this week. My computer crashed Monday and I'm swamped with job searching and my online class...I haven't been running on nonSL days either.

    Squats: 3x5 125lbs. Next time, I move up. Was feeling very blah about lifting this morning. I don't think I've been sleeping enough.
    Bench: 3x5 66lbs
    Rows 3x5 66lbs

    happy hump day!
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Redhead: I'd suggest keeping A and B separate and not trying to do all 5 moves on each of your 2 days. You'll most likely tire yourself out real quick. I think jstout keeps them separate and only does 2 days because she does boxing. And with your p90x stuff it'll be a lot. But if you do, make sure you are still eating enough to fuel all those workouts.

    And yes, only 1x5 deadlifts :)
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    Boy was it a mental fight to get to the gym last night. But I am finding that checking in here is helping.


    Bench press


    20 minute bike ride and some core.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I lasted 30 minutes last night, warm up of squats and an attempt at my first set of 80kg. First one was ok, second was so bad I thought I was going to lose it over my head.

    too busy to do OHP and deadlift and my arm is so sore I'm not sure it would have been a good idea either.

    I'm pretty sure it's tendonitis (tennis elbow) and everything I read says rest, don't do what was making it sore. Well squeezing a flannel out or buckling my belt hurts, so feeling pretty helpless.

    not even sure if the doctor could help..

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm pretty sure it's tendonitis (tennis elbow) and everything I read says rest, don't do what was making it sore. Well squeezing a flannel out or buckling my belt hurts, so feeling pretty helpless.

    not even sure if the doctor could help..

    Have you tried elastic band finger extensions? (Not sure how to call this. Basically wrap a rubber band around your fingers and separate them against the resistance). It's basically the reverse of gripping hard so that might help out a bit?

    As for me, well, Physical therapist said I could keep doing what I do, but maybe squat lighter for a bit, so I switched deadlift and squat day around to be doing my 5 sets of 10 today rather than the plus set effort.

    So deadlifts:

    First set shoulda been 130 but eh, I like 'em 45s okay? That last set was slightly broken down, but unlike last week, I did it without straps so that would be why! haha

    Squats 110x5x10
    Got all reps in. Followed PT's instructions about halfway: I brought my stance in a tiny bit closer, but did point my toes up forward to an almost parallel stance (to me anyway. But standing with both my feet forward feels like I have my toes in to me so... Maybe 15 degrees out?). I did about 5 reps in like the 3rd set with my feet out the way I'm used to and I definitely felt it on the inside of my knee where it hurts, so perhaps he was right to a certain point. I did not follow his advice of not squatting to parallel though (duh!) but I did not have as much depth with the new stance. It's a work in progress!

    Wide grip pulldown 115x5x5
    Because back work! Woop! Can go to 120 next time :)

    Cable crunches 110x3x15

    Had to rush out after this because I forgot my shirt at home (had everything else to shower though >_<) So no metabolic circuit done so far, but I might crank one out tonight.

    Overall I'm just happy I don't have to scale anything back!
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    Nice workout last night. Warmed up, rolled out, warm up sets... yadda yadda yadda...

    160 5x5
    These were HARD work, I'll stay at this weight for one more workout. Seriously, never had a lift that left me dripping sweat and not quite seeing straight. The last rep on the last couple sets I went to barely parallel because i wasn't sure I'd get out of the hole otherwise.

    Note: So far this month I've added 25# to my squat - woot!/squee!

    55 5x5
    I have an on-again off-again relationship with OHP. I was smoked from squats, warming up on these 55 felt 'about right' for last night, so I just kept it there. If I'd been feeling like a beast I *might* have been able to go to 60...

    155 5x5
    Ugly. Again, killed from squats. I've been at this weight for a couple of weeks now - the first time out these felt doable but since then they're kind of killing me. i think I'll deload to 145 next time so I can feel more in control. The plates at my gym are hex shaped and the bar starts to 'walk' away from me when I lower it to the floor / plates rotate.

    Waiting for the squat rack I played around with a couple sets of CGBP / BP. I was feeling strong so decided to go for a set of 95# BP -- and I did it! Excited to get back in the gym tomorrow to have a real go at this.
  • crossroad2012
    crossroad2012 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey ladies!!

    I am still around...just a lot of family stuff going on so I haven't been checking in.

    Awesome job on all your lifts!

    Today was Workout B

    Warm up: 2x5 45lbs. 1x5 75lbs. 1x5 95lbs.
    Work: 5x5 125lbs.

    Warm up: 2x5 45lbs.
    Work: 5x5 65lbs.

    Deadlift: 1x5 185lbs.

    I never warm up on deadlifts...should I start or am I warm enough from squatting?
  • rdkstar
    rdkstar Posts: 260 Member
    Quick question - what is your facial expression when lifting? I squeeze my face or sometimes bite my bottom lip. A trainer told me that I should have a more relax face when lifting. Am I odd or is she not use to heavy lifters?

    Anyway, great workout today. Went in feeling iffy, came out feeling great.

    Squats 5x60 got them all, but going to repeat
    Overhead 5x52.5. Got to like fractional
    Deadlift 1x90

    Chin up reduced assistance
    Hanging leg raises
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    rdkstar--I'm usually pretty relaxed unless it's a particularly difficult weight. Today, however, my OHP was a monster and I made a pretty funny face and some grunting noises to get those last reps up :laugh:

    No muscle soreness today from running in my socks yesterday :bigsmile:

    Squats: 155 lbs 3x5 My right quad was really burning after these sets. Not sure what's going on there.
    OHP: 70 lbs 3x5 Deloaded from 75 lbs
    Deadlift: 235 lbs 1x2 :grumble: I've only got one more try at this weight before I have to deload.

    I'm frustrated at having to deload on my squats because of my knee issue. I'll guess I'll work back up to 185. I was going to try to add 10 lbs instead of 5, but was afraid I couldn't manage that and thank goodness I didn't because 155 was tough after not squatting for a few sessions.
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    I've been tracking calories much more diligently lately and finally saw a loss of 4 lbs. today. Woo hoo!!! I'm just trying to lose those last few pounds so I can see more of my muscle, especially with swim suit season around the corner.

    OHP day today, Week 1 Cycle 4 of Wendler's 5/3/1

    warm up sets 1x5 at 45, 55 lbs.

    working sets:
    1x5 at 60 lbs
    1x5 at 65 lbs
    1x5 at 70 lbs
    1x4 at 75 lbs. So I missed the last rep and I was so bummed!!! Dang it, OHP is so tricky. I'm really working on my form and watched a bunch of videos before I went too.

    Lat Pull down 4x5 at 105 lbs. That felt pretty heavy so considering the next weight up is 120 lbs I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do that much. Why don't they make smaller increases??? I need to suck it up and start doing pull ups instead.

    One arm dumbbell overhead press: 30 lbs 1x10, then 2x5. Super tough after the other exercises

    Planks 2 at 60 sec. each.

    Would have liked to do dips but the machine was busy and I was burning out anyway.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Happy Hump day Ladies

    First actual workout with DH....it's interesting.

    Seems my squats did a forced deload...Monday was at 130...today at 135 just couldn't do the 175...165 hurt....wondering if it's not the HIIT pulsing lunges causing aggravation....

    So went for a walk yesterday instead of HIIT..and DH helped relieve some tension...:blushing: so they are feeling better but not gonna push it.

    Squats @ 135 5x5

    Bench (new bar weight actuals) so this is my 2nd x at this actual weight (Friday was 115 bar lied)

    Bench @ 115 1x5, 2x4, 2x3...

    Rows are a deload down to 105 today...failed at 118.5 3x...

    Rows @ 105 5x5...no issues..amazing with -13lbs can do...:grumble:

    @rdkstar I have no idea I don't have any mirrors in my home gym...hehe I imagine it's not very pretty most of the time.

    Good workout with DH wasn't sure how it was gonna go as he is doing a reverse pyramid with the exercises I am doing...but was good...nice having help loading and unloading..and I got to spot him at 120...:drinker:

    ETA: I have to admit I flashed him while he was benching and I was spotting...hehe...:devil:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Lat Pull down 4x5 at 105 lbs. That felt pretty heavy so considering the next weight up is 120 lbs I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do that much. Why don't they make smaller increases??? I need to suck it up and start doing pull ups instead.

    Have you looked around your gym? Mine has a slew of 5lbs machine weights you can stack on the pulldown machine to up the weight in smaller increments.
    Quick question - what is your facial expression when lifting? I squeeze my face or sometimes bite my bottom lip. A trainer told me that I should have a more relax face when lifting. Am I odd or is she not use to heavy lifters?

    I try to keep my face neutral as much as I can because I have a bum jaw that hurts if I grind my teeth at all, but I have to say when the weight gets heavy I really don't pay so much attention. There's a slight possibility I look like the hulk when I go beastmode, but it kinda comes with the territory xD I am actually considering a mouth guard for when I do OHP and pushpresses and cleans because I've chipped teeth and I'm worried I'll break something eventually lol. But that's from hitting myself in the face with the barbell. Different story xD
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member

    . But that's from hitting myself in the face with the barbell. Different story xD

    :laugh: Just did that for the first time today!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member

    . But that's from hitting myself in the face with the barbell. Different story xD

    :laugh: Just did that for the first time today!

    Excuse me ma'am, but would you mind putting on some skin?