

  • wombat319
    wombat319 Posts: 14
    Hang in there! It's amazing how fast your muscles come back if you just keep at it! :-)
  • wombat319
    wombat319 Posts: 14
    Two words: Skinny Cow (ice cream sandwiches).
  • trudywc2
    trudywc2 Posts: 233 Member
    I reached 40lb dropped on Sunday morning :)

    so to start this week off, I was going to go swimming, but decided that I would accompany my OH to the archery field instead, only I got him to drop me off about 3 miles away, and walked in.. it took about an hour, but earned me about 450 cals according to 'mapmywalk' and meant I could splash out a bit a tea time :)

    This week is a very busy week.. with Cub Scouts tonight (fire building/cooking on open fire) and safeguarding training on Wednesday.
    then on Saturday I have an all day event for Cubs, and Saturday night I am taking part in a MIdnight Memory walk for the local Hospice which is about 6 miles long, then Sunday we have a Gala raising money for our local Scouts and Guides Group.

    (when you read my posts - imagine I am talking like Sean Bean)

    Great job on 40 lbs lost, you're an inspiration. I just began again this week and hoping to lose 40-50 lbs by the end of May 2015. The hardest thing is to motivate myself to exercise when I get home.

    Keep up the great work!!
  • moonbeams896
    moonbeams896 Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I woke up to a nice visit from Aunt Flo, so I feel kinda crappy today. I still dragged Trapper out for a 2 mile walk, but it was pretty slow and I'm not sure i can do too much more today. Still, I'm happy I could get that done and hoping to walk around my loop again this weekend, that's a 5k :)

    i know that tomorrow will be a bad day for me. There's a big fundraiser that i'm attending and there will be LOTS of food. I'm going to try not to be too bad and i"ll still log it all and move on :)

    have a great weekend, everyone!
  • moonbeams896
    moonbeams896 Posts: 191 Member
    Today is as bad as I thought it would be. I'm over by about 500 calories. I've logged it and I will get back into the swing of things tomorrow. Sometimes, there just has to be a bad day and this is my first one in a month. I don't feel guilty, I accept it and I'm going to walk a 5k tomorrow :)
  • maryoracle
    maryoracle Posts: 62 Member
    Moonbeams896, glad you are not dwelling on the bad day, you are making such a great effort!
  • moonbeams896
    moonbeams896 Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks Mary! I feel a little bad, but it's already done. Nothing left to do but move on. I'm very happy with how well things are going! You're doing well too :) Let's all keep this going!
  • andilynn82
    andilynn82 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi everyone! This week got away from me too. I caught a summer cold midweek (I'm still a little stuffy but it's mostly gone) and I have my post-chemo colonoscopy and endoscopy tomorrow, so I had to start liquids only after dinner last night. (well, liquid does include jello, sorbet, and popsicles).

    I was down about a pound on Friday morning though! And spent most of yesterday being more active than usual. We recently moved but our house was still full of junk (not ours...my husband bought a family member's home several years ago and the basement and garage were still full of the family member's things. It's a bit of a sore subject, lol), so yesterday we were dragging bags of trash/boxes of junk from the basement in preparation for the dumpster that's being delivered this week. I didn't do nearly as much work as the others but I was pretty proud of myself for being able to help at all.
  • maryoracle
    maryoracle Posts: 62 Member
    andilynn82, good luck with the procedures. Clearing out junk is a hassle, but I have found that afterwards you see the difference and it is satisfying. Let us know how you do over the next couple of days.
  • moonbeams896
    moonbeams896 Posts: 191 Member
    Good luck, andilynn! And you should be proud of yourself - moving is really hard work! It's part of the reason I'm still in Atlanta :)

    I did my walk today and feel great! I get so energized after a good long walk. I didn't take my dog with me, so I was able to get the walk done even faster. I wasn't as red when I got home as I was last week. I really feel fitter. Although after I did that 15 minutes of an aerobic workout earlier this week, I was sore for THREE DAYS! I need to do more of it, I'll probably try it again tomorrow.

    I know Tuesday won't be a great eating day for me (at least calorie-wise). it's my 9 year anniversary, so we're going out for a fancy-schmancy dinner :) I'm sure it'll be delicious, and I'll do my best to keep the calories down. I'll also try to get in a decent amount of exercise so I have a few extra to bargain with :)

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Off to a ruff start this morning. A coworker came with donuts for my birthday. Very thoughtful but really everyone knows I am working hard at dieting. Bring something that isn't going to start my day 480 cal plus my breakfast I had already eaten!!! My hubby is been super nice and bringing me a veggie delight from subway to get me back on track.

    Happy Anniversary Moonbeam!!! Its ok to enjoy a good dinner, just balance out the rest of the day.
  • maryoracle
    maryoracle Posts: 62 Member
    Birthday donuts, oh my! Impressed with your resolve jafray4.
  • fizzbuzz
    fizzbuzz Posts: 10 Member
    well 3 weeks into June, and I have hit my mini target for this month... good job with cub camp coming up this weekend!

    this weekend I am going to try to eat sensibly, TRY to log everything.. and try to get a lot of walking around done..

    the cubs are likely to run me ragged..

    60-65 cubs, 20 adults.. lets hope the rain stays off.

    As for exercise.. most of the time I walk to and from work which is a 25 minute walk away..
    but this last weekend I completed a six mile sponsored walk for our local hospice along with 3 of my work colleagues and about 2 thousand other people ...

    weighing once per week is working so far :) I recommend that one! it is soooooo tempting to jump on the scales in between.. but I push myself past and keep going..
  • maryoracle
    maryoracle Posts: 62 Member
    fissbuzz - congrats with reaching your mini target , and keep up the good work with those cubs!
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    @ fizzbuzz - I love the work you do with Cub scouts!!! My hubby is an eagle scout and can't wait for our boys to be old enough to get into cub scouts, but we have 2 years left. You will burn lots of calories with all of those kids!!! and just think you already hit you mini goal. Congrats!!!

    I finely feel that I have had a great 24 hrs. yesterday I stayed on track all day. Plus took a long walk with my boys, pushing a double stroller made it much harder. Then this morning I not only had a good breakfast but finely remembered to bring my own lunch!!! the cafeteria kills my diet when I have to eat down there.
  • fizzbuzz
    fizzbuzz Posts: 10 Member
    @ fizzbuzz - I love the work you do with Cub scouts!!! My hubby is an eagle scout and can't wait for our boys to be old enough to get into cub scouts, but we have 2 years left. You will burn lots of calories with all of those kids!!! and just think you already hit you mini goal. Congrats!!!

    Cub Scouts in the UK are aged 8 - 10.5, what age are eagle scouts?

    The camp went great, I resisted the urge to overeat, although I didn't go hungry. We had a great time, but I didn't log anything. I will however weigh myself in the morning and see what I have done. (instead of this morning, as I didn't take the scales to camp!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Great seeing so much activity here. I'll be checking in more frequently. Work has been keeping me away lately. I'll catch up with all of you later today!
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Eagle Scouts are when you were a scout and you have to complete a bunch of stuff to become an eagle scout it reminds me of a graduation type of thing. I don't fully understand it because it was when he was a teenager. He isn't very active in much now, but hopes to when our son gets older (he is only 4 now)

    Bad weekend, and getting nervous about vacation coming up. The food list isn't really the best choices, but we are going to the lake for 10 days :) hoping a can have some self control.
  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member
    getting nervous about vacation coming up. The food list isn't really the best choices, but we are going to the lake for 10 days :) hoping a can have some self control.

    Good luck with vacation jafray4! Can you take low calorie snacks to help offset some of the "not the best" food choices? The lake would be a great place (for me anyway) to get in some exercise. Take walks or hikes. If the water's not too cold, get in lots of swimming.

    Despite an unexpectedly busy weekend away from home, I did fairly well with eating choices. I didn't log by choice on Saturday because that is the day that (as of right now) I relax my eating. Sunday I logged and made good choices despite eating out a lot. My husband and I have started splitting an entree salad and a sandwich or entree when we go out to eat. After a week of doing this, we're finding at the end of the meal usually we would rather just have the salad.
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    It's hard for me to get exercise at the lake because my boys are 4 and 1, so walks are slow and short. But I am going to try and get some exercise each day. Even if its just running up and down the hill in our yard. But I did plan out the suppers and a few snacks. Trying to balance the indulgences with health choices. I think my best plan is to try and control how much crappy food I eat rather then think I'm not going to eat it.

    I log everything. If I'm over I'm over, but I still log it. On Sunday I was 800 cal over :embarassed: But it was my mother in laws birthday and ever with having small servings it was overall a bad day. But I logged it.