


  • Dadof8
    Dadof8 Posts: 146 Member
    I joined the church in ’84 and married a great Catholic women. Our church started perpetual Eucharistic adoration a few years back and I’m able to spend Tuesdays with Jesus! Tuesday afternoons from 4 to 5 pm I’m at adoration. I love the church and the riches it has to offer.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I was adopted through Catholic Charities, raised Catholic, went to Catholic school, was a full time volunteer/national missionary through a Catholic organization, taught in Catholic school, and am now the wife of a candidate for the diaconate. Yes, my life is very Catholic. As I tell everyone when talking about politics I'm Catholic first. I love my faith, am grateful for it, and would not abandon it, ever. I love being Catholic!

    And why I"m on MFP, because I'm tired of confessing gluttony.

    You sound like me......a total Catholic life!
  • wannabeviv
    wannabeviv Posts: 4 Member
    Came to the church in '08 and have been devoted ever since.
    Currently training to be a Catholic School Primary Teacher at a Catholic University in Sydney :)

    LOVE this. Also, PLEASE tell me your profile picture is you dressed as a Ravenclaw. I was a Hufflepuff for Halloween. =)

    Ahhaha, Was Slytherin for Halloween, even had a dark mark :)
  • mom2ajnsz
    mom2ajnsz Posts: 18 Member
    Hi all! I too am a cradle catholic. My dad was a Jesuit for 10 years before he left the order. It was during Vatican 2 and he had a hard time with many of the changes coming out of Rome. So he decided he really wanted a family. He spent most of his life working in catholic schools and I went to them as well. My dad retired from teaching Latin at a catholic HS in June of 2010 and passed away from cancer last november, but I am proud that I too have embraced my faith and my kids have also gone to catholic schools their entire life.

    I have another group on here called WWJE - through the strength of Jesus I found many christians on MFP before the groups were formed and I was one of the members who pushed hard for them. I almost got kicked off MFP for looking for other christians & catholics. So feel free to join me there as well. I am very happy to see a catholic group on here as well. Please feel free to friend me too.
  • JamieSK
    JamieSK Posts: 266 Member
    Hi, new to the group...glad to have found it!! I too am a cradle Catholic went to Catholic school for the first 8 grades...love the Roman Catholic Church!! :happy:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Hi, new to the group...glad to have found it!! I too am a cradle Catholic went to Catholic school for the first 8 grades...love the Roman Catholic Church!! :happy:

    I did the same, then went to a public high school. How did you transition? I was in culture shock for a bit!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Hi. Glad to know of a Catholic group looking at weight loss as a spiritual battle! Looking forward to participating here!
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    born into a Roman Catholic family, confirmed catholic at the age of 19 :)

    My husband became Catholic in 2007! I have to say I'm happy to see Catholics here too.
  • PrairieRoseNE
    Hi - Thanks for starting this group :)

    I chose to become Catholic in Sept 2008, went thru the RCIA process and became fully Catholic at the Easter Vigil in 2009. Previously I was un-churched. I love my Faith and currently serve as a Lector at Mass and I'm co-teaching the Confirmation class this year. I'd enjoy it more if my students loved their Faith as much as I do - but we're trying!!

    I definitely need prayers to assist me on my health & weight loss journey as I just found out I have hypothyroidism (non active Thryoid gland.) So I'm at a plateau and trying hard to get off this "mountain". Wish me luck :)

    Offering up prayers for all the members of this group!

    ~~Prairie Rose
  • BestCindyICanBe
    BestCindyICanBe Posts: 75 Member
    I am so happy to find you all. I have been on MFP since July and have been looking for other Catholics. I am a cradle Catholic who was not catechized. My dad was a cradle Catholic who stopped going to Mass after Vatican 2. My mom converted to Catholicism in 1967 (bad time to convert). While I was in high school we never went to Mass. When I turned 25 my niece was born and my brother (who has left the church) had her "dedicated" in an non-denominational church. The pastor told us that we were responsible for the faith of this child and that hit me. I decided to return to the Catholic Church. Long story short I joined the choir met my husband and 16 years later we have 4 children ages 15,14,10, and 5 who all attend Catholic Schools. I volunteer at my parish. I am in charge of the Altar Servers, an EM, and help with Faith Formation. I also volunteer at my children's schools. I love the Church and the Sacraments and hope to pass that love on to my children.

  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    I found this group by chance, and frankly it's exactly what I need.

    Born Catholic in Puerto Rico so loooooong line of Catholics. Married a Baptist but he actually shares most of my views. I just don't believe in forcing the conversion issue unless the person is ready. Raising both kids Catholic....or trying to.

    Due to massive marriage difficulties and major health issues and just what has felt to be a raw deal I grew apart from the Church. I've even attempted suicide a couple of times. My husband has also denied me repeatedly, and it has now been almost 4 years since we had relations. Before that, 2 years...very upsetting and frustrating, and no my body has nothing to do with it considering the different weights I've been.

    I miss my Spanish masses so full of life, miss doing the Rosaries at friends' houses...and I just felt that I'd been so angry at God for so long that if I even set foot in a church I'd probably be hit by lightning.

    I have tried to at the very least continue my devotion to the Blessed Mother here at home, but usually cry in the middle and end up stopping. I have so many thoughts of walking out of my marriage, of trying to take the easy way out, that I am ashamed to be in her presence...knowing what sorrows she went through.

    So I hope that we can find common ground and support here...and maybe while I improve my body I can improve my soul to at least ACCEPT my life and move forward, versus trying to change it in the wrong way. I need to find some peace.
  • Regmama
    Regmama Posts: 399 Member
    I found this group by chance, and frankly it's exactly what I need.

    Born Catholic in Puerto Rico so loooooong line of Catholics. Married a Baptist but he actually shares most of my views. I just don't believe in forcing the conversion issue unless the person is ready. Raising both kids Catholic....or trying to.

    Due to massive marriage difficulties and major health issues and just what has felt to be a raw deal I grew apart from the Church. I've even attempted suicide a couple of times. My husband has also denied me repeatedly, and it has now been almost 4 years since we had relations. Before that, 2 years...very upsetting and frustrating, and no my body has nothing to do with it considering the different weights I've been.

    I miss my Spanish masses so full of life, miss doing the Rosaries at friends' houses...and I just felt that I'd been so angry at God for so long that if I even set foot in a church I'd probably be hit by lightning.

    I have tried to at the very least continue my devotion to the Blessed Mother here at home, but usually cry in the middle and end up stopping. I have so many thoughts of walking out of my marriage, of trying to take the easy way out, that I am ashamed to be in her presence...knowing what sorrows she went through.

    So I hope that we can find common ground and support here...and maybe while I improve my body I can improve my soul to at least ACCEPT my life and move forward, versus trying to change it in the wrong way. I need to find some peace.
    You are always welcome to come back home to the sacraments. Go and talk to a priest, he will help. ANd of course, you have all of us here. Praying for you.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I found this group by chance, and frankly it's exactly what I need.

    Born Catholic in Puerto Rico so loooooong line of Catholics. Married a Baptist but he actually shares most of my views. I just don't believe in forcing the conversion issue unless the person is ready. Raising both kids Catholic....or trying to.

    Due to massive marriage difficulties and major health issues and just what has felt to be a raw deal I grew apart from the Church. I've even attempted suicide a couple of times. My husband has also denied me repeatedly, and it has now been almost 4 years since we had relations. Before that, 2 years...very upsetting and frustrating, and no my body has nothing to do with it considering the different weights I've been.

    I miss my Spanish masses so full of life, miss doing the Rosaries at friends' houses...and I just felt that I'd been so angry at God for so long that if I even set foot in a church I'd probably be hit by lightning.

    I have tried to at the very least continue my devotion to the Blessed Mother here at home, but usually cry in the middle and end up stopping. I have so many thoughts of walking out of my marriage, of trying to take the easy way out, that I am ashamed to be in her presence...knowing what sorrows she went through.

    So I hope that we can find common ground and support here...and maybe while I improve my body I can improve my soul to at least ACCEPT my life and move forward, versus trying to change it in the wrong way. I need to find some peace.

    You might like this site: http://www.catholicscomehome.org/

    God loves you. And you love Him and the Holy Mother. That is all that matters. Welcome home.
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    Nice one Carolyn.
    Me: Parents Catholic, always been Catholic.
    Catholic primary school, Catholic Secondary, Catholic College, now at uni.
  • Mymag
    Mymag Posts: 83 Member
    Nice one Carolyn.
    Me: Parents Catholic, always been Catholic.
    Catholic primary school, Catholic Secondary, Catholic College, now at uni.

    i went to a public highschool, and a public college... and now the college i'm looking at transferring to is lutheran.
    can we still be BFF?
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi, I'm Jade and I am a non-denominational Christian as many know and love all. . But I really needed to come by and say thank you for the shout out for Christians Unite. . You are awesome people. . and through our faith and prayer. . We are all going to move mountains in our lives. . God bless.
  • MaryAnn678
    MaryAnn678 Posts: 182 Member
    I am also a cradle Catholic in a long line of Catholics, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, on both sides of the family. Married my husband who is also Catholic and we raised our 6 children Catholic as well, my husband and I met at our Catholic high school.
    Glad to join the group
    . I also am an Eucharistic Minister, sang in the choir for a few years and volunteer for several church events throughout the year, we have even hosted weddings in our church, the food preparations, serving of the food, set up and break down of the hall for those in our church who would like to have a nice wedding without all the costs of a caterer. Once we were asked if we would cater another wedding and we replied "no" we only do this for our parish and if we did this for money we would not accept the job, it's too much work. But when you do it as friends getting together and joining in the fun of a wedding helping those in need then it makes all the hard work worth it. My really good friends and I, 8 of us in all, met at church and are referred to as the church ladies. If you've ever seen the play "The basement ladies" well that pretty much explains us. We've been hanging out and doing this for about 10years now.
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    Hi everyone, I'm Courtney! New to the group and happy to join! I too come from a long line to Catholics, on my dad's side...my mom's side isn't really religious. I went to Catholic schools from 5th grade-high school and taught CCD for two years after college. I'm so glad this group has been started; I teach in English in Spain and most young people here are not religious at all, though they call themselves Catholic (which I've never understood). I go to mass with mostly elderly people, so I'm easily the youngest one there! I look forward to talking to everyone (in English, lol!) and not feeling like an outsider because I like to talk about God!
  • chubbyknight
    I have been Catholic since I was 13 years old, when I converted from Pentecostalism. The rest of my family, who practiced no religion at that time also converted. I have drifted away from the church a couple of times, once as a result of being introduced to the occult, and a second over a disagreement between me and the church over a Baptism..I was in the wrong, of course. Eash time I strayed, I always came running back to Holy Mother Church with my tail tucked between my legs, and she lovingly took me back. My wife and I are now a good Catholic family which supports one another and attends church regularly.

    I am now a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus, an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Comunion, a Reader. a PSR instructor, a leader of discussions during RCIA dismissals, and a member of the Cathedral's handbell choir. I am proud to be a Catholic and to be a service to my Lord, Church, and community. I am currently attending university at Missouri State University where I am persuing a Bachelors of Sciences in Religious Studies in the hopes of one day servin the Church even more.

    I get support especially from five women in my life: my daughter Talitha, my wife LeAnn, my mother Barb, my Grandmother Priscilla+, and Our Lady of Guadalupe.

    Pax et Bonum

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  • ericashealthplan
    Thanks for starting this group! :smile: Hope we can all encourage one another to reach our goals.

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