

  • TheKetoChica
    TheKetoChica Posts: 24 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Rivka and I've traveled around the sun 37 times. For the last 11 times I've been obese. Before I used to manage pretty well but after my 2nd child I've been struggling.

    So now is time to go around the sun with less weight.

    Starting weight = 344
    Current weight = 327
    Goal weight = 150-145
  • Bunnyfufu87
    lost 5 pounds since last post wooo!!
  • nalfavi
    nalfavi Posts: 174 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Flavia, I'm 24 years old.

    Sw: 536lbs (heaviest I've ever been)
    Cw: 510lbs
    Gw: 200ish lbs.
  • denisegolden
    denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
    Hi, my name is Denise, I will be 37 on 12/19/2011.

    SW-summer of 2010
    443 pounds

    -gastric bypass 07/20/2011
    354.5 pounds
    down 88.5 pounds

    256.2 pounds
    down 186.8 pounds

    175 pounds
    i will have lost 268 pounds

    I dont know when ill hit 175, ill just keep working towards it, until i get there!!!
  • misstasharenee
    misstasharenee Posts: 95 Member
    SW :400:sad:
    CW: 381:noway:
    GW: 180:smile:

    Hey Everyone!!
    Let me start by saying I know I have a long and hard journey ahead of me. I've always put others over myself and my health and I'm truly just now seeing what I've done to my body. I want to get the weight off while I'm still young and have no health problems. I've always been a funny upbeat young woman. Taking care of everyone around me for as long as I could remember. My mother became sick when I was 12yrs old and I dedicated my life to taking care of her, taking care of my little brother, just taking on a lot and now I have to take care of myself. Live for myself and love myself enough to get in shape. I know I'll find motivation here and I will defiantly motive!!
  • gtchs
    gtchs Posts: 116 Member
    SW: 461 :sad:
    CW: 431 :grumble:
    GW: 220 or so :happy:

    Hi, my name is Thomas. I've been overweight since about 4th grade. I'm turning the big 40 in May so I need to lose the weight before I start having health problems (fortunately none so far :smile: ). I started (again) on August 1, 2011 and had lost 41 pounds by the end of November. Unfortunately I didn't do very good over the holidays and gained back 11 :mad: .

    But the year is new and I'm determined to stick with the plan this time.
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 294 Member
    Height: 5'4"
    Highest weight was: 424.5
    Weight as of today (1/6/12): 365
    Goal: at least 52 pounds less by the end of 2012.
    Ultimate Goal: 140
    I have over 200 pounds that needs to come off.:cry:

    Location- South Carolina, USA
    Age: 49 (I'll turn 50 in May)

    Diet Plan - My food plan is a mix between South Beach Diet and the Glycemic Index Diet.

    Limited Mobility - I am currently unable to do much in the way of exercise because of my size and a damaged knee.
    I also have a bad back which limits my ability to exercise. :brokenheart:

    My weakness - all pastries (including cookies, cakes and pies), most candy ~ cheese flavored chips, and Cheez-It crackers ~ Fast food (such as Arby’s, Sonic, Wendy’s, Hardees, Burger King, McDonald’s, and Pizza). :devil:

    Feel free to add me as a weight loss buddy. :smile:
  • gdaykatie
    This group is kind of like an answer to prayer. I'm not a super religious or spiritual person, but this is just what I need, and I think the big man upstairs knew that!

    My name is Katie and I just graduated college in December.

    Height: 6'0" (no lie!)

    Highest weight, at one point last month I think, was 364.
    But my offical SW, sometime last week: 361.2.
    CW: 352.2 (I don't believe my scale, but I'll go with it!)
    GW: 160

    Total lost so far: 9 lbs.

    I started out last week after watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead with a three day juice fast. Now I'm basically cutting all my portions in half. I also bought a new bicycle (that I'm SUPER excited to use tomorrow! it's been rainy...), and downloaded some Zumba vids!

    Looking forward to getting to know everybody! LET'S DO THIS!
  • lilsomethinsweet
    lilsomethinsweet Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, All!

    My SW: last Week 339.2
    CW: unsure since scale says ERR
    GW: 150-160

    Super excited to find this group and myfitnesspal.com!
  • Fred77
    Fred77 Posts: 132 Member
    hello all

    Starting Weight (Brace yourselves) 480lbs
    Age 34
    Height 6ft
    Goal Weight 250 lbs
    Current Weight 460lbs

    Going in the right direction at the minute, i registered with MFP a while back, but then never did anything about it, but started properly on Jan 6th. Have now been entering every single i thing i eat with no exceptions, i have taken up swimming and I am swimming an hour a day, 5 days a week. I havent started any other cardio or weight lifting excercises yet, I am at the minute just trying to build up a little bit of fitness before i start with that. The plan is to keep swimming like this until the end of January, and then start on the stationary bike and ski cross trainer. Obviously just starting out i'm all motivated and raring to go, but I think a group like this will be great as i will be able to gain confidence from others' successes, and hopefully inspire others too. I'm going to try and keep a little blog as well, adding to it whenever i can. So if anyone would like to join a rather uncoventional Irishman on this road to fitness, then add me as a friend. The more the merrier!

  • ThatNurseKt
    ThatNurseKt Posts: 45 Member
    Age: 23 Height 5'6 Starting weight:397.4 Current weight 348.4 Goal weight 155. I'm moving in the right direction. In just under four months I've almost lost 50lbs. I could always use more friends so feel free to add me.
  • Urquharte
    Hi, everyone! My name is Erin and I live in North Texas. I have been overweight for most of my life, have lost weight before and always put it back on and more. I've finally decided that enough is enough and so last Saturday, I went to see a bariatric doctor and have now started my weight loss program. I have been doing the plan since Monday and feel better already. I have such a long way to go that I hope I'm able to FINALLY stick with it and get to where I want to be! I hope we ALL do! :happy:

    SW: 366.0 :sad:
    CW: same as above (only gonna weigh myself once a week!)
    GW: 195 (this is where my Dr. says my goal is. I, however, won't be satisfied until I reach 150 or a bit lower!:laugh: )

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Urquharte
    We are almost the same, too! Let's motivate each other!! Go us!!:smile:
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Urquharte
    WTH? I'm trying to comment on someone else's post. DUH! Ooops....
    Can't we delete things on here? LOL
  • Urquharte
    Hi everyone! I am proud to say that this will be my last time on the weight loss journey, since I will be successful this time around! I am not new to MFP, however, I just started back at it full force today.

    SW: 360
    CW: 356
    First goal 299
    Final goal 150

    Hope to find some friends here to help keep me motivated and on my journey!

    HEY WE ARE ALMOST THE EXACT SAME! just 4 pounds starting weight changes our starting weights! only other difference, is i'm a little farther down towards the goal.....but i'm sure you will be here VERY soon!

    Me, too! We are all about the same! Let's keep each other motivated! Let's ALL reach our goals! :smile:
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    Hi Everyone I joined on Tuesday and just today discovered this thread. I have over 200 pounds to lose and sure could use friends on the same long journey as I am. Please read my profile and blog and if your interested let's become friends.
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member

    I'm Denise. I've been overweight since grade school. My BMI is in the morbidly obese category. I have been battling binge eating for years ... and of late I've started to make some headway. I am learning a lot about self-care, stress management, and speaking up for myself - which is helping a lot!

    40 years old
    Highest weight: 382 (April 2011)
    Current: 364
    Final Goal: 165 (need to break that down into manageable chunks .....on the flip side, I only have 199# to go!)

    man sometimes it feels IMPOSSIBLE .... and unless I change my lifestyle and start eating whole foods (no processed cr@p) and get serious about exercise, it will be impossible.

    here's to a new lifestyle! :flowerforyou:
  • Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel
    SW: 320.2 :embarassed:
    GW: 125-130 (I'm short)
    CW: 316.8

    I am new to this site, and I am just starting my journey. I began 5 days ago, so I'm still learning what works for me, and what helps. I am looking forward to this, and I am involved in a Biggest Loser challenge with a group of friends, but I don't care if I win, as long I lose, and get healthier. :tongue:
  • phatdivabbw
    phatdivabbw Posts: 24 Member

    My name is Lewanda. I am 42 yrs old. I've always been a Big Beautiful Woman (BBW). I once believed you could be fit and fat. I'm having second thoughts. I'm not trying to be skinny. I want to be healthy. Over the past 4 yrs I realize that the older you get the weight catches up with you. So at the young age of 42 I'm now having knee and back problems. No Good!!! I thought about surgery but in my heart and soul I know I can lose the weight with proper nutrition and exercise.

    I have an empowerment website and I will be blogging and video blogging my journey. I created Phat Diva in 2006 PHAT (Positive Healthy Awesome and Thick) and you can't have all of that without being a DIVA. www.phatdivaonline.com
    Check it out.:glasses:

    **I'm not your average FAT girl!!!

  • jeremykc1977
    jeremykc1977 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Jeremy, and i need to loose over 200 pounds.

    SW: 485
    CW: 471
    GW: 220
    Height: 6'0"

    i joined myfitnesspal over a year ago, but have only recently began to buckle down. i joined the "Y" and try to make it 4 times a week, for at least an hour. I am basically staying on the treadmill and have built some sort of fitness up. when i started i could only average 1.8 for my pace in a half hour, now i can average 2.3 for half hour, and have it at 2.0-4.0 incline.i then do some weight training for the next half hour, or i get back on the tread for awhile.

    265 pounds is alot of weight to loose.