Getting to know you



  • ginabina13
    Hey all! I'm Gina, I'm a 34 year old special education teacher. I moved to Fort Myers, Florida 5 years ago, but was born and raised in the NW suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. I miss Chicago a ton, even though Florida weather has been easy to get used to. I've always been overweight and have struggled with trying to lose weight my entire life. My heaviest weight was 260 and I'm now down to 180. I haven't been this size since early in high school. I feel amazing and am very proud of myself. I finally realized that I needed to do this for me, not to meet the expectations of others. It took a change in attitude for me to finally drop the pounds and it has been life changing.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Hello. Im Ben, I am a pharmacy technician as well at a retail pharmacy, as well as a prepharmacy major at wayne state university. I also work as a DJ and sound technician, I am a black belt, ride motorcycles, and have a girlfriend I love dearly. I am also (dont be scared) a moderator on MFP, as well as I have lost 41 pounds using the site. I love MFP, love the users, and hope everyone else is having the same wonderful experence as I am
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    Hi everyone!! My name is Nicole and I am from Syracuse, NY!!! I have struggled w/ weight issues my whole life. I have currently lost a total of 94 pounds over a 2 year and 1 month period of time. My weight loss has been slow, but w/ a lot of patience and time put into it, I have nearly meant my first goal of 100 pounds. I started out using weight watcher in October of 2009. After they changed the point system, my body didn't agree with it much because I hit a plateau that lasted about 2 months!! I was so discouraged. I came across MFP and it has been such a relief! I've meant a ton of GREAT people here and wouldn't change my lifestyle change for anything. I have a boyfriend who has been so supportive. He never fusses about the things I make to eat or about the time I spend at the gym and away from home. I spend at least an hour at the gym 5-6 days a week normally. Recently with my boyfriends schedule change it's only been 4 or 5 because he works nights and his days off are literally the ONLY time we see each other. Well...... that's a little about me!! It's nice meeting all of you.
  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    I'm Mary - in Northern VA - I am 29 years old - I started at 303.4 pounds on January 1 this year - and my goal was to lose 100 pounds by my 30th birthday (April 2012) - I am now down 89.2 pounds (as of this morning) - currently weigh 214.2... I was never into exercise but now I'm a gym rat. LOVE MFP as well!

    Wow! That is amazing congrats!!!!
  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    I'm Mary - in Northern VA - I am 29 years old - I started at 303.4 pounds on January 1 this year - and my goal was to lose 100 pounds by my 30th birthday (April 2012) - I am now down 89.2 pounds (as of this morning) - currently weigh 214.2... I was never into exercise but now I'm a gym rat. LOVE MFP as well!

    Wow! That is amazing congrats!!!!
  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    I'm Mary - in Northern VA - I am 29 years old - I started at 303.4 pounds on January 1 this year - and my goal was to lose 100 pounds by my 30th birthday (April 2012) - I am now down 89.2 pounds (as of this morning) - currently weigh 214.2... I was never into exercise but now I'm a gym rat. LOVE MFP as well!

    Wow! That is amazing congrats!!!!
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    Hi guys I'm Angie and I am from Mt Airy North Carolina aka Mayberry. I am 32 yrs old with 3 beautiful little girls. I started my weight loss journey in 2009 weighing 391 lbs. I lost 75lbs and then found out I was pregnant. I gained the majority of my weight back during pregnancy but in May of 2010 when my baby was born I got back on the journey and now weigh 242 lbs. Still have a long way to go but I will get there with my MFP family. If were not friends already feel free to add me.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    hi yall.....My name is Leigh (pronounced like Lee) and i am from Georgia..i work for a telecommunication company and have been there 10 years this october.
    i was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol in march and i have lost approx. 30 lbs since then and have almost reached the pre-diabetic cholesterol is also in normal range.....GOD IS GOOD
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Am I the only one who thinks of the song getting to know you when reading the title of this thread?
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    Hi I'm eve from London.
    I'm a 41 yr old black woman who listens to heavy metal and doesn't do r n b or chick flicks.
    I have 2 personalities both are the greatest.
    I love scifi, horror and anything by Tim Burton or with Johnny Depp together is a hat trick.
    I live a very solitary life because of life choices, no1's game enough - I wouldn't change me for the world!
    I've always been told that I was fat from the age of 8, looking back at pictures I wasn't! I was basically brain washed to think I was no good at anything and I was never told that I was pretty, I pretty much had negative comments all my life.
    I NO LONGER CARE OR LISTEN. OF COURSE IT WILL ALWAYS HURT, BUT I'M IN A BETTER PLACE NOW - ON MY OWN. I know it's sad, but I have to look after myself.
    THUNDER THUNDER THUNDER CATS HOOOOOOOO You my dear are awesome! Anyway my name is Andy 24, getting married in a couple of days, I have three great kids, a trouble making pitt, and two lazy *kitten* cats. I work full time at home for the mentally disable. I love all things fantasy, sci-fi, and loven life.
  • AandJsMommy
    Hello everyone, I am Laura. I live in Westminster, South Carolina. I am 31 years old and a stay at home mom and wife. I have 2 beautiful kids: Anna Grace, who is 6 years old and in 1st grade, and Jacob, who is 4 years old and in all day pre-k at the same school Anna goes to. I have been overweight since middle school. I joined MFP on January 1, 2009 and lost 52 pounds and then I let life and circumstances get in my way and I gained all the weight back and then some. I was embarrased by that and deleted my account. I came back several times only to delete my account again and again. I came back in May of 2011 and was doing great and then I fell and injured my knee. I had knee surgery on July 11, 2011. I started back on my weight loss journey on October 17, 2011 and so far I have lost 18 pounds. I am more determined than ever to get this weight off and keep it off. I am just taking it one day at a time and one step at a time. I have learned that if I have a bad day that I need to get right back on it and keep on trying. I didn't get overweight overnight and it sure won't come off that way either.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I'm Rita from Michigan. 63 lbs down and a SHLOAD to go!!!!
  • kt4president
    Hey all! I'm KT from Atlanta. I am just starting out my weightloss journey with MFP. I don't have a good support system, so I would love some friends who can hold me accountable. (My husband actually works for Chick Fil A corporate! Can it get any more tempting than that?)
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    I'm Diana. I'm an Eeyore addict. Oh, I have one son, and an adoring husband. I'm happy about losing weight. I'm a stay at home Mommy until we move closer to my husbands work, then I'm going back to work. I love challenges and when I found they had them on here, I was addicted.
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    Kristine from Ogden Utah. 31 years old and finishing my degree in Geography.

    I started around summer, but specifically in August. To date I've lost 18 lbs, I have slowed to a stalemate. But I also have gained alot of muscle. So I am hoping by this time next month, I will be ~5 lbs less of a person!

    This is an emotional journey and I am ready. I want to lose ~65 lbs to get to 160. I will do whatever it takes, but I am finding myself a little lost on what exactly whatever is. Listening to my body, watching what I eat, and we will see in a few months=D
  • papaye8
    papaye8 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, it's my first group ever in MFP and I think I've just hit a jackpot :) You all are so friendly and this is just the kind of thing I needed.

    I'm 26 and student, I share the house with my boyfriend & two naughty cats...

    I was super excited to come MFP few months back... so I jumped on the weight-loss-wagon and then left the train on "Lost Motivation" town. Well the train went by our house on Monday and I'm on board again. Going on straight, full speed ahead and I see one really beautiful girl at the end of that journey.

    So during the journey I'm going to need some support (because I'm really easily tempted to go on a restaurant cart and eat like all)... hopefully I'm going to find some here :)
  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    Good thread idea!

    My name is Ken. I'm a father of 3 young girls, 9, 7, & 5. Been separated now for over a year. Even thought I've paid for the divorce it isn't complete yet. I finally pulled my head out and stopped making excuses about improving my health. Being fit is at the top of my of 'self re-invention checklist'. I'm a skinny guy so all the extra sits right at the gut.

    I joined MFP about a week and a half ago. Started out at 188. My highest has been 193 or so. Between the 13th and 20th of November, I lost 4 pounds. (Not sure why the thing only says 1.) I know 4 pounds a week isn't maintainable, nor healthy for that matter, but my goal is to reach 160 by February 16th. After reaching my ideal weight, I intend on staying focused on healthy eating and gaining some muscle mass.

    That seems so piddily after reading all of your fantastic success stories, but I know it has to start somewhere.

    The enthusiasm and support I've seen on MFP is amazing! It truly is a great community. Friend me if you like!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    Hey all! I'm KT from Atlanta. I am just starting out my weightloss journey with MFP. I don't have a good support system, so I would love some friends who can hold me accountable. (My husband actually works for Chick Fil A corporate! Can it get any more tempting than that?)

    hi there...i live in hawkinsville ga and used to work at CFA in perry georgia...i loved that job, it was the first job i ever had......hope you enjoy your journey on MFP
  • kristarablue
    Hey you, my name is Kristara, I have two amazing children that are by far my biggest cheerleaders, especially my daughter. I work 7 days a week between two jobs, but my main job, I am a social worker. I started on this journey a little over a year ago and I was not actually trying to lose weight, i was trying to run a 5K, around the same time I gave up sugar and artificial sweeteners and weight just started coming off. I was not focused even on it coming off until probably February of this year and by that time I had lost 68 pounds. Then I found MFP and so thankful I did I can honestly say I am not sure I would still be on my journey had it not been for the constant support and inspiration that I receive. I am driven to work harder and do better by my friends and when I stumble and I do more than I would like, they don't let me fall and for that I am truly grateful. I still struggle to see me as I actually look and to have the confidence that maybe I should have, I sometimes think the physical changes are easier to achieve than the emotional ones.
  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    Hi! I'm Tina from Florida. I have lost -41 thus far, and have a good 100 more to go.. I'm separated, in the process of a divorce. I had started taking care of myself before my husband decided to end our 15 year marriage so I figure WTH, I'll just continue on.

    This IS an awesome group, and I'm happy to be part of it.