What are your goals?



  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member
    I think motivation is my vanity,LMAO,at least I'm honest. >.<
    This! But that probably would include a face lift some day as the workout only helps in terms of body - built, hehe
  • bloodguilt
    Are you training for a competition, a race, a strong man event?
    What are your BF% goals, or Max lift Goals, etc?

    I'm training for a strongman even possibly taking place in May next year. I'd also like to get down to 10%BF by Summer 2012 and I'd like to bench 315lbs x 3, squat 365lbs. x 3, and deadlift 405lbs x 1 by Summer 2012.

    I am training not for a competition, a race, a strong man event but for lifetime pursuit! I don't see myself posing on stage trying to beat other contenders though I have a potential as what other gym rats and competing bodybuilders said. I desire to have a 1 digit bf and stay at it.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    My long term goal is to maximize my genetic muscular potential at a 8-10% body fat. According to current studies and statistics this falls somewhere between a bodyweight of 215-230lbs. Pending injury or death (I certainly hope neither of those occur), I expect this to be a lifetime pursuit.

    I'm right here as well. Working on cutting down to single digits, then building up slowly over 200.
    (Never thought I would start this journey in my 30s though!)

    My daughter, and now my own vanity are my motivators.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Squat bwx2.5, deadlift bwx3, Bench bwx1.5, SOHP xbw, pullup bwx2, 20 muscle ups, decrease 100 burpees time below 7mins.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Squat bwx2.5, deadlift bwx3, Bench bwx1.5, SOHP xbw, pullup bwx2, 20 muscle ups, decrease 100 burpees time below 7mins.

    Muscle ups kill me, dislocated my shoulder while trying to show off :(
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    My goals are:

    I want to be able to enter a Fitness Competition someday :D
    Cut enough body fat to have a very defined look and abs, think 15-16%
    Be able to bench by body weigh (only at 95lbs now tho)
    Be able to finish the tough mudder!

    And many more :] Will always have 1rep maxes to improve on, running times to improve on, and such :]
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Squat bwx2.5, deadlift bwx3, Bench bwx1.5, SOHP xbw, pullup bwx2, 20 muscle ups, decrease 100 burpees time below 7mins.

    Muscle ups kill me, dislocated my shoulder while trying to show off :(

    *kitten*! That sounds scary. What was the issue? Just pushing too hard for reps or grip width or something?

    I found initially my grip was too wide and that wasn't good on my shoulders but since I've bought it in a bit I don't have any more issues.
  • mandagurlee
    mandagurlee Posts: 22 Member
    I want to turn the pouch below my belly button into muscle :bigsmile: and tone and shrink my triceps so my arms don't waddle when i wave. Slowly I'm getting what i want but not there yet.:tongue:
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    I want to turn the pouch below my belly button into muscle :bigsmile: and tone and shrink my triceps so my arms don't waddle when i wave. Slowly I'm getting what i want but not there yet.:tongue:

    I love training triceps, I gotta get rid of that bat wing :)
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    *kitten*! That sounds scary. What was the issue? Just pushing too hard for reps or grip width or something?

    I found initially my grip was too wide and that wasn't good on my shoulders but since I've bought it in a bit I don't have any more issues.

    Exploded up on the pullup ok, but when I was pushing up past the bar, I placed too much weight onto my right shoulder and it dislocated. Hands were about shoulder width apart.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    ouch! no major damage? I'm going to be extra careful as I'm favouring the left shoulder because of previous injury to the right. All seem good at this stage though.
  • keola64
    keola64 Posts: 207 Member
    IMAG0391 by keola64@rocketmail.com , on Flicgkr

    more chest building for me! While maintaining everything else
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    First and foremost. Get a solid handle on my TDEE (going to pick up BMF tonight) I've had my RMR professionally tested, I've used every calculator known to man but I will not be happy until I have more evidence that supports my RMR test + that which I expend throughout the day.


    My goals are to build a more defined appearance.

    15% body fat

    Get wider in the shoulders and smaller in the waist. I'm already thick enough.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Are you training for a competition, a race, a strong man event?
    What are your BF% goals, or Max lift Goals, etc?

    I want to compete in figure/fitness competitions. I do not have one in mind right now as I am first focusing on my body. When I get to certain degree of fitness, then I will train specifically for that event.

    I want to reduce my body fat % to 12ish for the competition. But for all other wonderful times of the year, I want to be in the 16-17% range. I don't have any lifting goals right now since my workouts are 3 sets of 8-12 reps...so I honestly don't even know what my one rep max is for most lifts. I can tell you that my bench press for those 36 reps is at 70 pounds right now, barbell squats is up to 125 pounds...not too sure about deadlifts since I just started them a couple of weeks ago, and yesterday I did 70 pounds but thought it was too light. I don't have a trainer or a spotter so I am starting that one out slowly until I find where I need to be, but not all in the same workout cause I don't want to spend all my time doing hams and lower back, lol.

    I'd also like to get to the point where I can run a mile in under 7 minutes. I have never done that before.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member

    more chest building for me! While maintaining everything else

    Chest has always been my weakness due to a bad shoulder. I need to put some mass on my pecks!
  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member

    more chest building for me! While maintaining everything else

    Chest has always been my weakness due to a bad shoulder. I need to put some mass on my pecks!

    Chest? I love it, I, too would like a bigger one, hehe
  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member
    For those wanting to lose BF, are you playing with macro ratios, calorie cycling, cheat days, diet breaks, how are you reaching your goals?
    I had some success with calorie cycling and fasted cardio.

    I do semi-fasted cardio since decades if I teach/attend morning cardio class. I'll have a coffee and an apple beforehand, though. Now that I know more, I'll try to do a 35 g Protein extreme smoothie after (only 170 cal). I'll keep you in the loop if that does anything. Off to the gym, to do step and shoulder PT afterwards ( Ihave been slacking on this).

    It would be nice, if the new people introduced themselves and point out their goals :) I hope to learn from you guys.
  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member
    obviously, I still can't quote correctly despite being on here for a long time...
  • clintondene
    clintondene Posts: 43 Member
    Right now my goal is to stay the way Im going and to learn as much as i can about diet and exercise. Im hooked on this and want to learn and just keep staying strong in this vast and amazing world of health. Barnes and Noble have buy 3 books for $20 sale in the fitness depo and Im heading there today to do some splerging.
  • clintondene
    clintondene Posts: 43 Member

    more chest building for me! While maintaining everything else

    Chest has always been my weakness due to a bad shoulder. I need to put some mass on my pecks!

    LOL yeah your chest looks terrible. GOD id kill for a chest like yours.