Men on a Mission thread



  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    LWW = 201.3
    CWW = 200.7
    Loss = 0.6

    I agree with you Tim, weekends and being out of the routine are hard. I watched the Seahawks-49ers game at my in-laws and ate way too much, I seem to gain a couple pounds over the weekend and spend M-F losing it again. I guess my goal for the immediate future is to control weekend eating.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    LWW = 201.3
    CWW = 200.7
    Loss = 0.6

    I agree with you Tim, weekends and being out of the routine are hard. I watched the Seahawks-49ers game at my in-laws and ate way too much, I seem to gain a couple pounds over the weekend and spend M-F losing it again. I guess my goal for the immediate future is to control weekend eating.

    EXACTLY! And, I bet you could tell which day I didn't go to my daughter's. Go Seahawks!!!
  • toddhbrown
    toddhbrown Posts: 82 Member
    Hey Gentlemen,
    Hello gentlemen, I hope you are all doing well.
    SW -381
    GW - 215
    LW - 293.2
    CW - 292.2
    WT - 1
    TWL - 88.8
    DLP - 1/17/14
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Woo Hoo, this is the stuff I like to see. Everyone that posted this week posted a loss. Congratulations guys. Extra congrats to jasonheerts for posting a 10 pound loss. I realize this is cumulative from when he last weighed in at his doctor's office but I think he deserves credit and this week's top spot.

    Lets all strive to perhaps eat just a little bit cleaner and push ourselves during exercise just a little bit harder and we will all be in the blue again next week.

    Have a great week guys.

  • Thanks for the kind words! Hopefully being part of this group helps keep me motivated moving forward.

    I never want to allow myself to see that darn "300" number ever again!

    Now, let's see if i can hit my next major goal, which is 260. :bigsmile:

    Good luck to all this week!
  • toddhbrown
    toddhbrown Posts: 82 Member
    Hey Gentlemen,
    Hello gentlemen, I hope you are all doing well. Bounced up a bit, but I'll get it under control.
    SW -381
    GW - 215
    LW - 292.2
    CW - 295.2
    WT - 3 Gain
    TWL - 85.8
    DLP - 1/24/14
  • sun morn (which seems to be my weighing day) 293.

    Still a loss i guess. My digital scale is such a POS tho, there can be a 3-4 lb swing at any moment so it's hard to get an accurate read.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hey guys,

    Get me your updates as soon as you can. (Jason and Todd, already got yours and thanks). I have a couple of oral boards I have to sit on today and not sure if I'll have time to post the chart. If not, I will post tomorrow. Have a great day everyone!!

    BTW, I am at 322 this week. Was expecting a bigger loss but will hopefully make up for it next week. Not sure with it being Superbowl weekend though. Go Hawks!!!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Alrighty men,

    Lets welcome back Shabbar. He is starting fresh and I have updated his numbers on the chart. It is great to have you back my friend.

    I encourage eeryone to come on here often if you have questions or comments and post them. Lets support each other and help make 2014 a productive and successful year.

    Here is this week's chart. Jason takes the top spot again. Congrats buddy!!

    Have a Great week everyone.

  • toddhbrown
    toddhbrown Posts: 82 Member
    Hey Gentlemen,
    Hello gentlemen, I hope you are all doing well. Bounced up a bit, but I'll get it under control.
    SW -381
    GW - 215
    LW - 295.2
    CW - 292.8
    WT - 2.4
    TWL - 88.2
    DLP - 1/31/14
  • Sunday morning. 290. Was actually out of town for a couple days with fam, eating out and all that, but did a decent job not just pigging out and still making good choices during that time.

    Glad to see it paid off with another couple lbs lost at least.

    If i keep this up, i might not be morbidy obese soon.

    Oh wait, still about 80 lbs to go for that? :grumble:
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in
    CWW = 202.1
    LWW = 200.7
    Gain = 1.4

    Still don't have the weekend thing under control - especially with the Seahawks in the Super Bowl. Just got to keep working at it.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Still don't have the weekend thing under control - especially with the Seahawks in the Super Bowl. Just got to keep working at it.

    I'm with you buddy. I gained a bit more than you this week but hey, the Seahawks won!!!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hey guys, sorry for the late posting. Been a busy day.

    Here is this weeks chart. Jason and Todd, you guys rock. The rest of us are going to have to step it up this week.

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I am still sitting at 299.8 this morning, so I am feeling good I am still under 300. Let's see since I dropped off the radar we did the whole 30 for the month of January and we were not supposed to weigh, count calories or burns. I didn't lose any weight, but I lost inches and felt great. Lost my job last week after 9 years and while I am slightly hurt by the way I was treated, I am grateful to have worked with one of the most amazing teams ever. Wednesday I disassembled the dining room table and stored it and we now have a workout circuit in the dining room. Elliptical, recumbent bike, tread-climber, then a health-rider and an ab coaster pro. Weight bench, squat rack in the back bedroom with the whole body vibration unit, so now my only excuse for not working out is laziness. Feel free to kick my lower posterior if I don't get in any workouts. I will start actively looking for a new work adventure next week and am continuing to finish my degree. If I can get enough in student loans I will double up my classes and only work part-time. I have held several masters level positions in my 35 year work history, so it's time to have the sheep skin to accessorize the experience. Since I will have an extra 60+ hours a week available I am starting to fix up all the areas of the house that need attention so we can sell it and if it is Gods will, hopefully move to a cooler climate to ease Vikki's MS symptoms from the heat. That my update glad to see you guys still rocking it. Will hopefully post a loss on Monday or Tuesday. :-)
  • sun morning 285.

    got some good momentum going, need to keep it up. I sense my body will be slowing down soon unless i shake something up?

    One bad thing, i have lost all this without doing pretty much NO exercise, all my weight lost has been just based off sticking with my 1900 a day calorie limit.

    NEED to get active soon.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    CW 298.6 - at least it's in the right direction. Introducing some grains back into the mix and getting some workouts in. :-) Rrrrrooooarrr!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    If you haven't gotten your updates in, please do so. Thanks, tim.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hello men. Another week has passed us by and we are now well into February. This year seems to be going by even faster than last year.
    I hope you are all still motivated to make this a banner year and really move towards those fitness goals. I had a little stumble last week but was able to post a loss for this week.
    Jason again takes the top spot with an impressive 5 pound loss. I don't know what you are doing but it seems to be working. Nice job buddy. I read your post about Dr. Oz. Don't know if I completely agree, but if it works for you then go with it. For me personally, I need to increase my activity.
    My knee replacement recovery is going well. I have included my treadmill back into the line up when I don't swim. We'll see how that works for me.
    StevLL, nice to have you back and I am going to try and catch you. There are a few of us on here that we all started right around the same weight and I seriously fell behind.
    I invited another new guy and was hoping he would have posted. If anyone new on here shows up, please give them a warm welcome. Also, if you know of anyone that might be interested in joining, talk to them and send the invite.

    Anyhoo, here's the chart. Have a great week guys.

  • I will respond to the "what am i doing" question.

    The answer is..... just sticking with my 1800 calories a day, that's pretty much it.

    I guess when you start around 310 and i was probably eating 3000-4000 calories a day easy, then cut back to 1800, then weight falls off.

    At least at first.

    Like i said, i imagine things will slow down and be getting much tougher for me at some point.