Welcome and Introduction



  • wennim
    wennim Posts: 276 Member
    Hi leatrisgwi and welcome to the board! I couldn't even stomach 50 lbs so I started out with 10 and once I knew I could do that it didn't seem so bad. That being said I still have a long ways to go and even 10 lbs seems like a huge amount some days.

    To answer about the daily thread just go to the community tab on the main page, scroll down and you should see a group forums heading with this board listed beneath it. The daily thread is usually (not always but usually depending on how busy the mods are) pinned as one of the top posts and you can read and respond there. The thread has some days with a lot of participation and other days are pretty light because everyone is busy. I just recently started participating in the groups and it is definitely a good way to share with others in the same situation.
  • Lauriesbigchange
    Lauriesbigchange Posts: 5 Member
    I've a similar story to many I've seen here. I'm 43 years old, 5'3 and 317 lbs when I started 48 days ago. I've used MFP religiously during the 48 days and have tried to exercise daily. I'm down 36 lbs as of this morning. I'm sticking to 1500 cal/day and trying not to eat my exercise calories. I try to reach 500 calories burned each day which is about 3 miles on my treadmill at a 1-2 grade incline. Sometimes I shoot for 75 minutes and a few other days I've gone 90-111 minutes.

    I'm ready for a life change. I've lost 125 lbs before and gained it back again.

    I wish you all, and myself, the best as we travel through this journey.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Welcome, Laurie. We're most active in the daily posts (usually a post titled with each date). Feel free to jump right in. We're a very welcoming group and most of us are pretty nifty. We have some making huge strides in health, some facing huge life choices, and some who struggle every single moment of every single day...so you are bound to find someone you can connect with.

    Huge congratulations on being down 36 pounds - that is great! Finding a way to live while losing is the best way to go, in my opinion. Wishing you the best of luck....

    Carly in OK
  • shballa
    shballa Posts: 133 Member
    Hi. I'm new to this group. I've been with MFP for a while, but really just started poking around at all the features other than logging. I like the positive support that I see from the members. Everyone seems so welcoming.

    I started at 382 about a year and a half ago. Down to 301 now. Waiting for the 2's, which seems to be so close, but yet so far.

    I'm looking forward to sharing this journey with the members here.

    - Sharon
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Welcome Sharon,

    Glad you found us here and great to hear about how far you have come. I can completely relate to waiting for the 2's. I am so close and really want that mile stone but still have a some work to do before I can get their.
  • let1179
    let1179 Posts: 58 Member
    I've been struggling the past few weeks. I posed the question does one have to deal with/overcome the mental aspect of losing weight in order to be successful, consensus says yes. I have no idea how to do that. It's clear I need to get in to see a therapist. I just get so scared that I will never overcome the weight issue, what's the point of anything I am doing if only to fail, again. I can't think about food or myself without crying. I have every tool I could possibly need to be successful, but then there's me...my thoughts, feelings, all that crap that I tried and tried again to deal with but clearly have not. I often think, why can't you just say F it, who cares why you're fat, just do something about it now...why isn't it that simple? Am I just not getting something? Am I just lazy? I think what scares me the most is that somewhere within I have the power to turn this all around but can't seem to find the light to follow.

    Thanks for listening.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Hi Let,

    Welcome to the group. Sorry for missing your post, the changes they made to the group layout make it hard to see when this post is updated.

    You bring up a lot of issues we have all had to deal with. No one gets to the weight we do with-ought some issues with food and ourselves. If you read through the threads you will find that plenty of members are dealing with issues that go beyond just food choices. So the consensus is probably right. You can loose weight without addressing those other issues but it will probably be impossible to keep it off (which is the real goal). I have said many times that I am not dieting I am working lifestyle change, and that means dealing with a lot of the issue that come along with the food.

    I don't have a therapist (I have seen one before) and others in out group do. All I can say is it has helped them a lot. It's a scary thing, especially when failure is what you have experienced in the past. We are all definitely our own biggest road blocks.

    You certainly aren't lazy. It's hard work loosing this weight and if you have tired in the past then you know how hard that work is. So your definitely not lazy. But your fears do seem to be getting in the way. I certainly have no magic words other then to encourage you to take it one day, one meal at a time. You can't combat ever issue you have to deal with at once, that wont work, and you certainly can't wait till you have dealt with them to start loosing weight. You have answered your own question. You have issues that you feel you need professional help with and thats the best place to start. You certainly do have the ability to change your life. It might take time and it might not be easy, but what do you want. To spend the next two years slowly working at the weight loss and all the reasons that make it difficult or the next two years scared of getting started?

    I got started 225 days ago when 100lbs loss seemed an impossibility. Now i'm six pounds away. I still have a ways to go after that but I am so far closer and so much better off then I was 255 days ago. The real challenge will be once I have reached my goal weight but I will never know what that is till I get their and I have certainly built many good tool and new habits to help me along the way.
  • Stacylynn1977
    Stacylynn1977 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi I just came across this group, I have been morbidly obese my entire life, I have lost weights many many times, The most I have ever lost is 100 lbs then I just start gaining again .

    I got married 2 1/2 years ago and got really comfortable and now I am the biggest I have been, I don't even know how much I weight because my scales won't go that far, I have ordered new scales and waiting for them to get here , I have been eating healthier for the last month , and determined to be. Better me and stay that way ,

    Please feel free to add me so we can encourage each other , I prefer open diaries for added motivation
  • WyattsMomKimberly
    WyattsMomKimberly Posts: 59 Member
    I am not sure if this group is still active but I just came across it and can use all the Motivation I can get.

    I am a SAHM to a wonderful little boy. I have been over weight and obese since the 6th grade. I have been on virtually every diet out there and have never lost the weight. My Thyroid, A1C, Fasting Glucose, Cholesterol, and other blood tests always come back normal and my blood pressure is always text book normal so it is very hard to get weight loss help because I am always labeled as the fat lazy person who should become an athlete. I have been trying to lost weight all my life and I am at my personal rock bottom. I need to get healthy for myself first but also for my son. I want to be healthy for him. It may sound silly but I also don't want him to be ashamed of me when it comes to school. I know that is silly but I don't want to be the reason he may be bullied. I just need this to work. I am 28 pounds and 338 pounds. I would like to be around 180 which I know is still over weight but its where I want to be. My short term goal is to be down 75 pounds by my sons birthday at the end of October. That would be a rate of about 2 pounds a week. I welcome friend requests and I could really use help!

    I keep my diary closed for personal reasons. I can't afford all organic "perfect" food choices and I don't want judged because of it.

    Thanks So Much!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @wyatts_momma_1027 Many of us are still active here, though this group isn't per se. I'm involved in other groups related to ongoing issues (PCOS among other things) and a "safe share" group, which sounds like it might be something for you. Most of us are in the morbidly obese category as well, but that group is locked and invite only for safety reasons. If you're interested, just let me know and I will send you an invite.

    And the first thing I think when I see your post is - NEVER APOLOGIZE for your reasons. It is not SILLY. If it is important to you, it matters. That will be important more than you know, because the mental side of this is so much harder than the physical side.

    The second thing I thought was, "Wow, adjust a few small details, and your store was ME."

    If you are only looking at your TSH for thyroid function, that can take 10-15 years for true deficiencies to show up in that value. There are a handful of other tests your doctors can and should run if you've any chance of this issue.

    If you are only considering A1C and Fasting Glucose - but not Fasting Insulin, you could still be insulin resistant, which nearly 95% + of all obese and up folks are, especially if you've ever tried to lose weight and struggled. This can be important in crafting your weight loss plan.

    Cholesterol is really not a huge issue unless your triglycerides are over 150 or high when everything else is crazy low.

    There are adrenal tests that should be run after having a baby that can have a major impact on your ability to lose weight.

    Other than that, I will say that just doing CICO worked for me for my first 50 pounds, but that wasn't the safest way to lose weight, nor did it stay off long term. I started at 319 (heaviest in doc's records), 5'4", in 2009, I think. In 2015, I got down to 239, but with the dietary plan I was on, I unintentionally restricted important nutrients I needed to support thyroid function, and have spent the last 18+ months recovering from knocking my thyroid function out of whack. I'm hoping come April that I'll have positive results, as I'm back up to 280, but I can't strain my body functions to focus on weight loss yet.

    No matter when - even at my heaviest, I was never able to lose 2 pounds a week, so please be aware that while it is possible, it will be difficult, it will required dedication, and please set up other markers of success so that you won't be disappointed if it doesn't work out. Also, remember that weight loss is NOT linear. While you probably don't want pictures right now, I strongly advise taking pictures and measurements now, because when you have lost weight - and you will, because you are determined - I can tell! -- you will desperately want those pictures. So take them...and agree that if you still hate them when you get to goal, you can burn them or whatever.

    Above all, be sure to focus on gaining health rather than losing weight. It is the only thing that helps me retain any of my sanity! You have youth on your side (I'm 40 now), and I wish you all the luck in the world! Kiddos are a heck of a motivation!
  • allofme32
    allofme32 Posts: 92 Member
    Ok so I am reaching age 45 and I am still over 300 lbs. I have not been under 300 in over 16 years. I am determined to get to 299 before summer ends just to prove I can do it.
    I am now 318.

    I keep making excuses all the way from having a demanding job, having 4 kids, a disabled husband and too much responsibility!! I can make excuses anymore. If I don't take control of my weight now, I may not be here to enjoy retirement, my future grandchildren and life in general.

    Looking for friends who can share thoughts and we can motivate each other go get off the damn couch and move our butts!!!

    Add me to your friends list. If you happen to be in Brooklyn, NY - we can possibly exchange numbers and meet up at the gym.

    My name is Marisol - nice to meet you all.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Welcome, Marisol! This group isn't as active anymore, but there are a few of us still hanging around. I started at 319 back in 2009 per my medical record, though I'm sure it was a bit higher before I started losing. Got down to 239 in 2015, but then my thyroid went even more haywire than before, and I'm sadly back up to 280 now, but I'm fighting back again...

    I'm a stress eater, compulsive eater, binge eater, boredom eater, etc. I also have a number of health conditions that fight against me.

    I'm in OK, so not gym sessions for us, but greetings, welcome, and good luck!
  • t4mommy
    t4mommy Posts: 10 Member
    Hello. I am Kim, single mom (widow) to four amazing teenagers, and I am morbidly obese. I have been big most of my life and although I've yo-yo'ed for decades, I 100% plan to lose the weight and get healthy FOR REAL this time. I've lost 74lbs since Jan (2017) and I still have another 126 to go. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes this past June. That kinda changed things up a bit for me, as I knew nothing about counting carbs. My numbers are vastly improved now, but it's still quite scary.
    Sadly, I struggle with anxiety and depression - and those meds make it difficult to lose weight (in fact, many of them make you gain weight!).
    Anyway, I'm loving MFP. I log my food and exercise every day, and I'm looking forward to making new, like-minded friends.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Welcome, Kim!

    You might also check out another group some of us are in...


    It covers any kind of carb restriction, all the way up to no carbs, and everything between... There are many diabetics in that group.

    I'm still in that "100 or so" to lose category too...

    Sending you the best thoughts.
  • Harmony_Love_
    Harmony_Love_ Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone! Thought I had better introduce myself :) I am Harmony :)After a successful journey in 2015 I managed to lose 180 lbs, life was going great and I was 100 percent focused on my weight loss journey. At the end of 2015 after 10 years of infertility (half the reason I was so dedicated to weightloss in the first place) I discovered I was pregnant, my anxiety went crazy. The doctor told me my diet was to restrictive during pregnancy so asked me to change it and convinced me that calorie counting was not needed.

    Well, I blew up again and gained 70 lbs that pregnancy :s Luckily baby arrived safely and my recovery wasnt too bad.After baby had turned 6 months and I decided I needed to kick my *kitten* into gear, so I went to my second gym session and something felt a bit off. Oh god I was pregnant again lol. I'm due in the end of November and I've already hit the 20 lb gain mark..

    I'm currently weighing at 341 lbs and am totally petrified for my own health and the baby's. I'm hoping being here will help me to keep an eye on what I'm consuming. Its hard to find time between looking after my soon to be 1 year old, my terminally ill stepfather and my baby on the way. But everyone needs me right now, so my health is vital. My anxiety is crazy again but hoping to work on it! Nice to meet everyone!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @Harmony_Love_ First of all, congratulations on the weight loss, beating infertility, having a soon to be 1 year old, helping with a terminally ill family member, and to be expecting again! Second, welcome!

    I lost about 35 pounds in my first 3-5 months with my daughter, then gained it all back plus almost double that before I had her. And having her also flared up a number of underlying (previously undiagnosed) issues for me... I am hoping they monitor you closely for that...

    That being said...

    What kind of dietary plan did you follow to lose the weight initially. Some doctors tend to freak out for less than sensible reasons, more for the fear you'll push the envelope further, etc. There might be an eating plan you hadn't considered before that will nourish your growing baby, you, and allow you to halt any weight gain that isn't healthy... November, thankfully, isn't too far away.

    I myself had primary infertility, then early miscarriage, then high risk pregnancy (that turned out to really not be high risk), then secondary infertility. Over a decade later, I discovered PCOS, insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, Vitamin D (B12, Iron, etc.) deficiencies that turned my world upside down...

    Sending you all the best thoughts, good luck, and all that! <3
  • teer2008
    teer2008 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all, not sure if this group is still active or not, but I'm here to give it a shot. I am over 300 pounds and recently diagnosed diabetic, bad thyroid, and high blood pressure. Something has to give and I don't want it being my health. I have kids to take care of and a life to live. Hope someone out there can relate.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    (hugs) Some of us are here, now and again. Welcome and good luck, @teer2008
  • teer2008
    teer2008 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the welcome :) (sorry took so long to reply - have been busy getting a garden set up, birthdays, and kiddos underfoot.)
  • tiffanydawn8907
    I'm 29. 5'2" 270lbs. I'm a chronic asthmatic and I have a really bad knee from playing off letics when I was younger and a car wreck about 4 years ago. a couple years ago before I got with my husband I got down to 219 but I've since gained it back. I struggle with depression and anxiety and I have borderline personality disorder which makes it really hard make plans or stay on track sometimes because I have a really warped sense of self sometimes. I have a loving and supportive husband but he's pretty active and in pretty good shape. He only really needs to lose like 10 lbs, so even though he's really supportive he doesn't really understand where I'm at or where I'm coming from. It's important to have a place to go where people are going through the same thing so here I am. I'm ready to commit to this time and get this weight off so that I can have a more active lifestyle and do fun stuff with my husband.dthezmsc6jcf.jpg