APRIL 2014 - Move Your @SS Challenge



  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Joining late this month, but I'm in. I had eye surgery yesterday and wanted to see how that went before making any commitments. I'm going to stick with running miles only this month. I'm going for 45 miles again this month. I surpassed that last month, but won't likely be able to start running until the 2nd week of April.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,339 Member
    I had an interesting day today. Got outdoors for a beautiful, cool, sunrise walk this morning. Then my 17-yr old son called and begged me to go skiing with him at the place where he teaches ski lessons because he found out they were going to be open today & tomorrow with a limited number of open runs. We didn't get there til about noon and the 42F sun was doing a number on the snow. It would be way slick most of the time (great!) and then all of a sudden without warning, BAM! It would get sticky and was like running your skis up on carpet. lol I faceplanted hard on the second run. The only reason we did a third run was because we had* to to get back to the chalet to go home. :laugh: We stopped and had a nice lunch on the way home and then he helped me get my Harley out of the snowbound garage and we went for a super fun ride! :bigsmile:

    Pretty wild day! Only added 3.5 miles, but that's okay. Got a 9:00am spin class tomorrow and strength circuit training class immediately following. :noway:


    PS - Not me or my bike in the profile pic, btw. ;)

  • scarfe9991
    scarfe9991 Posts: 778 Member
    4.4 mile walk this afternoon :)

  • wanderan
    wanderan Posts: 1,369 Member
    Walking up and down hills today in the rain for a total of 6.04 miles has my hip complaining. Some days I don't like when my body reminds me I'm well past my young years. Heat and massage, I'll be back at it again tomorrow.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,420 Member
    It was a great day today! Tomorrow is supposed to get to the low 80s...we'll see.

    5.20 Friday's miles
    9.67 Saturday's miles


    Hope everyone has a grand Sunday!

  • christenafreda
    christenafreda Posts: 212 Member
    Great day for some half marathon training!

  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    4/1: bicycling 16.1km
    4/3: bicycling 9km
    4/5: bicycling 11.1km
    4/6: bicycling 13km

    Total: 49.2km
    Left: 80.8km

  • megan_elizabeth8
    megan_elizabeth8 Posts: 216 Member
    Another 3.5 miles done - 10 miles total done so far

  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,945 Member

    See (but not edit) the
    spreadsheet here:

  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    @Dave: It gives me goose bumps to watch 50,000 fans singing this in unison even though I'm not a Liverpool fan. Still, it's a great song :smile:

  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 2,945 Member
    @Dave: It gives me goose bumps to watch 50,000 fans singing this in unison even though I'm not a Liverpool fan. Still, it's a great song :smile:


    Just teasing you. It is a great song and a great video. And don't call me Dave!
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    @Dave: It gives me goose bumps to watch 50,000 fans singing this in unison even though I'm not a Liverpool fan. Still, it's a great song :smile:


    Just teasing you. It is a great song and a great video. And don't call me Dave!

    LOL sorry Denise
  • 319Sara
    319Sara Posts: 302 Member
    No miles today, as it is my rest day.
    HOWEVER, I did arrive in One-der-land with today's official weigh-in for this week = 198.5.
    I don't even have a clue when I left One-derland, and how long I have been away. Certainly is good to return!

    [And I weigh less than my husband for the first time in years.]

    My other good news is since I went Vegan [and no processed grains] on Feb. 10, my blood sugar readings have been diving low enough that my doctor has now lowered my diabetic medication three times. I am only taking 1/8 what I was taking for the previous two years. Wow, who knew vegan eating could do that? It also means I have NO problem staying at 1200 calories per day. and I'm never hungry. On heavy exercise days I can even have a glass of wine with dinner or a half Hershey bar for dessert.

    Thanks to MFP for keeping me honest about calories. and thanks to Move Your @ss for the mileage challenge and accountability. You have made me realize I can keep moving the target upwards and still reach it month by month. Started with 40 miles in December and have doubled it to 80 for my fifth month.

    Thanks a BUNCH !!!
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    As of Saturday

  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hi - best put me down for 750 miles as currently off bike with pulled back muscle. This decorating lark can be quite dangerous!

    01-04: injured
    02-04: injured
    03-04: injured
    04-04: 43.05 miles
    05-04: 44.10 miles
    05-04: 16.57 miles
    06-04: 50.10 miles
    April miles: 153.82

    YTD miles: 3638
  • kathuggs
    kathuggs Posts: 76 Member
    4/6: 1.91 Miles

    April total: 6.07 Miles

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,339 Member
    @Dave: It gives me goose bumps to watch 50,000 fans singing this in unison even though I'm not a Liverpool fan. Still, it's a great song :smile:


    Just teasing you. It is a great song and a great video. And don't call me Dave!
    LOL! I was confused and like "Huh??"!! :laugh: I won't call you Shirley either, Janet. :bigsmile:

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,339 Member
    Just teasing you. It is a great song and a great video. And don't call me Dave!

    LOL sorry Denise
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,339 Member
    Voluntarily got an @ss-kicker of a workout this morning. I did both the full 60-minute spin class followed by a strength circuit training class again. Not sure what I was thinking when I signed up for it, but glad I did it.

    Got 14.7 miles in during spin class for a MTD of 62.7 miles. On pace to breeze past my goal but not going to change it quite yet. I need to see if I can maintain it.

    Hope you're all having a great Sunday! It's sunny and a warm 51F here in St. Paul and I'm headed out in my shorts & t-shirt to go clean & shine my motorcycle a little then go for a ride (after I change into some safer riding gear, of course).

    Keep it moving, folks!


  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Got in 8.06 miles of a walk today.. this should have been a run, but my thighs were really sore from yesterdays uphill walk that running was out of the question.

    Total for the month so far 17.06

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