Stage 2



  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Hi ladies! Did 1B yesterday. Man, my glutes are angry at me! I actually enjoyed it though. I'm going to put off 2A until at least Tuesday to make sure I'm rested enough so I can give it my all. I'm going to do this stage 2x/week instead of three. I want to focus more on marathon training. I do love the intervals. They compliment the run training fairly well. I've regained the speed I lost over Xmas vacation. I think I'm going to strive to be closer to maintenance for a couple weeks. I believe I've been chronically taxing my glycogen stores by not resting properly.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Armaretta I'm one day behind you, did my 1B yesterday.

    My quads were killing today when I woke but just done the interval session (too tired to do after workout yesterday) and thats released a lot of the lactic acid yeah. Cuban snatch are harder than they look!! Could only lift 1.25 kg mainly because of my right shoulder issue still (hopefully getting treatment on it Wednesday).

    I also supersetted the ab work to cut down time. Completed it all in 60 mins including warm up - cool down.

    Had a mini binge last night so not too proud of myself today, looked in diary and TOM is due Wednesday ughh.
  • silvernswan
    silvernswan Posts: 28 Member
    I did 3B yesterday, so I should be finished this stage by the end of this week. Yay! I feel Iike I'm finally getting the hang of the split squats and lunges :-)

    The body part that is killing me today though, is my forearms. I feel so lame, but I really struggled to keep my grip for both the deadlifts and the underhand pull downs. I guess building up grip strength counts, I one day want to be able to do chin-ups/pull-ups so my grip will have to be able to hold my own body weight. Does anyone else struggle with this?
  • GeorginaMcKee
    GeorginaMcKee Posts: 35 Member
    I am almost done with Stage 1 and am looking forward to stepping it up in 2!!! i am wondering about the interval part of the workouts though...Am I reading it right that you do 15min of intervals at the end of the B workout? I have been doing intervals like that on my non-lifting days through out Stage 1 and sometimes mixing in sprints and jumping rope with the lifting, but it looks like we should do a full 15min after the Stage 2 B work out?

    Loving the lifting and hoping for even more results in Stage 2!!
  • BetterWithAge
    I am almost done with Stage 1 and am looking forward to stepping it up in 2!!! i am wondering about the interval part of the workouts though...Am I reading it right that you do 15min of intervals at the end of the B workout? I have been doing intervals like that on my non-lifting days through out Stage 1 and sometimes mixing in sprints and jumping rope with the lifting, but it looks like we should do a full 15min after the Stage 2 B work out?

    Loving the lifting and hoping for even more results in Stage 2!!

    That is how I understood it. I dd 1A on Friday and did the intervals right after the lifting.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    I've finished Stage 2. It wasn't my favorite. Too many lungey/step up-y things. Too many weird things that were hard so the weren't as heavy. Sigh. However, what I figured is that they're there to stabilize supporting muscles for when we do stuff that's heavier, so I went with it.

    I did the first of Stage 3 today. I'm glad I stuck with it. If anyone is dislking Stage 2, just remember it is only half as long as Stage 1. You'll get used to it and then it will be done. It's ok.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    I am almost done with Stage 1 and am looking forward to stepping it up in 2!!! i am wondering about the interval part of the workouts though...Am I reading it right that you do 15min of intervals at the end of the B workout? I have been doing intervals like that on my non-lifting days through out Stage 1 and sometimes mixing in sprints and jumping rope with the lifting, but it looks like we should do a full 15min after the Stage 2 B work out?

    Loving the lifting and hoping for even more results in Stage 2!!
    I'm short on time when I work out so I do my intervals the next day. To be honest I find it helps shift the lactic acid thats built up after the lifting day, and recovery is therefore quicker. Think it mentions in the book you can do this.

    Jetscreaming some of the moves where we don't lift so heavy work on the short fibres in the muscles strengthening those, heavy works the long. Happy to be corrected on that though.

    My legs feel great after doing my HIIT yesterday, certainly flushed all the toxins away quicker. TOM arrived today so thats explained the two days now of chocolate and carb consumption !!!!!!!!!!
  • BetterWithAge
    I am almost done with Stage 1 and am looking forward to stepping it up in 2!!! i am wondering about the interval part of the workouts though...Am I reading it right that you do 15min of intervals at the end of the B workout? I have been doing intervals like that on my non-lifting days through out Stage 1 and sometimes mixing in sprints and jumping rope with the lifting, but it looks like we should do a full 15min after the Stage 2 B work out?

    Loving the lifting and hoping for even more results in Stage 2!!

    That is how I understood it. I dd 1A on Friday and did the intervals right after the lifting.

    Scratch that... I did 1B on Friday, not 1A
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    heck, because of my vacation (....not complaining....just stating the fact....) I am done Stage 2, but won't start Stage 3 until March 12!!

    Maybe you gals will be all done Stage 3 by then?? Anyway, I hope to have *some* company over there....KICK IT, LADIES!!
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    Looking forward to WO 2 A tonight... based on my schedule for the next few weekends I dont think I will be able to lift 3 times a week so Im forced to scale it back to only 2 times a week. Hoping this wont affect my progress any. Im actually looking forward to the squat push presses! haha
  • BetterWithAge
    heck, because of my vacation (....not complaining....just stating the fact....) I am done Stage 2, but won't start Stage 3 until March 12!!

    Maybe you gals will be all done Stage 3 by then?? Anyway, I hope to have *some* company over there....KICK IT, LADIES!!

    I will be finished with Stage 2 on March 10th, so you will have some company :). Have fun on your vacation, I can't wait to go back to Hawaii.
  • bigbugboo
    bump for later
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Workout A2 today, and a lot better than last week. Thank you to whoever said to squeeze the glutes when trying the balancing exercises, certainly improved my step ups and the prone dumbbell thingy (sorry books not nearby :laugh: :laugh: ). I'm feeling very strong physically and noticed when I took the dog out and walked up our steep hill my legs weren't screaming at me like they usually are.

    Very interesting programme on UK TV last night about the benefits of HIIT training. Even just 1 minute of 20 secs interval, 20 secs rest, 20 secs interval once a week has extraordinary effects on the way our bodies burn fat, so imagine what our 15 mins is doing girls!!!!
  • lexagon
    lexagon Posts: 495 Member
    Starting Stage 2 Monday ... decided to take a little break after Stage 1 :) Excited but also a little nervous. I just got used to Stage 1 LOL
  • silvernswan
    silvernswan Posts: 28 Member
    I did my last "A" workout yesterday, and wanted to post my progression - though it is not actually that great. Oh well, I suppose only doing it four times there is not as much opportunity to progress as stage 1. I feel like I only just got the hang of some of the exercises!

    22.5 kg Front Squat/Push press (started with 20kg bar & couldn't complete 2nd set)
    14kg Step-ups on high step with *reasonable* form (started 20kg but very low step)
    12kg Dumbbells on one point row (started with 10kg)
    14kg Static lunge (started unweighted)
    Pushups - started at crotch height on smith machine, finished with one full set at low/mid thigh height (YAY!!)
    Planks - really stuggled on floor, finished using bench and able to do 60s in one go.
    20 kg wood chop (started at 15kg)

    Looking forward to B tomorrow.:smile:
  • BetterWithAge
    Silver, you might not think that it was great, but in a couple of very quick weeks you made an improvement, which IS great. :smile:
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    I did my last "A" workout yesterday, and wanted to post my progression - though it is not actually that great. Oh well, I suppose only doing it four times there is not as much opportunity to progress as stage 1. I feel like I only just got the hang of some of the exercises!

    22.5 kg Front Squat/Push press (started with 20kg bar & couldn't complete 2nd set)
    14kg Step-ups on high step with *reasonable* form (started 20kg but very low step)
    12kg Dumbbells on one point row (started with 10kg)
    14kg Static lunge (started unweighted)
    Pushups - started at crotch height on smith machine, finished with one full set at low/mid thigh height (YAY!!)
    Planks - really stuggled on floor, finished using bench and able to do 60s in one go.
    20 kg wood chop (started at 15kg)

    Looking forward to B tomorrow.:smile:
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    I did my last "A" workout yesterday, and wanted to post my progression - though it is not actually that great. Oh well, I suppose only doing it four times there is not as much opportunity to progress as stage 1. I feel like I only just got the hang of some of the exercises!

    22.5 kg Front Squat/Push press (started with 20kg bar & couldn't complete 2nd set)
    14kg Step-ups on high step with *reasonable* form (started 20kg but very low step)
    12kg Dumbbells on one point row (started with 10kg)
    14kg Static lunge (started unweighted)
    Pushups - started at crotch height on smith machine, finished with one full set at low/mid thigh height (YAY!!)
    Planks - really stuggled on floor, finished using bench and able to do 60s in one go.
    20 kg wood chop (started at 15kg)

    Looking forward to B tomorrow.:smile:
    And I'm impressed with your one point row, I'm wobbling all over the place with 7.5kg weights..... and I'm squeezing my glutes ...... which did help btw (see an earlier post lol)
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Starting Stage 2 Monday ... decided to take a little break after Stage 1 :) Excited but also a little nervous. I just got used to Stage 1 LOL
    Hope you enjoy Stage 2, lots of mixed opinions about this stage, I'm actually now enjoying it, thing I prefer workout A to B. This stage seems to be working more on the small muscle fibres so not lifting such heavy weights as Stage One but just as important for overall muscle strength. Be interested to see what you think.
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    I posted this on the "Daily Chat Thread" but thought it was worth repeating here...

    I did workout B last night and set up for the wide grip deadlifts with the 75lbs that I had done the last time. I was able to complete each set of 10 but found myself struggling a bit with it. I took a closer look at the weights and realized I had totally counted wrong! (Math is not my strong suit lol) - when I thought I was deadlifting 75lbs I was actually deadlifting 105lbs!!!

    Moral of the story - dont sell yourself short!! You are capable of more than you think you are!!