Gryffindor Common Room



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    This made me laugh:

  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Thanks for the replies some of you left about our latest Head of House situation. I'm working out the kinks with the other Houses, but I think it's time for me to let go of the reigns a bit and set a plan in place for when I need some extra help.

    Is anyone willing AND able to be my Deputy Head of House? It would mostly be posting challenges and calculating results, possibly collecting results from other Houses ONLY when I couldn't.

    I know you all would be great, but it's up to you if you'd like to volunteer to be 'on call.'

    Wish I could, I just can't guarantee I'd have the time!
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    Good afternoon Gryffs! Check this out! :P
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Is anyone willing AND able to be my Deputy Head of House? It would mostly be posting challenges and calculating results, possibly collecting results from other Houses ONLY when I couldn't.

    I know you all would be great, but it's up to you if you'd like to volunteer to be 'on call.'
    I'm going to explain why I'm not volunteering to do this, you deserve an explanation. A while back, I had a revelation. There is a pattern going back over 30 years that repeats itself like this:

    Join a group (in real life or online)
    Step in to help out occasionally
    Take on more and more responsibility as other people step back
    Spend great chunks of my time moderating / sorting disagreements
    Realise I'm running the whole thing myself
    It becomes "my" group and people start expecting me to be doing it all
    I get less and less out of it
    I start resenting the time it takes to do everything
    I leave the group

    It sounds awfully selfish, but I've spent my whole life volunteering to help out with everything, while other people don't seem to do anything, and I've decided that for a few years I'm going to be one of the "takers" not one of the "givers"

    This website as a whole is too important for me to risk it not being fun.

    Sorry Bron, part of me really wants to step up to the plate, and goodness knows you absolutely deserve the backup, but I'm sorry this time it will be up to others.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Is anyone willing AND able to be my Deputy Head of House? It would mostly be posting challenges and calculating results, possibly collecting results from other Houses ONLY when I couldn't.

    I know you all would be great, but it's up to you if you'd like to volunteer to be 'on call.'
    I'm going to explain why I'm not volunteering to do this, you deserve an explanation. A while back, I had a revelation. There is a pattern going back over 30 years that repeats itself like this:

    Join a group (in real life or online)
    Step in to help out occasionally
    Take on more and more responsibility as other people step back
    Spend great chunks of my time moderating / sorting disagreements
    Realise I'm running the whole thing myself
    It becomes "my" group and people start expecting me to be doing it all
    I get less and less out of it
    I start resenting the time it takes to do everything
    I leave the group

    It sounds awfully selfish, but I've spent my whole life volunteering to help out with everything, while other people don't seem to do anything, and I've decided that for a few years I'm going to be one of the "takers" not one of the "givers"

    This website as a whole is too important for me to risk it not being fun.

    Sorry Bron, part of me really wants to step up to the plate, and goodness knows you absolutely deserve the backup, but I'm sorry this time it will be up to others.

    Don't be sorry. I actually understand. The reason I've been calling for this reorganization between the Heads of House is because I'm starting to be in this place myself. 2 out of 4 HoHs are MIA (for legitimate reasons, but still) and didn't appoint Deputies and/or the Deputy can no longer do their duties in the HoHs place. I really resent having to nag to get numbers sent to me on top of everything else I've been dealing with personally. It's only fun when we all do our parts. No one is getting paid to do this, so if you can't do your share, you should step down and let someone else have at it for the sake of the group.

    I've been tempted to leave this group just for the sheer overwhelmingness of everything that falls to me when someone doesn't do their part, but I'm stubborn. I'm going to have to stop playing nice in order for the whole group to benefit from it's purpose.

    Sorry, that was a bit of a rant. I'm glad to hear someone gets how I'm feeling about this. I should tell you all more often how thankful I am for you guys being so helpful and present even when I'm struggling. Seriously, you all amaze me and I love you guys!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Good afternoon Gryffs! Check this out! :P

    This is SERIOUSLY cool!
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Thanks for the replies some of you left about our latest Head of House situation. I'm working out the kinks with the other Houses, but I think it's time for me to let go of the reigns a bit and set a plan in place for when I need some extra help.

    Is anyone willing AND able to be my Deputy Head of House? It would mostly be posting challenges and calculating results, possibly collecting results from other Houses ONLY when I couldn't.

    I know you all would be great, but it's up to you if you'd like to volunteer to be 'on call.'

    I volunteer as tribute of District 12, Oops, sorry, wrong fandom.
    Yes, Bron, I will volunteer to help you. I have hesitated only beause I am nervous about it, not that I don't want to help. I really love this group and would hate to see it go down. Let me know what you need me to do. I know you mentioned it being on an as needed basis only but if there is some weekly task I could take off your hands I would do that.
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Good afternoon Gryffs! Check this out! :P

    This is SERIOUSLY cool!
    This makes me want to get married again so I can have a wedding just like this. Bwaaahaaahaaa, Sometimes I crack myself up!!:laugh:
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    CW: 171

    Yahoo! I hope that maintains this weekend. Wish I could have done the exercise game, but I didn't have time to watch Sorcerer's Stone. I'll definitely keep those games though, they're awesome!

    Hope everyone had a good week!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Thanks for the replies some of you left about our latest Head of House situation. I'm working out the kinks with the other Houses, but I think it's time for me to let go of the reigns a bit and set a plan in place for when I need some extra help.

    Is anyone willing AND able to be my Deputy Head of House? It would mostly be posting challenges and calculating results, possibly collecting results from other Houses ONLY when I couldn't.

    I know you all would be great, but it's up to you if you'd like to volunteer to be 'on call.'

    I volunteer as tribute of District 12, Oops, sorry, wrong fandom.
    Yes, Bron, I will volunteer to help you. I have hesitated only beause I am nervous about it, not that I don't want to help. I really love this group and would hate to see it go down. Let me know what you need me to do. I know you mentioned it being on an as needed basis only but if there is some weekly task I could take off your hands I would do that.

    Yay, Mindy!
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    CW: 171

    Yahoo! I hope that maintains this weekend. Wish I could have done the exercise game, but I didn't have time to watch Sorcerer's Stone. I'll definitely keep those games though, they're awesome!

    Hope everyone had a good week!

    I didn't get around to watching the movie either. I was so looking forward to it but time slipped away. I loved the last time we did it. I am going to save it too for another time.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Good afternoon Gryffs! Check this out! :P

    This is SERIOUSLY cool!
    This makes me want to get married again so I can have a wedding just like this. Bwaaahaaahaaa, Sometimes I crack myself up!!:laugh:

    It makes me want to do it just because and not actually marry anyone! It'll just be a big party!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Thanks for the replies some of you left about our latest Head of House situation. I'm working out the kinks with the other Houses, but I think it's time for me to let go of the reigns a bit and set a plan in place for when I need some extra help.

    Is anyone willing AND able to be my Deputy Head of House? It would mostly be posting challenges and calculating results, possibly collecting results from other Houses ONLY when I couldn't.

    I know you all would be great, but it's up to you if you'd like to volunteer to be 'on call.'

    I volunteer as tribute of District 12, Oops, sorry, wrong fandom.
    Yes, Bron, I will volunteer to help you. I have hesitated only beause I am nervous about it, not that I don't want to help. I really love this group and would hate to see it go down. Let me know what you need me to do. I know you mentioned it being on an as needed basis only but if there is some weekly task I could take off your hands I would do that.

    I really need to read those! I seriously want to but it's just not a priority at the moment :(

    Mindy, if you want to be on call as my Deputy, that would be amazing! I know you have a lot going on, though, and Letty_c also volunteered, so if you'd rather not, I'm not left out to dry :)

    I'm not sure what a weekly task would be with posting challenges monthly and the spreadsheets being used in all the Houses. I would really just appreciate being able to delegate quickly if I needed to.
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    I volunteer as tribute of District 12, Oops, sorry, wrong fandom.

    Had such a good giggle at this.

    This is such a brilliant idea. Mind if I join in? :D
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I volunteer as tribute of District 12, Oops, sorry, wrong fandom.

    Had such a good giggle at this.

    This is such a brilliant idea. Mind if I join in? :D

    Not at all! Welcome! Go to the first thread in the group and read the rules, then let me know if you have questions! We're taking this week 'off' to let the calendar catch up to April, so this is the perfect time to get familiar with everything.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Where has everyone gone?!?!?!
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Can I join? Is this where I post? I'm a little confused I've never been part of a group.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Can I join? Is this where I post? I'm a little confused I've never been part of a group.

    You're in the right place for Gryffindor! You can read the rule blog (link is in the first thread in this group) and let me know if you have questions, to start! Welcome!
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Can I join? Is this where I post? I'm a little confused I've never been part of a group.

    You're in the right place for Gryffindor! You can read the rule blog (link is in the first thread in this group) and let me know if you have questions, to start! Welcome!

    Thank you! I skimmed them but I'll go over more in depth tonight. I'm being a little bad and playing on here when I should be studying. But I'll be back with questions I'm sure.
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Thanks for the replies some of you left about our latest Head of House situation. I'm working out the kinks with the other Houses, but I think it's time for me to let go of the reigns a bit and set a plan in place for when I need some extra help.

    Is anyone willing AND able to be my Deputy Head of House? It would mostly be posting challenges and calculating results, possibly collecting results from other Houses ONLY when I couldn't.

    I know you all would be great, but it's up to you if you'd like to volunteer to be 'on call.'

    I volunteer as tribute of District 12, Oops, sorry, wrong fandom.
    Yes, Bron, I will volunteer to help you. I have hesitated only beause I am nervous about it, not that I don't want to help. I really love this group and would hate to see it go down. Let me know what you need me to do. I know you mentioned it being on an as needed basis only but if there is some weekly task I could take off your hands I would do that.

    I really need to read those! I seriously want to but it's just not a priority at the moment :(

    Mindy, if you want to be on call as my Deputy, that would be amazing! I know you have a lot going on, though, and Letty_c also volunteered, so if you'd rather not, I'm not left out to dry :)

    I'm not sure what a weekly task would be with posting challenges monthly and the spreadsheets being used in all the Houses. I would really just appreciate being able to delegate quickly if I needed to.
    Hey, no problem. Glad to see you are getting some help. Just let me know if you ever get in a pinch and need a little help. I've got your back. Things are settling down for me. My mom is up and running again. I don't have tons of free time but I will give the group what I can.