Ravenclaw Common Room



  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Hi everyone! Finally broke 80 pounds! Yay!

    Love the dumb bells; they're working great. May try swimming today.

    Have a great one!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Being totally lazy today. Burned myself out last weekend with statistics homework Saturday and exam Sunday. When I went to work on Monday, I didn't feel like I had had a weekend at all! So after spending all day yesterday on homework, I'm taking it easy today.

    Weight and food choices have been a challenge. I'm trying to find a way to allow chocolate in my daily goals without totally falling off the wagon every day. I want to find something that won't trigger that insatiable urge to go back for more. Hoping that dark chocolate morsels might work - going to try that this week.

    Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hi everyone! Finally broke 80 pounds! Yay!

    Congrats! That's fantastic!
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Am finally below 100 Ibs weighing in at 99.2 Ibs, so scary but so happy. :)
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Hey Sue,

    My mom's a chocolate-holic like you. She bought some Ghiradelli chocolate squares and keeps them in her desk. Each day in the afternoon she eats one. She likes the squares because they have a barcode on them and they're about 100 calories. Maybe that's something you can try?

    Went swimming and it was a blast. But boy did that wear me out!
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Any word on challenges for this week??

    I went for a late night run last night- 2.5 miles. :) feels great to be back to running.
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Pulled the Challenges from the great hall...

    Here are the challenges from Hufflepuff for week 2

    NEWT (food challenge) Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. 1 newt daily for each color of the rainbow that you eat. Add 1 extra newt if it is fruit or vegetable you are trying for the first time. I am enclosing a link to some examples of how to ad a rainbow to your eating habits.


    OWL (exercise)challenge

    Focus on back and core strength
    Superman exercises 1 newt for each set of 12 completed


    Spirit - One earned for every day you post in your house's Common Room!
  • hippiefemme
    hippiefemme Posts: 35 Member
    I like this week's NEWT! I've been trying to incorporate different colors into my diet. Tomorrow I'll be getting in at least yellow (squash) and green (zucchini). I didn't get much in today, unfortunately.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi guys! Just a quick note to say that I'll be away for the next week and a bit, so no house updates. Keep up the good work, and keep an eye on the great hall for challenges etc. xx
  • hippiefemme
    hippiefemme Posts: 35 Member
    How's everyone doing this week? Not a lot of chatter going on lately. This morning, a coworker brought a fruit salad, so I've already had two different colors for the NEWT! I plan to have a salad for dinner, so that's makes three. Looking at the list that was provided in the explanation of the NEWT (http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/pubs/yf/foods/fn595w.htm), I have the most difficulty getting blue/purple fruits and vegetables. I'll have to work on that.
  • thewinged
    Um, hello! This whole thing looked like fun, so I figured I would check it out. I always thought of myself as Ravenclaw-ish. The rules said to post here to be sorted, so I hope I'm doing this right!

    So, hi! I am an ornithologist who tries to stay in shape. Nice to meet you all!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Um, hello! This whole thing looked like fun, so I figured I would check it out. I always thought of myself as Ravenclaw-ish. The rules said to post here to be sorted, so I hope I'm doing this right!

    So, hi! I am an ornithologist who tries to stay in shape. Nice to meet you all!

    Hello and welcome! Its pretty quiet in the common room right now - seems everyone is out and about during summer break. It usually picks up again in the fall (the Ravenclaw common room has been active for about a year and a half now!). Lottee is our Head of House and she is on holiday at the moment. When she returns, she will send you a welcome email and let you know how to participate in the group. But for now, feel free to drop in and post and get to know us! Ornithologist, huh? How cool!! :D
  • hippiefemme
    hippiefemme Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome, thewinged! I'm fairly new here, too. If you go back to page 13 of this thread, you can see this week's OWL and NEWT challenges if you want to jump right in. New ones should be posted in the new couple of days.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I suck . . . .sorry guys I've been completely MIA from Ravenclaw common room for over a week :sad: no excuse I just haven't gotten back into the habit of posting since being back from vacation.

    i have however gotten back into the habit of exercise and eating well- ran over 41 miles this week alone- including 10.25 miles twice!! My pace is right around 9 minutes a mile so if I can keep that up for 3 more miles I will finish the half in under 2 hours (which is the goal)- but holy macaroni my legs were jelly on friday- it was also really really humid AND the last run of the week, but still.

    I hope everyone is doing well :flowerforyou:
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hi Everyone! Sorry I have been MIA from the common room - I am still swamped with work and I have an article that is overdue that I have complete writers block on - haven't been as good with food and exercise as I would like to be - hopefully another week or two of insane hours and I'll be able to get back to a more manageable schedule (and hopefully the spin bike I bought will finally get here in an assembled form - very long story that I'll post more on when I see how it resolves...).

    Welcome to the new memebers, and momofJandA - your runs are so impressive - keep up the good work!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Still getting results for my morning exercises. May not make my goal, but I'll come close. Just need to stay away from the beer. :wink:
  • thewinged
    Thank you for the welcome ^^
    I was living in the Dominican Republic for four months due to work, and I am returning to the USA tomorrow. So I think I shall join in the stuff when the next ones are posted just for simplicity's sake. But I have been pretty active! I've been trying to get back my muscle so I can get right into things once I return to Colorado.
    Despite spending most of my time packing and stuff, I ended up biking all over the place yesterday looking for a hawk that went missing in action...her transmitter seems to have stopped working! Ah well, not much I can do about it now, since I'm leaving the country. The point is... it was a lot of biking ^^ The food tracker here warned me I didn't eat enough, but that's because I slept through breakfast, forgot about lunch due to tracking hawks, and basically only ate dinner and some snacks. I was kind of amazed my big dinner really amounted to so little.

    Anyways, I only have one friend on here. So if you don't mind me blabbing about science and geekery, feel free to add me :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Sunday Ravenclaw! I hope I'm adding up the OWLs right - and was this the rainbow food week or is that the week coming? I'm so lost! It was much easier for me to keep up when I was Head of House - LOL! Anyway - I added a point for each color food I ate every day. If that's not right, somebody let me know so I can change it!

    Back to studying today. I didn't get my homework finished yesterday and only turned in part of the assignment. Better get it in gear and finish up so my grade doesn't suffer any more than it already is. I will be SOOOOO glad when this class is over!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hey guys, just checking in. I hope you've all had a lovely week :smile:.

    I've gotten sick again so my gym routine has been interrupted ~again, but I'm looking forward to getting back in there. Finally started running on the treadmill, and I have to say I much prefer running outside. But it's Winter over here, and it's dark by the time I get home. By the time it's Summer it's going to be too bloody hot! So I think the treadmill is a bit more of a sustainable exercise plan for me.

    My eating has gotten back to a more normal state though :drinker: . I think that if I start eating any junk it just completely throws everything out of whack for me, does anyone else have that problem? I love oreos so I started eating them again - then suddenly I was craving all sorts of sugary fatty things, and I was overly hungry all the time. Maybe it upsets my blood sugar levels or something like that?

    I'm moving house at the moment, very exciting, that should count as exercise, yeah? :wink:
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Morning everyone.

    I'm quite exhausted, but I'm hoping to shake it off. I noticed that I'm not eating as much as usual, but am maintaining exercise. I wonder if I'm not eating the calories I need to sustain that energy. Plus, it's hot, so maybe that's throwing me off.

    Have a great day!