Ravenclaw Common Room



  • jadery24
    jadery24 Posts: 53
    Hi everyone! I had a pretty good week calorie wise, but I'm not too happy with where the calories came from! So, I'm setting a personal goal for myself to make sure my calories come from nutrient/protein/fiber-rich sources this week. Also, I've really been slacking off on exercise. My excuse - I'm too poor for the gym! But, I've decided that's not a good enough excuse. I'll definitely be taking lots of early walks in the coming weeks. Anyone have any god at-home strength building exercises to suggest? That's where I really need some assistance.

    @TwiFan5 - That's awesome that someone asked if you lost weight! The same thing's been happening to me the past two months, even though I didn't start losing til a couple of weeks ago. I chalk it up to psychology and nutrition. Eating healthier helps your body de-bloat AND makes you feel better which in turn makes you look better to the outside world!

    @Amber - Welcome to Ravenclaw!!

    @korkster - I backtracked, too after a week at Harry Potter World. I love your full-steam-ahead, no-regrets attitude! Have fun at Zumba!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Morning Ravenclaws!

    sorry about the delay, but challenges for this week are set by Gryffindor...

    Food - One earned for every day you stay under your carb macro (feel free to do some research and set this macro as you see appropriate for yourself and your goals).

    Exercise -One earned for every set of 10 tricep dips!

    Spirit - One earned for every day you post in your house's Common Room!

    Yay, we got our spirit posts back!!

    Also, we are currently being whumped by Hufflepuff in both Quidditch and House cup, we need to destroy those badgers!!!
    (in a friendly, not super competitive way or anything..:laugh: )
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    And also...

    Weighing in at 1lb down today, not brilliant but as expected. Going on holiday next week so will try and lose two more this week so my shorts fit when I get there!

    Korkster- sounds like a tough but do-able target, I say go for it!!

    Matchamatcha- welcome back! I definitely do boredom eating, I'm going to log everything as I eat it to see if that makes me change my mind about how 'hungry' I am...

    momofJandA- firstly, running on the actual beach is haaaaard, the sand makes it really tough! I agree with Azsuzi, maybe try and forget about times/distance etc and just enjoy running and being at the beach?

    Jadery24- have you thought about exercise videos? 30 Day Shred is good for strength building, although Jillian Michaels beings out my homicidal side... You can pick the DVDs up fairly cheaply, or download them/find them on youtube? you can use food tins or similar as weights as well.

    Have a good week Ravenclaw!
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Feels good to be back. I got home last night from my 2 week long vacation/road trip. I logged 3,537 miles of driving.
    I plan on going on a nice walk today.
    Have a good week everyone.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    What's a tricep dip?
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    What's a tricep dip?


    I also had to look it up.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Well, I think I'm back now - the big trips are out of the way. Unfortunately I brought back 2.6 pounds of "souvenirs" which seem to be concentrated right around my middle. Too much good food, not enough exercise or sleep. But, I got back to eating healthier and lighter yesterday, and I'm trying to get some exercise in today, so hopefully I can put those trips behind me quickly. Love the tricep dips - I'm so sick of my fat jiggly upper arms, and I'm finding that I can't wear some of my clothes that fit otherwise because they are too tight around the upper arms...
  • hippiefemme
    hippiefemme Posts: 35 Member
    I decided to do the exercise challenge because I just happened to have met the food challenge (yay!) before I saw this week's goals. I thought, "oh, surely that won't be very difficult!"


    My arms are a little tired after just one set of 10 reps. Ouch! I'll try to do a set every day unless my arms go from tired to painful.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Did a new morning route today. My co-worker & I hit up Torrey Pines State Reserve! It was gorgeous! Right on the beach, with cliffs & trees! Already have my daily goals (10,000 steps, 10 flights) done by 10am. :) Did about 4 miles. We've decided it's a weekly thing. Can't wait!
  • NikkiMustang77
    Sorry for being a little awol, I had a convention this past weekend and wound up having to take my boyfriend to the hospital for dehydration/his heart feeling funny. He gave himself an arrhythmia. -.-'

    Gained a little from my pre-convention status, but I figured not passing out was probably more necessary.

    Hope everyone's having a good week!
  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    Hello, everyone! I have been watching the Olympics for several hours every day since Friday (LOVED LOVED the Opening Ceremony, with the JK Rowling:heart: and the Voldemort and the sound of the TARDIS arriving, probably meaning there were, once again, ALIENS in London!!:glasses: ). The Olympics always makes me want to become an Olympic athlete and gets me all pumped up to work out :bigsmile:

    Nikki: that sounds scary! Hope all is well!!

    Korkster: FANTASTIC workout! Sounds beautiful :smile:

    Oh, boy, those tricep dips look, erm, interesting, as I have almost ZERO upper-body strength. I WILL do my best, though!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    You can do an easier version of triceps dips against a wall (reverse of wall pushups). That's the way I do them because I have no strength in my arms. I feel like its better to do something than none at all! Have a happy day!
  • jadery24
    jadery24 Posts: 53
    I have an idea for this month's Ravenclaw challenge. One of my favorite exercises is doing burpees. They suck, and they're difficult, but they are true total body work out which is why I love them. Also, as with most exercises, there are ways to modify them for beginners. So what if our exercise challenge is 1 OWL for every 5 or 10 burpees?
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    I don't know what a burpee is, but it sounds terrible.

    Another day, another workout. Tried to incoporate some jogging into my regular route. I think it helped, and hopefully by the end of the year I can jog the whole thing.
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    After getting back from vacation, I am having a hard time finding that motivation to get out and do something.
    I hate this feeling!
  • hippiefemme
    hippiefemme Posts: 35 Member
    I'm finding it difficult to get motivated at all, CivicSista. I try to remind myself of the alternative, and normally I can push through. Maybe you could start by doing one thing that's fun for you. For me, that would be zumba. I can't go very often because it costs money--and I generally have a shortage of that--but it's like a little treat to give myself a jump start.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Good morning all! Today is FRIDAY! YAY!!!!! :bigsmile:

    We had a "Health Fair" at work on Wednesday. We got some cheap-o pedometers as an inititiave to walk 50,000 steps a day. I smiled because I already do that. :wink:

    Been doing the jog/walk thing in the morning. It's working great! Each day I get myself to believe I'm going to "run" to a certain landmark, then when I get there, I say, "oh, that other landmark isn't that far away" and "run" to that.

    I don't have the right furniture to do tricep dips, but I bought some dumbbells on Tuesday night and have been working out with that everyday. I can actually feel "muscles" in my arms! I'm so excited! I'm convinced that all my muscle is in my legs, so I definitely need to work out the top half.

    The increase in excercise has given me cravings that put me between 100-200 calories over my daily limit, but that's not counting my "exercise calories". Hopefully this will be okay on the scale.

    Something that I need to do, speaking of carb macro, is cut out more carbs. I've been under my limit, but I've noticed that about half of my food is carbs. Not quite sure where to go to cut those out. Hrm.

    Anyhoo, have a great day!
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Yesterday I got my booty up and was going to go for a nice walk, I hurt my ankle over a month ago and was afraid to run on it.

    So I start my walk and I was like- ok going to give running a try.... well low and behold I CAN RUN AGAIN!! You all should have seen me, I was running with a HUGE smile on my face.
  • wonderstruck91
    wonderstruck91 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi there ~ I'm new to the group & would love to be sorted into Ravenclaw. This is such a neat idea!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi all! Sorry for my absence, was whisked away on a surprise holiday by my boyfriend! Was lovely, very unexpected!! I have cleared the spreadsheet so that you can weigh-in for August, don't forget to put your end of the month target in there as well! Will catch up later, just catching up with washing and so on after the holiday Lottee xx