Stage 3



  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Stage 3 is done-zo!!! See ya'll in Stage 4!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Wow, single leg RDLs killed my butt today! I think my glutes are on strike. Closely followed by my quads after those jump squats. OMG, feel the burn, lol.

    I managed to hold all the 90 sec planks.... some serious arm shake occurring there though, haha. Those last 30 secs are HARD.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Jo - yes, the single leg RDLs are great for working the glutes. I really hate planks...I have found that mixing it up with raising opposite arm/leg makes it psychologically easier to get through it.

    My last stage 3 w/o is tomorrow!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    My last stage 3 w/o is tomorrow!

    You go nail it!

    I'm amazed how much I enjoy this program compared to what I used to be doing (cardio ++). It is challenging me which is something I haven't experienced for a while. Although, while I was bored with the length of stage 1, I almost feel that these 8 workout stages are not long enough to both master AND be strong at each lift?
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    I just really don't like this stage at all. I have 2 more B's and one more A. Then I'll do Stage 4 and probably come up with something on my own or start a new program. I don't want to do a repeat of this stage.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    chic - keep an open mind. you may feel differently when you face stage 5 as you will be stronger at that point. Or you could go straight to 6 instead of starting something new...

    jo - yes, I hear you about mastering the moves/progression. That is probably why we go back to the stage 2 moves next and we get another shot at these moves in stage 5.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    Ok. I'll keep an open

    Isn't stage 6 the pull up one? I don't work out at a gym, so I'm not sure that will work for me anyway. I had planned to skip to 7 after 5.

    And I STILL cannot do a whole body weight matrix, let alone 2. My goal is to do the whole thing for my last A workout.
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Ahh it sounds like the one-leg deadlifts are important so... I'll have to practise them for the next stage.
  • lazyjane75
    lazyjane75 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey ladies - just starting stage 3 and thought I would join you here. Actually I got A1 and B1 in last week. A2 tomorrow. It's really challenging. That BWM is impossible - I cannot do jump lunges to save my life! So I did the BWMs, but just did regular lunges (and I did them after the jump squats, which I can do for some reason). I am also finding all the one leg exercises really difficult, balance-wise. The one leg deadlifts are impossible - even with no weight - on my right leg. Same with the partial one leg squats. And I have never felt such shame in the weight room as when I had to put back my 5 lb dbs and pick up 3lb dbs for the YTLS - WTF?!!? Up until now I've been only hitting the weight room 2x/week. I'm going to try to get in 3x/week through at least this stage. I am hoping that will make a difference.
  • lazyjane75
    lazyjane75 Posts: 34 Member
    Although, while I was bored with the length of stage 1, I almost feel that these 8 workout stages are not long enough to both master AND be strong at each lift?

    Jo - I totally agree.
  • lazyjane75
    lazyjane75 Posts: 34 Member
    good morning ladies -

    Did 3A4 today...only one more stage 3 workout!!!!

    feelgood - I do not keep my top arm straight. I need to have my arm bent to control my balance. Please give the single leg deadlifts another was the 4th time and I really thought they started to click!

    my workout:

    one armed snatch: 32x6x3
    single leg RDL: 60x6, 60x7x2
    bent over row: 80x8x3
    single arm OH squat: 67.5x6x3
    incline bench press: 64x12x3 (tried the 35 pounders AGAIN today...just a non-starter without a spotter)
    plank: 90x3
    rev wood chop: 75x7x3

    one BWM...

    lcuconley - Really impressive! I can see myself being where you are by the 4th round, based on my A1 lifts. Except for the reverse wood chop - that's amazing.
  • lazyjane75
    lazyjane75 Posts: 34 Member
    I did 3B3 today...only one more of each!! I did not get to the intervals (again). I did not even finish the lifting in 55 min...and what if I was waiting the entire 105 seconds? (I usu do 75s.) it is:

    deadlift/row: 80x9, 80x7, 80x6
    single leg squat: 60x6x2, 60x7 (the "partial" aspect of this really makes it hard to know your form is low??)
    lat pulldown: 90x10, 100x6x2 (bad math for my first first i was so psyched bcse it was easy and then i realized I was @90)
    back extension, weight overhead: 12x10x3 (REALLY felt this in my hammies)
    ywtl: 20x6x2 (I suck at these...)
    v sit-ups, weight overhead: 15x25x2
    side extension, weight overhead: 15x6x2

    But my B lifts (especially lat pulldowns and YWTLs) were nowhere close to yours, lcuconley. Is that the combined weight for your YWTLs or did you use 20lb dbs? I could use 10 lb dbs for the cuban snatches in stage 2, but I had to drop way down for the YWTLs (measly 3lb dbs for sets 2 and 3 in B1!)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I did 3B3 today...only one more of each!! I did not get to the intervals (again). I did not even finish the lifting in 55 min...and what if I was waiting the entire 105 seconds? (I usu do 75s.) it is:

    deadlift/row: 80x9, 80x7, 80x6
    single leg squat: 60x6x2, 60x7 (the "partial" aspect of this really makes it hard to know your form is low??)
    lat pulldown: 90x10, 100x6x2 (bad math for my first first i was so psyched bcse it was easy and then i realized I was @90)
    back extension, weight overhead: 12x10x3 (REALLY felt this in my hammies)
    ywtl: 20x6x2 (I suck at these...)
    v sit-ups, weight overhead: 15x25x2
    side extension, weight overhead: 15x6x2

    But my B lifts (especially lat pulldowns and YWTLs) were nowhere close to yours, lcuconley. Is that the combined weight for your YWTLs or did you use 20lb dbs? I could use 10 lb dbs for the cuban snatches in stage 2, but I had to drop way down for the YWTLs (measly 3lb dbs for sets 2 and 3 in B1!)

    I was wondering if that was combined too! I've just done my second B workout and did combined weight of 18lbs on the YWTLs. I'm at 90lbs for the lat pull downs too. Must look into the variations for the sit ups. Am still doing the ball with with a plate overhead. Am always pushed for time at that stage though.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Jo and Ljane - that is COMBINED. Two 10-pounders. I always record combined weight. I totally started too heavy because the day of the first workout, the 7.5s were missing. My form still needs improvement after the whole stage! I think the YWTLs are the hardest lift of the entire program.

    LJane - I am totally with you on the jump lunges. They are really hard to execute. I would recommend that you try to continue to do them, though, as the explosiveness of the move is important. I also found the balance hard...but the good news is that since doing the heavy lifting with balance, my yoga is improving. As Jo said on a previous post, make sure your core is completely engaged and focus on a spot about 3 feet in front of you.

    I never posted Saturdays workout:

    deadlift/row: 80x10, 80x9, 80x8
    single leg squat: 60x6, 60x7, 60x8
    lat pulldown: 100x5, 100x6x2
    back extension, weight overhead: 12.5x10x3
    ywtl: 20x6x3
    v sit-ups, weight overhead: 15x25x1 (ran out of time and headed to yoga anyway)
    side extension, weight overhead: 15x10x1

    See you all in stage four!!
  • lveh8lve
    lveh8lve Posts: 162 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm glad I found this group! I just started Stage 3 on Monday. My biggest gripe is the amount of time it takes to do the workout. I workout in the morning before work. I was warming up at 5:45 and I didn't even hit the BWM and it was 7:10. I ended up being late for work!! I can't get to the gym any earlier and I honestly couldn't do the exercises much faster. Can anyone complete these workouts in an hour? The gym opens at 5:30 and I am going to try to get there early tomorrow, but the lengths of the workouts are really not being feasible in my eyes.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    lveh8 - I am totally with you on the length of the workouts! I often have to cut it short because I run out of time. I can't sit around for 105 seconds though. I usu do 75-90 between sets.

    Just started stage 4 this am...its awesome to go back to the stage 2 lifts!
  • lazyjane75
    lazyjane75 Posts: 34 Member
    lveh8 - Just did 3A2 yesterday and it took me 90 min (all in, including the BWMs). 3B seems to be a little shorter for me, 75 mins including the HIIT.

    Yesterday's workout wasn't great. I am trying to get in 3x/week verses 2x/week. So I only had one day of rest between 3B1 and 3A2. My quads were killing me yesterday (and today!) and I think it really set me back in terms of how deem I could get my squats. And this time I could jump my squats or my lunges in the BWMs. I have 2 days of rest before I do 3B2, so that should be better. I hope my body can adapt to a quicker recovery period, though, because I really would like to do 3x/week. I also need to make sure that I spend enough time stretching/foam rolling. I was pressed for time on Sunday when I did 3B1 and didn't really stretch after. And I am going to try to do a short (10 min) yoga session on rest days as well.
  • lveh8lve
    lveh8lve Posts: 162 Member
    It's nice to know I wasn't just being very slow!! I haven't even gotten to start the HIIT because of time. Ugh
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    Just finished my last B workout! Moving on to 4! Keep lifting, ladies!
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Well done chicbuc! I just finished the last B workout too. Yay!

    I'm glad I'm not the only slowpoke who thinks these workouts take a long time. Today's workout took me 107 minutes... almost 2 hours! Luckily I have nothing better to do on a Sunday :p but yeah, between warming up, resting, and occasionally wandering around waiting/searching for equipment it sometimes takes forever. During the week I get into the gym when it opens at 6.30am but I need to be done at around 7.40am to get ready and head to work, so I often end up splitting the workouts in two, which I don't really like doing.

    So as a reward for finishing the stage I'm treating myself to some lovely sushi tonight. I can't wait!