Stage 2



  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I started stage 2 last night after taking a week off. Wow! I completely suck at Front Squat Push Presses! I'm okay at the front squat, but had to lower my weight to 20# (plus the weight of the bar, ~20#) in order to do the push press portion and it was hard! 20 effing pounds! And after I'd worked my way up to 110# in Stage 1.

    And I had no idea planks were so hard! I'm only able to do a very shakey 30 seconds for now. Have to work my way up. Workout B tomorrow before work.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Are you all doing planks on your hands or forearms? I can hold it on my hands for about two minutes and I find it's more difficult on my forearms so that's what I'm doing.
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    Are you all doing planks on your hands or forearms? I can hold it on my hands for about two minutes and I find it's more difficult on my forearms so that's what I'm doing.
    The way I have been taught by gym trainers is by using your forearms.

    I just completed week 3 of Stage 2. Today those lunges seemed to kill me by the end of the set, but made it through.

    It's hard to believe you can feel so different in three weeks. I feel much stronger since I started this stage, and hope stage 3 kicks my butt even harder (and I am sure they will deliver.)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    some guy at the gym today congratulated me for holding the prone cobra so long :laugh: i also didnt find it creepy that he timed me which meant he was watching me the entire time because he was cute, and well, i'm kind of shallow.

    planks on the forearms are harder than on your hands i think. at least they are for me.

    i couldnt do the hiit session after the B workout today. there's just too much going on with the legs (deads and split squats) for me to have anything left in my thighs for hiit. plus that B workout is long enough as it is ...
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Are you all doing planks on your hands or forearms? I can hold it on my hands for about two minutes and I find it's more difficult on my forearms so that's what I'm doing.

    Forearms, and it sure is difficult. I did 30 seconds then rested 30 sec then plank for 30 again, my 2nd 30 I was reaaaaaaly shaking.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    I did the planks on my forearms. I was actually thinking I may go nuts and try the next step up next time on that one which I believe is on the exercise ball.....
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I did the planks on my forearms. I was actually thinking I may go nuts and try the next step up next time on that one which I believe is on the exercise ball.....

    I did one set with my feet on a riser and that was way more difficult!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I did the planks on my forearms. I was actually thinking I may go nuts and try the next step up next time on that one which I believe is on the exercise ball.....

    I've been using the ball for planks - much more challenging!
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
    Don't shoot me if this has been covered previously....I just spent 30 min. looking for the answer to my question in this forum & still don't have an answer. My apologies in advance, everyone.

    When are we supposed to do the intervals? The same day that you lift? And do you start with the first and progress as you gain strength, or do you try to do t hem all in one day?

    I am frustrated at the organization of the book - confuses me! I start Stage 2 tomorrow & can't wait to start!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    @katie - Yes you do the intervals on the day you do workout B, if you can fit it all in. It usually takes me close to an hour just for the workout so I do the intervals after workout A. You can also do them on one of your rest days if you want to instead of the workout days. Also, yes you start with the first interval and work your way up to the last one. You do not do them all on one day - it should only be 15 minutes

    Welcome to Stage 2!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    yeah i'm doing the intervals after workout A too. I prefer sprinting for my HIIT, and there's no way I can give my 110% effort on deadlifts AND do sprints the same day. My hams and glutes are liek "b*tch, please" :laugh:
  • melainemelaine
    melainemelaine Posts: 127 Member
    I only got my amrap's left and then I'm finally here too! I can't wait!!! I'm now so bored of stage 1, hahahaha!

    See you all in a few days :happy:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Finally getting my groove back! Whoot! I did Workout 3B yesterday and I FINALLY got to use the deadlift equipment! I did 2 sets of 10 with 115 lbs (mixed grip). It definitely still hurts my hands though, even with the gloves. Either way, I think I did well yesterday with the strength part. A little too well, because I couldn't do the HIIT part of it after because I got lightheaded! Ugh. I was trying to make up for an indulgent weekend with the boyfriend (we spent a night in Charlottesville, VA and ate out for 2 days straight). Therefore, I didn't eat much the last few days to get the scale back down... and it failed because I couldn't finish the workout. I'm definitely going to make sure to eat enough today. I'm planning to run intervals at the gym tonight, so that will make up for missing the HIIT workout last night.

    I've decided to add an extra set of workouts to the end of Phase 2, since I had nearly a week interruption and I had at least 2 workouts that didn't go well because of all the equipment being occupied. I still need to rearrange the exercises on occasion if a machine is taken for too long. So I'm hoping for Workout 4A on Saturday morning, then I'll get in 2 more workouts during the week next week and one final one the beginning of the following week... so 2 weeks left of Phase 2 for me.

    And welcome to Phase 2 for all of those who just joined us! It's definitely a good butt kicking after Phase 1.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    So my hip is feeling better, but still don't want to push it with lifting this week. I leave for Atlanta on Sunday for 5 days, so that's another week of no lifting. I'm actually enjoying the break, so hope I'll be ready to get back at it when I return.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    @jenthomas, glad your hip is feeling better. Fine were on fire last night after 2A3.

    Upset that my front squat weight isn't really making any progress, but shoulder presses were a huge weak point for me in the last stage, even worse than deadlifts. With the shoulder presses I started with 15lbs and ended with 25bs. Not much of an increase over 6 weeks. I fixed my grip problem with the step ups. (forehead smack) I went back to using the 25lb plates instead of 25dbs. Easier to hold on to. It's what I did during stage 1, so duh for NOT doing it again here. I do need to up to 30lbs then it'll be back to the dbs. Oh well. Increased weight by 5 on the one points and static lunges, so something positive. :bigsmile:
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    wow, brilliant on using the plates, I hadn't even thought of that! Going to have to steal your idea on that one.

    Just finished my first 2B. Went fine except I set the dang bar on one of my fingers during the deadlift! Its pretty much killing to the touch but not really bothering me otherwise so I think its okay. The moves in this particular workout just generally felt really awkward, like I had to force my body to go both left and right at the same time if that makes sense. At any rate it seemed to go okay overall. On to the next!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I have no words for workout B. That was just... Wow. I agree with other commenters, the intervals should be after workout A, not B. I did A in ~ 45 minutes. B took me 90 minutes.

    For the deadlifts from a box, I stacked 4 45# weightplates and stood on those. Seemed to work pretty well. And just for the record, I had a horrible time with the Dumbell Cuban Snatches. I couldn't do more than 5# dumbells. I felt pathetic.

    I was suprised that the Prone Cobra was really easy.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    wow, brilliant on using the plates, I hadn't even thought of that! Going to have to steal your idea on that one.

    Tip for anyone who has access to kettlebells, they are all I use for anything that has me hold something (step ups, lunges, squats, etc). They're much easier than holding onto dumbells and come in a bigger range of weights than the plates my gym has.

    I'm planning to hit the gym tonight to do Workout 4A, and I'm tacking the intervals from workout B that I missed on Wednesday from being lightheaded. Since I'm adding on an extra set of workouts, this isn't technically my last Workout A, but it's amazing that I'm only 4 workouts away from Phase 3! My goal over the next 2 weeks is to really focus on my food. I've got the workouts down, but I'm killing the chance to lose inches if I keep eating crap.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Kettle balls are a good idea. I just purchased some gloves as I was getting calluses. UGH I was so mad last night when I went to do the pull downs b/c someone had left 105lbs of weights on it. You have to manual load the weights on the equipment in my apartment complex's gym. I don't mind it b/c it gives me a chance to LIFT MORE! ;-) Any who I tried the 105lbs and it was TOO I went to 90lbs and IT WAS JUST RIGHT YAY! I had previously done only 70lbs. I had more faith in my lifting abilities after that *doing my happy dance*