What are you reading currently?



  • Btrflydog
    Btrflydog Posts: 1,397 Member
    Finished The Guards - Ken Bruen last night. Different sort of story - the main character has quite the drinking problem so it was like reading the story between blackouts. There are 16 books in this series and my mother in-law gave me the first 2. I give it 3.75 stars. Will be interesting to see where this story goes.

    Now reading The Girl on the Train - Paula Hawkins. Got this one at a library book sale 3-4 years ago and it got kinda lost in my TBR pile.
  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,350 Member
    Blood from a Stone by Donna Leon. Another Guido Brunetti crime story. You either love them or just don't get it.
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 425 Member
    Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch. This is a fantasy novel, first of a trilogy.
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 425 Member
    The Dolphins of Pern by Anne McCaffrey (book 13)
  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,350 Member
    I started to read Bring Your Baggage and Don't Pack Light: Essays by Helen Ellis, but it's not my type of humor. Alas!
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 425 Member
    I realized that I missed a book in my series, book 12 of The Dragonriders of Pern is a book of shorter backstories (novellas) that are not integral to the storyline. I finished book 13 and now I'm reading book 12, The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall by Anne McCaffrey.
  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,350 Member
    I'm reading a book called The Graphosphere of Russia, 1450-1850, by Simon Franklin. Okay, it's a niche market. :D But it's really interesting!
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 425 Member
    Today I read Rememberences by Sinead O'Connor (non-fiction) and a Jack Reacher novella by Lee Child, Not a Drill (#18.5 in the series). I really liked the memoir/autobiography thing by one of my favorite artists, and the novella was just ok. I'm debating what to read next.
  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,350 Member
    I'm reading Dust Tracks on a Road by Zora Neale Hurston and really enjoying it! Such a lively authorial voice and she makes her passion for learning and reading palpable.
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 425 Member
    Anathem by Neal Stephenson (kind of sci-fi, 1000 pages long... I will be reading this one for a while.)
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 425 Member
    Anathem by Neal Stephenson (kind of sci-fi, 1000 pages long... I will be reading this one for a while.)

    That book was too weird. I finished it, but now need something more "down on earth". Personal by Lee Child (Jack Reacher #19)
  • Btrflydog
    Btrflydog Posts: 1,397 Member
    Finished Girl on the Train -3 stars.

    Now reading My Best Friend's Exorcism - Grady Hendrix.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    edited August 2021
    That book was too weird. I finished it, but now need something more "down on earth". Personal by Lee Child (Jack Reacher #19)

    I have only read one book by Neal Stephenson and that was The Rise And Fall of D.O.D.O.
    I highly recommend that one. One day, I'll read another by Stephenson.

    I'm currently reading an Amelia Peabody mystery, The Deeds of the Disturber. It's light and fun. Just what is needed on these hot days.
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 425 Member
    I'm doing book #2 of the Snow Like Ashes trilogy by Sara Raasch, Ice Like Fire. It's a YA fantasy and easy reading.
  • Catfish_Fan
    Catfish_Fan Posts: 425 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    That book was too weird. I finished it, but now need something more "down on earth". Personal by Lee Child (Jack Reacher #19)

    I have only read one book by Neal Stephenson and that was The Rise And Fall of D.O.D.O.
    I highly recommend that one. One day, I'll read another by Stephenson.

    I haven't read that one yet. I really liked Snow Crash, The Diamond Age, Cryptonomicon, Reamde, and Seveneves by Neal Stephenson.

    I'm reading The Galaxy, and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers, it's light, kind of humorous sci-fi.
  • FitMary202
    FitMary202 Posts: 1,350 Member
    Reading In Memory of Memory by Maria Stepanova. It's a quirky, slow, meditation on family history and our own stored reminiscences. Not for everyone, but I'm enjoying it.
  • Jinlynn1954
    Jinlynn1954 Posts: 2 Member
    Just finished reading "The Last Bookshop In London" by Madeline Martin. It is set during WW2 and I enjoyed it very much.
  • LadyCalico2
    LadyCalico2 Posts: 58 Member
    Just finished reading "The Last Bookshop In London" by Madeline Martin. It is set during WW2 and I enjoyed it very much.

    Read it a few weeks ago and loved it, so realistic and well-written!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,838 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    I'm about to start reading the Game of Thrones series...just to dip my toe in the water so to speak.

    Not quite finished with the book (at over 800 pages, it's not a "read in one day" adventure!), but at 3/4 through I'm already planning on going back to get the remainder of the series. The first two chapters in were rather intimidating, as I felt convinced I wouldn't have a prayer of remembering who all these different characters were, their relations to each other, etc. But the author is very adept at cycling between characters each chapter, telling the story from a variety of points of view, reinforcing how each person relates to the others, referencing prior events to keep alive in the memory what transpired before so you realize the implications of now... very well written, IMHO.

    My wife (?!?) actually suggested we get the TV series to watch together. She's normally a crime-scene, mystery sort of person, so this is a huge departure for her. It's in our queue to watch, but now I'm debating what order I want to experience the story... book first, or TV first. Considering how we tend to binge watch series, we'll easily finish a season far faster than my current pace of reading the books, so either I need to read faster or delay watching for a LONG while lol.
  • LadyCalico2
    LadyCalico2 Posts: 58 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    nossmf wrote: »
    I'm about to start reading the Game of Thrones series...just to dip my toe in the water so to speak.

    Not quite finished with the book (at over 800 pages, it's not a "read in one day" adventure!), but at 3/4 through I'm already planning on going back to get the remainder of the series. The first two chapters in were rather intimidating, as I felt convinced I wouldn't have a prayer of remembering who all these different characters were, their relations to each other, etc. But the author is very adept at cycling between characters each chapter, telling the story from a variety of points of view, reinforcing how each person relates to the others, referencing prior events to keep alive in the memory what transpired before so you realize the implications of now... very well written, IMHO.

    My wife (?!?) actually suggested we get the TV series to watch together. She's normally a crime-scene, mystery sort of person, so this is a huge departure for her. It's in our queue to watch, but now I'm debating what order I want to experience the story... book first, or TV first. Considering how we tend to binge watch series, we'll easily finish a season far faster than my current pace of reading the books, so either I need to read faster or delay watching for a LONG while lol.

    The TV version diverged more and more from the book version as the series progressed. Keep in mind that the book series was never completed and now probably never will be because GRRM painted himself into a corner, having to make future books different from the TV series in order to stay consistent with the existing books. Having already written a story for TV that is not consistent with his books, I doubt if he is highly motivated to rewrite the story to fit into the book series.