Stage 3



  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    I'm afraid I don't have an easy answer for you right now, but if it's any consolation, this stage is really kicking my butt!

    2nd A workout for me today and my goodness it was tough. I got half way through the 2nd BWM before it beat me and I completely ran out of energy. The burn in my legs was just too much and I was starting to cramp. Not sure if it was because I tried too hard or if I hadn't fully recovered from the HIIT I did yesterday on the rowing machine.
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    There is no way I could have done the BWM after my workout today. After trying it after the first A workout and failing miserably, I've starting doing the BWM and HIIT together as a 3rd separate workout. It's taking me forever to get through this stage, but it's the only way I feel like I can give 100% to the BWM and the HIIT...and it means I'm out of the gym in 65-70 minutes instead of 85-90 on the A & B days.

    This stage is killing me too, but in a really really good way! I'm making good gains on everything except the stupid planks!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I don't know what my problem is lately with planks. I was able to do 60 seconds on elbows at the end of stage 3 and now can barely do 45! I can handle it on my hands better, even easier with my shins balanced on a ball hands on floor. But even then can only get 60 secs before I give out. I know they should be harder for me based on my weight, but I expected more progress at this point. Any ideas to help? I wonder if doing it at the end of the workout when I'm so exhausted is hurting me.

    I have been having the same problem. For me, it's fatigue mixed with the fact that I use my core constantly as a professional singer. I have started doing planks on off days from lifting instead of after the long workout. I am seeing improvement again, but I'm still not where I was before.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    @jhgreer - I agree with holley...perhaps do the planks on your "off" days or at the start of the workout...perhaps you're just so fatigued from the incline presses, etc.?
    PS. I just printed off stage 4...looks like planks are 2 minutes each! Yikes!
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    Thanks ladies - I may try that! 2 minute planks...riiiiiiiiiiight. At least not yet. :noway:
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Hey gals - just wondering who will be moving on to stage 4 soon...? I notice there's not a lot of action on stage 4 thread. My last stage 3 workout is tomorrow and I'll be starting stage 4 on Wednesday. I don't think I'll post my stats because they are so wimpy compared to others who have posted! I am in awe of how much people are lifting. (I am very small framed and don't build muscle easily but I'm trying! LOL...I also really really don't want to injure myself!!!)

    So, who's almost done 3??? Let's head on over, k?
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I'm going to be heading over soon, haven't decided exactly how long of a break I want to take. I'm technically done as of this morning, but may do an extra of each workout just for scheduling purposes only, I also don't want to post any stats, I work out at home and feel like mine are wimpy and low too, comparatively.
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    Hey gals - just wondering who will be moving on to stage 4 soon...? I notice there's not a lot of action on stage 4 thread. My last stage 3 workout is tomorrow and I'll be starting stage 4 on Wednesday. I don't think I'll post my stats because they are so wimpy compared to others who have posted! I am in awe of how much people are lifting. (I am very small framed and don't build muscle easily but I'm trying! LOL...I also really really don't want to injure myself!!!)

    So, who's almost done 3??? Let's head on over, k?

    I will be finished after next week - then Chicago trip for the long weekend and starting stage four Tues 1/22 - so I won't be too far behind you!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    I am just starting Stage 3 on Monday! I am def ready to move on from Stage 2! I loved reading through the forum to get an idea of what is coming. Anyone else just about to start? I've been practicing form with light weights at home and i can NOT get the one-armed dumbbell snatch. Not even close. I may just substitute squats for it - any suggestions?
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I am just starting Stage 3 on Monday! I am def ready to move on from Stage 2! I loved reading through the forum to get an idea of what is coming. Anyone else just about to start? I've been practicing form with light weights at home and i can NOT get the one-armed dumbbell snatch. Not even close. I may just substitute squats for it - any suggestions?

    Lower the weight you're using until you can do it. Squats are not an adequate substitute unfortunately.
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    Hey gals - just wondering who will be moving on to stage 4 soon...? I notice there's not a lot of action on stage 4 thread. My last stage 3 workout is tomorrow and I'll be starting stage 4 on Wednesday. I don't think I'll post my stats because they are so wimpy compared to others who have posted! I am in awe of how much people are lifting. (I am very small framed and don't build muscle easily but I'm trying! LOL...I also really really don't want to injure myself!!!)

    So, who's almost done 3??? Let's head on over, k?
    I'll be starting 4 soon. I did an extra A workout the other day (so workout 5A) and planned on doing a 5B then moving onto stage 4. I might just skip it and go on to 4 because I don't like the B workout of this stage too much, and I've already done 4 of them. I'm not going to take a break before stage 4 because I had enough unintentional breaks throughout this stage! Who knows..I might even start stage 4 tonight.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I finished Stage 3 today! I didn't go up a whole lot on some of the exercises, but I am pleased with my progress! I'm working with my trainer next week to prep for Stage 4. He has all the logs, so I can't tell you exactly what I did. I need to fill in my spreadsheet and watch the progression. I'm actually looking forward to 4 because I know I'm so much stronger than I was in Stage 2, and so much better prepared for those exercises!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Woo hoo! Done stage 3. Didn't care for 3B much so happy to move on...I didn't like stage 2 at the beginning but then started enjoying it so I"m actually looking forward to starting it on Wednesday.

    I went down to 5 lbs dumbells for the YTWL move and it made a big difference in my form. Still hate it though....LOL

    I am terrible at lat pulldowns - I stayed at 65 lbs the whole stage 3...I couldn't up it without compromising form!

    Hoping to see some of you on the stage 4 thread soon...:smile: .
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    3rd A workout done today. Went much better and I completed both sets of the BWM for the first time which I'm really happy about! It's taking me ages to complete though, I'm glad I'm doing this workout at home (really happy with my new dumbbells too).

    CanGirl & Sue - nice to see your enthusiasm for Stage 4 - I hope I feel the same when I finish this stage but I doubt it lol
    emgel - welcome back! I really concentrate on driving quickly up through my legs/hips on the DB snatch, I found I wasn't grabbing it tight enough to start with either which meant I couldn't get "under" it so ended up pressing it up from my shoulder.
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    FINALLY finished Stage 3. I think it took me about as long as Stage 1 due to sickness, holidays, etc.

    One Arm Dumbbell Snatch - 15 --> 25
    Dumbbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift - 30 --> 50 (total)
    Barbell bent-over row - 40 --> 80
    Dumbbell single arm overhead squat - 12/6 --> 15/7
    Dumbbell incline bench press - 40 --> 50 (total)

    Barbell Romanian Deadlift/bent over row - 50 --> 80
    Partial Single Leg Squat - this was just body weight, right?
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 145 --> 160 (I did a set of 175 today but not great form)
    Back Extension - On swiss ball, no weights
    YTWL - On swiss ball - 6 each hand --> 7 each hand

    Sort of dreading stage 4 because I wasn't a fan of 2, but hopefully it will go quickly! I am looking forward to the FSPP again!
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    FINALLY finished Stage 3. I think it took me about as long as Stage 1 due to sickness, holidays, etc.

    One Arm Dumbbell Snatch - 15 --> 25
    Dumbbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift - 30 --> 50 (total)
    Barbell bent-over row - 40 --> 80
    Dumbbell single arm overhead squat - 12/6 --> 15/7
    Dumbbell incline bench press - 40 --> 50 (total)

    Barbell Romanian Deadlift/bent over row - 50 --> 80
    Partial Single Leg Squat - this was just body weight, right?
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 145 --> 160 (I did a set of 175 today but not great form)
    Back Extension - On swiss ball, no weights
    YTWL - On swiss ball - 6 each hand --> 7 each hand

    Sort of dreading stage 4 because I wasn't a fan of 2, but hopefully it will go quickly! I am looking forward to the FSPP again!

    Impressive stats, I don't think I'll ever hit 175 on a Lat pulldown!!

    I did WO4A yesterday, but had to take it easy and didn't do the BWM as I pulled my left glute trying to work through cramp when doing HIIT on the rowing machine on Sunday. I don't seem to be able to manage more than 12 mins on the rower without getting cramp in my glutes - so frustrating! I'll have to modify my seating position somehow as I've clearly not got something right. I'm glad I've got my foam roller which has helped a lot. I'll be doing an extra A&B workout on this stage before moving on to stage 4.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    jhgreer - wow! those are some impressive stats! My numbers are no where near that! I hit 60lbs on the lat pulldown and thought that was big time! haha way to go with finishing!

    I think I have 2 more weeks of Stage 3 - I like it! but this is a very quiet forum
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    Thanks ladies! Not sure why but my lat pulldowns have always been strong. I'm starting to think I'm not doing them right or maybe the machine is helping too much?

    This forum is a little slow...I think everybody kind of drops off after the first stage or 2. Sad, though...I like hearing how everyone else is doing!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Thanks ladies! Not sure why but my lat pulldowns have always been strong. I'm starting to think I'm not doing them right or maybe the machine is helping too much?

    This forum is a little slow...I think everybody kind of drops off after the first stage or 2. Sad, though...I like hearing how everyone else is doing!

    I'm restarting Stage 3 today! Got my upper back stitches out on Friday, so I'm starting with less weight than I ended with and only doing two sets instead of three. Glad to be back at it!
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145

    I'm restarting Stage 3 today! Got my upper back stitches out on Friday, so I'm starting with less weight than I ended with and only doing two sets instead of three. Glad to be back at it!

    Welcome back Holley! Hope you're feeling better!