Men on a Mission thread



  • shabbarshaikh
    shabbarshaikh Posts: 136 Member
    Hi Captain Tim,
    Good Morning,

    Now a days my progress is going in Reverse Direction...

    LW: 76.3 kg
    CW: 76.6 kg
    GAIN: 0.3 Kg (0.66 lb)

    Best of Luck to all our Friends... :flowerforyou:
  • bmirob
    bmirob Posts: 57 Member
    hi all,


    0 loss.

    have a good week
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    CW: 191.8

    I also seem to be going the wrong direction the last couple weeks.
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    LW: 221.8 (06/02/12)
    CW: 225.2 (06/11/12)
    Gained: 3.4 :huh:

    I can't say that I'm really surprised about the gain this week. I haven't worked out since last Wednesday and I ate & drank :drinker: whatever I wanted from Thursday to Sunday because of several parties that I went to... oh well, time to get back on track this week :bigsmile:
  • Frayed_Ends
    Goals intact for last week, even with a trip home to Mom and Dad's. This week is camping week, so I'm going to focus on having fun. Hope everyone has a great week, as always.

    Here is my update:

    LW: 219.6
    CW: 217.4
    WT: 2.2
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hey guys,
    Really busy at work today so not sure if I get the chart in. Just wanted you all to know I haven't forgotten or skipped out on you.

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Good morning Men,

    Seems like a few of us are having a rather tough time of it lately. Don't despair, justkeep it in the forefront of your mind and move forward. Congrats to Frayed_Ends and Toddhbrown for an outstanding week.

    I am once again traveling to Texas this upcoming Friday for a couple of weeks and probably won't be able to get a weigh in. Todd will probably be doing the updates while I'm away. If I don't get a chance to talk to you guys, I hope you have a great couple of weeks and continued success on your journeys.

  • toddhbrown
    toddhbrown Posts: 82 Member
    Hey Gentlemen,
    Still moving in the right direction. Need to increase output to make 20 lbs lost for June.

    Here are my numbers for the report.

    SW -381
    GW - 190
    LW - 251.25
    CW - 249.25
    WT - 2.0
    TWL - 131.75
    DLP - 06/14/12
  • toddhbrown
    toddhbrown Posts: 82 Member
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in.
    LWW 191.8
    CW 191.7

    Back in the right direction.

    You're doing a great job ToddHBrown!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    LWW - 239 lbs
    CWW - 238 lbs

    Slow and steady is the theme. I will take it over time. I am feeling good and enjoying the workouts.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    LW: 312
    TW: 312

    maintained :indifferent:
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    LW: 225.2 (06/11/12)
    CW: 226.8 (06/18/12)
    Gained: 1.6

    Oh well, that's what I get for taking a 4 day vacation and not logging anything I ate or drank... I promise I'll do better this week! :glasses:
  • bmirob
    bmirob Posts: 57 Member
    same for me, 214#
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hope you all have a great week. I'm down in Texas working on my mother in laws house and realty sweating the cals off. Unfortunately I'm eating like crap. No scale or anything here. Todd will probably be doing the chart for me this next couple of weeks.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Enjoy the time off with family Tim.
  • shabbarshaikh
    shabbarshaikh Posts: 136 Member
    Hi Todd,
    Good Morning,

    Now a days my progress is going in Reverse Direction... Still Reverse Direction...

    LW: 168.87 lb
    CW: 171.30 lb
    GAIN: 2.43 lb

    Best of Luck to all our Friends... :flowerforyou:

    Tim Boss.... Enjoy your Trip ... Wish You all the Best ....:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • toddhbrown
    toddhbrown Posts: 82 Member
    Godd Morning Gentlemen,
    Sorry for the delay in posting numbers. I have officially overcome the initial stages of the learning curve on posting this chart.
    Last week we had 7 people in the game, 8 people on the bench, and 1 busy traveler. I (Toddhbrown) have maintained the lead weekly loser role by a very slim margin. Great job to trelm249 & dbw1976 who also posted losses for the week. lacroyx still holds the overall biggest loser seat. (I'm comin for your spot :smile: )
    We all hope that coach Tim is having fun in the sun and getting on some great rides in between projects. Have fun at the 30 yr reunion buddy!
    Please all have a great week and I will work on getting this posted on Monday next week.

  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    LWW 238 lbs
    CWW 239 lbs

    I am up a pound for the week.
    I also did my measurements for the month and am down an inch on the waist. So it is all good. Enjoy the weekend guys.