2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Agreed, I think it's a bonding thing too with our spouses and friends and we need that too. So if they are like, let's go to happy hour I had a crummy day, you can't say no, just do what you can to balance.

    Last night I logged the run but I wasn't able to get it in. I will run tonight and we are getting sushi. I am going to work out tomorrow and then join some St. Patty's festivities.

    I might be over by 1000 again, but that's not so bad...
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    amy - I love sushi, haven't had that for awhile. I will be celebrating St. Patty's on Sunday night at family dinner with boiled dinner - corned beef, cabbage, potatoes & carrots - one of my faves, can't wait. We will also be decked out in green & there will be green beer for the guys. My mom also gets all kinds of jewelry & stickers for the kids to cover themselves in, they love it.

    better- 12 wks should be plenty of time to get to where you want to be

    beeps - right on about guilt being useless, you just have to let things go & move forward

    My quirk is with those K-cups that you use to make coffee. We have a metal "tree" at home & at work that holds the cups & I like it always to be full, no empty spots & I always have to organize it by the different kinds & flavors - there you have it.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Happy Monday!

    THE CLEANSE IS OVER!!! Woo! My results were awesome!! I started out really high (girls weekend.. lots of wine & junk!) so I know the first few lbs were just water weight from that, but I ended up "losing" 8lbs, and shrunk my natural waist by 1" and my belly button "pooch" by 1.5" :) I got a new phone so I lost my before pictures (bummer!!!) but I'm happy with my afters! Yesterday I "feasted" but got full so quickly since I hadn't had empty foods all week! The result is *gaining* 2.5 lbs back, but I know that the low weight after the cleanse wasn't maintainable for now, I'll get there though, it was only 1.5lbs away from my ugw :) Overall it was successful!! Hopefully I can maintain my weight that I got this morning for the week and into next week :) It worked really well for my fiance as well! He was able to buy 34" waist pants which he hasn't been able to do in a few years now, so he is more motivated than ever to keep himself in them.

    Abi - Love the quirk!! I hope your St. Patty's day celebration was fun!

    Amy - I hope you were able to catch up on some sleep this weekend!

    Ashley - I have the same issue with guilt sometimes and wonder if reaching my goal weight or having the figure I want is really worth it (have I mentioned how much I LOVE food & wine?!) But it does have to be some sort of balance and I think it's a continuous effort to make that work! And 1/2 price bottle night is just AMAZING!! You'll look amazing for your vacation!!

    Beeps - So true! you look absolutely amazing and you should enjoy your body! I'm still working on getting your arms! So envious :) Also, dessert first is my favorite! A friend that shares the same birthday as me go out for our bdays and get the dessert first and then an appetizer sampler to split, I love it!

    That's all I can see for now! Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Enjoy some green beer and some Irish food!
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    Happy Saint Patrick's day, guys! I kind of at a lot this weekend, but still managed to stay fairly low.

    Week total: 6692

    My sister's boyfriend was visiting when I was visiting my husband and family and I went a bit enthusiastically to the chocolate side of the kitchen. Whoops! I was feeling major guilt, but I'm not going to let this stop me. I'm at 129 lbs, and my next goal is 125 (then 120, and then 115). I can do this. I can definitely get to 121 by the end of April, without guilt and self-hatred.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS, shander, on the cleanse results!! AWESOME!!

    wassergottin - thanks for recording the *star* challenge results....I'll get that spreadsheet out!

    I get a "bronze" star this week....I actually had an EXCELLENT week, but on Sunday, I really was terrible and therefore, ate way too much!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    shander - glad your cleanse went well, seems as though it was worth it

    beeps - congrats on still getting a bronze even with eating a lot on Sunday. I find that it is important to keep on track & even a little low during the week so that I can enjoy my weekends

    wasser - you're right, don't let guilt derail you from your goals

    I totally overindulged on apps at Sunday dinner. I should have just waited for the corned beef & cabbage and enjoyed that. The mix of all the heavy foods & a bottle of wine did a number on me, so I am not doing well this morning. I am eating light today & will head to bed early tonight so I should be fine by tomorrow morning. I need to work on getting more exercise in this week, my schedule has been tough & I have been lacking in motivation. If the warmer weather ever decides to arrive it will be way easier.

    Have a great week!
  • NessaWilde
    NessaWilde Posts: 53 Member
    My goals for the next two weeks are:
    Reduce carbs
    Reduce sodium
    Eat a plant based diet
    Exercise every day
    Log every day
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    My goal was 9800, I got 10933, I was 1133 over, so Bronze for me. I went crazy on Saturday! It started out ok, I slept in, worked out and ate reasonably well. We went to a pub and I had a couple of beers and split fish n chips with a friend. Then I just kept drinking and decided I needed Wendy's on the way home-cheeseburger, fries and a frosty.
    I was able to reign it in on Sunday, though, but it was a struggle. Even though I wanted to eat everything in sight, I just told myself that it wouldn't be satisfying so I should just satisfy myself with completing my diary under goal:tongue:
    I will try to log this week but I have a lot of plans in the evening so it probably won't be very accurate...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    My TOM showed up this weekend and while I really tried to REIN IT IN on Saturday, by Sunday, I just let the CRAVE-WAVE wash over me and I indulged. For whatever reason, for the last 3- or 4- years, my periods are coming at BIZARRE times, and sometimes I get cramps (which I never did before) and now that I've been logging food for a couple years, I really DO have VERY noticeable binges/cravings at that time of the month.

    I HATE THAT. I mean I REALLY hate that!! I used to poo-poo all the women who blamed their period for EVERY damn thing....and now, gosh, I am one of those chickadees who recognizes CLEAR changes during my cycle.

    The bad news is that I BLEW a good deficit week. The good news is I have 3 weeks ahead of me that I can put in good, solid effort and move off some bodyfat. So, that;s my aim. 1 pound per MONTH....this is NOT koo-koo stuff we are talking about here. This is a solid plan which requires consistent effort and energy!


    (PS - keep your *star* challenge reports coming in....I can post the spreadsheet tomorrow!)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    My week started out rough.....too much booze, dinner out, etc. but I actually ended up only about 200 over. So not bad! My secret was getting a good calorie burn in the form of stroller running in right after work Friday. Then we had leftovers so a light dinner and just a few drinks. Saturday we were at the parade all day so was sort of forced to skip lunch. Yesterday I just really wasn't hungry and knew I would be injesting lots of calories (made pork carnitas with homemade tortillas, some homemade guac with hint of lime tortilla chips, and margaritas) so just had a protein shake after my workout prior to dinner. Which I had a great workout. Did kettlebells and some lighter upper body lifting and some core work. I am good and sore today and tried not to overdo it with heavy weights. So I think this week I am going to focus my lifting on lower volume higher rep stuff. Maybe work on my deadlifts a little, but otherwise keep is low. Also need to keep my diet in check as Thursday is weigh in day.

    Shader, glad your cleanse went well!!

    Beeps, good job desptie your "bad" day. We all need them sometimes.

    Amy, sometimes we just need a 4th meal.

    Hope you all have a great week!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Oh right! I forgot about the STAR challenge!! I will get a platinum again, being on the cleanse definitely left me way under, next week will be better :)

    Ashley - That's great for incorporating things you like!! Keep it going this week!!

    Beeps - That stinks that you're feeling the effects of TOM more now!! I hope you feel better and that the crave wave has passed! Great goal though :)

    Amy - Sounds like you had an awesome weekend :) Enjoy your busy week!

    Abi - I'm glad you fully enjoyed your celebration! Sorry it left you not feeling so great today though, feel better!!

    Nessa - great goals!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I had a great week until....yesterday. I just ate and ate yesterday. I was 542 over for the week. Today, I restarted T-25 with some friends on here. Vacation count down has begun....14 weeks. Who think I can lose 14 pounds in 14 weeks?????? I am sooooo UP! I weight what I weighed when Addi was born and I don't think it is fluff because I have been up for a few weeks now. I am ready and determined!

    Beeps- I am the same way. TOM is the ENEMY! I gain, I eat, I cry....not in that order!

    Shannon- I may try a cleanse on spring break.... How much of the weight stays off????

    Ashley- You have been doing awesoem with your workouts! Do you to a video for the kettleball or do you do your own thing?
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Major fail this week with about 2000 cals over, I am not even sure what happened and I feel like a blob. I did finish my 7th week of C25K and will complete the program this week, so that feels pretty good. I am going to start Chalean Extreme a week from today and just do the 3 lifting dvds each week and substitute running for the cardio dvds. Looking forward to getting back into lifting!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    Ashley- You have been doing awesoem with your workouts! Do you to a video for the kettleball or do you do your own thing?

    Thanks! :smile: I have a video that came with my KB. It's short, like 20 minutes, but judging by how my @ss feels today, very effective!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Lot's to catch up on here... I was about 1,000 cals over for the week, not sure where that puts me. Had a bit of a blip on the workouts last week, but I got back into the gym today and man did it feel good!

    Better - homemade carnitas are probably my favorite thing on earth. Seriously so good. You have me craving them now!

    Shand- Way to go on the cleanse

    Chloe - Let me know how you like Chalean Extreme. I have a friend that swears by it, and I've always kind of wanted to try it.

    That's all I can see/remember for now.


    Strength Train 3 days a week with cardio at the end
    Try for one extra cardio day
    Water WATER water
    Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night

    Have a great week gals!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    *STAR* challenge update:

  • EmmiDahling
    EmmiDahling Posts: 104 Member
    I'm not sure if this is the place for me or not, but I thought I'd say "hi"!

    I've lost around 80 lbs over the past two years and am hovering in the 143 range. I hit a major plateu after the holidays (and a diet break) and after much soul searching I decided my body wasn't ready to drop more fat without building some muscle first. My goal is still 135, although depending on how things go I might still revise that.

    Right now I'm doing You Are Your Own Gym (beginner level) and eating at a small surplus. In the past 6 weeks I've been hovering around 141-143. If I consistently hit 145 or see measurements going up without added definition, I'm headed back into a cut.

    I know y'all are still focused on losing, so I'm not sure if this is a good fit or not since I'm more focused on body composition. My overall goal is still to loose.

    BTW, I did ChaLean last summer and LOVED it; I saw some really nice changes in my muscle tone while eating at maitenance.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I've done ChaLean 2 times I think? Its a great way for me to get back into lifting after I take a break. And I always see some good results. I am really looking forward to it. I haven't really lifted since midway through my pregnancy.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    welcome EmmiDahling! If you stick around, I'm sure you will see that some of us are losing, some of us are maintaining, and some of us (i.e. ME!) are forever in the "last 5- or 10- lbs" club....

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    And I'm in the "gained 10 more pounds, now I need to lose 15" group! LOL:laugh:

    I feel great though. I did T-25 this am and I prelogged the yoga routine i am doing tonight at school.

    Ashley-I love that you quoted my misspelled awesome!

    Emmi- That's awesome weight loss!

    Oh, for my birthday, next month, I have asked for a heart rate monitor. I will still log 1 calorie but I want to push myself to get the burn higher. I think once I have dropped 5 pounds, I will raise my calories to 1425.