Getting to know you



  • gobamagrl
    gobamagrl Posts: 27 Member
    I'm Kerry-
    Divorced mom of a 16 year old daughter. I lost 75lbs back in 2003, but have gained about 15lbs of it back. I am looking to get rid of that and some.....I am looking to meet new people and gain support/motivation here!!! Please feel free to add me!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ltaylor9597
    Hi all! My name is Laura, I will be 35 next month and am from Cincinnati, Ohio. I have three amazing kids and have been married to my husband for 16.5 years. I work full time in finance. This is my second time down this route. The first time through I lost over 50 pounds. Then, I got my little surprise of my youngest son, had a lot of huge family traumas occur (father in law died suddenly from unknown colon cancer, younger sister was diagnosed with breast cancer, fell into a depression) and I gained about 40 pounds back. Several months ago the emotional abuse hit an all time low when a group of on-line friends really came in and rescued me. They opened my eyes to what was going on, that what I was living was not normal and pushed me to go to a counselor. I have been working with the counselor ever since and am finally starting to value myself and not feel guilty for putting in the work I need to do on me. This time down this route I am working to not just change the outside, but focusing a lot on the inside. I decided recently that I was ready to tackle my weight and have started logging my food, working out 4-5 days a week and making healthier choices. I am really glad to have found this group. I was feeling a little lost on MFP for a while, like I didn't really have a home. This group though is exactly what I am looking for. Supportive and active without being overwhelming! I can't wait to get to know you all! Feel free to friend me!
  • peggyalex
    peggyalex Posts: 174 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am Peggy! I am 34, married and have 4 boys ranging in age from 16 to 3. I started this weight loss journey many many times but decided to get serious about a yr and a half ago. I started at 235 and am currently at 178. Still not to my goal but am getting there very very slowly and I will not EVER give up! I have a love/hate relationship with working out! I hate it till I get it done then I love it because of the way it makes me feel and look! Nice to meet you all and very glad to be part of this goup! :)
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    Hello, my name is Sally, I'm 52 and live in Oregon. I work in a grocery store in the deli. My boss told me about MFP. Started in June.
    I have 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren, and married for 35 years.
    When I first started MFP I lost 20 pounds in 3 months now it has slowed down, for the past 3 months up down give and take 5 pounds. (any suggestions Help) Nice to meet all of you. :flowerforyou:
  • mtullock
    mtullock Posts: 71 Member
    Hi - My name is Mary. I am a single mom of 2 grown boys. I live in Saint Louis MO; yep, Go Cards. But all of you with your incredible goals and drive are my greater team. I have lost 85 lbs. from my heaviest weight over the course of 2 years. I had hit a 6 month long plateau that was really tough. Once I heard about this site I re-started my journey and now I am down 15 more pounds since I broke the plateau. You are all wonderful and inspiring. I look forward to continuing this journey together. THanks
  • lovemyself4me
    Hello everyone, Im Sana - Im a 26 yr old living in Doha, Qatar - Just moved here from NJ recently.
    Have about 65 lbs to lose - gained all the weight after an ectopic pregnancy and them putting me on heavy hormonal BC's - not a very pretty sight to see - trust me!
    Love this site - its been such a huge motivation for me to see people lose the weight, people who are in the same weight loss rutt as me but the only thing different is the "dont give up" part. I've lost weight before around 45 lbs before I got married. Have always been a bit heavy but now this is coming between me and my chance to have a family.. so here's to kicking that 208 lbs in the behind and moving forward to becoming a sexier, healthier person for my husband and my future babies!
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    Hey All! My name is Sierra. :) I go to school full time (majoring in Communication Design), as well as work at a lighting rep. office on ly free days. :)
    I've always been overweight, I was over 200 going into High School, Got down to around 170, then kinda bobbled around there. Between Work, School, Stress and Medications, I got up to 230lbs. :( Bummer.
    I decided I didn't want to be a fat artist, and started doing something about it!
    Everyone here seems so nice, feel free to add me! :)
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    Hi my name is Kevin and I'm 42. Originally from Kildare, Ireland but now live in Raleigh North Carolina. I see the Carolinas are well represented here. I've lost 26 pounds and have 12-15 left to go and MFP is simply fantastic. I'm back to my 1995-96 level of fitness at this point but I'm not stopping there. I love the social side of the site as much as the weight loss and fitness tools. I have made some good friends on here..met some in real life and have some friends from real life in my support network. Best of luck to everyone in their fitness goals.
  • jaci34
    jaci34 Posts: 225 Member
    Hi, I'm Jaci from the Midwest. I have struggled with weight for a long long time. Losing weight, gaining weight, etc....I have recently lost about 55 lbs and feel absolutely awesome about it! I also have found that I have the ability to run more then a half mile! I recently ran 8 miles and was very proud of that accomplishment! I have loved MFP and the people I have met! What a wonderful site! Good luck everyone with your weight loss journey!
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    I had to join this group just for the title:) I started my weight loss journey on May 1 and joined MFP on June 1. I did really well at the beginning and have lost a total of 22 lbs. I've been losing and gaining the same three pounds for awhile now. Time to get serious again. I am a 35 year old married Mom of one awesome 4 year old boy. I love this website!
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    I had to join this group just for the title:) I started my weight loss journey on May 1 and joined MFP on June 1. I did really well at the beginning and have lost a total of 22 lbs. I've been losing and gaining the same three pounds for awhile now. Time to get serious again. I am a 35 year old married Mom of one awesome 4 year old boy. I reside in BC, Canada and I love this website!
  • Delorean81
    Hey, I have done this before, lost a little, and stopped. I am 30, govt worker, and father of 1 little girl, and 1 on the way!!

    I honestly need to lose over 30lbs, and want to feel great, and look it too.

    I am tired of going to the beach, etc... and hating the way i look. I want to others to look at me, and say, wow!!

    I work 5 days a week, over 50hrs most of the time, so I get about 1 hr of excercise, if I don't make an excuse each day.

    I just need this for me, i really do... I want to be that sexy guy I know I can be...
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    Hey =3
    I'm mindi, and I'm from Cicero, NY. I haven't lost much yet, been here since July of this year. I'm in college to be a veterinary technician. I love martial arts and did it for 8 years as a kid, but had to stop due to money issues. Other exercises I like are weights and swimming. I have 3 fuzzy children, 2 ferrets and a rather large cat. I would love to lose about 50 lbs, already lost 12 or so, and get to 150 lbs with muscle.

    looking forward to getting to know more people =3
    HI Im here to get support and give support I'm 46 I've had 9 children so ive been busy having them never to much time for me LOL. however Im doing me finally I workout at the gym now even can get on that darn elliptical machine that ive been fearing for so long for a whole 30 mins that's progress people darn being almost a total couch potato. I know we all are capable of moving mountains & climbing over them lets find that inner child in us all long to be set free(:=-)"
  • mrs07312012
    mrs07312012 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello fokes , I see a lot of PA fokes on here !!!, I'm 27 and work for Sheetz/CLI , I have a desk job basically , I get all you Sheetz fans your fuel !!! I love my job except sitting so much! I am really excited to have to support from all of you and to give you guys all support when you need it!! I currently am 5'9" 249 :-( Megga bummer man!!! I have been on this weight loss rollar coaster for years and I'm ready to disable the coaster and look like the hot bride I always dreamt of being. My wedding date is July 31st 2012, as of right now that is 229 days , 8 hours, 8 minutes and 25 seconds away. My fiance and I were planning on a big wedding in 2013 , but big turned into enormous, and it turned from being our day into making all of our friends and families happy , so about 3 weeks ago we canceled that date and moved it up and decided that we are going to Jamaica to get married!!! I am so stoked and so happy that it is giong to be what we both want and well I'm marring my best friend, rock, support and lover of 7 years sooner so who wouldn't be happy. I'll tell you who, the tourist I would be subjecting to having to see me squeezed into a bathing suit.... the thought of the swim up bars and all that make me cringe.... so in a nutshell that's a little about me, can't wait to have this journay with all of you!!
  • cdbravo
    cdbravo Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:
    My name is Cori and I am a special education teacher from Tucson, Arizona. I have struggled with my weight since I was a sophomore in high school. I finally decided enough was enough on October 21 of this year. I went to the doctor and found out that I weighed 344 pounds. That was about 50 pounds more than I thought I weighed. I started that day, and haven't fallen off the wagon yet. :) I joined MFP on November 14th, and have been faithfully logging my food ever since. I never log the water though and think that is something I should start doing. As of last week, I have lost 55 pounds, and left the 300s behind FOREVER. My goal is to lose 125 by the end of May, so right now I have about 70 to go over the next 5 months. I'll reset my goal then and move forward. I would love to lose the whole 222 pounds by December of next year, but am not sure if that is reasonable or not. At the pace I'm going now, I can do it, but I know the weekly loss will slow down once I lose the first 100 or so. Anyhow, I was totally inspired by Carolinamom's story, and am thrilled to be part of the Awesome Sauce Peeps. :bigsmile:
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Doh! I didnt read this post earlier before posting an intro! Sorry but Hi all :-) I wont repeat it all but my Name is Kelly and I am 30 and ready for 2012 and my new body that I WILL get this year x Cant wait to get to know you all x
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:
    My name is Cori and I am a special education teacher from Tucson, Arizona. I have struggled with my weight since I was a sophomore in high school. I finally decided enough was enough on October 21 of this year. I went to the doctor and found out that I weighed 344 pounds. That was about 50 pounds more than I thought I weighed. I started that day, and haven't fallen off the wagon yet. :) I joined MFP on November 14th, and have been faithfully logging my food ever since. I never log the water though and think that is something I should start doing. As of last week, I have lost 55 pounds, and left the 300s behind FOREVER. My goal is to lose 125 by the end of May, so right now I have about 70 to go over the next 5 months. I'll reset my goal then and move forward. I would love to lose the whole 222 pounds by December of next year, but am not sure if that is reasonable or not. At the pace I'm going now, I can do it, but I know the weekly loss will slow down once I lose the first 100 or so. Anyhow, I was totally inspired by Carolinamom's story, and am thrilled to be part of the Awesome Sauce Peeps. :bigsmile:

    Hi Cori,

    Just want to say well done on the fab start to losing the weight! x
  • theresabell67
    theresabell67 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi all....I'm Theresa. I started on MFP back in March but wasn't taking it seriously until about a month ago. I lost 45# and maintained that for 15years. Then I quit smoking and have not taken my health seriously for around 3 years. With that said, I'm ready to take my life and health back!! This is a lifestyle change for me and I'm so glad I have friends to help and encourage me along the way.