Did you swim today?



  • Kida_Adeylne
    Kida_Adeylne Posts: 201 Member
    There's been over 100 posts in this thread since the last time I even looked at it. I've been busy and, before todayy, hadn't been in the water since the previous friday. Today I swam a 1.5 race - in calm, pool like conditions and warmth for once. It was great. 33minutes and change.
    Only bad note is I had a sudden drop in heart rate when I finished - probably dehydration, or the shock of going vertical so quickly. Will be bringing it up to my doctor, though.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    It turns out that getting pool access was something the CEO actually didn't want me to use. I could rant more. But i won't.
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    Nice easy 2km in 45 mins today - all laps alternating free, back abd breaststroke
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    6:15 am -7:30 am 3200 y.
    Confirming yet again that I am not designed for early morning workouts.
    I am most definitely in the "swim early in the morning g and nothing worse can happen to you all day" camp :-)
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hi all! I'm new(er) to the group, stating my intention to be a consistent swimmer again. (Swam on the school team in high school, but that was 15 years ago). I have some random bilateral calf injury that's not clearing up and as a result my running is a thing of the past and I've gained weight. So yesterday I joined a gym with a pool so I could still get my cardio in without hurting my legs, and I swam for 50 minutes. Didn't keep count of my laps, just enjoyed getting a feel for the water again. Alternated between free, back and breast (I hate fly but maybe will give that a go once I get my confidence back). Enjoyed some time in a whirlpool after to massage my muscles. Very happy to be swimming again and intend to do so four days a week.

    I've never swam without a coach, so I'm trying to figure out how to form my own workouts. Researching lap counters, water-proof MP3 players, maybe a kickboard or buoy or something.
  • AquamadUK
    AquamadUK Posts: 5 Member
    Broken toe healed... just about.
    So 2 miles in the pool today to prove it's fine.
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    htimpaired wrote: »
    Hi all! I'm new(er) to the group, stating my intention to be a consistent swimmer again. (Swam on the school team in high school, but that was 15 years ago). I have some random bilateral calf injury that's not clearing up and as a result my running is a thing of the past and I've gained weight. So yesterday I joined a gym with a pool so I could still get my cardio in without hurting my legs, and I swam for 50 minutes. Didn't keep count of my laps, just enjoyed getting a feel for the water again. Alternated between free, back and breast (I hate fly but maybe will give that a go once I get my confidence back). Enjoyed some time in a whirlpool after to massage my muscles. Very happy to be swimming again and intend to do so four days a week.

    I've never swam without a coach, so I'm trying to figure out how to form my own workouts. Researching lap counters, water-proof MP3 players, maybe a kickboard or buoy or something.

    Welcome back to the water! There are places on the web to find workouts you can print. United States Masters Swimming is one and there are others. I find I do better with either a coach or a printed workout. :smile:
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    I did not swim today even though it is my normal swim day. After weeks of feeling unmotivated to go and unsatisfied when I did swim, I decided a vacation from swimming is what I need. I figure to stay out of the water until September 2nd and try to get some mojo back. I started working out with a trainer with a few weeks ago and I'll continue that. I'll still read about all of yours swims though!
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 947 Member
    edited August 2015
    2.5 km 53 ish min. Think I lost count, but if not, I'm pretty happy with that time!
    Still concentrating on the overall rhythm of the stroke! Getting the arms working in tandem with the core and legs, instead of the shoulders just carrying all the load, as I seem to have a habit of doing!
    Was craving a KFC twister so just had one after my tough swim, and now I'm so sleepy (can barely keep my eyes open as I type), so it must've been a tough swim.
    The positive out of today's session - coach who was training some others in the pool said they use me as a benchmark for what their students should be aiming for with their stroke!
    I was embarrassed and happy! :smiley:
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 947 Member
    edited August 2015
    aledba wrote: »
    2.5 km 56ish minutes
    I was happy they found my trunks which I'd left behind last week :smile: Glad I didn't waste money on yet another pair of expensive trunks unnecessarily!
    Way to show those young ones. And so glad to hear your trunks are found!

    Thanks - I am too! :smile:
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    Due to the restriction on no Recording devices on deck unless in Private Rental Periods ( to many in-appropriate videos taken without consent ) I have no way to view my swim.
    Sad to hear that Juliet. Funny how a few bad apples can spoil the experience for everyone else! :disappointed:
    2700 in 70 minutes. Third swim of the week.
    Can_Do_Gal wrote: »
    I managed to add another 100 yards for 1,200 yards total. I also went from doing 50 free/50 breast sets to 75 free/25 breast. I hadn't wanted to go, but it felt so good to be in the water! Still took me about an hour, but I'm pleased to continue to make progress.
    Progress is what it's all about!!!
    2600 y in 68 min. If I'd gotten to the pool 2 minutes sooner, I could have done my full 2700
    My goodness - have you been consistent or what?
    ElBence wrote: »
    Second swim today

    Two swims in one day? Now that is some crazy dedication there sir!
    Oh, and the prescription goggles from Sporti are fantastic. I'm sure they'll have the fogging issues that all goggles have, but I can see clearly in the water, I can see the clocks, and if water sneaks in, it doesn't bother me at all. Hooray! Glad I bought two pair!

    Ooooo - now you've got me jealous. I'm blind as a bat in the pool. Got to get me one of those too!
    Managed to swim for an hour today - another first for me. 1500 m in 62 minutes. Attempted one length freestyle at the end of my swim - breathing all wrong, swallowed water and gave up!! Have ordered myself a nose clip and prescription goggles, which will hopefully help things along. Any tips welcome.
    Not to worry. During my swim today the first 10 to 15 lengths I just felt like I was drowning throughout, and swallowed my fair share of pool water. I find especially with my Monday swims if I've taken the weekend off or longer, it's like the body has remind itself once again what is going on!
    60sPanda wrote: »
    That's better. No back pain today so 3km free then 1km mix free, back and breast. All in a nice tidy 1 hour and 20 mins.

    4 km :astonished:
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    Tri-River Triathlon Peace River. :)
    Swim 750m 18:46 Rank 39/61
    Bike 20 km 52:11 Rank 42/61
    Run 5 km 28:57 Rank 37/61
    4 swimmers per single wide lane so passing was just about impossible. Somehow I did manage to pass 2 of my lane mates at the wall- in fairness they stopped for an air break/goggle adjustment.
    Overall placement 42/61. B) A Decent Day Cloudy, light wind and 15C.
    Now for some serious Hydration, Foam Rolling and Stretching. I actually plan a 3 km walk to help keep everything stretched out and loose.
    Great race there Juliet! That foam rolling stuff must feel great once you're done with the session!!!
    I kept track of my distance for the first time today and I swam 1150m in approx 40 minutes. I have no idea if that's any good (probably not since I've only really been at it for 3 weeks), but now I have a number that I can try to improve on in my future swims.

    Now you have a target and benchmark to work with. Big step!!!
    fishgutzy wrote: »
    It turns out that getting pool access was something the CEO actually didn't want me to use. I could rant more. But i won't.
    There's been over 100 posts in this thread since the last time I even looked at it. I've been busy and, before todayy, hadn't been in the water since the previous friday. Today I swam a 1.5 race - in calm, pool like conditions and warmth for once. It was great. 33minutes and change.
    Only bad note is I had a sudden drop in heart rate when I finished - probably dehydration, or the shock of going vertical so quickly. Will be bringing it up to my doctor, though.
    Welcome back Kida! Yep best get that checked!
    6:15 am -7:30 am 3200 y.
    Confirming yet again that I am not designed for early morning workouts.
    I am most definitely in the "swim early in the morning g and nothing worse can happen to you all day" camp :-)
    Lol! I'm an early morning person swimmer, although the temperatures just got too cold, and I've been going during the day or in the evenings now!
    htimpaired wrote: »

    Hi all! I'm new(er) to the group, stating my intention to be a consistent swimmer again. (Swam on the school team in high school, but that was 15 years ago). I have some random bilateral calf injury that's not clearing up and as a result my running is a thing of the past and I've gained weight. So yesterday I joined a gym with a pool so I could still get my cardio in without hurting my legs, and I swam for 50 minutes. Didn't keep count of my laps, just enjoyed getting a feel for the water again. Alternated between free, back and breast (I hate fly but maybe will give that a go once I get my confidence back). Enjoyed some time in a whirlpool after to massage my muscles. Very happy to be swimming again and intend to do so four days a week.

    I've never swam without a coach, so I'm trying to figure out how to form my own workouts. Researching lap counters, water-proof MP3 players, maybe a kickboard or buoy or something.

    HT your intention has been noted and welcomed :smiley: great steps getting back to it!
    There is a thread on equipment for swimming which may be of help!
    AquamadUK wrote: »
    Broken toe healed... just about.
    So 2 miles in the pool today to prove it's fine.

    Glad you're healed up!
    I did not swim today even though it is my normal swim day. After weeks of feeling unmotivated to go and unsatisfied when I did swim, I decided a vacation from swimming is what I need. I figure to stay out of the water until September 2nd and try to get some mojo back. I started working out with a trainer with a few weeks ago and I'll continue that. I'll still read about all of yours swims though!

    A rest is good. Don't be too long though! Sometimes, it's good to remember that we're also doing it for the fun of it too! Sometimes I can get so caught up in my times, and techniques and plateaus, that I forget to just enjoy the swimming.
    Sometimes visiting different pools, getting junto a dryland regimen, can help!
    Hang in there !!!
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    Good job, everyone!

    Did another hour yesterday. Totally exhausting, but no issues with shoulder/elbow. I won't pronounce it healed yet but I am encouraged. Not going to overdo it in terms of frequency or distance in the pool, but may slowly do some longer distances much less frequently as long as shoulder/elbow issues do not return. In the meantime, I have some long bike rides planned for the Fall so the cross training is making a lot of sense. Did my first triathlon (Olympic distance) a couple of weeks ago. I had planned all along on walking the running part because of major foot surgery a couple of years ago so my time was lousy, but it was fun.
  • Can_Do_Gal
    Can_Do_Gal Posts: 1,142 Member
    1650 yards again today. Yay! Still amazingly slow. But not worried - that'll get solved eventually.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Great Swims everyone. Glad to see all the new members jumping in.
    @Robertus Glad to hear that your shoulder/elbow has improved. Olympic Distance Tri. Doesn't matter the time that's a major accomplishment. My Tri was Sprint Distance so Half of what you covered.
    @Can_Do_Gal Great Attitude - the speed will slowly build and then it will mysteriously plateau and then take a jump at an un-expected time. Can't recommend Lessons enough for anyone - there is always something that can be tweaked.
    The swim co-ordinator for the Sprint Tri said she is looking forward to the fall Tu/Th night masters lessons - as she wrote my name down on the sign up sheet with out asking ( she knows I will be in ) .
    Motivation for me she had the 3rd fastest time for all Age/Gender groups in the weekend tri.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    I've been swimming more than I have been reporting here. 1 mile, open water swim in a pond with a bunch of other swimmers.

    I was dead last. As usual with this group. God, I hate that. I know, I know, dead last is better than didn't finish. As many didn't (no shame to them, mind!) But it's still hard to be with a group of people and be the worst at the activity.
  • stephenrhinton
    stephenrhinton Posts: 522 Member
    61 min, 1900m, mixed strokes, 15 sprints
  • AquamadUK
    AquamadUK Posts: 5 Member
    2 miles - 62 mins... happy with that for the moment. Good lane set up and etiquette today, too - YAY!
  • AquamadUK
    AquamadUK Posts: 5 Member
    Wish there was a LIKE button on these posts... I'd be clicking away merrily.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    3600 (2 miles) in 90 minutes.
    @AquamadUK , clearly you'd be lapping me every 3rd lap or so--but when you go out of my lane I'd have the last 30 minutes to myself!
  • panhandle8
    panhandle8 Posts: 65 Member
    I am back after nearly 3 weeks of no swimming. I knew summer would be more difficult since the kids would be home. Anyway, school began yesterday so today I popped in the pool for a swim. I was afraid I would be horribly out of shape but swam a decent warm up, 200 yd back fin work, and then straight mile. Felt great!
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Yep Panhandle I know that feeling. Today was meant to be the first day back for me but I ran out of time (had to pick sister up from hospital procedure after my morning did not go according to plan) so it was - mmm, I'm only going to get 15 mins total!

    I decided to do it anyway.. Something is better than nothing, and I had to pass the pool anyway. Bizarrely it went really slowly and I got bored !! I wasnt doing any part of my usual routines. Oh well, tomorrow will be better. And my 50m sprint was a good time for me.

    Noel - sorry but dead last is a) better than dead. And b) if others are dropping out, then you are not worst. Plus c) I am sure they all admire you for sticking with it. Just like on here, the shorter distance and slower pace and less experienced people all have a place. In the end we are all really just racing ourselves I guess!

    Robertus - great.... Glad the shoulder holding out so far.