Men on a Mission thread



  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hola men, hope you dads had a great Father's Day weekend.

    I'm taking the rest of this week off and don't return to work until next Tuesday. My wife is going out of town and I decided to take some me time. The plan is to get some woodworking projects out in my shop done and maybe a motorcycle ride or two. I generally don't gain weight during these times as I tend to skip meals more than anything else. Keeping my fingers crossed this trend continues.

    Hope you all have a great week!!

  • HartshornAdam89
    HartshornAdam89 Posts: 15 Member
    edited June 2019
    Hey guys hope you've all had a good week.

    LW- 251
    CW- 246

    Loss- 5lbs
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Sorry that I haven't been on here the last couple of weeks. Been busy and to be quite honest, I haven't been doing to good on the eating and weight loss. I'm waaay up this week.

    LW 330.2
    CW 337.8
    Gain 7.6 :'(

    Adam, Great job on the 5 pound loss!!!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Adam, nice job on the five-pound loss.

    The last six weeks I have been on the road half the time and half of that time I have been provided meals at a buffet line and I have not done well with the combination of eating and not exercising.

    LWW = 205.2
    CWW = 212.8
    Gain = 7.6 :'(

    I need to get back on track. Getting back on track probably won't happen until the end of August as my wife and I are going to England for three weeks (touring) and to Indiana (visiting family).
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in.

    LWW = 212.8
    CWW = 208.5
    Loss = 4.3

    I will be out of the country for the next three weeks. My wife and I are off on a tour of Jolly Olde England. Hopefully, we'll do enough walking I won't be gaining weight.
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Welcome to the group, Adam!

    Good start, too. I've been traveling 4 weeks in the past month, so I haven't been keeping up with my weigh-ins. Thankfully, I've made it through these trips without gaining back yet, but I have one more trip before the crazy travel stretch ends.

    LW: 231.0
    CW: 230.6

    Loss: 0.4 lbs
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Love it when there is nothing but BLUE on the chart! Great job guys.

    LW 341.6
    CW 339.4
    Loss 2.2

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    I slipped a little during this final trip, but I'm set to get back into routine and continue my downward trend of the year:


    LW: 230.6
    CW: 232.4

    Gain: 1.8 lbs
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Last night in London, coming home tomorrow. Not really looking forward to getting on the scale.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    I wanted to edit that last comment, but don’t see an option on my iPad app.

    We managed to walk quite a bit, averaging almost 6 miles a day. However, I also ate a lot of not real healthful food. I am afraid that I after three weeks without working out I will have lost muscle and gained fat. One more trip to visit my mom in Indiana, then I should be able to settle back in a routine and work at losing some of this weight.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    :s:'( I have been terrible. Huge weight gain and a less than pleasant conversation with my doctor. I HAVE to make some serious changes. So here we go!

    Dave, hope you are enjoying your travels and that is quite a bit of walking! Good for you. Lets see if we can finish the year right.

    LW 339.4
    CW 348.6
    Gain 9.2

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in:
    LWW = 208.5
    CWW = 207.5
    Loss = 1.0

    Pleasantly encouraged by the scale this morning.

    Tim - just remember it's a journey and keep chipping away towards your goal.

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Sorry to hear that, Tim, but you can definitely turn it around. Dbw, glad you’re still right around where you were before after your travel!

    I finally spent more than a week at home for the first time since May and have gotten back onto my Nutrisystem eating plan. The eating is going great, so the next step is to ad more exercise back into the mix. Hit my initial goal of getting below 230, and I’ve lost over 30 lbs for the year.

    LW: 232.4
    CW: 228.2

    Loss: 4.2 lbs
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Good morning and fantastic job guys!!

    Bruce, I can't imagine being on the road as much as you and still doing so well. Congrats on getting under the 230 mark! That is awesome.

    Dave, you are absolutely right. I just need to keep chipping away. I did do more than chip this week though. Woohoo!!!

    I had a truly great week! Over 10 pounds lost. I'm sure most of that is due to the amount of water I've been drinking. Some of the other little things I've done in the last 7 days that I feel really helped are:

    I've REALLY increased my water consumption.
    I've cut out the daily 20+ oz Latte/Frappuchino drinks.
    I've cut sweets.
    I've cut adding any salt to meals after cooking.
    I've limited salt to any foods pre-cooking.
    I have not gone out to lunch at work, but instead have been packing healthy meals.
    My wife has been helping by making heart healthy meals and being the support I need to make better decisions.
    I've also tried to increase my daily activity.

    I'm hoping this continues, is successful and becomes a standard way of doing things. I thank you guys for your support and motivation. I must admit though that nothing is more motivating than success.

    I've also had my BP meds adjusted and it is lower. Better but not quite low enough. I go back to the doctor again in 3 weeks for a full update. I'll be getting an A1C check and am praying that I have not crossed over into the diabetes type 2 zone. I was borderline at one time and had gotten it way down. I'm afraid the last few years may have undone that good work though. Fingers crossed.

    Sorry to bore you with this novel. But if you've read it, Thank you again for your support and motivation.

    Hope you all have a great day and week! Tim

    LW 348.6
    CW 337.8
    Loss 10.8


  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Way to go, Tim! Those are all great changes.

    I’m up about a pound from last week, but I did well overall still (and being under 230 is still my lowest in three years). Going to keep pushing.

    LW: 228.2
    CW: 229.4

    Gain: 1.2
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy Men,

    I hope you are all having a great week.

    I had another good week. Not the huge 10+ pound loss, but am still very happy. Continuing with what I started a couple of weeks ago.

    The wife and I are going to Vegas in a couple of weeks and that has me just slightly nervous.

    LW 337.8
    CW 335.8
    Loss 2

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hello Men,

    I hope everyone is having a great week and you are doing well!

    I am still sticking to my healthier eating plan and trying to stay active. It is being reflected with another good loss on the scale. A 16 pound loss in 3 weeks on most people would be instantly recognizable and obvious to others. It's a little sad that it isn't noticeable to me in the mirror just yet. However, my pants and belt do feel a bit looser though.

    LW 335.8
    CW 332.4
    Loss 3.4
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Wow, Tim . . . way to get on it the last couple of weeks. Congratulations!

    LWW = 207.5
    CWW = 209.1
    Gain = 1.6

    I'm about where I started the school year last year. I'm hoping that being on a regular schedule and not doing so much traveling will help.

  • jmdawg
    jmdawg Posts: 11 Member
    I have been off the wagon for a while but I'm going to try to get back at it.

    CW = 329.4
    Goal Weight = 250