July workout check-in thread - Don't July about your PR



  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Saturday check-in

    Total is cardio day - actually it's the day Cora, my 18mo blue heeler pup and fave work-out partner gets to run and chase rabbits and other critters. Today was a 6.5 mile hike at about 3.6mph.

    At the end of my hike, I could slightly feel my quads, proof that the box squats are working, but the good thing is that even after that hike, my wonky knee didn't feel strained or stiff. I am being to think the leg curls,extensions and squats are doing what they are supposed to be doing - strengthening and stabilizing my knee.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Yesterday's was workout A for me.

    Squats: warm up, 2x5@95, 2x5@100, 5@105
    Bench: warm up, 2x5@57, 5@57.5
    Rows: warm up, 5@65, 2x5@67
    Glute bridges: 4x10@45

    Have a nice weekend, ladies!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Workout B (Sun)

    Dumbbell side bend - 5 x 15 - 40

    squats 5 X 5 - 140

    overhead press 5 x 5 - 60

    barbell rows 5 X 5 - 80

    reverse curls 5 x 5 - 60

    underhand bicep curls 5 x 5 - 95

    dumbbell skier swings - 5 x 15 - 40

    flys 5 x 8 - 40

    hot potato squat 5 x 10 - 15
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I ate SOOOOOOOOOO so so so so much this weekend, lol. Today I did some...cardio...after my SL workout.

    Squats: 5x5 @125
    Bench: 5x5 @105, triple digits now!
    Row: 5x5 @80

    Then I did some tire flips, toes to bar, tire flips, pull ups using tire, more tire flips, and jumps onto the tire. Then, I was tired. HA, GET IT?

    Okay, anyway, then I rowed for 10 mins and called it a night.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    stretching and rolling (lightly) my quads before starting seems to be helping a lot.

    squats: 5x5x65.
    ohp: 5x5x45.
    deadlift: 5x1x60. i started each rep from the beginning, to make the setup a habit. found the big 10lb training plates and it was suddenly like 'huh? is this all that i need to do?'

    other notes: big, big difference, i notice, from getting set for each rep with a big breath and a tight core. i not only felt way stronger, but i was much more stable, i think. and each rep was a lot closer to being exactly like the rep before it. i feel good.

    note: i'd been misunderstanding 'tight core' to mean something like the 'suck in your gut' your parents keep saying to you. in the form check videos though i noticed other people getting tight first doesn't look anything like that, so i tried it the other way round - more kind of barrel-bodied. i like it.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    It was workout A for me today.

    Squats - goblet, 45lbs dumbell 5x5.. I'm starting to feel those. really concentrating on getting back up through my heels/bum and not with my hips.
    Bench - 65lbs still deloading but did 5x6. Will do same weight, 5x7 next time then try again with 70lbs 5x5.
    Row.. GOD I HATE ROWS. I feel like puking when I do them. I should check my breathing. Deload to 65lbs again. It was fine though. 5x5. I am afraid to go up to 70 again, I failed it so bad last time.

    This weekend was cottage weekend. I didnt log any food. I drank way too much beer. The weigh in is going to be brutal!! Hopefully I can have a good week nutrition wise and pretend it didn't happen :)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Then I did some tire flips, toes to bar, tire flips, pull ups using tire, more tire flips, and jumps onto the tire. Then, I was tired. HA, GET IT?

    Well you sure were on a roll with that tire! haha

    Past 3 days I've had my first Compete day in my lifting program (45 minutes balls to the wall nearly non-stop work. Crayyyyyy), ran 6 track laps, and did some hang snatches with back squats today. I kinda don,t like that I keep doing back squats after snatches because I don't get the best representation of my strength from being already fatigued. 3 sets of 5 at 150? I was doing 5x5 at that weight like 3 months ago, y'know? xD

    Ended today's session with 4 rounds of
    - 3 min rows
    - 1 min KB Swings
    - 1 min jump lunges
    - 1 min rest

    I'm still not sure where my legs have gone and it's been a few hours now lol
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Cardio day! 44 minutes of HIIT sprints (30 sec on - 60 sec off). Nothing too crazy or exciting.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey ladies... missed posting my Friday workout...got busy with "stuff"...so the flux is my son's ex GF, now not ex, might be pregnant....so life is up in the air right now...he will be 20 in 9 days...should have some sort of confirmation from the doctor this week...hence all the cooking I did this weekend...for those who did not see...7 batches of jam, 3 pies, strawberry shortcake, a batch of bread and beans...all the while getting groceries, doing laundry, hanging it out on the line etc...managed 18k steps on Saturday...can you guess what I do when I am "emotional".....

    Anyway so Friday was DL day...

    Squats @ 155 3x8
    OHP @ 93.5 3,2,3...blah
    DL @ 190 1x5 felt great after the workout but drained...

    Today was workout A for me...and to be frank I just didn't want to do it...but I did...I knew I would feel better afterwards.....

    Squat warmup + 3x5@160...felt great...moving up (that was a current deload to help with form as my hips were coming up to fast)
    Bench warmup + 3x5 @ 125...felt great...was easier than the 123.5 on Last Wed go figure
    Rows 3x5 @ 125...gonna move up on these...widening my grip didn't help

    I am loving the 3x5 part of the app btw...it makes it so much easier to keep track of actual deloads.

    Went for a 2 mile walk today as well...add that to the 9k steps I got at work (yes desk job) sitting at almost 15k steps today..

    Thinking about buying a fitbit next weekend as I got a "bonus" at work for my 15 years of service....any comments on Fitbits?
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    So I skipped Friday's workout. Between a nasty head cold and some back issues I figured I needed it (first missed lifting day since I started back in February). Felt really weird and kind of depressing but meh.

    I took a massive deload on my squats, even with a the extra time off I felt my back get a little twingy. I did get ATG with all of them though so I will console myself with that
    Squat 135 3x5
    Bench 95 3/3/2 and 85 lbs 2x5
    Row 75lbs 3x5

    Negative pull ups 3x8
    Flies 3x10 16lbs

    @stef good luck with your son's troubles. I put my mom through the same kind of hell (only I was the pregnant girlfriend not the boyfriend obviously). And I love my fitbit.
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    @Stef, I'm sorry things are stressful! I can't imagine. I have a 20 year old daughter that we thought was pregnant last year and I was really worried because she wasn't ready for parenthood by a long shot. It seems that adult children are more challenging than little ones.

    I skipped the gym Sunday night because I opted to lie down with the little girls to put them to bed...and then I got sleepy...so, yeah, no go. I was almost tempted to skip last night, too, because I was tired, but once I got there, I felt better.

    Squats -- 1x5 @ 80 and then had to back down to 75 for the other 4x5 because of my nasty knee. Ugh, this thing drives me nuts with the popping and cracking. It sucks getting old!

    Bench -- 5x5 @ 70. Did 'em all, oh, yes, I did!

    Rows -- 5x5 @ 40. I deloaded significantly here so that they would be easy and I'd have no reason to skip them. I almost forced myself to do more but then I came to my senses.

    I'm so busy at work that I wasn't able to get out for a run yesterday and am not sure if I can sneak it in this morning. I ran Saturday and ran most of a 5k run so I was super excited about that. My goal is to be able to run the whole 5k distance without stopping by August 1, which is my 1 year anniversary of quitting smoking.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Workout B yesterday

    Squats 5x5x85 - no idea why suddenly these are feeling easy, but I love it! Probably a combination of more energy from upping calories plus I think my core strength is improving
    OHP 5/5/5/4/4 x 55. Next time for sure... I was SO CLOSE on the last 2
    Deadlift 1x3x125

    I think I'm going to deload on deadlifts and switch to straight leg. I just feel them more in my glutes/hamstrings than regular ones, which I feel more in my quads/core
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Yes! I squatted and deadlifted more than I weigh today, and increased my bench press again too!

    Workout A (Tues)

    dumbbell skier swings - 5 x 15 - 40

    overhand bicep curls - 5 x 5 - 95

    Reverse curls - 5 x 5 - 60

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 75

    deadlifts 5 X 1 - 145

    squats 5 X 5 - 145

    Dumbbell side bend - 5 x 15 - 40

    lateral hot potato squat 5 x 12 - 15

    flys 5 x 8 - 40
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Workout B yesterday

    Squats 5x5x85 - no idea why suddenly these are feeling easy, but I love it! Probably a combination of more energy from upping calories plus I think my core strength is improving
    OHP 5/5/5/4/4 x 55. Next time for sure... I was SO CLOSE on the last 2
    Deadlift 1x3x125

    I think I'm going to deload on deadlifts and switch to straight leg. I just feel them more in my glutes/hamstrings than regular ones, which I feel more in my quads/core

    Have you tried sumo? Straight leg deadlift is more of an accessory lift than it is a main strength one, typically. Sumo stance you'll definitely feel it more in your hamstrings and bum. Don't forget to squeeze that butt while you pull the bar off the floor, too! :)

    @perseverance: AWESOME!

    Following today's clean & jerk + OHP and pull-up session, I'm going to start logging the "hurt myself" sets as entire exercises of their own. Lol. #Krash
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    @perseverance1: awesome squat and deadlift!!!! Great workout too.
    @stef: good luck to your son! Keep us posted.

    Anyone ever done crossfit classes? Any thoughts on them? I like the strenght training they do and the intensity. I might be tempted to try it. Not sure yet.

    Today was plyo/tabata style day!!! OMG. about to die.
    Round 1:
    Bodyweight squats
    Jump Squats
    Box Jumps
    Mountain climbers
    (2 times)
    Round 2:
    Jump lunges
    Single leg deadlift - left
    Single leg deadlift - right
    (2 times)
    Round 3:
    Jump rope
    Bench hop overs
    Side skaters
    Box push ups
    (2 times)

    Repeat entire routine twice. Total 35 minutes. It was all kinds of brutal.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Workout A for me today. There were plumbers(?) in the gym at 5am when I got there, working on pipes under the floor right underneath one of the squat racks, so my MFP friend that also does SL and I shared the rack for squats.

    Squats: Should have been at 145, but left work early yesterday... food poisoning from expired milk. I cut back to 135lbs and did 5x5 just to be safe. I was still feeling kind of tired and not 100% this morning.

    Bench press: 80lbs 1x3, 4x5. Didn't rest long enough between my last warmup set and my first 80lb set... I know I could have done it if I'd waited longer. Oh well, next time!

    Did not have time for rows this morning. Between sharing equipment / longer rest periods while we took turns, I was at the gym for 70 minutes just doing squats and BP... was going to be late for work if I stayed to do rows.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Have you tried sumo? Straight leg deadlift is more of an accessory lift than it is a main strength one, typically. Sumo stance you'll definitely feel it more in your hamstrings and bum. Don't forget to squeeze that butt while you pull the bar off the floor, too! :)

    Interesting, I'll check those out.... still figuring out the different kinds of lifts, it's hard when they're all so similar! I just find the conventional ones awkward - I think I'm going to deload anyway to work on form; they aren't hurting in any way but something just doesn't feel right. I also have to do mine elevated on a little stack of plates, and trying to get the bar back to the start without missing or rolling off onto the floor isn't helping... hopefully I can find some bumpers or 45s for a reasonable price soon
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    2nd week of Wendler's!

    Bench: warm-up + 65lbs x 3, 75lbs x 3, 85lbs x 10
    Squats: warm-up + 120lbs x 3, 140lbs x 3, 155lbs x 5
    Barbell Complex @ 70lbs, 4 rounds
    - 5x Bent over rows
    - 5x Lunges
    - 5x Pendlay rows
    - 5x Straight-leg Deadlift

    Found out I was able to clean the loaded barbell and press it almost all the way up (pressed it up enough to get behind my head and rest on my traps to do the lunges). Aaaaaaaaaaaand I'm spent.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    good luck stef with everything. I've heard great things about the wrist fitbit from my friend but know many others love them. There was a thing on the news the other day about "are calorie trackers making us fat" where a woman blamed her fitbit for gaining weight because she ate exactly what the thing told her she should. Obviously she doesn't have MFP to tell her they are never going to be accurate and you have to play around. *sigh* sounds like the lawsuit against vibram five fingers...

    Anywho mixed up my own workout A today because all squats racks (4) and all smith machines, not that I would use them, (3) were taken when I got to the gym. It's never that busy and and the racks are certainly never that busy. Besides the obvious power lifter these bros obviously didn't know bros skip leg day...

    Bench: did the full 5x5 70.5lbs since I was angry at the racks haha
    Squats: 3x5 125lbs.
    Hip thrusts: 3x10 40lbs (hip flexor was injured/weak back from the spring race season working up to a 10k so I read these help since the muscles are connected)
    Assisted chin ups 3x5

    Also started C25K on Sunday to try and work myself back up to my pre-hip flexor running. Hopefully starting from scratch (even though i feel dumb because I've done a 10k) will help me dial it back up slowly and fix this hip flexor issue-along with the hip thrusts and leg lifts to help.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Hello ladies!!

    Was supposed to do workout B today but I was out of buddies so I wanted to do something a little different!! Workout B will be Friday :)

    So today was..
    Squat to press - 3x10 with 10lbs dumbells. meh should have gone with 15s. next time!
    Chest flies - 3x8 with 15lbs dumbells. Gotta get that bench up!!!
    Single leg deadlifts - 3x8 with 45lbs empty bar
    Power cleans (god I love that move!!) - 3x5 @55lbs

    I was sweaty sweaty!! It felt great!