Workout check-in thread: You October-y Lifting Heavy!



  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Well I'm currently recovering from some kind of flu so am taking the week off lifting - its been about six weeks since my last rest week, so its about time I believe

    Keep lifting lovely 5x5 ladies <3
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    You amazing ladies continue to kill it -- so inspiring!

    I ended up swapping my massage therapy and workout, so StrongLifts 5x5 / Workout B was this AM:

    Squats: 5x5 @ 65 lbs.
    - The weight felt good, but hips continue to be tight. Need to really devote more time to stretching and warm ups, but am having trouble finding the time.
    - Arms and shoulders are doing well, which means I can just keep progressing. I'm thrilled!

    Bench Press: 5x5 @ 72.5 lbs.
    - Weight felt good here, but some reps got a little sloppy (i.e. wavy on the press). If I move up, it'll just be to 75 lbs. I think 2.5 lb. increments is where I'm going to stay from here on out.
    - I love bench press. :)

    Barbell Rows: 5x5 @ 80 lbs.
    - Still need to concentrate more on the pull through the elbows and squeeze of shoulders at the top, but otherwise, these are going well. Form is nice and tight, I'm staying low and not bouncing or using momentum to get the bar up to my chest.
    - I'm thinking I'll try to go up to 85 lbs. next time, but have no qualms about progressing at 2.5 lbs. if necessary. We'll see.

    My trainer friend is out of town the rest of the week, so my remaining workouts this week will be solo. I'm a little nervous, but also excited. Also means I get to listen to music, and since I can't seem to get enough or turn it up loud enough lately, this is a good thing.

    Mid-back is still a little wonky, even after massage yesterday. Not sure what's going on, but need to see about some good stretches for this area too. I'm not worried -- it's not sore or injured, just tight.

    Have a great day!


    PS - @ Canadianlbs. - My weights are still pretty low, so I'm working my way up to warm ups on most lifts, and figuring out the right balance between creating good tension and pre-exhausting. That said, I'll keep you posted about the warm up sweet spot. :)
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Squats: warm up + 5@60,75,90,105,120
    Bench: 5@45,45,45,55,60
    Rows: 5@45,45,55,65,75

    It finally feels like I'm started to progress again. I feel like I'll need to eat more to get more gains, but I still want to lose the layer on my stomach lol. Decisions, decisions...
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    spirit095 wrote: »
    It finally feels like I'm started to progress again. I feel like I'll need to eat more to get more gains, but I still want to lose the layer on my stomach lol. Decisions, decisions...

    What is your deficit at? Maybe even adding a hundred or two will help with the lifts which will intern burn more fat.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    OHP 5 Day
    Warm ups then 50lbs x 5, 60lbs x 5 and 65 lbs x 6

    Rows, assisted dips, and incline push ups. 5 sets of 10.

    My lats are really sore and I don't know why, so I foamed rolled for a while and I hope that helps. I have been sticking to my deficit well so far this week and my lifts are not feeling too bad. I have it set to lose 1lbs a week but I don't mind going a couple hundred calories over IF I am actually hungry.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    threnjen wrote: »
    still still still struggling to find the 'right' arrangement of legs and hips for a horizontal back angle. still have no idea from prioperception whether or not i'm rounding my shoulders during the pull.
    I feel you. I wish I had someone to video me doing all of the exercises so that I could form check.

    it's horrible, isn't it? and it's not helped by the fact that the whole stance seems so awkward and unnatural even when you see someone else do it and know that they're doing it right. i've been trying to figure out rows for months now, and i still feel like the only place where i'm feeling them is my upper hamstrings from having to stick my bum out so far. everywhere else they just feel . . . hard, but somehow i just can't figure out what's so hard about them.

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Back on the grind after a weak deload (in that I really didn't do much. 1.5 miles of running and 1 dumbbell workout and 1 bodyweight-ish test. Yep. No yoga, some walking, lots of stress(eat)ing.)

    Deadlift 5 went a little like this:

    stopped there as I was running late this AM and I'm still beat up. And had to drive back home to shower cuz I forgot my clothes >_>

    Then did 3 rounds of 40/20 intervals
    - KB sumo DL high pull s@ 20kg
    - TRX Pull-ups (aka the most awkward pull-up ever lol)
    - Goblet Drop lunges @ 30lbs (right)
    - lunges, left
    - Pike presses

    Finished up with the 10 rounds of 20/10
    - KB Swings @ 20kg
    - Mountain Climbers

    I "embraced the suck factor" throughout the entire thing and left the gym lightheaded. But I found once I ate a bit I felt better lol. Ah well.

    You guys are killing it :)
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Took a week off from lifting. I needed it. I decided to just repeat the workouts that I did do last week.

    Squats - 5x85, 107.5, 127.5, 150, 170

    Bench - 5x47.5, 60, 72.5, 82.5, 95

    Bent Over Row - 5x47.5, 57.5, 70, 80, 92.5
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    The gym is getting more packed in the morning, maybe because of the rain the last couple of days, but luckily all the racks were open. I was on Workout A today.

    Squats: repeated 85 lbs 5x5 after a warmup of 3x5 with the bar and 2x5, 1x3 @ 60 lbs. I think I'll move up to 90 next workout.
    Bench: repeated 55 lbs 5x5. I think I'll move up to 60 next time.
    Rows: repeated 55 lbs 5x5. Still having trouble with these so might repeat again next time. I'll see how I feel at 60 first though.

    I also did a 60 second and a 30 second plank, along with some ball crunches to round out my hour.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    massage97 wrote: »
    spirit095 wrote: »
    It finally feels like I'm started to progress again. I feel like I'll need to eat more to get more gains, but I still want to lose the layer on my stomach lol. Decisions, decisions...

    What is your deficit at? Maybe even adding a hundred or two will help with the lifts which will intern burn more fat.

    My deficit changes on a daily basis lol. I'm short and small, so I'm still eating above the recommended amount from MFP and IIFYM. I might decide to just eat a bit more and focus on lifting. I guess I'll see how I feel.
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Workout A today

    Squats - Warm up + 5x5 @ 85lbs
    BP - Warm up + 5x5 @ 65lbs
    Row 3x5 @ 65lbs 1x7 @ 65lbs, 1x8 @ 65lbs (my right elbow still wants to kick out on this)

    Then 2 x 45sec plank to keep up with my plank challenge for the month.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    Going through some personal junk right now :/ Hope to be back on a routine next week, though. You are all great inspiration.
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    spirit095 wrote: »
    massage97 wrote: »
    spirit095 wrote: »
    It finally feels like I'm started to progress again. I feel like I'll need to eat more to get more gains, but I still want to lose the layer on my stomach lol. Decisions, decisions...

    What is your deficit at? Maybe even adding a hundred or two will help with the lifts which will intern burn more fat.

    My deficit changes on a daily basis lol. I'm short and small, so I'm still eating above the recommended amount from MFP and IIFYM. I might decide to just eat a bit more and focus on lifting. I guess I'll see how I feel.

    You might be surprised at what you can eat. I started wearing m y bodymedia again and it gave me an average of 2836 a day for the last week. When i stopped using it in April i was at 2700 WITH cardio burns of 1000 a week. No cardio nowdays!
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    Lifting tonight:
    Squats: 5x5 @ 100 lbs.
    OHP: 5x5 @ 50 lbs. Backed down from 55 lbs. after the 3rd fail :( Did pretty well on keeping the back neutral and not arching.
    DL: 1x5 @ 135 lbs. Dang, that was heavy for me!

    Workout music tonight brought to you by the 80's with Madonna, Michael, Wham and Pat Benatar (yeah, I know...I'm old! :wink: )
  • marylynndrake
    marylynndrake Posts: 86 Member
    Tonight didn't want to but did. After warmups, squat 135, bench 60, rows 60. Short and sweet, got through it quickly and it was actually a decent session. Keep it up, everyone!
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    I actually had an okay showing today but my head was NOT there. I had kid commitments that kept me occupied all day and couldn't get in until after dinner (usually I got around 10AM). I announced to the hubby I was off to "give it my very best 75%!" =/


    Squat - moved up to 70lb, it was just ok. It's weird because it didn't feel overly heavy, but I almost failed rep 5 of two sets, and my form was just not awesome. I am not sure if it was my mood or something else. I will probably repeat just to be safe.
    OHP - I'll admit it, I didn't even TRY to do 50lb today. I was so not feeling it. I did do 5x6 reps of 45lbs.
    Deadlift - moved up to 115lbs. I think I did 12 of them. I love deadlifts!

    I did a 15min warmup on the elliptical, and nothing after SL today. I just gave it a big "meh" and drove home.
  • liftnrunlikeagirl
    I was running short of time Tues night so just did 3x5 (workout A). No fails but that usually happens on the last 2 sets! Tonight I should have enough time for all my sets.
  • ohiotubagal
    ohiotubagal Posts: 190 Member
    edited October 2014
    I haven't been to great about checking in here...making a fresh start today:

    Squats: 5x15 lbs
    Bench: 5x45 lbs
    Row: 5x50 lbs

    Squats: 5 x 5 x 20 lbs
    OHP: 5 x 5 x 45 lbs
    Deadlift: 5 x 5 x 55 lbs
    Side leans: 2 x 15 reps x 25 lbs
    Ab machine: 2 x 10 x 50 lbs

    Couldn't do the gym yesterday due to a sick child at home. So I did some bodyweight work

    Pushups: 2 x 10 (a record for me!)
    Plank: 1 @ 45 secs
    Situps: 2 x 10
    Side planks: 2 x 30 secs
    Knee/elbow/ab thingie: 2 x 15

    10/13 is the first time I really felt comfortable in the free weight section, despite a bunch of dudes in there lifting way heavy. I will get there someday!

    I know the once a week deal isn't the best...but I've had life happen the past couple of weeks and that's just the way it goes. Planning to go Saturday before work and get back on a routine.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    10/13 is the first time I really felt comfortable in the free weight section, despite a bunch of dudes in there lifting way heavy.

    i love this. it'll keep getting better too.

    been amused by the way so many people sneak in extra deadlifts just like i do.

  • marylynndrake
    marylynndrake Posts: 86 Member
    [quote=been amused by the way so many people sneak in extra deadlifts just like i do. [/quote]
    Oh I like this idea! I think I'll try it :smile: