Welcome! Say hello....



  • steph_denise
    Hello! I'm Stephanie and I am coming back to MFP for the third time. My mind is in a better place now. I'm ready to face the changes and challenges.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Mark, Kristi, Denisse, Amy and Stephanie!! I am one of the mods in this group. I had to step away to take care of some things recently but I normally am pretty active on here and am looking forward to getting some new challenges started. Any and all ideas welcome!

    I have just posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. :0)

    I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. I thought about a daily challenge post but I am too busy with work, school, dogs and a little one at the moment to devote to dailies, weekly would probably work out better.

    Good luck on your journeys!


  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hi, I'm Amy! I live in Florida. I've struggled with my weight for the past 16 years. Before the holiday's I was half way to my goal weight but I put on a few pounds since then and am now getting back on track! My plan this year is to reach my goal weight and be healthy & more fit than I was at 18!! :wink: I know I can do...it's just going to take dedication. Thanks for the support!
    What part of Florida are you from Amy if you do not mind me asking? I am a Tampa girl currently displaced in NC.

  • dak4800
    dak4800 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I currently live in Clearwater, but originally from a small town near Gainesville, FL. Bet you miss the weather here in Florida this winter! :-)
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hey! I currently live in Clearwater, but originally from a small town near Gainesville, FL. Bet you miss the weather here in Florida this winter! :-)
    Oh I miss my beaches SOOOO much. I was really longing for Lido Beach this past week with the 6 inches of snow we got! lol
  • sbecknc
    sbecknc Posts: 27 Member
    I just realized - I read all your posts, but I have never officially introduced myself. I'm Stephanie. I'm 38, and newly single within the last month. I'm back on MFP for the third time now. I tried once when the ex-boyfriend suggested we both start losing weight, but I wasn't in the right headspace, and got bitter that I had to count calories, so I trailed off. Started up again last year and rocked the logging, but I've never been able to shed the pounds I want to. So I'm back again. A month ago, I hit my highest weight (181) since college, and now I'm taking advantage of the unexpected free time to try to whittle my thighs and hips down again. I've never been comfortable with my thighs, until I look now at pics from 8-10 years ago and realize I should have been happy. I want to strike the balance between where I was and where I am... and this time I've aged enough to be smart enough to be happy with the accomplishments along the way.
  • spacejackie
    Hello! I'm Jackie, 30 yrs old! I'm 200 lb for now, but I am working on my goals to loose the fat, strengthen my muscles, and feel and be awesome in my body. I've had several injuries, surgeries, and stress overloads the past 3 years, and my priority is to be healthier. It is a struggle to workout while recovering for such a long period of time, but now I have an awesome trainer, Allie, MFP friend. I just need to patient and consistent to get the results. I'm originally born and raised in Chicago, and now living in Idaho. Currently, I'm in my transistion coming out from the military to the civilian life, and it's an interesting change.

    Looking forward to getting to know any of yous!
  • skinnywitt
    skinnywitt Posts: 13 Member
    Afternoon All, I am Shawn from North Mississippi (10-15 miles south of Memphis , TN). I am 36, out of shape, over weight, and have the lung capacity of a tree. My profile list my goals, which is basically for my children, but deep down they are for me just as much as for them. I ordered P90x3 while sitting on the couch watching basketball (Go Tigers), and eating a Wendy's Double cheeseburger, fries and coke. I am now at Block 1, Week 3, Day 3 (completed Yoga) this morning. I absolutely love, enjoy, and see a big difference over the last 3 weeks (other than Yoga, on Yoga Days I feel more like a clown at a funeral service). I know the results could be even better with a change in eating habits, and every once in a while a word of encouragement, so that how, I got to myfitnesspal and decided to join a little support group like this one. Wide open for advice, critic, and pointers. Thanks for listening.

    "Success is not a place that we aspire to, it is a process in which we live by. Often the only ingredient being the ability to not quit"
    - author unkown
  • timetravelforfitness
    timetravelforfitness Posts: 242 Member
    Hi I'm Jeanne. I'm 35, though I never really feel like I'm older than 14. I've been overweight since high school, though I lost 30 lbs. for awhile during my freshman year of college. I walk everywhere. I have 2 little kids and stay home with them.

    I've been losing weight fairly well this year, but could really use some community support to help keep me on track and keep this new lifestyle. I don't mind that I occasionally have a treat, but I'm a stress eater and find myself downing poptarts or granola bars or toast whenever I'm frustrated. I'm working hard to develop better ways to handle these moments, the most successful being tea.

    I love to run, though I've been away from it due to illness and injury for awhile. I'm hoping to really return to it this month, though soon it will mean waking up early and running, since the kids will be out of school.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    I am so sorry peeps for not welcoming you all. Boo! :grumble: I have been so bad these past few weeks with midterms and a move. Any who, welcome to the 30 Somethings group Stephanie, Jackie, Shawn, and Jeanne!! I am one of the mods in this group. I am looking forward to getting some new challenges started again now that the time change has given us a bit some sunlight (and hopefully this crappy weather is just about done).

    I have posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. :0)

    I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. I thought about a daily challenge post but I am too busy with work, school, dogs and a little one at the moment to devote to dailies, weekly would probably work out better. Any and all ideas welcome!

    Good luck on your journeys!


  • Tabby1216
    Tabby1216 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    I am not new to MFP, but I am new to this group.

    My name is Tabby. I turned 30 in December, have been married for 10 years, am a SAHM, have 3 children (ages 7 and 5), and two furbabies. I currently live in Maryland, but grew up in Pennsylvania. I have roughly 50 lbs to lose to get to my goal weight.

    I look forward to "meeting" all of you and going through this journey to health together. :)
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Tabby!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome!

    I have posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. :0)

    Good luck on your journey!


  • quirkysterks
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Jen, and I'm new to MFP- I'm over halfway to my goal but had to switch up my methods a bit, so I thought I'd try this out!

    I'm all about challenges and holding each other accountable, so say the word and I'm good to go! I can also be a little high energy, but that's what makes all of this fun (and isn't the point of this process to give ourselves more energy? Why not use what we have been given).

    Check out my profile for a better "snapshot" of my process.

    I look forward to meeting new friends and interacting with all of you :)
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Jen!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome!

    I have posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. :0)

    Congrats on the weight loss an! Continued luck on your journey!


  • 01Maria
    01Maria Posts: 2 Member
    I am a wife and mom and I work full time. I am involved in my church and I enjoy reading.
    I am a beginner runner, for the second time. I am looking for make some friends, get some motivation and help where I can. If anyone is looking for a new friend please add me! :)
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group 01Maria!! I am one of the mods in this group. I really want to get some active core members again so we can motivate each other with some challenges. Any and all ideas welcome!

    I have posted a weekly weigh in thread if you care to use it. It's open to edit so you can log in whenever. :0)

    Good luck on your journey!


  • sassycraftyfit
    Hi! I'm Lorraine. I've used MFP before, but I am back with a different username and looking for new friends. I'm 31 years old and recently got out of a 2 year relationship. During the relationship I gained 15lbs and I'm really wanting to lose it. I run pretty regulalry (including half marathons), so my problem is mainly with my eating. I'm definitely a stress eater, and even though I meal plan/batch cook, etc., I have virtually no will power and take-out always seems to win over the healthy meals I've already prepared. It's really a mind-game, but I'm trying to focus more attention on making better eating choices. I'm going to start training for my first marathon beginning in May, and I'm hoping to have gained back some eating will power before then to make the training a little less stressful! I'm also looking for some 30-something friends to stick it out with me!
  • weather_nerd
    Hi there, I'm Lynn, 35 and somewhat new. I don't particularly want to lose any weight, but I'd love to be healthier. That means, devoting myself to a healthier eating plan AND consistent exercise! I have a bad habit of not eating regularly, so I will be super hungry in the afternoon or during work, and will usually reach for a not-so-good food.

    I'm in a relationship, have been for almost 3 years now. I would love for my partner to get on the healthy wagon with me, but so far, no luck.

    I suppose that's all for now. Looking forward to meeting some new friends!

  • jennickels
    Hi, I am Jenni. :) I'm 32, and struggling with weight for the first time in my life. I was blessed with amazing metabolism even through having 4 kiddos, but I am an emotional eater and eat when I'm stressed. (Dr. Pepper is my stress relief. :S ) I would like to lose about 40 lbs, and show my children what a healthy active lifestyle is about. I live in South Jordan, UT and have pretty active family, more so in the warmer months. Spring has arrived and I am attempting to recommit myself to losing weight and getting in shape! I am registered for a 'Triathamom' (300 M Swim, 11 mile Bike, 5k run) this coming August, and need to get moving to have a successful experience. Looking forward to making some friends, and hoping to find some like minded people to support and encourage as well. :)
  • AseRock2
    AseRock2 Posts: 19
    Hey, my names Aaron, just turned 30 back in February, and I live in the Philadelphia area. I had some success before joining MFP, but hit a plateau, and know looking to use this site to hopefully get over the hump and back to my body in my early 20's. I'm also looking for friends to help motivate me and thought this group would be pretty good.
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