July workout check-in thread - Don't July about your PR



  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Yesterday I did a pretty decent deload in order to make sure I don't aggravate the slight back pain I had.

    Squats went to 115 from 150, 5x5
    Bench didn't deload at all from 100, 5x5
    Rows were down to 75 from 100, 5x5

    My back was great and I made it through. I think it was more important mentally than anything because I was getting super frustrated not getting in the gym. In sad news, I can't stop eating so I'd better start running a couple times a week...lol.
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    It looks like I'm continuing the trend of slacking when it comes to posting workouts. I've been reading everyone's check-ins and am so impressed with the progress and the new ladies that are here. Great job and welcome everyone!!

    Tonight was workout A. I started out thinking it was going to be great, but then after my first set of squats things went rapidly downhill. Methinks I did not eat enough food yesterday....so sad. :cry:

    squats - 1x7 at 135 pounds. Then felt an unnerving sensation in my back so dropped to 115 pounds and did 2 more sets of 7 reps.
    bench - 3,5,4 at 110 pounds. Third attempt at this weight.....fail....so here comes the deload next time.
    rows - 4,4,4 at 110 pounds. These were actually pretty good. Made it to 5 reps for each set but not without a little extra oomph, so didn't count them.

    Couple miles of sprint intervals. Got down to 7:30 mile pace but can only hold it for a couple of minutes. Happy hump day all!!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i been, i went, i did it. go me.

    i've really been sure that my quads are causing the knee bursitis this week, just by being so freaking tight they were past even hurting - just kind of numb. so i went in by bike, intending to do nothing more than beat the hell out of them with the foam rollers, stretch a lot, and maybe try out the ohp part of the workout at least.

    turns out, i did the whole thing. stretched the quads like crazy beforehand, watched my squat form extremely carefully and kept the weights low. and the whole thing just listening to the feel of my knees. this is the first day back in almost a week and i'm in no hurry now. thinking i'll probably go back to square one and re-start with the bar like the last month just never happened. mehdi and his add-5-every-workout can just bite me.

    2x5@20 (warmup)
    2x5@45 (warmup)
    5x5@55. 55 felt fine. i could have gone 60, probably, but i liked it at 55.

    2x4@40. the first three sets felt fine and solid, but on the last two i kept failing at the 4th rep and someone else was wanting the bar, so i cut my losses on that one i could have done it, but only with some kind of hideous form break (no mirror spot, gym too crowded) to compensate for something or other on my left shoulder, so i stayed honest. i'll try 40 again the next time around.

    i didn't deadlift a formal sl set. just stuck with the 45lb bar and did around 10 reps with all my focus on settling all those questions on form. i will say that 45 felt pretty easy-peasy though.

    and then more stretching and almost an hour, no exaggeration, just working on my quads with the roller again. it all hurt like nine kinds of ow, but i think i've otten through to them. they're finally letting some blood get to them and so stiff that i wish i could pee standing up.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hi everyone, I am new and well might as well start checking in on where I am. Everyone is doing so well, it's great to see. I am on Week 2 of SL5x5 using guidance from Mehdi's website. It has been really useful. Here is where I am currently:
    Squat 100lb
    OP 40
    Deadlift 80
    BP 40
    BR 40 (but it feels like i am doing it wrong/ bad form). Has anyone on here worked through this issue?

    try this video...it's Pendlay shownig us how...


    I watch it all the time as my form has a tendancy to break down after 120lbs...
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Got busy last night and didn't get to post...ick. Life is in a bit of flux atm...will fill you all in more as soon as the flux is done and decisions have been made....

    Workout A for me last night.

    Squats warm up + 3x7@155 felt good, was making lots of noises on last set...Friday...not sure if I will go up to 8 reps or just move up.
    Bench warm up + 3x5@123.5 no issues there...deloaded as I failed on the 130 x3 (even after getting it once)
    Rows 3x5@ 125 but I know my form was bad on the last reps...I am going to try a wider grip on MOnday and see if that helps.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Got quite the secondary workout moving around my new 45 lb. plates this morning (got 3 of them, 2 for my bar 1 for my curls). Increased my squats and deadlifts to 140, within a pound of my body weight....so close. Increased bench to 70, yeah fractional plates!

    Workout A (Thurs)

    overhand bicep curls - 5 x 5 - 90

    reverse curls - 5 x 5 - 60

    bench press - 5 x 5 - 70

    deadlifts 5 X 1 - 140

    squats 5 X 5 - 140

    dumbbell skier swings - 3 x 20 - 40

    Dumbbell side bend - 5 x 10 - 40
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Wow, been I while since I checked in.

    Last week I was really frustrated with everything - didn't seem to be progressing on lifts, making any weight loss progress or anything. But then this week everything suddenly seems easy and awesome - finally moved past 70 lbs on squats, which I've been stuck around since early June and blew right through 80 lbs with ease yesterday. So happy to finally be moving up - in everything.

    As of last workouts:
    Squats 5x5x80
    Bench 5x5x75
    Row 5x5x65
    DL 3x125
    OHP 5/3/5/4/4 55
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Not gonna complain... no whining... no excuses... not.. gonna... *sighs* I feel soft and pudgy. And lazy. I actually walked in the gym sideways today (not quite backwards, but I wasn't super pumped up like I usually am).

    Session was to work up to 1RM Front squats in 12 mins.
    45x5, 95x5, 115x3, 125x1, 135x1, 145x1
    150x1 wasn't too much of a grinder (what am I saying, I barely got it up! lol) but i was running out of time

    Then 20 mins to get to a heavy triple on deadlifts
    95x5, 135x5, 165x3, 195x3, 205x3
    Attempted 220, broke the bar off the floor on the 3rd rep, but decided not to grind it out as I was out of alignment and my arm was bending and I was headed right for snap city

    The chaos sessions were on a pick and choose basis for this phase of the program, but since I really don't feel like doing any of them over the next (who would? lol) I just went in the order they were listed and didn't pay much attention.
    15 mins AMRAP
    - 1 deadlift @ 90% of 1RM (that's 205 for me, only did 2 rounds then dropped to 185)
    - 1 + 1 per round dip (on rings, 4 sets of jumping them, rest with feet on box)
    - 1 + 1pr box jump (used 20')
    - 1 + 1pr T2B (I did knees to bows as usual. I need to do more core work)

    Managed 7 rounds and 7 dips. I actually had to get in 3 attempts at the deadlift on the 7th round. My back is done. Haha

    Can I haz naps? And foods?

    To everyone who hates rows: rows love you! Treat them well! Squeeze yo butt! It helps! (and wow that could go to a bad mental place...)
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Today was "cardio day" - 3.0 miles @ 4mph, 1%incline. Then foam rolling and planks - 1x40sec, 1x50sec, 1x60sec. Definitely feelings yesterdays workout A in my front pecs/shoulders and legs.
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    I am surprised at all the people that hate rows. That's one I like, well i like them all now that i have my form better on squats. I must be an odd duck. :laugh:
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I am surprised at all the people that hate rows. That's one I like, well i like them all now that i have my form better on squats. I must be an odd duck. :laugh:

    Lol, and I'm the odd one who like OHP!
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    Workout B today:

    squats: warm up, then 5x5 @ 60kg (back down to 60kg at good form :))
    OHP: warm up, 5/5/3/5/4 @ 32.5kg
    DL: warm up today: 1x5 @ 60kg, 1x3 @ 70kg and then 1x5 @ 80kg

    The new deadlift warm up was way better, felt stronger while doing the actual set :)
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    The new deadlift warm up was way better, felt stronger while doing the actual set :)

    Yay! Glad to hear that it worked for you and daaaaaaaamn on 80kg DL's! :happy:
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    i'd really like to know what it is that you hate about rows, just because i'm curious to know if it's the same stuff i hate. don't know if that takes the thread ot and we should start a new one, but i feel like there's a chance for some bonding in this.

    This sounds really awful, but here goes...

    I hate bending over and looking in the mirror because I tend to think my whole upper body looks chubby. Maybe I should try facing the other way and not bothering with the mirror? I definitely have issues because I have a warped idea of how big I actually am.

    Tonight, it's gym night and an attempt to dead lift 155. That's only a few pounds less than what I weigh. If I can pick it up one time, I'll be happy. I'm also finishing up couch to 5k and ran today for 28 minutes straight, pushing the baby in the jogging stroller AND got a new best for my mile time. I'm kind of tired but feel ready to tackle the dead lift.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    I hate bending over and looking in the mirror because I tend to think my whole upper body looks chubby.

    i have a similar kind of thing, i guess. not chub, but the whole stance just feels so . . . awkward. every other lift feels badass, which makes it fun. i mean, even if you hate doing ohp, don't you still feel like a superhero once you've got it up over your head?

    the stance and form for rowing isn't just not-badass. it's anti-badass. i'm so shallow :D
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Today was workout B.. It rocked!!!

    Goblet Squats - 5x5 with 2 20lbs dumbells. I find that easier on the hand than holding a 45lbs one.
    OHP - 5x5 with empty bar, 45lbs. Next week I suck it up and add the 5lbs. It's still tough but it's alright.
    Deadlift 1x5 130lbs!!!!! OMG. although I sensed my form was not really good. I will keep the same weight last time but really focus on driving through the bum and hamstrings.

    And hopefully I have a bit of energy left for a small run tonight!

    Have a great day ladies :)

    And I agree with the anti-badass-ness of the rows.. it IS awkward.
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    I hate bending over and looking in the mirror because I tend to think my whole upper body looks chubby.

    i have a similar kind of thing, i guess. not chub, but the whole stance just feels so . . . awkward. every other lift feels badass, which makes it fun. i mean, even if you hate doing ohp, don't you still feel like a superhero once you've got it up over your head?

    the stance and form for rowing isn't just not-badass. it's anti-badass. i'm so shallow :D

    It felt that way for a long time for me too, but I kept working at it and making form tweaks seemed like every workout. Then all of a sudden one day it all came together and now rows are awesome. I even think they're a lot more fun the heavier the weight gets, and I think the results are actually starting to show in my upper back and lats. Stick with them, they're worth it!!!
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    A few days to update!

    Monday did workout B.

    Squat: Warmup then 130lbs 5x5
    OHP: Warmup then 60lbs 1x4, 2x5, 2x4.
    Deadlift: 150lbs 1x5. I am only adding 5lbs per deadlift workout instead of 10lbs, I felt like 10 was too fast of a progression for me.

    Yesterday (Wednesday) was workout A again. I was at the gym in a thunderstorm and the power at the gym went out after I finished squats. That was interesting :)

    Squats: Warmup then 135lbs 5x5 (yay big plates again after de-loading after vacation!).
    Bench press: Warmup then 80lbs 3x5, 2x3. I was at 80lbs 5x5 before vacation so I'm almost there!
    Barbell row: 65lbs 3x5, 2x3.

    Can we please talk about how much I hate barbell rows? I haven't been able to add more than 5lbs since I started SL 10 weeks ago. I just cannot properly do 65lbs 5x5. I can do 60lbs 5x5 no problem, but add 5lbs... I can do the first two or three reps, and any reps after that do not come all the way up to touch my chest, no matter how hard I try. Ughhh. I'd have thought that my row should be fairly close to my bench press numbers because they're basically the same thing but reversed - right?
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Can we please talk about how much I hate barbell rows? I haven't been able to add more than 5lbs since I started SL 10 weeks ago. I just cannot properly do 65lbs 5x5. I can do 60lbs 5x5 no problem, but add 5lbs... I can do the first two or three reps, and any reps after that do not come all the way up to touch my chest, no matter how hard I try. Ughhh. I'd have thought that my row should be fairly close to my bench press numbers because they're basically the same thing but reversed - right?

    And I can row 73 today with no problem (need to add more) and only bench 65, i got them all up but it was hard on the last ones.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Workout 2 of post injury deload and again, all is well. :)

    Squats are 120 5x5
    OHP is at 80 (no deload on that) 4/3/3/3/2, I am aiming for all 4's and 5's next time...
    DL I dropped all the way to 95 from 185, 95 went really well and I even did a couple more sets, 115 and 125. :)