May Challenges



  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Well done Marion! :flowerforyou:

    I had to take my Mini to the garage today for a little repair and the guy said he would do it while I waited and offered me a coffee.....I said no, I will come back in 30 minutes...I went into the supermarket next to the garage and walked up and down all the aisles for about 20 minutes......horrible weather here today, cold and used those aisles to get my steps up to 10000...... accidentally spent £8 while I was doing it! :bigsmile:

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Jean, the accidental £8 was your rebelliousness, right??

    I forgot to report on steps:
    yesterday = (OK I am expecting a loud cheer from the cheering squad!!) 7920 Yea for me!! If I had realized I was that close to 8000 I would have walked upstairs and downstairs - that would have done it!!

    Be back later!!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Cheering squad cheering madly! :laugh: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :laugh:

    Rebel Rebel lol included in the £8 were a couple of bars of luxury chocolate! I promise to only eat two squares a day...100 is a delicious treat! lol

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    We are having the most gorgeous day in Kansas! It just does not happen nearly enough!

    I have walked once today, outside of course, with my 2yo grandson riding his tractor with me. His tractor ran faster than I walked. If I knew how to put pictures on here I would show you!!

    Here is my month so far:

    Date Steps
    5/1 5638
    5/2 6962
    5/3 6408
    5/4 4829
    5/5 5320
    5/6 5452
    5/7 7920
    5/8 7038

    Starting today I am going to keep track how many of those are actually Cardio steps and will report that also.

    Hope you are having a lovely day, dear friends!!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Steps going up and up there Reba.......well done! :flowerforyou:

    I managed a three mile/5 k run today...steps up past 15000 with that added to my morning walk........:bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Good for you, Rebamae with the steps!! and Kudos to everyone else who's keeping up with the exercise!!!

    I have been bad; haven't exercised at all this week. And tonight we went out for frozen custard.. because I WANTED IT.

  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone. I am new to the group and to MFP so I am still learning. My challenge for May is to loose at least 5 pounds and to exercise more. My food diary has drawn my attention to the fact that I am consuming too much sodium so another goal is to reduce the amount to within or below the guidelines.
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Hi Alex and welcome, good luck with your personal challenges.

    My weight is being very sticky this week-I blame sodium as well!

    Tried a spin class at gym today - first time ever! It was hard but I stuck with it, only 30 mins plus warm up an cool down. Don't know if I will be able to manage the longer sessions that are on during the week.

    Managed 6 press up yesterday. No running, weather has been lousy when I was able to go - I'm a bit of a fair weather runner! Not to worry, it will come.
    Off to read new Dan Brown book now - Inferno, lazy evening planned which will include 2 squares of 90% dark chocolate, and maybe some full fat yogurt and berries.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Two walks today ..steps past 12,000........ out for dinner tonight.....and will include a glass of wine.....

    Hope everyone is enjoying a good weekend....:smile:

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Welcome Alex - so glad you found us!

    Walked yesterday - but only made 6310 steps - my back was hurting so only really walked once. It probably would have been better for my back if I had walked more - but just couldn't push myself to do it.

  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,147 Member
    Hi Everyone: I just got back from my walk. I wish I could take credit for it but my DH got me out .:heart: Still more work needed on my part to self motivate to get out and walk.

    I am still a little behind schedule to get in 15 walks this month, but I am doing better than a few days ago!

    Congrats to all of you that are moving forward and pls hang in there to those who are also having a bit of a struggle! :drinker:

    Cheers, Marian
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    @ 53 welshlady: Just finished listening to Inferno -- what a great book :bigsmile:

    I found myself biking around the block in order to listen to the end of the chapter :laugh:

    Well that's one way to get a bit more biking in...

    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY EVERYONE :flowerforyou:
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Whatever, books..... it is all good! :laugh:

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Back from vacation and I lost 3.5 pounds and I walked a lot. I managed some decent hikes. Not long, but steep. I can walk on the flat for a long way, but inclines still get to me. I have logged over 50 miles in regular steps and over 18 miles in cardio steps in the first 11 days so I'm happy with that. I said I would set a goal for May when I got back so here it is:

    1. Reach 185 poundsby May 31 -- BMI below 35 (disqualify myself for bariatric surgery).
    2. Walk 100 miles for the month.
    3. Walk 40 cardio miles for the month.
    4. Lunchtime walks at least twice a week.

    I still can't get back in the pool until (hopefully) next week. I was just starting to enjoy water jogging!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    You have done so well, especially being on vacation. I hope you are feeling great about yourself.
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Come on - I think we are all doing really well - first half of the month is nearly over, let's keep it going.

    First dry morning for ages here, so heaved myself out of bed to do a little run with the dog before work. Didn't log the distance but added an extra loop around the park and finished in the same time as last time when I only did one loop (plus there and back on various streets) so I must have been going a bit faster - maybe my "inner gazelle" is waking up again!

    Dog managed to find the only muddy pool in the whole park the first time round, so the second time round I put her back on the lead till we had passed it - her face was a picture! The grass cleaned her off before we got home - I think.

    Had a rest day from exercise yesterday, my body seemed to be telling me I needed it- been to the gym and worked quite hard for the last 6 days, sometimes I forget that I've been going consecutive days. Anyway, back to it tonight.
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Always listen to your body. You did the right thing. Sounds like you are on the right track to success.
  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    hayleyandpaigesgrandma Posts: 83 Member
    It is still a challenge to get my steps in but I am working at it
    We are heading up to our trailer this weekend (long weekend in Canada) so we can open it up finally. Please pray that it doesn't rain or snow for that matter. It is a great place for walking around the park. Thanks to everyone for the encouragement as although I haven't lost a lot I have lost something each week for the past 4 weeks. If I can lose again next Tuesday at my TOPS weigh in I will win a charm for our felt nametags. So I need to work extra hard this week. So that is my challenge to get at least 1 lb off.
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    If you lose something every week that's really good and the way to go. Well done. Enjoy your weekend.
    Sunshine here today for a change - looks like next week will be warmer but wetter - ah well!!
  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    I know its mid month but I would like to join the challenge - you guys are so great. Ready - wait for it - Challenge (Goal) - exercise a minimum of 30 min each day but will aim for more (haven't moved off the couch in a year until I joined MFP 10 days ago) and to have lost 8lbs by the end of May!!!
