
  • fizzbuzz
    fizzbuzz Posts: 10 Member
    Saturday night - food diary closed now before weigh in tomorrow. I am up on yesterday, but down on my average for the week.
    My barcode scanner hasn't been working properly, for a few days.. I read I should close down my phone and restart it.. this worked, so all happy again now.
    Fathers Day in the UK tomorrow. England playing Italy in the World Cup in Brazil.

    Things are going ok at he moment :) and stuck to my 'not going on the scales' all week :)

    Right, off to bed now.. take care all
  • Good morning LOSERS (pounds that is!!)

    Yesterday probably wasn't a good day for me, but it doesn't matter. My wife and I finally got to enjoy an afternoon without our 2 year old, and it was FANTASTIC.

    We dropped him off at my folks and went to a Blues, Brews, and BBQ festival they have here every father's day weekend.

    We sampled some good craft beer, we had some amazing food, and listened to some amazing music-on what I consider "my perfect weather"

    73, warm sun, cool breeze-low humidity! Perfect.

    Im sure my intake wasn't good, but i was still down 1 1/2 pounds this morning.

    I hope today finds you all happy and healthy. We're going to be busy all day running to my wife's folks house this afternoon and my folk's house later for dinner...but right now is one of my favorite times.

    It's early, everyone's still asleep and the house is quiet.

    Light & Love.
  • moonbeams896
    moonbeams896 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm so excited and proud of myself! I live in a community that has 12 subdivisions and a big loop in the middle (with trails, softball fields, soccer fields, etc). I've been talking about wanting to walk the loop and today, I did it! 3.28 miles in 65 minutes. I was so red in the face when I got home, and my dog was panting so hard, that my husband told me he's worried about both of us. I felt fine for most of the walk - could breathe and talk normally. But, I was pouring sweat and beat red. I'm worried more about my dog,...I may do this without him. But anyway, yippee! :-)
  • shrinkingmichelle
    shrinkingmichelle Posts: 26 Member
    I've been working a lot the last few days and didn't get to post. I was happy with my food choices. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

  • fizzbuzz
    fizzbuzz Posts: 10 Member
    I reached 40lb dropped on Sunday morning :)

    so to start this week off, I was going to go swimming, but decided that I would accompany my OH to the archery field instead, only I got him to drop me off about 3 miles away, and walked in.. it took about an hour, but earned me about 450 cals according to 'mapmywalk' and meant I could splash out a bit a tea time :)

    This week is a very busy week.. with Cub Scouts tonight (fire building/cooking on open fire) and safeguarding training on Wednesday.
    then on Saturday I have an all day event for Cubs, and Saturday night I am taking part in a MIdnight Memory walk for the local Hospice which is about 6 miles long, then Sunday we have a Gala raising money for our local Scouts and Guides Group.

    (when you read my posts - imagine I am talking like Sean Bean)
  • NotYet40
    NotYet40 Posts: 3
    Awesome job! 40 lb is great. Congratulations!!!!!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    @Fizzbizz!!!Congrats - Keep it going. You're motivating the rest of us!

    @moonbeam - great job on that walk around the neighborhood.

    @FitforJamaica - 1 1/2 pounds is awesome!!


    So you will see that I generally do not post on the group board over the weekends. I do however log my food and although Saturday was a success, Sunday got away from me a bit. Today is a new day and one bad afternoon won't kill my momentum. I've just decided to wait a couple of days to check the scales so I won't be discouraged if I'm carrying some water weight today. I had two meals yesterday that I should have done better with.

    It's a new week. Let's get motivated!!! I have graduations and meetings this week but my goal is to be mindful of what I eat and exercise at least 3 times. We're heading north to do some camping next weekend. Can't wait to be outside and hang out with our kids - (no cell reception will be a bonus!!)
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    ***40lbs that's great, congrats!!!

    This weekend I could have made some better choices, fathers day my family dinner had a chocolate turtle sponge cake roll :frown: But when I weighted myself I had a 1.7 lb loss so I will take it. This week is going to be crazy. I have a craft show this weekend and am still working on a bunch of projects to have completed. Hoping to plan the week out as I don't think I will get to much exercise. Only walks with the kiddos.
  • fizzbuzz
    fizzbuzz Posts: 10 Member
    that is 40lb since January 1st.. not just this weekend! :)
    Took the cubs firebuilding tonight.
    logged all my food for the day, and exercise..
    bed time for me now :)
  • TiffanyRW84
    TiffanyRW84 Posts: 7 Member
    I am still feeling very positive and having fun experimenting in the kitchen and trying new foods!
    I have been eating chicken like crazy which can be kind of bland, so I went to Buffalo Wild Wings today and bought the Chipotle Barbeque DRY RUB which is zero calories and had that on my chicken for dinner which was full of flavor. :) It's nice to spice things up sometimes.
    Also, my cousin hung out with my wild little 2 year old so I could get some exercise in today.
    I have to say it has been a great day!
    Hope everyone else is having a great start to this new week! :)
  • maryoracle
    maryoracle Posts: 62 Member
    Congrats on losing 40 pounds and your activity level is impressive too!
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    *** Good job everyone!!!
    @ fizzbuzz - 40lbs since Jan is something to celebrate.
    @ Tiffany - thanks for the rub suggestion. I will definitely need to get some.

    I am so impressed by everyone's activity level in this group. Tonight I'm going to take the boys for a walk. Hopefully a long one but with an almost 2 and 4 yr old it will be as long as they let me.

    Can't wait for my Hubby to get back home. My house is full of bad choices and not enough good ones. It took every ounce of energy I had last night not to snack on the kids left over candy, crackers or chips. He really is a support that helps me balance life, plus I'm not dragging the kids to the store so there is no trips to the grocery store for the rest of the week.
  • Off to the gym in a bit here, even though i REALLY don't want to go today...but I HAVE TO.

    In 376 days i'm going on an EPIC jamaica trip. I called and extended the vacation to 10 days at 2 different resorts, in 2 different towns :D


    Now...if i could lose 100 lbs by then, It'd be amazing! LOL.

    Slow and steady wins the race.
  • maryoracle
    maryoracle Posts: 62 Member
    SO hot outside! It does seem to cut my appetite. I still get the munchies in the evening and have set a strict rule of NO FOOD between 10pm and 8am.

    To jafray4 - How I remember those tempting snack food leftovers for my kids! Not enough to save and the choice is toss it or eat it quick. Good for you for resisting.
  • @mary- I hear ya on the heat. Hot and humid today...I have LOTS of calories left, especially after the gym... Gonna try and fill them full of healthy things...but I REALLY WANT ICE CREAM! lol.

    NO NO NO!

    On ward and upwards, as the scale moves down.

    Positivity is key.

    Jamaica is 376 days away!
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Great day so far. needed a break and walked around the building a few times. I have also kept to my plan so far today and I have extra calories left. Thinking of getting a smoothie while I run a bunch of errands.

    Its really humid here too. I'm guessing we are going to get a storm tonight, it has that feeling out.
  • wombat319
    wombat319 Posts: 14
    Doing well, but...

    Has anyone else had a fitness trainer tell them to EAT WHATEVER THEY WANT for 2 meals a week? Mine did. She said it would keep my metabolism from slowing down, but I REALLY REALLY don't think she understands what "whatever you want" means to me, LOL!!!

    In any case, I've only been doing this for a week, lost 5# so far & am feeling GREAT! My workouts are getting more intense...interesting how much more intensely I can work out when there's MUSIC! :-)
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I haven't abandoned you! Work is keeping me from MFP :sad: What are they thinking around here?!! I hope to catch up with all of you tomorrow morning over coffee.

    I'm having a rough week and it's making me mad. I was doing so well for 2 weeks. I need to turn this around tomorrow, I mean tonight ... right now.
  • moonbeams896
    moonbeams896 Posts: 191 Member
    So, a friend of mine told me to get the app "Nike Training Camp" I tried it out selecting to do a "Program" for beginners on the Lean workout. Holy jeez it's tough (or I'm just really out of shape). I couldn't get through the 30 minute workout, but I did do half. And on Friday, I'm going to try to get through more of it. I know I worked my abs, I can feel the burn now and my legs are a bit like jelly. But, it's a start. And I did go walking some afterwards. And I lost a pound on the scale today. Upwards and onwards!
  • maryoracle
    maryoracle Posts: 62 Member
    Kept my calories below goal today but dinner was two ice cream sandwiches and a chocolate bar!

    Have been doing this for two weeks and felt confident and then - stressed today about family and immediately wanted sugary foods. I hope this gets easier at some point.