Mad March workout check in thread



  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member

    . But that's from hitting myself in the face with the barbell. Different story xD

    :laugh: Just did that for the first time today!

    Excuse me ma'am, but would you mind putting on some skin?

    LOL I did this for that crazy thread about people posting their abs and muscle pics.
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    krokador- I've never seen any extra plates like that but I will look around. Thanks!
  • rdkstar
    rdkstar Posts: 260 Member
    rdkstar--I'm usually pretty relaxed unless it's a particularly difficult weight. Today, however, my OHP was a monster and I made a pretty funny face and some grunting noises to get those last reps up :laugh:

    Ohp, is when I was making the faces on the push up. Not sure if I do it just for Ohp or for all.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    rdkstar--I'm usually pretty relaxed unless it's a particularly difficult weight. Today, however, my OHP was a monster and I made a pretty funny face and some grunting noises to get those last reps up :laugh:

    Ohp, is when I was making the faces on the push up. Not sure if I do it just for Ohp or for all.

    Yeah, I think it's just that lift...maybe the deadlift, too, sometimes. Whatever works to help get that weight up!
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member

    One question going back to jstout's video on the first page. So its okay to go that low? What if it makes me lean my chest too far forward? Should i not squat as low?

    It is okay to go that low if you can manage it. I've been working on my squat depth for almost a year now and it has taken a lot of flexibility work, deloads, and core work. I still struggle with my chest leaning forward a bit when the weight is heavy (you can see it in my most recent video at 140 lbs). I am now holding at 135 to let my posterior chain and glutes catch up since those are parts that help keep you upright when you are in the hole.

    Squatting to parallel is perfectly fine. You want the body to move as a unit and tipping forward can cause the weight to shift to your toes (as mine sometimes does). Take your time with it and work on getting good form at parallel. Not everyone can get ATG depth in a squat.

    Just for a comparison, here is a form video of mine from late March of LAST year. I don't know if I could say I was hitting parallel at this point.

    Okay thanks!
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Nice workout last night. Warmed up, rolled out, warm up sets... yadda yadda yadda...

    160 5x5
    These were HARD work, I'll stay at this weight for one more workout. Seriously, never had a lift that left me dripping sweat and not quite seeing straight. The last rep on the last couple sets I went to barely parallel because i wasn't sure I'd get out of the hole otherwise.

    Note: So far this month I've added 25# to my squat - woot!/squee!

    55 5x5
    I have an on-again off-again relationship with OHP. I was smoked from squats, warming up on these 55 felt 'about right' for last night, so I just kept it there. If I'd been feeling like a beast I *might* have been able to go to 60...

    155 5x5
    Ugly. Again, killed from squats. I've been at this weight for a couple of weeks now - the first time out these felt doable but since then they're kind of killing me. i think I'll deload to 145 next time so I can feel more in control. The plates at my gym are hex shaped and the bar starts to 'walk' away from me when I lower it to the floor / plates rotate.

    Waiting for the squat rack I played around with a couple sets of CGBP / BP. I was feeling strong so decided to go for a set of 95# BP -- and I did it! Excited to get back in the gym tomorrow to have a real go at this.

  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Hey ladies!!

    I am still around...just a lot of family stuff going on so I haven't been checking in.

    Awesome job on all your lifts!

    Today was Workout B

    Warm up: 2x5 45lbs. 1x5 75lbs. 1x5 95lbs.
    Work: 5x5 125lbs.

    Warm up: 2x5 45lbs.
    Work: 5x5 65lbs.

    Deadlift: 1x5 185lbs.

    I never warm up on deadlifts...should I start or am I warm enough from squatting?

    You are warm.

    Today I lifted:
    Squats: 5x5: 70 lbs
    Bench: 5x5: 65 lbs
    Rows: 5x5: 75 (i think this is too much- this was hard and I'm not sure my form was correct. Hard for me to tell honestly.
  • griffithm1
    griffithm1 Posts: 130 Member
    Decent workout. Hubby's back is still hurting so did it alone in power rack.

    Squat 5x5 165
    Bench 5x5 105
    Rows 95/ 115/ 3x 135
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I always make ridiculous faces (see avatar).

    So just call me Krok 2.0. I'm so clumsy (and Krok is clumsy by her own admission- I'm not dogging her.) I hurt my ribs or lats last week, and missed monday while travelling. So I start out with front squats and wait till the last set to put my belt on. I normally put it on at like oh idk 75%+ of max weight. Yeah ribs were fine during the set- loosened belt and they were a little tender. So I skipped my 2nd max set, and also went without belt for the rest of the night. For some reason I was feeling adventurous and the gym was super warm so I didn't wear my knee sleeves, and I hit my bad knee while returning the bar to the floor after a deadlift. It didn't even hurt until I got home. It's like I secretly hate myself :huh:

    Here are my sad no belt weights :wink:

    Front squat:
    45x8, 95 2x5, 110x5, 135x5, 155x5

    45x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 265x5, 305x2

    45x5, 60x5, 75x5, 85x5, 97.5x4

    Curl+back extension supersetsX3

    C25k went way back and repeated a workout to test shoes. We'll know how it worked tomorrow :laugh:
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    @Fittreelol's I certainly wouldn't call those sad weights! looks impressive to me!

    Clumsy must be going around. I dropped the bar on my toe today as I was taking off the weights from my dead lifts. right in front of a resting and onlooking piece of eye-candy. damit! good thing I'm married I'm sure as hell not smooth LMAO

    I don't really recall my warm up sets, I was a little distracted. NO not by the eye-candy he came in just as I was leaving LOL. anyway work sets;

    Squat 105lbs 5x5
    OHP 60lbs 6x6
    Deadlift 140lbs 5 ( oh boy did these get my heart pumping )

    Chin ups 3x5, Pullups 3x5 and 15min of core work.

    I'm thinking my legs may need more rest. I've been doing M-weights/bootcamp, T-insanity, W-weights, TH-insanity F-weights then S-yoga. Last night I woke up at 3am in all kids of pain, my legs haven't hurt like that in god knows how long! they were a little better by the morning but all the same I think I need to adjust somewhere. tomorrow I think I'm just doing cardio kickboxing no insanity see how my legs feel.

    spelling err edit...
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Ha, I went all sorts of Krash this morning. It was one of those days where I should've slept it off. I'm at work now and just wish I could go back to bed. There will ebc affeine in my near future...


    App wanted 8. I just didn't have it in me. The weights were just... heavy. Like, heavier than usual. But I'm chasing sleep so it makes sense.

    Bench Press
    Now that was kind of easy. maybe cuz compared to the OHP my BP is pretty strong and I have more wiggle room when it comes to the first week's first sets. Iunno

    Bent over cable crossovers superset with cable reverse flyes

    Then finishing off with 3 rounds of assisted chin-ups, dips and 50lbs goblet squats. 6-8 reps everywhere. Or as it turned out, 5/5/7 (assist up 10lbs every set) on upper body and 8/8/10 on the squats. Because who needs standard rep ranges, right?

    So yeah, I'm toasted. Butter me up and put me to bed, someone?
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    BOOM. Finally hit body weight in deadlifts!

    OHP: (did these first and felt energized)

    Squat: (okay, I went a little Jen Sinkler here and timed myself for the first two; had a lot of fun with the time game)
    105x12 in 45 seconds
    105x7 in 30 seconds

    145x5 (bar drifted away from me only on my right side on last one)
    155x2 (YES, BODY WEIGHT; bad 145lb set scared me into stopping, even though I wanted to finish this set. Ah, well.)
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Wow, you girls rock!

    One question, how much do you up each time on OHP? Today was only my second time doing them but I really had problems adding the recoommendet 2,5 kg, I only managed to do 2 sets of those :-( The lightest plates in my gym are 1,25kg, should I try to buy myself smaller ones? How do you handle this or are you all just way stronger than me?

    My day:

    Squats: 40kg 5 x 5 (88lbs) - managed to go up from 30kg from last time, but it was not heavy enough to go to 32,5 kg, so I adjusted a bit
    OHP: 20 kg (44lbs) 3 x 5 and 22,5 (49lbs) 2 x 5
    Deadlifts: 50kg 2 x 5 (110lbs) - I totally forgot, I am only supposed to do one set :noway:
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    Tuesday I did kickboxing, which is one of my favs!

    Yesterday I did workout B

    On the suggestions of a MFP member, I decided to deload from 110 to 85lbs to work on my form. I also decided to switch from a high bar squat to a low bar squat. I LOVE IT!!! I'm not sure if it was the amount of weight or just the form, but I felt like I really really was able to get great depth.

    5x5 85lbs

    5x5 50lbs

    5x5 115lbs
    I think I am going to go up by 5lbs instead of by 10lb on my next lift.

    I still haven't dropped anymore weight :sad: ..... but my measurements are down which is great!
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    One question, how much do you up each time on OHP? Today was only my second time doing them but I really had problems adding the recoommendet 2,5 kg, I only managed to do 2 sets of those :-( The lightest plates in my gym are 1,25kg, should I try to buy myself smaller ones? How do you handle this or are you all just way stronger than me?
    I started with 10lb dumbbells for my OHP (and those were hard...), so I've been just eeking out the reps with an empty bar for a loooong time. I only went up by 5lbs because I was feeling strong or lucky or both. I don't own fractionals, but yes, they're worth it if you can afford them.

    I don't think it matters how often you increase reps/load so long as you feel challenged without feeling defeated. I know a couple people who only go up by 5lbs once every other week, and other who increase by fractionals every workout A.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    One question, how much do you up each time on OHP? Today was only my second time doing them but I really had problems adding the recoommendet 2,5 kg, I only managed to do 2 sets of those :-( The lightest plates in my gym are 1,25kg, should I try to buy myself smaller ones? How do you handle this or are you all just way stronger than me?
    I started with 10lb dumbbells for my OHP (and those were hard...), so I've been just eeking out the reps with an empty bar for a loooong time. I only went up by 5lbs because I was feeling strong or lucky or both. I don't own fractionals, but yes, they're worth it if you can afford them.

    I don't think it matters how often you increase reps/load so long as you feel challenged without feeling defeated. I know a couple people who only go up by 5lbs once every other week, and other who increase by fractionals every workout A.

    Ah, thanks a lot for the input :-) Then I will just try to slow down the whole process a bit and don't get obsessed with increasing :laugh:
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Redhead: I'd suggest keeping A and B separate and not trying to do all 5 moves on each of your 2 days. You'll most likely tire yourself out real quick. I think jstout keeps them separate and only does 2 days because she does boxing. And with your p90x stuff it'll be a lot. But if you do, make sure you are still eating enough to fuel all those workouts.

    And yes, only 1x5 deadlifts :)
    thanks for the reply! at the end I tried to do 5 workout yesterday. I managed to do it, but you are right. It is waay too hard and will not work like this on the long run. Since I enjoy stronglift more than he P90x3 strength training, so I decided I 'll ditch all the P90x3 strength training days. I'll do 3 stronglift / week with adding some assisted pullups and core. I 'll keep the 2 cardio +2 stretch days from my P90x3 for he alternaing days..

    This is what I did yeserday:
    Squat :
    warmup 45lb ,1x5
    working : 65 lb, 5x5 ( supposed to do 60 lb, but both set of 2.5 lb plate were in use , so I did't have a choce)

    warmup: 45lb,1x5
    wroking 55lb , 5x5

    Barbel row:
    warmup 45lb, 1x5

    warmups 25lb, 1x5, 35lb 1x5,
    working set: 45 lb , 5x5

    100 lb, 1x5

    assisted pullup: 5x5 with a 105lb help
    knee pull up: 12,10,10,8
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I think doing deadlift warmup sets are important!

    I was adding 5 for OHP each workout, then dropped to 2, now I'm up to 2.5, but only because I'm sick of carrying around all my fractionals. :laugh:
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Wow, you girls rock!

    One question, how much do you up each time on OHP? Today was only my second time doing them but I really had problems adding the recoommendet 2,5 kg, I only managed to do 2 sets of those :-( The lightest plates in my gym are 1,25kg, should I try to buy myself smaller ones? How do you handle this or are you all just way stronger than me?
    I am also just started last week. So far I was able to go up 5 lb each time on OHP, but I didn't start with 45 lb. I started with 35 lb, 40lb second time and yesterday was 45lb. My gym have these medium long barbells with fixed weights for these kind of movements. They start with 20 lb, and go up with 5lb increment , so I personally can not even go with any smaller increment.
    Theoretical as I reached the 45 lb, I can use he Olympic bar from now on, but nobody use those for these type of moves. There is only 2 olympic bar which do not belong to a squat rack or bench, and they are being used all the time.
    I think after 1-2 more increase I won't able to increase the OHP at every workout. If I increase it every second time, that is still pretty good. Most people OHP weight much smaller than the bench press anyway.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member

    Wow, you girls rock!

    One question, how much do you up each time on OHP? Today was only my second time doing them but I really had problems adding the recoommendet 2,5 kg, I only managed to do 2 sets of those :-( The lightest plates in my gym are 1,25kg, should I try to buy myself smaller ones? How do you handle this or are you all just way stronger than me?

    I am also just started last week. So far I was able to go up 5 lb each time on OHP, but I didn't start with 45 lb. I started with 35 lb, 40lb second time and yesterday was 45lb. My gym have these medium long barbells with fixed weights for these kind of movements. They start with 20 lb, and go up with 5lb increment , so I personally can not even go with any smaller increment.
    Theoretical as I reached the 45 lb, I can use he Olympic bar from now on, but nobody use those for these type of moves. There is only 2 olympic bar which do not belong to a squat rack or bench, and they are being used all the time.
    I think after 1-2 more increase I won't able to increase the OHP at every workout. If I increase it every second time, that is still pretty good. Most people OHP weight much smaller than the bench press anyway.

    I've been stuck around the same weight forever on OHP. Which is mostly why I purchased fractionals, in fact. And I do it in front of the squat rack with the olympic bar, sew me! lol - But that's cuz I power clean the weight up and the fixed bars are really bad for this. (Beats the guy using bumper plates for biceps curls! I was like "REALLY?!" this morning when I saw this)

    The program that I'm planning to switch to in april has NO BENCH PRESS whatsoever, though. Lots of overhead work (it's kinda crossfit based). I am looking forward to making all kinds of overhead gains while I run it! And I'm pretty sure it'll translate to my BP.