Stage 3



  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    I am planning on starting Stage 3 next Monday! :o)
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Just stopping by to say I did Stage 3 A1 this morning. I loved it. I really enjoyed everything, even the body matrix hell at the end.
    I am looking forward to B1 on Thursday.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Just stopping by to say I did Stage 3 A1 this morning. I loved it. I really enjoyed everything, even the body matrix hell at the end.
    I am looking forward to B1 on Thursday.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Just stopping by to say I did Stage 3 A1 this morning. I loved it. I really enjoyed everything, even the body matrix hell at the end.
    I am looking forward to B1 on Thursday.

    Great work! I was NOT a fan of that body matrix!
    I did B1 this morning, it felt easier than A1, but the TYWL had my shoulders burning!! I threw in some squats and bench presses at the end and will go do cardio tomorrow. We got/are getting a heap more snow today so I didn't have time for cardio before work.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    hi all - happy to be joining the stage 3 crew!!

    I was wrting all of this in the stage 2 thread, and then said "what am I doing?!?"

    yesterday, I played soccer. It was an earlier game though, so I was actually able to execute on the Friday am lifting this week.

    Workout 3A1

    dumbell snatch: 15x10, 20x10, 22.5x10 (still looking for my 6 rep point)
    single leg deadlift: 50x6x3 (feel like i could go heavier, but balance really an issue on my left leg)
    barbell row: 80x6x3 (barely able to squeak out 3...)
    single arm OH squat (37.5x6, 45x6)
    incline bench press (50x10, 60x10x2)
    plank 90x3
    wood chop 65x6x3 (surprised that these were harder than the horiz wood chop)

    I got up 20 min earlier to make time for the BW matrix, but spent an hour just on the lifting and spent some time reviewing the moves this am. I hope to get it done tomorrow am.

    question: do you all really wait 105 seconds between sets? I dont have that kind of patience!!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I completed my first A workout of stage 3 today! Holy smokes am I gonna feel that tomorrow. The matrix SUCKED but was awesome at the same time. haha

    Lc...I don't normally rest what he has written. I just wait until my heart rate goes down a bit and feel comfortable doing the next exercise!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Ok....I thought it was crazy to rest 105 seconds between sets, but what about the BW matrix? It took me just under 4 min to do I am supposed to sit around for 8 min? NO WAY.

    I am sore today from workout!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Ok....I thought it was crazy to rest 105 seconds between sets, but what about the BW matrix? It took me just under 4 min to do I am supposed to sit around for 8 min? NO WAY.

    I am sore today from workout!

    I'm super sore today as well! I didn't wait double what it took me to do the matrix...I just waited until I felt ready to do it again:)
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hey..and I am sore today from the BW matrix. It is so awesome to mix things up!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Finished my first B workout today. Def think I like A better, even if the matrix sucks the life outta me:)
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    beck - where are all of our other stage 3'ers?

    I did 3B1 this am. Have to say that I prefer BSS to partial squats. Like everyone says, the YWTLs are a b****. I was totally spent and slacked on the HIIT.

    RDL/Row: 80x6x3
    partial single leg squat: 50x6x3 (will go up in weight next time...the problem is balance)
    widegrip lat pulldown: 85x6, 90x6x2
    back extension: 35x6, 45x6 (LOVED these. next time I am going to go down to in weight and hold it over my head rather than hugging the plate)
    YWTL: 20x6x3 (should have done 15, but I could not find the 7.5s. form was awful and I totally did them wrong)
    V-situps: 25x25x3
    side extensions: 10x10x3 (weight overhead)
    prone cobra: 90secx3
    intervals: did two intervals, running at 7.6mph.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Good Morning! Thanks LCUConley for encouraging me back to the boards! I've been a little MIA and off my routine this last week, but trying my best to get in some workouts.

    I unexpectedly lost my father this past Thursday, so it's been a little busy and stressful. Yesterday I got in most of my 3B2 workout. I ran out of steam at the end, so I'll do the core work tonight and try to get in some intervals.

    RDL/Row: 75x6x3
    partial single leg squat: 60x6x3
    widegrip lat pulldown: 90x6, 95x6x2
    back extension: 45x6x3
    YWTL: 10x6x3

    Rowing intervals (500m row, 1 minute rest):
    2:23, 2:13, 2:06, 1:56

    I'll try to do the core work tonight, and hopefully some more intervals - I love the rower!

    I've also been throwing in some 5x5 lifts. I did these first yesterday, which is probably why I ran out of energy for 3B2 at the end:
    Squat: 45x10, 95x8 115x6 120x5x5 95x8,45x10
    OHP: 50x8, 55x5, 60x5x5, 50x ​(with isometric hold)
    Deadlift: 155x5, 175x5
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Oh kat - so, so sorry to hear about your father! I can understand why you are throwing the 5x5 into this stage...I miss lifting HEAVY! The rower is a nice change of pace and one of the few full body cardio things to do.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Hi guys, I have totally been off the MFP site - just too busy - still whole30'ing it (but haven't been logging), and did Stage 3 A1 on Monday, doing B1 tonight.

    Snatch was easy - will have to up my weights next time (Saturday as the Gym is closed for Easter Friday - slackers!).
    Um only other thing to report about workout A was the single arm overhead squat. I was going to do it with 5kg/10kg weights, but there were no 10kgs available so I had to do it with 6kg/12kg. Not easy. I almost fell over. My PT was laughing at me, so I made her try it - she couldn't even do one! That made me feel better. Will definitely have to put my weights down next time - my squats were Sh*te! Probably only going down about 3 inches by the third set.

    Oh, and I couldn't handle 90s planks - only got to 60s but I wasn't resting as long as I was meant to. Will have to work on that

    3 sets of 6reps was good - made the workouts go quick, but I was probably a bit light on my weights for the first round - I might do an extra set of workouts for this stage (like I did in stage 2) depending how the timing works out for me.

    Body weight matrix is evil. I assume that the jumping lunges are alternative jumping lunges? That is what I did. I took plenty of rests though. Took me 4min 25sec to do the first set, so I drove home (I am like 3min drive from the gym in light traffic) and did the second set there. Might do all the BWM stuff at home if the weather is good - I just did it in my backyard and the kitty was trying to rub up against my legs, and then I would start jumping and she'd skitter off.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Kat...I'm so sorry about your Dad:(

    Why did I not think to add weight to the single leg squats? LOL I just did mine bw.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Um only other thing to report about workout A was the single arm overhead squat. I was going to do it with 5kg/10kg weights, but there were no 10kgs available so I had to do it with 6kg/12kg. Not easy. I almost fell over. My PT was laughing at me, so I made her try it - she couldn't even do one! That made me feel better. Will definitely have to put my weights down next time - my squats were Sh*te! Probably only going down about 3 inches by the third set.

    I actually DID fall over the first time I tried them! Flat on my butt! Then I hit myself in the head with the weight. Luckily, the only thing hurt was my ego :blushing:
    A PT told me in the past that my hips and shoulders are tight, so I've been doing extra stretching in my shoulders and hip flexors and that seems to help.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Um only other thing to report about workout A was the single arm overhead squat. I was going to do it with 5kg/10kg weights, but there were no 10kgs available so I had to do it with 6kg/12kg. Not easy. I almost fell over. My PT was laughing at me, so I made her try it - she couldn't even do one! That made me feel better. Will definitely have to put my weights down next time - my squats were Sh*te! Probably only going down about 3 inches by the third set.

    I actually DID fall over the first time I tried them! Flat on my butt! Then I hit myself in the head with the weight. Luckily, the only thing hurt was my ego :blushing:
    A PT told me in the past that my hips and shoulders are tight, so I've been doing extra stretching in my shoulders and hip flexors and that seems to help.

    Man I am glad I didn't conk myself in the head - it was pretty close a couple of times though! I have a foam roller that I am meant to be doing lots of stretching with on my non-lifting days - still haven't made it a habit yet! I am tight everywhere! Due to my own lack of stretching, and I really feel that tightness, and my lopsided-ness during that move.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Hi Ladiess,
    This morning I did my 3A3 workout. I wasn't completely there mentally, so not as stellar as I could have done, but at least I got to the gym.

    A One-armed dumbbell snatch 20#
    B1 Dumbbell single-leg Romanian deadlift 70# barbell
    B2 Barbell bent-over row 70#
    C1 Dumbbell single-arm overhead squat 15#
    C2 Dumbbell incline bench press 30#
    D2 Reverse wood chop 30*6,35*6*2

    Squat 45*10,95*8,105*6,115*6,125*5*5
    Bench 45*8,55*6,70*5*5
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Can I just say that those planks suck? I have no problem getting 90s in my first set but after that I wuss out at 60s. :/

    I LOVE the one arm dumbbell snatch but I'm SO weak at this. Like, I can do 15lb great but I could barely get one rep with my left arm trying to do 20lbs. WAIT! My gym has 17.5!! I'll try those next time. Either way, nothing to write home about but I just feel silly when I'm the only female in the weight room and I'm using 15's:/
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    beck - yea, planks are a different kind of move. hard to do anything but focus on how much you want to stop...definitely try the 17.5s. I also got some wrist weights so that I can do in-between weights.

    kat - nice workout. way to gut it out!