Workout check-in thread: You October-y Lifting Heavy!



  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    Tonight's workout:
    Squats: 5x5 @ 95 lbs. First time at 95 and it felt pretty good. Almost to triple digits!!
    Bench: 5x5 @ 85 lbs.
    Rows: 5x5 @ 80 lbs. After 4 times at this weight, I think I'm finally ready to move up :smile:

    Still working on my "big girl" push-ups. And had 30 minute spinning class during lunch hour today. Boxing class tomorrow.

    Lift heavy, ladies!
  • 7aneena
    7aneena Posts: 146 Member
    Today was my 2nd Stronglift work out and this is how it went
    Squats 5x5 @ 45 (it felt like moderate effort, should I up it a bunch or stick to schedule?)
    OH 5x5 @ 25 lbs, It irretates me how weak my upper body is :\
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 90 lbs
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    7aneena wrote: »
    Today was my 2nd Stronglift work out and this is how it went
    Squats 5x5 @ 45 (it felt like moderate effort, should I up it a bunch or stick to schedule?)
    OH 5x5 @ 25 lbs, It irretates me how weak my upper body is :\
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 90 lbs
    Are you getting low enough on squats? I'm barely ahead of you, but I was advised just recently that even if it wasn't hard, stick to the schedule so that you have the low weight time to work on form.
    My upper body is mega weak, I feel you.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    7aneena wrote: »
    Today was my 2nd Stronglift work out and this is how it went
    Squats 5x5 @ 45 (it felt like moderate effort, should I up it a bunch or stick to schedule?)
    OH 5x5 @ 25 lbs, It irretates me how weak my upper body is :\
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 90 lbs

    I second what threnjen said. Concentrate on your form and getting as low as you can when the weight is lighter. I've only been doing squats for a couple of weeks now due to shoulder/arm issues, and while my legs could definitely handle more weight, I'm really concentrating on opening up my hips (super tight) and trying to break parallel, so that when the weight increases, it's just second nature.
    And don't worry about your OHP. You're in good company with many of us who struggle with and/or loathe this move. Again, concentrate on your form (engage core, back straight) so as you progress, you know you've got that locked in.
    Nice job on the deadlifts!
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited October 2014
    StrongLifts 5x5 / Workout A

    Squats -- 5x5 @ 60 lbs.
    - Hips are still tight, but I started with some body weight squats/stretches, focusing on getting as low as I could and it definitely helped. I actually had to hold on to the squat rack for these, but since they were really more about stretching than anything else, I'm not concerned.
    - 60 lbs. felt good. Not too much stress on the arms and shoulders, but a nice weight that I could feel throughout the exercise.
    - Really concentrated on getting as low as possible in these and, for lack of a better phrase, sticking my *kitten* out. Also pulled in the core, and I could definitely feel the difference.
    - (Really MFP? You're going to block our language now?)

    Bench Press -- 5x5 @ 72.5 lbs.
    - I finally got to use my tiny little fractional plates (1.25 lb. each), which brought me great joy.
    - These weren't easy, but I was nice and strong throughout (with the exception of a rep here or there). Played with my grip a little to feel the difference between chest and triceps, and like both. Will probably do a few sets of each whenever I do BP just for the variety.
    - I love bench press. :)

    Barbell Rows -- 5x5 @ 82.5 lbs.
    - Deloaded on these last time (down from 95 lbs), and it's helped my form immensely. I'm touching my chest every rep and really concentrating on pulling through my elbows.
    - I don't know about you, but I love that quick clank when the weights hit the floor (or in my case, the plates stacked beneath since what's on my bar isn't tall enough yet).

    I really wanted to a quick set of light deadlifts tonight, but my trainer pal said no. Probably smart -- he's usually right about this kind of thing. I just love them so much!

    Going rock climbing on Friday, before I do my 5x5, so that will make things interesting. OHP is going to be brutal! But it will be fun to see what I can do when I'm not pre-exhausted for climbing and when I'm worn out for 5x5. (I was the opposite last week.) We'll just call this Friday an experiment! It's for science! :)

    Keep killing it out there, ladies!


  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    Looks like I'll miss a few gym sessions as my youngest has broken his arm and it needed an op to stabilise the break with wires, so he's having some time at home. You're all doing great - I won't ask you to do a few reps for me though ;)
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    StrongLifts 5x5 / Workout A

    Bench Press -- 5x5 @ 72.5 lbs.
    - I finally got to use my tiny little fractional plates (1.25 lb. each), which brought me great joy.
    - These weren't easy, but I was nice and strong throughout (with the exception of a rep here or there). Played with my grip a little to feel the difference between chest and triceps, and like both. Will probably do a few sets of each whenever I do BP just for the variety.
    - I love bench press. :)

    I love bench press too. Good job on the 72.5! I still need to get those 1.25 lb. plates...especially for OHP. Yuck!

    Savlona wrote: »
    Looks like I'll miss a few gym sessions as my youngest has broken his arm and it needed an op to stabilise the break with wires, so he's having some time at home. You're all doing great - I won't ask you to do a few reps for me though ;)

    Aww...sorry to hear about your boy! Poor guy. Hope he heals quickly.

  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Back on the stick, now I just have to do Sat. to have my 3 this week.

    Workout A (Thurs)

    underhand bicep curls 5 x 5 - 140

    Reverse curls 5 x 5 - 100

    Overhead Press, Barbell - 5 x 2 - 65

    Overhead Press, Barbell - 5 x 4 - 60

    Barbel Row, Bent Over - 5 x 5 - 100

    squats 5 X 5 - 200
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Lifted last night

    Squat 5x5 @ 150lbs - felt tired last night and maybe not enough carbs. Gonna stick here
    bench 5x5 @ 80lbs - I love bench <3
    Rows 5x5 @ 88lbs

  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    I lifted Wednesday morning, Workout A:
    Squats 80 lbs 5x5
    OHP 45 lbs 5x5
    Deadlift 65 lbs 2x5 (I can't seem to do just one! :wink: )
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Today was deload day for squats.
    80lbs x 5, 100lbs x 5 120 lbs x 6

    Then straight leg deadlifts 95lbs, glute bridges 95 lbs and burpees all 10 x 5

    I also did my test time for 5k and I came in at 32:16 so not too bad.

    It was one of those workouts that I was so glad it was deload week. I think the run at lunch kind of did me in.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    what i love about workout a: when it's over. decided i'm just procrastinating about adding weight, so i grew up and did it. i did this workout after the 15-mile ride, and i may have been a little depleted, i guess.

    squats: 2x5@45, 1x4@55, 5x5@75. not easy, but it went okay. 3.5 stars.

    bench: 2x5@45, 5x5@55. think my form was much better than i felt like it was, because i'm forgetting what all the small details are once again. still, the weight was challenging without being impossible and it's an increase. 4 stars.

    rows: 1x5@40, 5x5@60. kind of weird. i started out just letting the bar hang, because i am sick and sick and more sick of all this dicking around to try and find a 'good' way to get the plates to touch the floor every time. then at around the 3rd set i changed my mind and stacked plates. here's the part that was weird and i'm not certain yet of what made the difference. for about half of my sets, the weight was just ridiculously light. i was bashing myself in the boobs, it was coming up so fast. so i thiiiiiiiink what did it was having control of my rhomboids these days, to where i'm properly able to 'hollow' my upper back and pull my shoulderblades together at the start of each rep.

    oh. and at around the end of set 4, i realised my pants have a split in the seam at the back. so whoever it was who was right behind me was getting a nice view of my k-mart special undies all the way through.

    planks: 2x1 minute, front. 1eachx30 secs, side. i hate side planks.

    pullups: 55lb assist again and i didn't even try for the widest grip. i made the rows my excuse.
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Had my first fail yesterday =/

    Squat 5x5 @ 165lbs (holding here for maybe another session)
    OHP 5/5/5/4/7 @ 80lbs - failed on the 5th rep of the 4th set. Waited 5 minutes and killed it on the last set.
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 185 lbs
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey Ladies

    Week 2 of 5/3/1

    OHP warmup 35,42.5 & 55@5,

    Working weight 55x5, 65x5 and 72.5x7 putting 1RM@89lbs (I know it's higher)


    Pushups 5x10,
    Lat pull downs 5x10@20lb (too light)
    Tricep extension 5x10@20 (just right)

    and added in chinups 3,2,1 (Yah I got in 3 even after all the acc work)

    I added in chinups at the hubby was doing them...I can feel the lat pull downs which is odd as the weight felt light will probably feel the tricep ext tomorrow as I could feel the burn tonight doing them.

    The hubby did the big but boring acc work as he likes to just lift...but all n all a good workout and a day early (hubby just got off night shift) and I was suprised so will probably do deads tomorrow and have Sunday for Thanksgiving...

    Have a great weekend ladies.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Saturday here so morning workout

    Squat 5x5 @ 135lbs - deloaded, not cos I had failed but I just wasn't feeling great this morning
    OHP 5x5 @ 62lbs - also a deload. Meh
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 145lbs then 1x 4 @ 176lbs <--- more than I weigh woop woop
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Went in today for what should've been a pre-test to my garage built body program haha.

    Recline rows 3 sets of max reps in 7 mins: 13/12/10 for 35

    Pike presses same setup as the rows: 13/10/10 for 33

    8 min AMRAP of complex (only unbroken rounds count)
    - Sumo deadlift x6
    - sumo deadlift high pull x6
    - ground to overhead x6
    - goblet squat

    Managed 7 rounds with a 30lbs KB. Coulda gone heavier in retrospect. Was a major heart pumper though. My breathing has been labored past couple days - not sure if allergies, a virus or a mix of things. It sucks

    Went for a 400m run and decided while I was there I only had 3 laps left after the first to finish Thursday's incomplete workout. 1:38x3 and 1:40 for the second lap. Blah. Antihistamine helped a bit but I'm coughing now.

    Going to a wedding this afternoon. Wee? xD (Not mine, obv. lol)
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Started back up today after a week off (doing only cardio) and I did GREAT! I backed my weights off so here is where I started today
    Squats - warmup + 5x5 @ 80lbs
    BP - warm up + 5x5 @ 65lbs
    Row - 5x5 @ 65lbs

    Didn't fail on any lifts. I am definitely tired, but so happy to be back to lifting!
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Today was a big ball of meh. Usually I get up at 8, eat something, get my kids off to school and get to the gym around 10. Today I got up at 8 and ate half a protein bar on the way to the gym at 8:15, and the difference in my plan really showed. I was really weak and out of it and only at 70%.

    Squats - did 5x5 at my new weight of 65 lb but my form was really sloppy. Not atrocious, but sloppy enough that I think I will do 65 next time again.
    OHP - Mehhhh. Always trying and failing at 50lbs. Did 4, was so bad, went down to 45 and did 4x5. I totally forgot that I was planning to up reps until after I had left. Oh well. I will still try 50 again next time, because I was definitely not at my best.
    Deadlift - did 1x6 at my new weight of 105 and at least finished out strong and happy.

    Other work today was 5min cardio warmup on the stairmaster, and a challenging 1hr yoga class afterward. Where I also was at only 70%.
    Usually I lift on Fridays but my bestie wanted to go for a run so we did that instead, and I committed to the yoga class with her, so just trying to fit in the lifting.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    well. i could push down a tree.

    didn't want to go and i left it all day but i went, which is really a nice time of day for me for some reason. and it was all win. some milestones in here, whoop whoop.

    general note: my sweet spot for warmups might just be whatever it takes on that day to get to where i'm happy with my form. as opposed to doing a set number of sets, or doing it in order to get all the muscles going, or doing it to see how strong/not i feel. now that i think about it, i think i identified my 'quit warming, start working' point this evening. if i focus entirely on form instead of asking myself how the weight is feeling, there's always one set where i finish with a huge psychological boost. i feel like i've got it nailed and the lift feels like a piece of cake and i can't wait to get going with it. i'm going to start taking that mental moment as my sign that it's time to load up with my real weight, and i'll see how that approach works for a week or two.

    squats: 2x5@45, 1x5@55, 5x6@75.

    stayed at 75 but added a rep to each set, because there's a specific aspect of my squats that i've been feeling has kind of gotten away from me while i adjusted to squatting lowbar, and i really liked it. so i decided after the last workout that i was going to spend the next one (this one) getting that back before i move on. it's the pushing myself up and out of the hole via my pelvis and hamstrings, instead of my quads. for me the stall point always feels like it's right around where you re-pass parallel. i discovered back before the back tweak that if i just hang out there (if i need to) and make myself stubborn about bracing my feet outwards and using only my bum and my pelvic stuff to get moving again, it might be a bit slow but it's always strong and my knees don't cave in. i'm always able to do it if i just concentrate and i really like how it feels. this approach has been working for me as far as saving my knees, so i'm really happy to re-find it with the low bar.

    also. even allowing for low-bar i think i'm getting sufficiently low. i had my chest higher than usual and still i kept getting stopped by the rack :D

    overhead press, take 1: had to clean the bar from the floor for each set as the rack was taken. settling my grip after the clean is always a problem for me and i think it takes a lot out of me, so i wasn't over surprised at the way that this went.

    2x5@30, warmup. 3x5@50, 1x3@50, and i quit there and moved on to deadlifts and other stuff.
    [scroll down for take 2]

    DEADLIFTS!!!!! <<<<--- milestone alert

    i lifted more than my bodyweight, guys. i know this for fact because the moment i'd done the last rep i walked across to the scale and weighed in. and yep, tonight i weighed 128.6 pounds with all my clothes on and without peeing either, so i'm putting this on my books. i did 1x3@50 and 1x2@80 to get warmed up, and then either 5 or 6 singles at 130 pounds. i was actually thinking i'd just add 5 pounds to my previous 120 weight . . . but someone had hung a pair of 5 plates on the 2 1/2-plate peg, so what would aretha franklin have done? i did it. they weren't stunningly pretty, but i think they were safe form and it felt like exactly that weight where you feel confident can go back the next time and totally tidy it up. i got kind of excited and might have lost count on the reps.

    ohp, take 2: i went back to the rack at the very end of the night when it was finally free, and did 5x5@50 without any further warmup. also not-easy but also good form and at no point was there any serious threat of a fail. my nose-trick really seems to be working for this lift. also some deltoid stretches. i'm so pitifully body-dyslexic it takes me forever to figure out how to position myself relative to any wall or doorway to get those ones done, but i somehow figured it out and i think it paid off.

    planks: 2x1 minute front, 1x30 secs side. still hate side planks. also did some of those horrible flat-on-back things where you lower alternate heels to the floor without letting your lower back arch.

    pullup work: eh, i was just messing around with this stuff today. nothing really organized or official, but i did repeat my routine for activating shoulders and upper back for at least 2x5 at three different points on the lat-pulldown bar. i can't believe how weak i am at this move - 25 pounds was the point where i stopped. and the 'hold' at the bottom of each pull is hell. i've been hanging out there and making myself do a few-second pause on each one, but still. eish.

    way to go @symba. it's great that your rest time has paid off so well.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    well. i could push down a tree.


    way to go @symba. it's great that your rest time has paid off so well.

    Nice report!!! You had an awesome workout! What is the nose trick on the OHP?