July workout check-in thread - Don't July about your PR

krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
I hope it's okay that I started this one off? =D

Simple and quick workout for me today, I'm going to help people clean and move in a bit so I kept it to the minimum.

Power cleans 4 set of 95x2
4 sets of 100x2

form was a bit sloppy here again, but nothing backbreaking so I'm just gonna keep working on it!


superset with assisted pull-ups
3 sets at ~ 40lbs x2
~80lbs assist x8

3 rounds of 3 min AMRAP
2 clean & jerk @ 65
3 muscle-ups (rows and dips)
4 burpees

managed 2 + 2 burpees, 2 + 0 burpees, and 3 full rounds! A lot more than the last time! yay!

Hope everyone is havcing a great first day of the month! Here? We be cookin'! Kroast in the Krockpot


  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    So how long have you had this thread title sitting in your brain? ;)
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Kiiilllled it today. I am so happy with my workout.

    Squats: 145, 5x5
    OHP: 75, 5x5 IS THIS REAL LIFE?!?! I thought a deload was coming, but NOPE.
    DL: 185, 1x5

    I got stung on the palm of my hand by a bee yesterday (I'm allergic) and it was hurting when I was doing OHP and DL but I sucked it up and got through it. And damn did I get through.

    Much happy. Very workout. Such wayts.
  • muroo
    muroo Posts: 68
    Haha was wondering what the thread title was going to be. I was thinking something like "July-ike whatchu see?" but I can't say that without grooving a little bit and getting Beyonce stuck in my head...
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    Haha was wondering what the thread title was going to be. I was thinking something like "July-ike whatchu see?" but I can't say that without grooving a little bit and getting Beyonce stuck in my head...

    Me too!!!! Another great title to help keep me motivated with the check-ins.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Haha was wondering what the thread title was going to be. I was thinking something like "July-ike whatchu see?" but I can't say that without grooving a little bit and getting Beyonce stuck in my head...

    Me too!!!! Another great title to help keep me motivated with the check-ins.
    Hahaha - same here! Was thinking something like "July-ike to squat deep, don't you?!"

    In other news... will be doing Workout B tonight. Will update tomorrow with how that goes. Yesterday's workout was a leisurely jog for 2.31 miles @ 4.7mph, 30 minutes.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Yesterday was Workout B. It was alright, I guess. Was only able to grab the power rack at the gym toward the end of my workout so I had to re-arrange the order of my exercises and even had to cut OHP to 3x5 so I could get my squats in. After finishing my squats, I didn't have time left (needed to be home) to do deadlifts. Thursday's workout will be at the gym, too, then hopefully I won't ever have to go back! Home power rack should be ready in time for Sunday's workout!

    In order of performance:
    Upright Rows - 5x5 @ 60lbs (this felt a bit too easy, though I was really just trying to pass time)
    1-arm dumbbell rows - 5x5 @ 40lbs (this was definitely too light but I forgot what weight I did these at last time)
    OHP - 3x5 @ 60lbs
    Squats - 5x5 @ 145lbs
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    Hit and miss making it the gym lately. Last night was a 'hit'!

    Warmed with 1x5 @ 45, 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 185, 195 then 2x200
    Work at 5x5x175

    I had to bail out of my third rep at 200#; I blame my husband because right before that set he asked, "what should I do if you get in trouble...?" It's probably actually because I haven't been in the gym in about 10 days and my balance was off - I was a little forward and lost the drive through my heels.

    135, 155, 175 then 185 for 2

    I love this lift but it's been challenging for me. I'm committed to following through with these regularly so I can break through my issues. I like sumo better than conventional -- and after a DL workout I feel super strong when cycling (I commute via bike to work)

    Then I did a circcuit of accessory work - all 3x10
    OHP @ 45
    Lying tricep ext. at 45
    DB Bicep curl at 20
    Cable Crunch at 52
    Back Ext. at 25

    Followed by ab work and a few pushups

    I felt awesome last night -- and KILLED today. That's what I get for not being in the gym for a few days...
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    Last night:

    Squats -- 5x5 @ 65 -- I've stuck at 65 for a while to really concentrate on my form. I've been having trouble getting parallel due to my one hip hurting but last night, every single one of these was at or below parallel. I can feel it in my butt today.

    OHP -- 3x5 @ 45, 2x4 @ 45 -- I guess the squats took it out of me because I couldn't do the 5x5 even though I did the other day. Oh, well. Next time.

    Deadlift -- 1x3 @ 145. Yeah, only 3. That's all I could manage.

    Rows -- 2x5 at 60 to kind of make up for skipping out on some the other night.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Haha nice title!!

    So today's workout SUCKED!!!!

    Last night I did a plyometrics workout so maybe that didn't help.. Anyhow, workout A today. without the squats. because plyo squats jumps killed my legs yesterday.

    Bench: 70lbs 4-3-4-3-2.. YIKES.
    Row: 75lbs 5-4-3-5-4. Double YIKES!! I forced myself on the 75lbs as I had kept 70 for the last 4 workouts :blushing: but I knew I didnt have 75 in me!! Next time maybe.

    The first workout of July is to be forgotten.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    My first July workout was a nice hike in Kananaskis country, but I managed to poison myself with an over ripe avacado, and well, let's just say the hike didn't end well...I have a feeling that I'll be taking a break from eating them for a while, friends off!

    I did a deadlift workout on Monday (technically June I guess), and I failed at 215 pounds. I was supposed to get 3 reps and I could only manage 2, I got the third rep about 6 inches off the ground and then dropped it. On a good note though, I can now do 3 sets of 7 unassisted dips instead of 5, I'm getting up there!

    Squat day today, I'm waiting until the evening to do it, and hopefully my poor stomach will be all better and settled by then :)
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    I skipped Monday's workout for holiday weekend related reasons (read: hangover) so today was Workout A

    Squats: 4/5/5/5/5 x 70 - I overbalanced backwards on the last rep of the first set and had to dump the weights.
    Bench 5x5x65
    Row 5x5x60

    I added in some glute bridges at the end - 3x10x30.
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    First workout in July was B today:

    Squats: Rocked the 60kg with 5x5 *strike*
    OHP: warm up, then 5/5/5/5/4 with 31kg - that was so close, but the damn last rep just didn't go up in the air :-D
    DL: warm up, 4 @ 80kg, I did the last rep, but my form was really bad so I am redoing it next time again.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    So, I've been in and out of this forum lately, reading your workouts and not really posting much. I'm impressed with you guys. I only lifted once last week, Thursday and Friday were devoted to my son's freshman orientation at college and I didn't lift on Wednesday because I was afraid all of the walking the next 2 days would be too much for my knee. I've been having the same issues still. I had my gyno appointment yesterday and I pretty much use him for anything else, as well. My body has just been hurting as of late and he drew some blood to see what is going on. Also, he told me I needed to do higher reps at lower weights if I wanted to firm up. :grumble: I told him I've been taking pics and I've had great results with low reps and heavy weights. I'll know something about my pain on the 22nd hopefully. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical on Monday and my knee seemed to respond to that well. So, today, I went back into the weight room after that week long hiatus and started off low.

    Squats: 3x5 115 lbs. WOW, I REALLY focused on form and getting below parallel today. I've just been trying to hit parallel. My knee felt really good throughout, but this weight sure was hard coming up out of the pocket. Apparently, my form has broken down way more than I thought when I hit those higher weights. I'm looking forward to keeping my form exactly where it needs to be as I go back up from here. I'm thinking this probably has contributed to my knee issues.

    Bench: 4x3 95 lbs. My arm is still giving me problems, but maybe my doc do something about it.

    Rows: Too many people in the weight room, so I used the row machine and did 3x8 at 90 lbs and 2x5 at 105 lbs.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Well my first July workout was supposed to be a 5k run yesterday. I decided playing more cribbage with my hubby was more fun than running in 28C weather. I'll do the run later tonight, probably after the kidlets are in bed.
    Workout b this morning
    Squat 155lbs 3x5
    Ohp 50lbs 3x5 (deload from 3 fails at 60lbs) felt really good
    Dl 165lbs 1x5 felt really nice to have 45lbs plates, not balancing on 2 10lbs plates makes this feel great.

    Sldl 3x10 95
    Glute Bridge 3x10 95
    Then I did 16 minutes of 30 second random stuff, like mountain climbers, jumping jacks, foam rolling, dynamic stretches, burpies, etc. Just to fill in the full hour.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    It's hump day and first workout of the week for me....took Monday off...holy wow over 40 degrees with the humidex...so I laid by the pool drank and burned the girls where they fell out my bathing suit top..:bigsmile:

    @sure...great work on OHP
    @krok..nice title hehe love it..
    @katro oh a gym with air? that would be nice...If I had known it was gonna be so hot I would have turned in my gift certificate.
    @Lady...wow on those squats...:drinker:
    @rps nice on getting low with the squats
    @rugby nice on those dips and the DL.still just wow
    @coady...hehe that was me on Sunday after my night out and McDonalds noms too
    @wolf I hope you find out what is going on....and it's easily fixed.
    @llama nice on the DL must feel great.

    So for me since I skipped Monday workout B for me today

    Squats warmup working weight @150 3x6 (building up the endurance still)
    OHP warmup working weight @ 88.5 3x5
    DL deloaded again down to 180 due to that twinge in my back..at first I thought it was just DOMS but nope it's been "sore" and since I have switched back to Str Leg seems to be working well 1x5

    On a personal note wow water retention....after those hungry days and in this heat. My Shot is next week so having a bit of a break through this week...and this heat is wow...got on the scale on Monday...was up 5lbs :noway: but knows it's water...*shakes head*
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    So trying to get back to running and did a mile before work yesterday (heat/humidity = bad + long commute) and of course the ole hip flexor injury flared up. I've been reading that sitting all day (which I do, yay desk job) doesn't help and that strengthening your glutes will help because they are connected. What's everyone's favorite glute exercises??

    A today, where I would just laugh to myself about how this gym is so man dominated and that probably would have intimidated me when I started almost a year ago but doesn't anymore.

    Squats: 120lbs, the hip flexor didn't bother me once I warmed up good.
    Rows: 70.5lbs, this was tougher than last time, or so I remember
    Bench: 70.5lbs

    Hoping to go again tomorrow since I'll hopefully picnic-ing for the 4th and not worried about any showers from Hurricane Arthur...(although I think I'm far enough inland where it should be fine after the early morning)
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Yes, I did it! Put a band-aid on before the bench presses,to be safer, but made it through without incident.

    Workout A (Wed)

    hot potato squat - 5 x 10 - 10

    dumbbell skier swings - 5 x 10 - 40

    lateral hot potato squat - 5 x 10 - 10

    Dumbbell side bend - 5 x 10 - 40

    flat dumbbell fly 5 x 5 - 40

    overhand bicep curls - 5 x 5 - 80

    Reverse curls - 5 x 5 - 55

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 6

    deadlifts 5 X 1 - 125

    squats 5 X 5 - 135
  • muroo
    muroo Posts: 68
    Failure day! Y'all say it's progress, so that works.

    Sq - 115lbs 5x5 - I'm gonna go ahead and stay there next time if I feel anything less than stellar. That was a struggle.
    OHP - 65lbs 5/5/3/5/3 - Haha and that too. I did only stay at 60lbs for one day unlike how I stayed at 55lbs for a long time. Working on my hip motion...
    DL - 135lbs 1x5 - This was actually a 20lb increase, but I've been increasing wrong, and I am stubborn and wanted to use the big plates. Never again using the big plates. Haha, not because this set was too hard, but because they are /awwwwwkward/ to load and de-load on the floor and re-rack. I might just stick to using multiples for a while. :-) The place they go on the power rack is kind of mid torso height and it was a lot of not-so-graceful chest grinding all up on that to get the plate on its peg...

    No accessories because dealing with 45lb plates was too much work. Also the gym was closing in 10 minutes. :-) If I'm good I'll do some core work at home.

    ps - also this is my first day needing some grunting to get through the squats :)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    So how long have you had this thread title sitting in your brain? ;)

    Pretty sure I came up with it on the spot, but I can't recall. At first I was going to say "Don't July about your bench" but we're not bro's so I widened the outreach, bro!

    So July-ike to groo-hoove to the mewsic? (I'm chuckling at myself thinking of how weird I'd look like doing those pop star moves. NOT my thing!)

    So! I didn't sleep much again! But today was actually a REALLY good workout! =D

    Snatch press + balance + OH Squat complex, 4 sets of 3 @ 80 lbs and I was even able to go to 82.5 on the last set! Okay, reps were a wee bit shaky, but I got them in!

    Front Squats

    superset pike presses
    5 / 5 / 5 / 6

    I tried to film my last set and I think my camera crashed. It was such a grinder but such a beautiful grinder! My core was tight, chest upright, elbows up high... I would've loved to look at it and see if I hit depth as well.

    FInished with what I now affectionately call the grueling 3 and a half (the non-modified version makes more sense). For time

    60m prowler w/ 25lbs
    600 single rope jumps
    30 knees to bows
    30 single arm DB power clean and press @25
    -- repeat for half the reps

    Total: 25:45 (from 27:23 I think?). Gawd I hate jumping rope.
    DL - 135lbs 1x5 - This was actually a 20lb increase, but I've been increasing wrong, and I am stubborn and wanted to use the big plates. Never again using the big plates. Haha, not because this set was too hard, but because they are /awwwwwkward/ to load and de-load on the floor and re-rack. I might just stick to using multiples for a while. :-) The place they go on the power rack is kind of mid torso height and it was a lot of not-so-graceful chest grinding all up on that to get the plate on its peg...

    Can you not adjust the pegs on the power rack to at least load the bar around mid-thigh high? Otherwise, quick tip: To remove plates, get one side out, then lift the bar upright to get the other one out. As for re-racking the plates themselves... well I guess I'm used to it now but usually I go for the 45's that are about groud level since they're easier. Still, after a while you'll get the hang of deadlifting/clean-uplling the plate up to your chest and you're working your grip to get it on the rack! Profit!
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    I'M BACK. Working lower on everything but OHP today, but planning on progressing during July :drinker:

    Squats: 3x5 135lbs
    Deadlifts: 1x4 155lbs
    OHP singles: 4x1 65lbs

    Deadlifts were difficult this morning even at near -20% deload. Need to eat more, I guess!