Check in and intros



  • Moana41
    Moana41 Posts: 35
    Hi all, nice to meet others from around Aotearoa. My profile says alot about me so take a gander if you wish. Am loving MFP big time, have lost 8 kgs so far, 4 kg since being a member of MFP. Best thing about MFP is still being able to enjoy the foods you love only in moderation. My biggest weakness was portion sizes. My starting weight was 122 kgs, currently 114 kgs, my goal weight 75 kg, it was 85 but I think I'd like to get down into my 70's. Will be checking back to this forum for inspiration and motivation from fellow kiwis!
  • Moana41
    Moana41 Posts: 35
    Oh and feel free to add me! :)
  • daryll77
    daryll77 Posts: 29
    Hi Everyone :smile:

    My name is Daryll and I am from Palmerston North. I am mum to 2 kids (2 and almost 6) and work full time as a Business Analyst.

    I have lost almost 7kgs since the end of January, and am hoping to lose another 10 to get me into the "healthy" bmi range...will see how much more i want to lose after that!

    I love MFP and log my food/exercise every day. I am also going to complete my very first triathlon this weekend when i complete the Triwoman here in Palmy!!
  • kiwilass
    kiwilass Posts: 49 Member
    Good for you. Welcome.
  • g_jelly
    g_jelly Posts: 36 Member
    Hi fellow kiwis.
    I'm originally from Wellington but have been living in Melbourne for 7 years and feeling rather home sick today so thought it would be fun to get some NZ friends.
  • madisons_mummy
    madisons_mummy Posts: 169 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm 25 and from Hamilton, stay at home mum with 3 little rat bags. I'm 175cm and currently at 68kgs aiming for 60-63 (my counter is 65 as thats a mini goal, as was getting under 70). I've put on 35-45kgs each pregnancy (lost it all between pregnancies only to get bloody pregnant again) not going to happen again lol
  • Lukasmum1
    Lukasmum1 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I joined MFP in late february - needing to lose the 'quakegirth' that has built up over the last 18 months, as my bones and muscles aren't doing to well with the extra load.
    Have lost over 4kg so far - and enjoying being able to REALLY know my calorie intake, and eat good food.
    Aiming to lose 10-12kg if possible.

    I'm approx 157cm, started at 75kg, hoping to get to under 65kg, in my late 40's.
    I have always struggled with weight, and yo-yo'd throughout my whole life - but want to reach a stable, maintainable goal.

    Looking for supportive people in this range as friends, so add me...:happy:
  • toagirl
    toagirl Posts: 41
    So nice to find a Kiwi group:happy: I am 42, live in rural Sth Auckland, have 2 teenage children and I'm loving MFP. It is motivational, educational and entertaining. I am 3kg down and working on the next 13kg or size12 jeans. Which ever comes first:wink:
  • 01chloe
    01chloe Posts: 2 Member
    Im 27 from wellington, work as a graphic designer (sitting on my butt all day). Currently 77kg would like to get down to 65kg and then see how i feel. Am pretty good at exercising but just cant lose weight so hopefully this site allows me to monitor what im eating and finally lose some weight!

    Still learning this site but add me as a friend if you want :)
  • becsnz1
    becsnz1 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm Becs, live in Waikato with my partner, 12 year old, dog, cats and chooks. I've recently started this and think it is a fabulous tool to help me on my journey. I'm Type 1 diabetic and have been for 26 years so have that to deal with as well which can make weight loss more challenging with trying to balance, food, exercise, insulin and blood sugar levels.

    I'm currently 110kg and my first goal is to get back to double digits. I'm 170cm tall and 38 years old.


  • dixnshae
    dixnshae Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there, I'm Bridget a nurse from Christchurch. Looking forward to losing my "quake waist"! Was trying for a while to lose weight but was too scared to weigh in - knew it would be depressing! I started on MFP nearly 3 weeks ago and I'm impatient as h**l to make progress :) So much slower at 50yrs to lose weight than my previous efforts when I was a bit younger. Have back, hip and knee issues so I will be one of the walkers (treadmill and swiss ball). Would like to lose 10kg or a little more and could use some support, so add me as a friend :) Love this app! Kia Kaha to you all.
  • prettytothinkso
    Hi, I'm Tasha. I'm originally from Palmerston North, but I've been in Arizona for the past 14 years. I'm 32, married with kids and I have some weight to lose! I'm more used to pounds than kilos at this stage, but I would love more kiwi friends :o)
  • jam_hunt
    jam_hunt Posts: 8 Member
    Hey everyone,
    Janine from Tauranga, 28yrs, mum of beautiful 15 week old twins, been using MFP for a month now.

    I am 3 kgs into my goal loss of 20kg and getting ready to go back to work next week.
    Just one thing, I manage a MACCA's Restaurant which was never a problem for my weight as I am used to being on my feet boosting around all day, until dun dun dun, preggers with twins, pregnancy really hides surprise kilo's lol that you only discover when you've popped the babies ha!

    Been engaged since last August, so its weight loss on for the big day (whenever that is)! My Fiance is out of the country 5 weeks at a time, then back for 4, so am kicking it single mum for half of the year, eek! Busy Busy!!

    On my 2nd day of Shredding which kills you, but am hoping to fast track the weight loss.

    Would love to add some busy mums/single mums/mums with multiples for tips and encouragement!!

    Good luck to everyone else in this crazy game of weightloss/healthier living

    Chur, Jay!
  • notjusttheirmum
    Hi, i am new to MFP but so far i am loving it and the weight is coming off which is a really nice feeling. I am 33 and live in South Taranaki with my husband and four daughters. I have about 20kg to lose and am committed to doing it this time. Great having support of other Kiwis.
  • DangerMouse7
    DangerMouse7 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm Darren from Central Auckland :-) I have my own consulting/agency business.

    After being an Triathlete in my late Teens early 20's, I slowly gained weight over the next 15 or so years.
    However it was 2011, which will go down as the worst year of my life as I lost one of my sons (16) and my younger sister (40). Gaining around 20kg between 2009 and November 2011 alone , I topped out at 158kg.
    I'm aiming initially for 100kg, as I tend to gain lean body mass when I exercise.

    In late December 2011, holidaying with my daughter (15) in Rotorua, we went luging..... and I came off the Luge track! knocked myself out and ended up in Rotorua hospital. I was very lucky to have not broken any bones! This was a real wake-up call to kick my health into high gear.
    I have started low impact so as not to get injured, Speed walking first, and now alternating SW/Running intervals. I use Nike+GPS to keep track of my sessions and for me, this works as I can keep a check on my pace. I also joined Jetts Gym as I travel a fair amount for work and in most places there is a Jetts Gym.
    I've seen great improvement in my Strength training as well as my Running performance, thou still a long way to go; its self inspiring.
    My exercise regime is a modified split routine 2xUppers/2xLowers/3xCardio per week.
    It was great doing the Round The Bays in March with one of my twin sons.

    Last week I acquired the MyFitnessPal app for my iPhone to better track my calorie intake! its been a great aid. and now I have found all of you hardworking Kiwis on here. You are all so inspirational!
    You are great achievers and I applaud you.

    Thanks for the support and feel free to Friend me.
  • HBL2012
    HBL2012 Posts: 31
    Hey everyone im a newbie from waikato :) Today was my first day and i stayed within my calorie goal so yay :)
    I weighed in this morning at 105.4 kg :( Goal is 65kg..
    I used to be super active and had never weighed over 60kg the got pregnant, ate for a small country lost about 20kg got pregnant again, with my youngest I actually ate well and exercised but still gained over 30kg and have gained even more since having him :(
    anyway hopefully I can lose it again
  • Iheartpsychosis
    Hey everyone from the King Country/Waikato area lol. I just started last night yay for me. I'm a 25 yr old married student. I have been on anti seizure medication for approximately 15 yrs which has added to my weight gain but I've finally decided to combat it. So I'm currently weighing in at 160kgs and hoping to lose 80. Long way to go but more motivated than I've ever been. I could use all the support I can get!! Thanks.
  • kandysmith
    Hey :)
    Im 25, from christchurch, about to become a nursing student. Been battling weight for years, its been a long fight but ive learnt so much about myself. A bit to go, but its an adventure :)
    Any friend adds accepted as a problem shared is a problem halved :)
  • Kimberleycommonname
    Kimberleycommonname Posts: 52 Member
    I'm Kimberley, and I'm from Christchurch. I joined MFP at the end of December as part of my new years resolution to learn more about how much my body needs to function but i didn't really start tracking until a month ago.
  • Gaiasmum
    Gaiasmum Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all,

    Im Catherine and im 23 from Wellington. I just gave birth (c section) to my wonderful 10 week old Gaia, before I got pregnant it was my new years reso to lose weight and I did, I lost almost 20 kg in 4 months and was doing great then I got pregnant and sacked off and ate to my cravings etc. Now I wanna get healthy not only for my little lady but for myself and self confidence.

    If anyone else is a stay at home mum in Wellington Im interested in making walking buddies and socialising little Gaia since Im semi new to the town.

    So excited theres a NZ group on here and ready to get going