Stage 2



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Is everyone still sticking with the three days a week? Anybody doing 2 days a week?
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 807 Member
    I've ended up doing 2 days a week. It wasn't the plan, but life got in the way the last few weeks. Finishing Stage 2 tonight, then on to Stage 3 next week and hoping to get back to 3 days.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thanks Karen.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Just finished Stage 2, so I'll be moving on to Stage 3 now! Didn't see much of an increase in weights this stage (except my deadlifts, which are still improving), but have definitely noticed definition improvements (particularly in my arms), so something is working. :smile:
    Is everyone still sticking with the three days a week? Anybody doing 2 days a week?
    I usually do 3 but I drop it to 2 if my running starts to suffer. (Trying to balance the two is a real pain in the butt...often literally!)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Best of luck in Stage 3 kunibob!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Is everyone still sticking with the three days a week? Anybody doing 2 days a week?

    It depends on my activities for the week. I aim for Monday and Wednesday and then try to do Fri or Sat for the 3rd workout. Sometimes I can do it, sometimes I have other commitments. I play kickball on Thursday now that it's spring, and do cardio at the gym on Tuesdays. It's a nice 5 days per week of some form of exercise. I don't do Fri night/Saturday morning workouts back to back, it's one or the other.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Well I finished stage 1 today and am on to stage 2 as of next Tuesday! It's like starting all over again with the new exercises. Plus they look scary ;) I'm sure I'll be fine though once I start doing them. (and oh God I'm never getting away from lunges am I?)

    I'm going to aim for three times a week but two is good for me.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I did my first Workout B last night and it was kind of a disaster :( My gym was SUPER crowded so I couldn't even start with the deadlifts like it says to. Both squat racks and the deadlift area were taken, my plan was to go back to it at the end or something. Then some idiot meathead was hogging a machine, even after I asked if I could work in. He said " give me a minute" and then proceeded to sit there for another 3-4 knowing I was waiting! UGH!!! So that killed my HR right there. Plus I was having issues with the crunches portion. All the benches were taken to do reverse crunches.

    So in short, I'm really hoping the next time I do this workout it doesn't go as terribly. And I never did get to do the deadlifts! I was going to do a set of squats to make up for it, but the squat racks were still taken by time I was done.

    I did manage to do the intervals at the end tho. Walked 3.5 and ran 6.0 or 6.5 for the 15 minutes. I haven't run in a while so that was a nice change.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I did my first Workout B last night and it was kind of a disaster :( My gym was SUPER crowded so I couldn't even start with the deadlifts like it says to. Both squat racks and the deadlift area were taken, my plan was to go back to it at the end or something. Then some idiot meathead was hogging a machine, even after I asked if I could work in. He said " give me a minute" and then proceeded to sit there for another 3-4 knowing I was waiting! UGH!!! So that killed my HR right there. Plus I was having issues with the crunches portion. All the benches were taken to do reverse crunches.

    So in short, I'm really hoping the next time I do this workout it doesn't go as terribly. And I never did get to do the deadlifts! I was going to do a set of squats to make up for it, but the squat racks were still taken by time I was done.

    I did manage to do the intervals at the end tho. Walked 3.5 and ran 6.0 or 6.5 for the 15 minutes. I haven't run in a while so that was a nice change.

    Oh bad luck! Is there any way you can get there at a less crowded time?

    Oh and BTW, I am doing 3 times per week.

    Anyone know when I will start looking like a goddess?
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I did my first Workout B last night and it was kind of a disaster :( My gym was SUPER crowded so I couldn't even start with the deadlifts like it says to. Both squat racks and the deadlift area were taken, my plan was to go back to it at the end or something. Then some idiot meathead was hogging a machine, even after I asked if I could work in. He said " give me a minute" and then proceeded to sit there for another 3-4 knowing I was waiting! UGH!!! So that killed my HR right there. Plus I was having issues with the crunches portion. All the benches were taken to do reverse crunches.

    So in short, I'm really hoping the next time I do this workout it doesn't go as terribly. And I never did get to do the deadlifts! I was going to do a set of squats to make up for it, but the squat racks were still taken by time I was done.

    I did manage to do the intervals at the end tho. Walked 3.5 and ran 6.0 or 6.5 for the 15 minutes. I haven't run in a while so that was a nice change.

    Oh bad luck! Is there any way you can get there at a less crowded time?

    Oh and BTW, I am doing 3 times per week.

    Anyone know when I will start looking like a goddess?

    Mornings don't really work for me, so either I go after work or not at all. I've been going late Saturday morning and that seems to be a good time to get a 3rd workout in for the week. But I'm stuck with Monday and Wednesday evenings. I'm hoping now that spring is coming, people will want to spend less time cooped up inside a gym.... I hope!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member

    Anyone know when I will start looking like a goddess?

    Haha love this- me too I would like to know at exactly which stage of the programme this happens:tongue:
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    I just finished stage 2 this week.
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    I started stage 2 this week and will complete my second workout A. I find the squat p/p the most awkward and the Bulgarian split squat to be the most challenging. Im going to buy some weight lifting straps this weekend because I know I can dead lift more (completed last set at 95lbs) but the grip is a major issue (not to mention the blisters/callouses) so I’m hoping that will help.

    I don’t have the time to complete one full workout session b/c I go on my lunch break. I can finish A in one session (but do feel rushed) and B I def have to split into 3 sessions so Im going to do A on Mon, interval training on Tues, B on Wed and then finish abs at home. Good thing I have a Swiss ball and some hand weights at home. Then I will continue to do Body Combat Thurs evenings (or a run depending on how I feel) and then A again on Fri. I realize the next week the workouts will shift but I will always have to finish workout B at home.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sounds like a plan Steph. You may want to try gloves before the straps if you haven't already and reversing one hand on the deadlift grip. It helped me enormously. I think I finished stage 1 at 115. Doing the Stage 2 WO B for the first time tonight. wait! OH CRAP!! Hubby not home. How am I going to pull this off?
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    Sounds like a plan Steph. You may want to try gloves before the straps if you haven't already and reversing one hand on the deadlift grip. It helped me enormously. I think I finished stage 1 at 115. Doing the Stage 2 WO B for the first time tonight. wait! OH CRAP!! Hubby not home. How am I going to pull this off?

    Yes Ive been using gloves and tried the mixed grip last time. It was ok, but I found that my hands still tired quickly, way before my legs did. But didnt get a blister that time at least. yuck!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    The only other thing is actually setting the bar down between reps to reset your grip. I've had issues here too. Best of luck to you. ( I stole my husband's grip master, he plays guitar.:blushing: )
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    ahoy ladies!

    i started stage 2 today after a solid 3 weeks of rest. i'd intended to get back in two weeks ago, but after putting on some unintended pounds on vacation, i decided to try to cardio them away (dumb move), and then i got a nasty infection which i'm finishing up a 10 day course of antibiotics for. anyway...

    i went easy with the front squats and used a 30lb barbell. i don't have the divets in my deltoids b/c my collarbone sticks out too far on the right due to a shoulder injury i sustained many years ago. so holding the bar feels weird. if i can work up to the oly, i will, but i'm not going to force it.

    the stepups were hell. i'd been cheating all through stage 1 and using my non-working foot to help. i was at 27.5lbs in each hand, and i had to go back to 10, and still can't really do it without wobbling. i felt really lame.

    the one point rows were awesome standing on my left leg, but standing on my right i had to downgrade 10lbs AND kept falling over. i had no idea i was so asymmetrical. i wonder if there's anything else i could do to bolster that.

    everything else went fine, though i'm not sure i go down low enough for pushups. i'm happy there's a lot of core work in this stage b/c i used to take a weekly core class and was starting to really miss it.

    glad to be back, can't wait to see how everyone else is progressing!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Wendy I'm in your boat with push ups. Not sure if I'm getting low enough either.

    Finally did 2B1 tonight though I have to push my intervals until tomorrow. Had I known that everybody in my house would be fast asleep when I got home, I would have stayed and finished.
    The ab work felt good and I started with the hardest flexion. Now How do I make the reverse crunch harder?
    My quads feel interesting. Not sore yet but like I definitely did something.
    Some of the guys were looking at me a little weird with some of the new moves and I set up more in the weight are when I usually move out after squats or deads. This should be an interesting cycle.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    hear, hear to you, wendy, for reducing your weight (on the step-ups) and getting the form right. This is KEY! Your body will thank you - and you will move up in weights as time goes on, in any event.

    Kill it, samntha
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Just started Stage 2 today. I've read thru most of this thread, so thankfully had a heads up about the FSPP. Boy were my wrists sore after that one! And I did the HIIT today since I read that B takes longer and I only have about an hour in the morning to get thru everything (unless I can drag my butt out of bed earlier). It wasn't bad, just a bit awkward on some things.