Introduce Yourself



  • DrewHardy
    DrewHardy Posts: 6 Member
    I’m new to running. I want to build up to running 5Ks to help support great causes and to help keep me motivated with working out.
  • yomy110
    yomy110 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi my name is Yolanda. Running is new to me but I'm ready to get started. I have the goal of running a marathon before my 45th birthday (3 years away)
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    I'm Kevin. I'm an adult-onset runner, having set out in August 2011 to see if I could turn myself into a runner at the tender age of 55. My initial goal was to be able to run the entire course of the 3.5 mile JP Morgan Corporate Challenge in May 2012. Along the way I fell in love with running.

    Got injured pointing at my first half marathon, two years in a row. Group training the third year got me to the start line, and 2 weeks after the race I was diagnosed with a stress fracture. In 20-20 hindsight, I believe I was training on a hurt foot all through that cycle. I was just too dumb to understand what my body was telling me.

    2015 has been a breakout year for me. I started with what I considered an aggressive goal, a series of 4 half marathons in January, April, July, and September. My informal plan was to build long run distance as it was comfortable, with the idea of running my first marathon in September 2016. But after a 20 mile run in March, my pace group kind of pushed me into registering for the Buffalo Marathon the Sunday before Memorial Day. That turned out to produce a BQ finish, which set a major 2016 goal for me. At this point in the year, running 4 half marathons no longer seems aggressive; I ran 5 halfs and one full marathon in 2015. I have 3 half marathons and 2 full marathons on my race calendar for 2016, and it is likely I will add at least one more half.

    For 2015, and again for 2016, my top priority running goal is to remain uninjured so I can continue to run regularly. Yes, I want to do well at Boston. Yes, I want to qualify for Boston 2017 when I run Boston 2016. But remaining uninjured is higher priority. This colors my training decisions. If I blow the top priority goal, the other running goals will tend to fall apart as well.

    Right now I'm taking the December running challenge thread for a test drive, to see if it turns out to be useful for me. I have set no goal mileage for December, because I think in terms of weekly mileage and not monthly mileage. I am a bit afraid of setting a monthly goal, because having a number sit out there as a goal might convince me to run when I ought to rest, in order to hit the number. That would undermine priority #1, so I won't set that type of incentive for myself. At least, I won't set that kind of priority until the number looks more like something I've done several times and less like seeing how big a solid base I can build before starting the formal Boston training schedule. I keep reminding myself that a solid 45 miles per week base would be better than a shaky 50 miles per week base.
  • citylife624
    citylife624 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Erma and I've been running for only about five months. Currently running 3-4 days a week and trying to up my mileage, and lower my times. Any support (and new friends) are appreciated. Side note: I'm an old broad who didn't start running until I was 50. Would love other friends over 40 but I'll take any other runner friends! ☺️
  • Runningman_78
    Runningman_78 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all my name is Luke and I've been running off and on all my life. Its only recently that I've been back at it more often. I aim to compete in my first marathon in June '16 and im excited. Trail running is my ideal type of running and try to get into the mountains as often as I can. I recently did a SkyRunning event and am addicted!
  • DarrenKH
    DarrenKH Posts: 21 Member
    Hi folks, I'm Darren, have been running since it was a requirement for my soccer team as a teen. It went up a notch when I subscribed to about 15 years ago, and then in recent years I started training for half-marathon and eventually three marathons. I came back to MFP, trying to lose some weight, in fact, when I read that having optimal body weight was the single most important factor in determining speed while running, and also because I want to reduce wear and tear on my body while I run. Want to keep running into my 80s. I am running 40-50 km (25-30 miles) per week now and will crank that up before my next marathon in May. But it would be nice to follow this challenge and see what it can do for me, as well as chat and make friends with more runners.
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    Hello, My name is Dan. I've been on MFP for over 1400 days. Started running about 5 years ago. for 2015 I passed the 1400 mile mark for the year,so I do little running. In January I will start training for my 5th Marathon, which is in June 2016, and my 6th will be in November of 2016. I just found this group and here I am.
  • KatEmmaMarie
    KatEmmaMarie Posts: 64 Member
    Hello all, My name is Kathryn. I started running back in 2011 as a means to lose weight. I lost around 74 pounds in 8 months from running and it has turned into a passion. After I reached my goal weight, I decided to participate in a 5K race. It was the hardest thing I ever did but absolutely loved the feeling of accomplishment after finishing the race. I've done many more 5K races and my goal is to eventually do longer races. I am planning on doing a half marathon in May (I am very intimidated). I started back up on MFP to help me get back into shape since I gained about 15 pounds because of major life style changes. I am looking for friends to help me stay motivated and inspired. I am definitely not the fastest or greatest runner, but I love doing it!
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    I am definitely not the fastest or greatest runner, but I love doing it!

    @KatEmmaMarie - Welcome to the group!

    Open secret: *None* of us is the fastest or greatest runner. There are three truths about running to keep in mind:

    1. There will always be someone faster than you.
    2. There will always be someone slower than you.
    3. As long as you keep moving, you're lapping the people who stayed on the couch.

  • KatEmmaMarie
    KatEmmaMarie Posts: 64 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    I am definitely not the fastest or greatest runner, but I love doing it!

    @KatEmmaMarie - Welcome to the group!

    Open secret: *None* of us is the fastest or greatest runner. There are three truths about running to keep in mind:

    1. There will always be someone faster than you.
    2. There will always be someone slower than you.
    3. As long as you keep moving, you're lapping the people who stayed on the couch.

    Thanks! I will keep that in mind the next time I feel like I'm running like a turtle through molasses haha!!
  • beascot
    beascot Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm Bronwyn. I'm new to all of this, MFP and running, but have been logging since Monday, and running since then too. Aim is to run a 5km in 30 mins, currently avg 4.18km in about 35 mins.
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    Hi! I'm Sarah. I've been running off and on for awhile. I just signed up for my first marathon. It's in June. I'm terrified. So starting training right away.
  • KWKirkbride
    KWKirkbride Posts: 119 Member
    Hello, people. A brief background on me, recently dropped from 275 to current 190 since July of this year. I bike a ton (urban cyclsist more than roadie). With the weather changing here in Chicago I know I'll be biking less and running is something I've been wanting to tackle for a long time.

    So here we are. I started running in December and am very eager to responsibly up my distance and pace as I go along. Have done three runs since December 19th, all around 3 miles, with pace at around 8:30 to 9:30 per mile. I have to run/walk/run/walk/etc, but I'm feeling good with my start.

    I'm hoping this group can provide motivation and support as I progress from noob to whatever the next level is. Looking forward to this January challenge.
  • LolaBoots
    LolaBoots Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I ran my first proper c25k programme today because the swimming pool was busy with all the New Years resolutionists. I started swimming in November as running was giving me shin splints and that has helped my fitness but I have been allergic to exercise most of my life so this is a big step! I'm doing it to lose weight, improve my fitness and I want to enjoy it. I love being outside and walking and I must have some reserves in this body. So I'm on a journey to find them. I'm Gráinne and I'm 41 so I've got a get fit so my kids can't wear me out anymore
  • LolaBoots
    LolaBoots Posts: 5 Member


  • hminchan
    hminchan Posts: 7 Member
    I am Min Chan from Malaysia. My exercise of choice is cycling but I want to incorporate running into my exercise routine. I am aiming to run for more than 5 km (3 miles) in one go. Aiming to run 80 km in January.
  • hminchan
    hminchan Posts: 7 Member
    Gráinne, I used to get shin splint too until I got fitted at the shop for my running shoes. I have flat feet and was recommended Brooks Adrenaline GTS 12. I wore those out and is now using GTS 13.
  • edptanner
    edptanner Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Everyone. So in a past life (15 years ago) I ran a couple marathons. Then I took a break for health reasons. (Did y'all know that you can't stay healthy living off graham crackers & chocolate chips, getting 4 hours of sleep each night and popping out 5 babies in 8 years?!!!) Now that my kids are older and I'm healthy and mostly sane, I'm getting back into running. I do love running once I'm doing it, but it is hard to get myself out the door. I ran a half this past summer, and am signed up for another one in May. Right now it is icy outside and my treadmill is dead, so I'm gonna hafta dig deep to get myself motivated. I'm hoping that by joining this group I will make running a more important focus in my life than it would be if I was on my own.
  • titianknitter
    titianknitter Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all, I'm Lynn and I just found this group. I've been running for 12 years now and, although I'm not fast and haven't even done more than 5 miles at once, I have always loved it.

    This is the year when I want to:
    1. Get faster: I have my eyes set on a sub-30 5K (after 12 years I am still Queen of the 11-minute mile!).
    2. Be more consistent: Hit that 15-20 mpw base and stick with it.
    3. Better manage my depression. There is a STRONG correlation between dips in my running log and flares in my depression symptoms.

    Five miles down for the month... forty-five to go!
  • moremonica
    moremonica Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I am Victoria and have been running (or shuffling as I am very slow) for about three years.

    I have done numerous 5ks and one 10k. My goal in 2015 was to do 5 5ks in 5 countries. I completed Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Germany. While I was running my fifth race in the USA, my knee had issues and I could not even walk the race out. So, I am slowly getting back into running which has been a great way for me to lose weight.