


  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    I just came across this group and this is my week spot. I love to snack after we put the kiddos to bed. My husband normally tries to keep me in check but I still snack. Last night was my 1st night with no snacking. Only a glass of tea for the night. This is a great week for me to start this challenge. I have a craft show this weekend and will have lots of late nights working.

    :bigsmile: 1 night down 20 to go!!!!
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello, everyone! Just wanted to take a quick moment to answer some questions and welcome our continuously growing group, jfray, kitten349, markthebark, sispry1, miniapplecoco, belle_reve9, and MMR007. Is anyone else amazed (and a bit comforted) by the fact that so many of us overdo and ruin our plan post-dinner!?!

    @ Judy - yes, just check in this thread and I'll keep a running count.

    I will update the count as late as possible tonight to see how many of us successfully made it through the night LAST NIGHT!

    Checking in and reading this thread has seriously kept me from snacking. So thanks y'all!
  • rlstepp29
    rlstepp29 Posts: 180 Member
    June 16
    Day 2 Complete and Successful!!! So far so good! Keep positive everyone!
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi! 1 day in a row! I'm on a roll....

  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    So many new successes to share and recognize! You all are motivating and encouraging me! So here goes, and please post your check-ins so I can update. I really am so excited and encouraged by our count! Cheers!

    3 days: spogna
    3 days: Bo
    2 day: rlstepp29
    1 day: hungry_annie
    1 day: monique3677
    1 day: gxmiller31
    1 day: jhloves2kni
    1 day: dankas001
    1: equallyyoked
    new: belle_reve9
    new: miniapplecoco
    new: sispry1
    new: markthebark
    new: kitten349
    new: jafray4
    ?: bblumenberg
    ?: jrsygirl109
    ?: mshea62
    ?: princessaclar
    ?: HeidicooksSup
    ?: tashatp22
    ?: queenkori t
    ?: hanan20142015
    ?: kornishpiskie
    ?: smoocow
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    It's day 2 (or night 2) and so far I'm doing good. My cravings just started, so I munched on a few grapes. I'm going to read a very good mystery for a few hours, which will hopefully keep my mind off food.

    Thanks a bunch, BoBo, for all your work moderating this group and figuring out and posting the roll call. So far, I think this will work for me. I sure hope the snacking and cravings are gone after day 21. I also hope this gets easier. The accountability is very helpful.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    day 1 done!
  • ioanaevans
    Im new to the group, this is day one for me. Am i to check in every night i dont snack at night?
  • IvorEdward
    IvorEdward Posts: 1 Member
    Im bad for this too.I have 5 children under 6,i home educate them too,they go to bed and i feel like i need time to just be on my own and do nothing,so i end up watching tv and eating.If theres no chocolate or cake or biscuits then its toast,cereal,etc.

    I will join you.I need to go to bed earlier anyway so tonight i will eat nothing after dinner unless i am really hungry then i will have some fruit.I will try to go to bed at a decent time too.
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Made it last night but wow I tested my will power. Sitting and watching a cartoon with my kiddos while they had a snack before bed. I wouldn't let them eat anything that I couldn't say no to and I drank a ton of tea trying to keep my hands from grabbing a cracker or two.

    1 day down
  • MarkTheBark
    MarkTheBark Posts: 8 Member
    Last night I had the usual post workout protien shake with fruit. But in a moment of weakness had 2 cups of plain yogurt mixed with protein powder and honey.
    At times I feel like I could eat mountians of food in the evening hours. Most likely because I have been in that habit and my body seems to be still in that habit too.
  • Gilly349
    Gilly349 Posts: 28
    Early evening check in. I did not eat after joining the group at 7.15 last night. Believe me I could have done but having had a hugely bad day (only food wise -no excuses) I joined this group and thought that I would be letting me and all of you who are managing to do this down!
    I've just cooked a filling low cal tea and have a plum in the fridge that is within allowance for later.
    Hope you are all doing well.
  • slspry1
    slspry1 Posts: 27 Member
    wow day one done today is day two been to the gym for an hour and just finished my tea next lots of water and a hot bubble bath lol
  • equallyyoked
    equallyyoked Posts: 16 Member
    I ate skinny popcorn and pop chips with coffee while watching a movie with the hubs. all planned. next time will do a 20 min workout right b4.
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello! Hope everyone is having a good day! I just took my students on a hike on this beautiful LA day! Wanted to welcome some more new members, loanaevans and IvorEdward.

    loanaevans brought up a good point…when to check-in?

    You can check-in whenever. Especially if you are looking for some support and encouragement. However, I am trying to do the count and record based on how you did the PREVIOUS NIGHT. As many of us stated, our problem is that we sometimes snack way late (like midnight) so it would be most accurate if we checked in the next day about our previous nights' successes.
  • miniapplecocoa
    Ugg no day one for me. I ate dinner and by 9:30, I was ready to eat the dog with salt of course. So I ate a 100 cal snack pack and a bar. AT THE SAME TIME. so frustrated with myself. I'm gonna keep trying though.
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    miniapplecoco: what's wrong with eating a 100 cal snack pack and a bar? Were you in fact hungry? If so, then you needed to eat! I ate dinner earlier and felt ok but I knew I still felt kinda hungry. But I resisted eating trying out the wait and see what happens and after doing a few other chores and errands, I just decided I was still hungry. So I ate a small side dish. My mind then started wandering about what else I can eat but I knew then I was just being snacky. I immediately logged on here to get some motivation & see how y'all are doing. But I don't feel bad for eating and neither should you. I know that I ate less than usual while exercising more than usual today (went on a long hike and run with my students) so it made sense to me that I was still hungry.

    For the record, I think it's completely ok to eat when we're hungry. But the part I think we need to rethink is when we're eating not because we are hungry (be it boredom, sadness, loneliness, or just plain habitual - like I'm watching TV so let me eat and eat and eat!). Just my humble opinion :wink:
  • gxmiller31
    gxmiller31 Posts: 55 Member
    Checking in/accountability- 1 more day! Thank you, Abobo08 and all participants for the opportunity to retrain my habits. Since we are all habitual to some extent, the trick is to cultivate better habits. I'm not a night owl, typically in bed from 10 to 11 or so. So I struggle with after dinner grazing and that is the habit I want to change. Therefore, I will have finished dinner by 6:30 and no snacking after that. If I make it to bed snack free, I'm declaring victory - at least for today.

    That's just what I think will work for me, not necessarily for anyone else. We each have to find our own path. Be gentle with yourself.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    This is day 3 for me - I can tell when I'm not going to overeat so I can count the day. Tonight I'm being strong.
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    Good morning, had time to do an update this morning regarding yesterday. I will update it tonight for the rest of you who log in later today. Thank you thank you for checking in and keeping each other motivated.

    gxmiller31 said it best, be gentle with yourself. Check on everyone later, have a fantastic day!

    Here is it (please let me know if I've made any errors!)

    4 days: Bo
    3 days: monique3677
    3 days: jhloves2kni
    3 days: spogna
    3 days: rlstepp29
    2 days: equallyyoked
    2 days: sispry1
    2 day: jafray4
    1 day: hungry_annie
    1 day: gxmiller31
    1 day: dankas001
    1 day: belle_reve9
    1 day: kitten349
    1 day: loanaevans
    new: miniapplecoco
    new: markthebark
    new: IvorEdward
    ?: bblumenberg
    ?: jrsygirl109
    ?: mshea62
    ?: princessaclar
    ?: HeidicooksSup
    ?: tashatp22
    ?: queenkori t
    ?: hanan20142015
    ?: kornishpiskie
    ?: smoocow