May Challenges



  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    I am reporting for:
    May 1st = 5638 steps
    May 2nd = 6962 steps
    May 3rd weight - down 1.2 lb

    I am going walking outside - the wind is not blowing!! Yea!!
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,147 Member
    Ukaryote: thanks for the descriptives, possible sighting of flying button missiles, ahh, I know that would make me move, cheers!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks for the humor. You are funny, right now I know what you mean about the pain meds :-)
    You are right, encouragement is contagious. It looks like you are all very successful in your weight loss efforts and hope I can catch the fervor and the fever that will burn calories.
    Happy Trails!
  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    hayleyandpaigesgrandma Posts: 83 Member
    Ukaryote love your sense of humor.
    I had a great day for me . I am below my calorie count and managed to get 3200 steps in so far. That is 1000 more than usual. Knees are sore but they will get better.
  • sandiebro
    sandiebro Posts: 31 Member
    Just stepped on the scales and I am 1lb down since my last weigh-in. In the kitchen I picked up the 1lb weight from our old-fashioned scales and, although 1lb doesn't sound much, 1lb in the hand weighs more than I'd visualised!

    I've decided to log the miles I do on my stationary bike and, so far, it's only 8 miles - but it's a start.
  • Mazb1953
    Mazb1953 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm still new here and finding my way around. I certainly need a challenge and as my daughter is coming to visit, for the first time since we moved countries, at the end of May then I would love to lose at least 5 lbs this month.

    I did lose 1lb this week so at least I've started!

    Also walking that little bit further on my twice daily dog walks.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Hello I am so impressed by everyone's enthusiasm!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I have been away to Edinburgh for three days and have to confess!!!!!:sad: :sad:

    Not only have I been eating and drinking without thought or care......I had such a great time with my friend though haha! :bigsmile: But...I have already failed in my Challenge!!! On May 1st I was travelling and only managed 5298 steps! On the 2nd I was walking around he town shopping and sightseeing and managed 14200 steps...same on the 3rd so managed maybe those days will make up for the earlier I was on the train all day and have only managed 6000 so far but the day is not over so I might march on the spot and get up a bit more.....:ohwell:

    And I have actually decided that my pedometer is not totally accurate so am now aiming for 12000 a day rather than 10000....... starting tomorrow....... :ohwell:

    I thought I had logged in on my phone every day but must have missed one so my streak of 108 days is now back down to 2!! :sad:

    Hello to all our new friends...hope you all enjoy coming here and joining in with us......:flowerforyou:

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    I have readjusted my weight to reflect my wonderful weekend! lol :bigsmile:

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Good news....I have clocked up over 14000 steps today....:bigsmile:


    the admin here have restored my Streak of days logged in.......:laugh:

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I've been superbusy since we returned from our vacation... and in fact I'd barely unpacked and recovered from jet lag before setting off on a short weekend girls' getaway this past Friday. I was pretty good with the food...

    I'm annoyed at not having lost more but..not going to bore you with all that.

    In fact I'd write more but I haven't done any exercise today and I need to get off my duff and go move around a bit... oh yeah and fold some more laundry.

    Happy May!

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Jean, sounds like you are really back on track--yay!

    I had a good day myself, yesterday, with exercise (that I haven't done for awhile) and keeping my calories under. YAY me! Hope I can keep it up. I will probably get outside for a walk today since it looks great out there.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi all you Challengers!!

    We were w/o internet so my reporting has not been good so I will catch up now:

    May 1st = 5638 steps
    May 2nd = 6962 steps
    May 3rd = 6408 steps
    May 4th = 4829 steps
    May 5th = 5320 steps

    I did not make my step goal each day, in fact only made 6000 twice :angry:
    But I am going to do better - I am going to do better, I am ....... how many times do I have to write this??? :bigsmile:
    The report tomorrow will be much better!!
    Reba in Kansas
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Back to running.... 3 miles and steps are over 14000 so all good!

    Yesterday steps were over 13000 so doing ok now......:smile:

  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,147 Member
    I'm not doing very well this first week of May :grumble: as I have only gone for a walk TWICE so far, my goal was to go for 15 walks but at this rate I will not even match last month's total of 10 walks! Got to get out of my 'Sloth' mentality. I will keep working at it and I am hopeful!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Good evening to everyone - but I realize many of you are not at the evening time of your day - so, I will say:
    everyone - you fill in the blanks!! LOL

    Welcome to all of our newbies!! I am Reba and live in central Kansas. My husband is a farmer and sells farm seed such as corn, soybeans, milo and etc. I am a retired elementary school teacher. We have 3 married children that have blessed us with 8 grandchildren.

    As promised, today has been much better getting over 7000 steps and the day is not done here in Kansas. I also did much better with nutritional calories.

    I will check in tomorrow with the total step count.
  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    hayleyandpaigesgrandma Posts: 83 Member
    Good morning e everyone. I am having problems getting all my steps in. Just to let you know a little about me for the newer people.
    I am 68 years old and still working full time. I work at a very large trucking company. My job is to look after the fuel concerns such as approving all fuel invoi es and making sure the dri rs have proper cuel cards, etc. The other half of my job is handling the benefits. I set each new employee up and make any changes as the come along. So basically my job consists of sitting in front of a computer all day. I have been here since 2007. However hubby has worked here for 37 years.
    We hace two children, two wonderful inlaws and two granddaughters. My son is a police officer and my daughter is a stay at home wife. My granddaughters belong to my son and daughter in law.
    We live in Ontario Canada.
  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    hayleyandpaigesgrandma Posts: 83 Member
    Oops sorry my keyboarding skills are not very good on my tablet and either miss keys all together or hit a wrong one. Unfortunately I hit post before I edited my post. I noticed that I should have typed fuel cards and the word drivers and I am not sure what else I typed wrong. Sorry Joyce
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Marion....leave the computer and go for a walk...NOW lol Tell us all about it when you get back :flowerforyou: are really doing well with the steps now....:happy:

    Joyce...good to learn more about you......we have visited Canada several times and love it....:heart:

  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Hi all - I'm back again, not been logging on for a few months as I stopped counting calories when I cut out bread, pasta etc. Just log food now and then to see what my macros are and surprisingly my calories are where I would want them to be.

    I joined a "total loser" group at my gym, and since then have been gymming it generally 5 times a week, mainly lifting heavy with HIIT as well. It was hard at first but now I feel better than I have felt for a few years. Will catch up with what has been going on with everybody later. The group seems more active than when I first joined back in November.

    I have reached my little personal goals I set out for myself at the beginning in February. Trainer at the gym set me a new one yesterday - to do 10 proper press ups by the end of the month ( I think you call them push ups in the States!) I couldn't do even one in February, and looking back, when I was younger I couldn't do them either. Now I can do about 4 - it helps that I am now 22 lbs lighter than I was at the start of February.

    Also this weekend I did my first 5K run for nearly 2 years (not a race, I just measured it) 37 mins - not fast but now I have a time to beat, so am aiming to get under 35 minutes by the end of the month. I'm even reading my old issues of running magazines.

    As you may have guessed I am very competitive with myself!!

    Oh - I also want to lose a few more pounds by the end of May. Isn't belly fat so stubborn and annoying?!!! I could be almost happy with my shape if it wasn't for that.

    Catch up with you all soon.
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,147 Member
    Sloth reporting back ... Just finished a 30 minute slow walk ... SPECIAL THANKS TO KER & JEAN for their gentle nudges this morning! It got me off my butt! Boy, do you know there are lots of people out walking . One of the reasons we decided on our neighbourhood about 15 yrs ago when we bought this house was that there was a pond with wildlife and walking trails nearby ... Do we use it? NO! Walked to the entrance this morning. Maybe in a while I will be fit enough to also walk part of the pond trails? Good Successful day to all! Marian