Men on a Mission thread



  • shabbarshaikh
    shabbarshaikh Posts: 136 Member
    4 to 5 Days irregular with food plan & excercise resulted in 2 kg (4.4lb) Gain.
    How to manage this situation. Now I am confused..:noway:
    In future if I bunk the food plan for few times(days) then how to manage...:sad: Need ur suggestions.

    As per my hard work I will do the Workout max these 3 days till Sunday Night, wish me good luck..:embarassed:
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    SW 427
    LWW 408.4
    CW 408.2
    GW 195

    .2 loss

    I didn't exercise at all this week and it shows with a two tenths loss for the week.
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    I am glad to see the scale moving in the right direction this week!

    LW: 246.2
    CW: 242.7
    Loss: 3.5
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    LW 194.5
    CW 191.6
    Loss 2.9

    Going in the right direction this week - so I should be out of last place on this week's chart.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    4 to 5 Days irregular with food plan & excercise resulted in 2 kg (4.4lb) Gain.
    How to manage this situation. Now I am confused..:noway:
    In future if I bunk the food plan for few times(days) then how to manage...:sad: Need ur suggestions.

    As per my hard work I will do the Workout max these 3 days till Sunday Night, wish me good luck..:embarassed:

    Good luck on your work outs.

    I wouldn't worry too much about 4-5 days off your plan. Just remember your goal and keep at it.
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    LW: 232.0 (1/23/12)
    CW: 227.8 (1/29/12)
    Lost: 4.2... hit the gym and turned it around this week! :)
  • cnweiss88
    cnweiss88 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all!

    I made it into the 180s this week, which was my goal. I am not quite sure how I did it, because I felt like I was cheating the whole time. I will gladly take the pound and do better this week.


    LW 190.4 lbs
    CW 189 lbs
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    With everything going on this weekend, I forgot to weigh my self. Please count it as no change.
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    LW: 153
    CW: 152

    A pound loss is still a loss! 2 pounds away from my final goal!! C'mon! Last stretch :)

    Going to Dominican Republic with my friend Freax (from here on MFP) on March 2nd, so I have to be in shape (more or less) by then!
  • shabbarshaikh
    shabbarshaikh Posts: 136 Member
    Very Sad to write these results, (I GAINED this week)...

    Last Week Weight : 77.5 kg (170.86 lbs)
    Current Week Weight: 78 kg (171.96 lbs)
    GAIN: 0.5 Kg (1.1 lbs)

    This week I found all our Friends did a Fantastioc Work.... I think we all Increased our Team Leader :glasses: Work Load ..
    Congratulations for all our Friends...:flowerforyou:
    And do your best for next week as I am going to explode ... :explode:
  • bmirob
    bmirob Posts: 57 Member
    hi all.

    No change for me this week.

    Have a good week.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Good Morning Men,
    I am down a meager .2 pounds this week. Not complaining though considering I haven't been to the gym in longer than I'd like to admit. I did see my new doctor last week and he is getting me set up with a new orthopedic surgeon. I am trying to get my surgeries moving a little quicker but they always seem to make all these appointments weeks apart.

    LW - 288.3
    CW - 288.1

    shabbarshaikh, try not to be too disappointed, you have done an amazing job and an occasional stumble happens to everyone. You said you had 4-5 days of irregular food and exercise. I don't think you have anything to worry about. You recognized the problem and made up for it in the gym. You turned a 4.4 pound gain during the week into a 1.1 pound gain total. That is very well done.

    Only about 1/2 of the men have posted so far this week. I will wait a few more hours before putting up this weeks chart.
  • StarGeezer
    Here's this week's check-in. Nothing big, but a loss is a loss.

    LW - 416.0
    WL- 415.8
    TWL - 0.2

    Good job, gentlemen! Keep rockin'! :)
  • gpbaldwin03
    gpbaldwin03 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello all, sorry for not posting last week (and late this week). Have actually been absent from MFP for a bit and it shows on the scale. Lots of excuses I could make here for not doing it, but it all boils down to being lazy and not making it a priority. I am up 5.5 lbs over the last two weeks. Shows me that I'm not in as much control as I thought. I figured I could try not logging a while and see if my habits were good. They aren't.

    Only one way to correct it is turn the TV off and get back to some exercise and daily logging.

    2 weeks ago: 367.4
    CW: 372.8

    Gain 5.4 lbs

    One good thing is I bought a treadmill off Craigslist. So that takes away the "too cold out to to walk" excuse. Now to get on it and get going. Congrats to all who've lost. Keep going and motivating. I need it.

  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    LW: 318
    TW: 318
    The same
  • soulsetfree
    In order to keep it honest...I put on a pound.

    LWW - 247
    CWW - 248

    I'll be melting that right off this week!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    OK guys, here are the results for this weeks weight loss mission. toddhbrown absolutely rocked it. He is approaching the 40 pound mark for the month of January. whoreheyR1 also killed it with a 4.2 pound loss. Great job to all and lets shoot for no one being in the red next week.

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member

    One good thing is I bought a treadmill off Craigslist. So that takes away the "too cold out to to walk" excuse. Now to get on it and get going. Congrats to all who've lost. Keep going and motivating. I need it.


    If you have an iphone or an itouch, check out the lolo beatburn app. It really changed my treadmill workouts. Just google it and it will give you more info than I can quickly type here. Just wish there was an Android app for lolo beatburn now.
  • gpbaldwin03
    gpbaldwin03 Posts: 44 Member
    If you have an iphone or an itouch, check out the lolo beatburn app. It really changed my treadmill workouts. Just google it and it will give you more info than I can quickly type here. Just wish there was an Android app for lolo beatburn now.

    Thanks, sounds like a great app. I'm an Android guy personally. But the wife has an Apple product of some sort, so maybe I can borrow hers. Appreciate the feedback.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Sorry I am late. I forgot to post the other morning. LWW308.6 CW305.8 down 2.8. Been a crazy week again. One more week and then normal for a couple of months. (hope I'm not jinxing it by saying it.)

    You guys are doing awesome!