Stage 3



  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    beck - yea, planks are a different kind of move. hard to do anything but focus on how much you want to stop...definitely try the 17.5s. I also got some wrist weights so that I can do in-between weights.

    kat - nice workout. way to gut it out!

    I went back last night and did some intervals on the rower, 10x500m with a 1 minute rest in between. I averaged about 2:10 per split.

    I. Hate. Planks. I usually skip them :blushing: I keep telling myself I need to do them, but I get so bored and think about how much I hate them! Same with the prone cobra...
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    hi all - i did workout 3A2 this am. LOVED it (except the planks!)

    one armed snatch: 25x6x2; 27x6
    single leg RDL: 50x6, 50x8x2
    row: 80x6, 80x7, 80x8
    single arm OH squat: 45x8, 52.5x6, 52.5x8
    incline press: 64x8, 64x10, 64x12
    plank 90x3
    rev wood chop: 65x8, 70x8x2
    BW matrix: 4:05, 4:10 (my jump lunges are really bad...will focus on improving my ROM)
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Great Work LCU! Your upper body is so much stronger than mine, definitely something I'm working on!

    I got in *most* of 3B3 this morning:
    Rowing intervals (500m row, 1 minute rest):
    2:20, 2:06,

    RDL/Row: 80x6x3 (PR on row)
    partial single leg squat: 75x6x3
    widegrip lat pulldown: 100x6 (PR), 95x6x2

    Squat: 95x8, 105x6 125x5x5, 105x6, 95x8
    OHP: 45x8, 55x6, 65x5x4(PR)
    Deadlift: 155x5, 175x5, 185x5(PR)

    I'll go back to do the core work and some more intervals tonight or tomorrow morning
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member are awesome! My numbers are so lame compared to yours! LOL

    I was suppose to do my second B workout this morning but slept in and chose to go to spin class instead:) I'll get it in tomorrow!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Beck - thanks...but you are awesome too. Here we both are lifting and spinning. (I will spin tomorrow.) We are earning our new figures! I was lucky. Day off for me today, so I got to sleep in AND get a double workout in!

    Kat - you are doing super. Rowing 80 and 100lb lat pull down, I would say we are the same!
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 557 Member
    Am I the only one who can't do the body weight matrix? I did the 24 squats and 12 lunges, and my legs felt like they were full of concrete. I could not do the jumps, so I rested a few minutes and did 24 more squats and 12 more lunges, but no jumps. This stage is going to be a challenge for sure!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi everyone -

    special Easter Sunday edition of NROLFW! workout 3B2.

    row/RDL - 80x8, 80x7x2
    partial squat - 54x6, 54x8, 50x8 (forgot to put on my wrist weights for the last set!)
    lat pulldown - 95x6, 95x8x2
    back extension, weight overhead - 10x8, 10x10x2
    YWTL - 20x6x2 (my form is really bad on these. would have gone down to 15, but could not find the other 7.5 dumbbell.)
    V-sit ups - 15x25x3
    "lateral extension" weight overhead - 12.5x10x3
    prone cobra - 90s x 2
    burpees - two sets of 20

    chic - the jump lunges are super hard for me. I wish I did not have to look in the mirror!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    So I'm taking a break from New Rules this month to cut. I'm doing HIIT in the weight room so I can hopefully maintain my LBM while losing fat :smile:

    If anyone's interested, here is the program I started today, I just hope I can make it through, and keep up the good work!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    So I'm taking a break from New Rules this month to cut. I'm doing HIIT in the weight room so I can hopefully maintain my LBM while losing fat :smile:

    If anyone's interested, here is the program I started today, I just hope I can make it through, and keep up the good work!

    WOW!! that looks intense!!!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I did 3B2 last Saturday....freaked out b/c I had lost my training logs...they were in my husbands jeans? What the heck?!?!

    Yesterday I did 3A3...except the body matrix part....had to make it to Spin class:) I'll do that after my intervals tomorrow. Yikes:)

    Chic....I can bust out the squats and lunges pretty quick but for the jumping ones I'll do 12 and then rest a bit and then bust out the last 12.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    beck - I lost my log sheet at the gym one day...where could it have gone after I left it on the treadmill?!?! the good news is that I was able to recreate it because of my posting here. Its been a while since I followed lifting with did that go?
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    beck - I lost my log sheet at the gym one day...where could it have gone after I left it on the treadmill?!?! the good news is that I was able to recreate it because of my posting here. Its been a while since I followed lifting with did that go?

    My legs felt like they were gonna give out at first but after about 15 min it was fine. I think it was smart to hold off on the body matrix though!!
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 557 Member
    I do not like B. At all.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    good morning everyone -

    feeling really good about my weight increases today. (except for the bent over row. I started too heavy at the beginning of this stage and today I even went down on my reps from the last workout. )

    one-armed snatch - 30x6, 30x7, 30x8
    single leg RDL - 54x7x2, 54x8
    bent over row - 80x6x2, 80x7
    single arm OH squat - 60x6x2, 60x7
    incline press - 64x10x3 (tried to go up to the 35 pound dumbbells, but no luck!)
    plank - 90x2
    wood chop - 75x6x2 (wow was the additional 5 pounds hard!)
    1 BWM...ran out of time!!

    hope everyone has a GREAT day!!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I can't believe I only have 2 more workouts in this stage! Hoping to bust them out Monday and Wednesday!'re a beast! (And I mean that as a compliment!)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    first stage 3 today! Bit wobbly trying some new moves - ouch, how hard is the squat with the arm raise (can't remember proper name right now, lol)? I used 9lbs and 18lbs...... could probably go up but man, my glutes were hurting!

    Bodyweight matrix is a bit of a killer eh? I can't wait that long between reps though, yawn. I did both in just under 3 mins. Quads on fire.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    good morning ladies!

    jo - welcome to stage 3! That is interesting that you felt the single arm OH squat in your glutes. I am definitely more focused on keeping my arm up! That is strange that they tell you to wait 6+ minutes between the matricies...there is NO way I am going to sit around for that long!!

    beck - last WO A today?

    I did 3B3 today...only one more of each!! I did not get to the intervals (again). I did not even finish the lifting in 55 min...and what if I was waiting the entire 105 seconds? (I usu do 75s.) it is:

    deadlift/row: 80x9, 80x7, 80x6
    single leg squat: 60x6x2, 60x7 (the "partial" aspect of this really makes it hard to know your form is low??)
    lat pulldown: 90x10, 100x6x2 (bad math for my first first i was so psyched bcse it was easy and then i realized I was @90)
    back extension, weight overhead: 12x10x3 (REALLY felt this in my hammies)
    ywtl: 20x6x2 (I suck at these...)
    v sit-ups, weight overhead: 15x25x2
    side extension, weight overhead: 15x6x2
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Yes! Last A workout! It was a good one too! Upped my weights in almost everything! I can't believe I'll move on to stage 4 on Friday. Not sure how I feel about doing all of those lunges again though;)
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    That overhead squat does my head in (almost literally considering the first time I tried it I nearly dropped the weight on myself)- I don't know am I just terribly uncoordinated but I CANNOT keep my arm straight for the life of me. I'm only using 3kg and 6kg and I still bend my arm when I go down. I've tried practising without any weights just to get the form down, but I've done 3 workouts already so Stage 3 is almost over for me.

    I'm terrible at the one legged romanian deadlift as well so I ended up just swapping it for a standard Romanian dumb bell deadlift.

    The bodyweight matrix is killer and it's SO tempting to skip it considering a) I always run out of time and have to do it separately to the rest of the moves and b) I do a bodyweight-based bootcamp class that's 45 minutes long so sometimes I feel like saying screw it, I'll be doing 45 minutes of this tomorrow! :smile:

    I am really enjoying this stage though- way prefer it to stage 2. I don't miss those lunges at all!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    good morning ladies -

    Did 3A4 today...only one more stage 3 workout!!!!

    feelgood - I do not keep my top arm straight. I need to have my arm bent to control my balance. Please give the single leg deadlifts another was the 4th time and I really thought they started to click!

    my workout:

    one armed snatch: 32x6x3
    single leg RDL: 60x6, 60x7x2
    bent over row: 80x8x3
    single arm OH squat: 67.5x6x3
    incline bench press: 64x12x3 (tried the 35 pounders AGAIN today...just a non-starter without a spotter)
    plank: 90x3
    rev wood chop: 75x7x3

    one BWM...